void CLightProjector::calculate () { #ifdef _GPA_ENABLED TAL_SCOPED_TASK_NAMED( "CLightProjector::calculate()" ); #endif // _GPA_ENABLED if (receivers.empty()) return; // perform validate / markup for (u32 r_it=0; r_it<receivers.size(); r_it++) { // validate BOOL bValid = TRUE; IRenderable* O = receivers[r_it]; CROS_impl* LT = (CROS_impl*)O->renderable_ROS(); int slot = LT->shadow_recv_slot; if (slot<0 || slot>=P_o_count) bValid = FALSE; // invalid slot else if (cache[slot].O!=O) bValid = FALSE; // not the same object else { // seems to be valid Fbox bb; bb.xform (O->renderable.visual->getVisData().box,O->renderable.xform); if (cache[slot].BB.contains(bb)) { // inside, but maybe timelimit exceeded? if (Device.dwTimeGlobal > cache[slot].dwTimeValid) bValid = FALSE; // timeout } else bValid = FALSE; // out of bounds } // if (bValid) { // Ok, use cached version cache[slot].dwFrame = Device.dwFrame; } else { taskid.push_back (r_it); } } if (taskid.empty()) return; // Begin Device.Statistic->RenderDUMP_Pcalc.Begin (); RCache.set_RT (RT->pRT); RCache.set_ZB (RImplementation.Target->pTempZB); CHK_DX(HW.pDevice->Clear (0,0, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER | (HW.Caps.bStencil?D3DCLEAR_STENCIL:0), 0,1,0 )); RCache.set_xform_world (Fidentity); // reallocate/reassociate structures + perform all the work for (u32 c_it=0; c_it<cache.size(); c_it++) { if (taskid.empty()) break; if (Device.dwFrame==cache[c_it].dwFrame) continue; // found not used slot int tid = taskid.back(); taskid.pop_back(); recv& R = cache [c_it]; IRenderable* O = receivers [tid]; const vis_data& vis = O->renderable.visual->getVisData(); CROS_impl* LT = (CROS_impl*)O->renderable_ROS(); VERIFY2 (_valid(O->renderable.xform),"Invalid object transformation"); VERIFY2 (_valid(vis.sphere.P),"Invalid object's visual sphere"); Fvector C; O->renderable.xform.transform_tiny (C,vis.sphere.P); R.O = O; R.C = C; R.C.y += vis.sphere.R*0.1f; //. YURA: 0.1 can be more R.BB.xform (vis.box,O->renderable.xform).scale(0.1f); R.dwTimeValid = Device.dwTimeGlobal + ::Random.randI(time_min,time_max); LT->shadow_recv_slot = c_it; // Msg ("[%f,%f,%f]-%f",C.C.x,C.C.y,C.C.z,C.O->renderable.visual->vis.sphere.R); // calculate projection-matrix Fmatrix mProject; float p_R = R.O->renderable.visual->getVisData().sphere.R * 1.1f; //VERIFY2 (p_R>EPS_L,"Object has no physical size"); VERIFY3 (p_R>EPS_L,"Object has no physical size", R.O->renderable.visual->getDebugName().c_str()); float p_hat = p_R/P_cam_dist; float p_asp = 1.f; float p_near = P_cam_dist-EPS_L; float p_far = P_cam_dist+p_R+P_cam_range; mProject.build_projection_HAT (p_hat,p_asp,p_near,p_far); RCache.set_xform_project (mProject); // calculate view-matrix Fmatrix mView; Fvector v_C, v_Cs, v_N; v_C.set (R.C); v_Cs = v_C; v_C.y += P_cam_dist; v_N.set (0,0,1); VERIFY (_valid(v_C) && _valid(v_Cs) && _valid(v_N)); // validate Fvector v; v.sub (v_Cs,v_C);; #ifdef DEBUG if ((v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z)<=flt_zero) { CObject* OO = dynamic_cast<CObject*>(R.O); Msg("Object[%s] Visual[%s] has invalid position. ",*OO->cName(),*OO->cNameVisual()); Fvector cc; OO->Center(cc); Log("center=",cc); Log("visual_center=",OO->Visual()->getVisData().sphere.P); Log("full_matrix=",OO->XFORM()); Log ("v_N",v_N); Log ("v_C",v_C); Log ("v_Cs",v_Cs); Log("all bones transform:--------"); CKinematics* K = dynamic_cast<CKinematics*>(OO->Visual()); for(u16 ii=0; ii<K->LL_BoneCount();++ii){ Fmatrix tr; tr = K->LL_GetTransform(ii); Log("bone ",K->LL_BoneName_dbg(ii)); Log("bone_matrix",tr); } Log("end-------"); } #endif // handle invalid object-bug if ((v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z)<=flt_zero) { // invalidate record, so that object will be unshadowed, but doesn't crash R.dwTimeValid = Device.dwTimeGlobal; LT->shadow_recv_frame = Device.dwFrame-1; LT->shadow_recv_slot = -1; continue ; } mView.build_camera (v_C,v_Cs,v_N); RCache.set_xform_view (mView); // Select slot, set viewport int s_x = c_it%P_o_line; int s_y = c_it/P_o_line; D3DVIEWPORT9 VP = {s_x*P_o_size,s_y*P_o_size,P_o_size,P_o_size,0,1 }; CHK_DX (HW.pDevice->SetViewport(&VP)); // Clear color to ambience Fvector& cap = LT->get_approximate(); CHK_DX (HW.pDevice->Clear(0,0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, color_rgba_f(cap.x,cap.y,cap.z, (cap.x+cap.y+cap.z)/4.f), 1, 0 )); // calculate uv-gen matrix and clamper Fmatrix mCombine; mCombine.mul (mProject,mView); Fmatrix mTemp; float fSlotSize = float(P_o_size)/float(P_rt_size); float fSlotX = float(s_x*P_o_size)/float(P_rt_size); float fSlotY = float(s_y*P_o_size)/float(P_rt_size); float fTexelOffs = (.5f / P_rt_size); Fmatrix m_TexelAdjust = { 0.5f/*x-scale*/, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.5f/*y-scale*/, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f/*z-range*/, 0.0f, 0.5f/*x-bias*/, 0.5f + fTexelOffs/*y-bias*/, 0.0f/*z-bias*/, 1.0f }; R.UVgen.mul (m_TexelAdjust,mCombine); mTemp.scale (fSlotSize,fSlotSize,1); R.UVgen.mulA_44 (mTemp); mTemp.translate (fSlotX+fTexelOffs,fSlotY+fTexelOffs,0); R.UVgen.mulA_44 (mTemp); // Build bbox and render Fvector min,max; Fbox BB; min.set (R.C.x-p_R, R.C.y-(p_R+P_cam_range), R.C.z-p_R); max.set (R.C.x+p_R, R.C.y+0, R.C.z+p_R); BB.set (min,max); R.UVclamp_min.set (min).add (.05f); // shrink a little R.UVclamp_max.set (max).sub (.05f); // shrink a little ISpatial* spatial = dynamic_cast<ISpatial*> (O); if (spatial) { spatial->spatial_updatesector (); if (spatial->spatial.sector) RImplementation.r_dsgraph_render_R1_box (spatial->spatial.sector,BB,SE_R1_LMODELS); } //if (spatial) RImplementation.r_dsgraph_render_subspace (spatial->spatial.sector,mCombine,v_C,FALSE); } // Blur /* { // Fill vertex buffer u32 Offset; FVF::TL4uv* pv = (FVF::TL4uv*) RCache.Vertex.Lock (4,geom_Blur.stride(),Offset); RImplementation.ApplyBlur4 (pv,P_rt_size,P_rt_size,P_blur_kernel); RCache.Vertex.Unlock (4,geom_Blur.stride()); // Actual rendering (pass0, temp2real) RCache.set_RT (RT->pRT); RCache.set_ZB (NULL); RCache.set_Shader (sh_BlurTR ); RCache.set_Geometry (geom_Blur ); RCache.Render (D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2); } */ // Finita la comedia Device.Statistic->RenderDUMP_Pcalc.End (); RCache.set_xform_project (Device.mProject); RCache.set_xform_view (Device.mView); }
void CRender::Calculate () { #ifdef _GPA_ENABLED TAL_SCOPED_TASK_NAMED( "CRender::Calculate()" ); #endif // _GPA_ENABLED Device.Statistic->RenderCALC.Begin(); // Transfer to global space to avoid deep pointer access IRender_Target* T = getTarget (); float fov_factor = _sqr (90.f / Device.fFOV); g_fSCREEN = float(T->get_width()*T->get_height())*fov_factor*(EPS_S+ps_r__LOD); r_ssaDISCARD = _sqr(ps_r__ssaDISCARD) /g_fSCREEN; r_ssaDONTSORT = _sqr(ps_r__ssaDONTSORT/3) /g_fSCREEN; r_ssaLOD_A = _sqr(ps_r1_ssaLOD_A/3) /g_fSCREEN; r_ssaLOD_B = _sqr(ps_r1_ssaLOD_B/3) /g_fSCREEN; r_ssaGLOD_start = _sqr(ps_r__GLOD_ssa_start/3)/g_fSCREEN; r_ssaGLOD_end = _sqr(ps_r__GLOD_ssa_end/3) /g_fSCREEN; r_ssaHZBvsTEX = _sqr(ps_r__ssaHZBvsTEX/3) /g_fSCREEN; // Frustum & HOM rendering ViewBase.CreateFromMatrix (Device.mFullTransform,FRUSTUM_P_LRTB|FRUSTUM_P_FAR); View = 0; HOM.Enable (); HOM.Render (ViewBase); gm_SetNearer (FALSE); phase = PHASE_NORMAL; // Detect camera-sector if (!vLastCameraPos.similar(Device.vCameraPosition,EPS_S)) { CSector* pSector = (CSector*)detectSector(Device.vCameraPosition); if (pSector && (pSector!=pLastSector)) g_pGamePersistent->OnSectorChanged( translateSector(pSector) ); if (0==pSector) pSector = pLastSector; pLastSector = pSector; vLastCameraPos.set(Device.vCameraPosition); } // Check if camera is too near to some portal - if so force DualRender if (rmPortals) { Fvector box_radius; box_radius.set(EPS_L*2,EPS_L*2,EPS_L*2); Sectors_xrc.box_options (CDB::OPT_FULL_TEST); Sectors_xrc.box_query (rmPortals,Device.vCameraPosition,box_radius); for (int K=0; K<Sectors_xrc.r_count(); K++) { CPortal* pPortal = (CPortal*) Portals[rmPortals->get_tris()[Sectors_xrc.r_begin()[K].id].dummy]; pPortal->bDualRender = TRUE; } } // if (L_DB) L_DB->Update(); // Main process marker ++; if (pLastSector) { // Traverse sector/portal structure PortalTraverser.traverse ( pLastSector, ViewBase, Device.vCameraPosition, Device.mFullTransform, CPortalTraverser::VQ_HOM + CPortalTraverser::VQ_SSA + CPortalTraverser::VQ_FADE ); // Determine visibility for static geometry hierrarhy if (psDeviceFlags.test(rsDrawStatic)) { for (u32 s_it=0; s_it<PortalTraverser.r_sectors.size(); s_it++) { CSector* sector = (CSector*)PortalTraverser.r_sectors[s_it]; dxRender_Visual* root = sector->root(); for (u32 v_it=0; v_it<sector->r_frustums.size(); v_it++) { set_Frustum (&(sector->r_frustums[v_it])); add_Geometry (root); } } } // Traverse object database if (psDeviceFlags.test(rsDrawDynamic)) { g_SpatialSpace->q_frustum ( lstRenderables, ISpatial_DB::O_ORDERED, STYPE_RENDERABLE + STYPE_LIGHTSOURCE, ViewBase ); // Exact sorting order (front-to-back) std::sort (lstRenderables.begin(),lstRenderables.end(),pred_sp_sort); // Determine visibility for dynamic part of scene set_Object (0); g_hud->Render_First ( ); // R1 shadows g_hud->Render_Last ( ); u32 uID_LTRACK = 0xffffffff; if (phase==PHASE_NORMAL) { uLastLTRACK ++; if (lstRenderables.size()) uID_LTRACK = uLastLTRACK%lstRenderables.size(); // update light-vis for current entity / actor CObject* O = g_pGameLevel->CurrentViewEntity(); if (O) { CROS_impl* R = (CROS_impl*) O->ROS(); if (R) R->update (O); } } for (u32 o_it=0; o_it<lstRenderables.size(); o_it++) { ISpatial* spatial = lstRenderables[o_it]; spatial->spatial_updatesector (); CSector* sector = (CSector*)spatial->spatial.sector ; if (0==sector) continue; // disassociated from S/P structure // Filter only not light spatial if (PortalTraverser.i_marker != sector->r_marker && (spatial->spatial.type & STYPE_RENDERABLE) ) continue; // inactive (untouched) sector if (spatial->spatial.type & STYPE_RENDERABLE) { for (u32 v_it=0; v_it<sector->r_frustums.size(); v_it++) { set_Frustum (&(sector->r_frustums[v_it])); if (!View->testSphere_dirty(spatial->spatial.sphere.P,spatial->spatial.sphere.R) /*&& (spatial->spatial.type & STYPE_RENDERABLE)*/) continue; // renderable IRenderable* renderable = spatial->dcast_Renderable (); if (0==renderable) { // It may be an glow CGlow* glow = dynamic_cast<CGlow*>(spatial); VERIFY (glow); L_Glows->add (glow); } else { // Occlusiond vis_data& v_orig = renderable->renderable.visual->getVisData(); vis_data v_copy = v_orig; v_copy.box.xform (renderable->renderable.xform); BOOL bVisible = HOM.visible(v_copy); v_orig.accept_frame = v_copy.accept_frame; v_orig.marker = v_copy.marker; v_orig.hom_frame = v_copy.hom_frame; v_orig.hom_tested = v_copy.hom_tested; if (!bVisible) break; // exit loop on frustums // rendering if (o_it==uID_LTRACK && renderable->renderable_ROS()) { // track lighting environment CROS_impl* T = (CROS_impl*)renderable->renderable_ROS(); T->update (renderable); } set_Object (renderable); renderable->renderable_Render (); set_Object (0); //? is it needed at all } break; // exit loop on frustums } } else { if ( ViewBase.testSphere_dirty(spatial->spatial.sphere.P,spatial->spatial.sphere.R) ) { VERIFY (spatial->spatial.type & STYPE_LIGHTSOURCE); // lightsource light* L = (light*) spatial->dcast_Light (); VERIFY (L); if (L->spatial.sector) { vis_data& vis = L->get_homdata ( ); if (HOM.visible(vis)) L_DB->add_light (L); } } } } } // Calculate miscelaneous stuff L_Shadows->calculate (); L_Projector->calculate (); } else { set_Object (0); /* g_pGameLevel->pHUD->Render_First (); g_pGameLevel->pHUD->Render_Last (); // Calculate miscelaneous stuff L_Shadows->calculate (); L_Projector->calculate (); */ } // End calc Device.Statistic->RenderCALC.End (); }
void CRender::render_main (Fmatrix& m_ViewProjection, bool _fportals) { // Msg ("---begin"); marker ++; // Calculate sector(s) and their objects if (pLastSector) { //!!! //!!! BECAUSE OF PARALLEL HOM RENDERING TRY TO DELAY ACCESS TO HOM AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE //!!! { // Traverse object database g_SpatialSpace->q_frustum ( lstRenderables, ISpatial_DB::O_ORDERED, STYPE_RENDERABLE + STYPE_LIGHTSOURCE, ViewBase ); // (almost) Exact sorting order (front-to-back) std::sort (lstRenderables.begin(),lstRenderables.end(),pred_sp_sort); // Determine visibility for dynamic part of scene set_Object (0); u32 uID_LTRACK = 0xffffffff; if (phase==PHASE_NORMAL) { uLastLTRACK ++; if (lstRenderables.size()) uID_LTRACK = uLastLTRACK%lstRenderables.size(); // update light-vis for current entity / actor CObject* O = g_pGameLevel->CurrentViewEntity(); if (O) { CROS_impl* R = (CROS_impl*) O->ROS(); if (R) R->update (O); } // update light-vis for selected entity // track lighting environment if (lstRenderables.size()) { IRenderable* renderable = lstRenderables[uID_LTRACK]->dcast_Renderable (); if (renderable) { CROS_impl* T = (CROS_impl*)renderable->renderable_ROS (); if (T) T->update (renderable); } } } } // Traverse sector/portal structure PortalTraverser.traverse ( pLastSector, ViewBase, Device.vCameraPosition, m_ViewProjection, CPortalTraverser::VQ_HOM + CPortalTraverser::VQ_SSA + CPortalTraverser::VQ_FADE //. disabled scissoring (HW.Caps.bScissor?CPortalTraverser::VQ_SCISSOR:0) // generate scissoring info ); // Determine visibility for static geometry hierrarhy for (u32 s_it=0; s_it<PortalTraverser.r_sectors.size(); s_it++) { CSector* sector = (CSector*)PortalTraverser.r_sectors[s_it]; IRender_Visual* root = sector->root(); for (u32 v_it=0; v_it<sector->r_frustums.size(); v_it++) { set_Frustum (&(sector->r_frustums[v_it])); add_Geometry (root); } } // Traverse frustums for (u32 o_it=0; o_it<lstRenderables.size(); o_it++) { ISpatial* spatial = lstRenderables[o_it]; spatial->spatial_updatesector (); CSector* sector = (CSector*)spatial->spatial.sector; if (0==sector) continue; // disassociated from S/P structure if (spatial->spatial.type & STYPE_LIGHTSOURCE) { // lightsource light* L = (light*) (spatial->dcast_Light()); VERIFY (L); float lod = L->get_LOD (); if (lod>EPS_L) { vis_data& vis = L->get_homdata ( ); if (HOM.visible(vis)) Lights.add_light (L); } continue ; } if (PortalTraverser.i_marker != sector->r_marker) continue; // inactive (untouched) sector for (u32 v_it=0; v_it<sector->r_frustums.size(); v_it++) { CFrustum& view = sector->r_frustums[v_it]; if (!view.testSphere_dirty(spatial->spatial.sphere.P,spatial->spatial.sphere.R)) continue; if (spatial->spatial.type & STYPE_RENDERABLE) { // renderable IRenderable* renderable = spatial->dcast_Renderable (); VERIFY (renderable); // Occlusion vis_data& v_orig = renderable->renderable.visual->vis; vis_data v_copy = v_orig; v_copy.box.xform (renderable->renderable.xform); BOOL bVisible = HOM.visible(v_copy); v_orig.marker = v_copy.marker; v_orig.accept_frame = v_copy.accept_frame; v_orig.hom_frame = v_copy.hom_frame; v_orig.hom_tested = v_copy.hom_tested; if (!bVisible) break; // exit loop on frustums // Rendering set_Object (renderable); renderable->renderable_Render (); set_Object (0); } break; // exit loop on frustums } } if (g_pGameLevel && (phase==PHASE_NORMAL)) g_pGameLevel->pHUD->Render_Last(); // HUD } else { set_Object (0); if (g_pGameLevel && (phase==PHASE_NORMAL)) g_pGameLevel->pHUD->Render_Last(); // HUD } }