bool CDynamics3DEntity::CheckIntersectionWithRay(Real& f_t_on_ray, const CRay& c_ray) const { /* Create an ODE ray from ARGoS ray */ Real fRayLength = c_ray.GetLength(); dGeomID tRay = dCreateRay(m_cEngine.GetSpaceID(), fRayLength); CVector3 cDirection; c_ray.GetDirection(cDirection); dGeomRaySet(tRay, c_ray.GetStart().GetX(), c_ray.GetStart().GetY(), c_ray.GetStart().GetZ(), cDirection.GetX(), cDirection.GetY(), cDirection.GetZ()); /* Create the structure to contain info about the possible ray/geom intersection */ dContactGeom tIntersection; /* Check for intersection between the ray and the object local space */ if(dCollide(tRay, reinterpret_cast<dGeomID>(m_tEntitySpace), 1, &tIntersection, sizeof(dContactGeom)) > 0) { /* There is an intersecton */ f_t_on_ray = tIntersection.depth / fRayLength; return true; } else { /* No intersection detected */ return false; } }
bool CKinematics2DCollisionCircle::CheckIntersectionWithRay(Real& f_distance, const CRay& c_ray) const { CSegment c_segment = c_ray.ProjectOntoXY(); CVector2 c_closest_point, c_closest_segment_point; c_segment.GetMinimumDistancePoints( m_cPosition, c_closest_point, c_closest_segment_point ); Real f_min_segment_distance = Distance(m_cPosition,c_closest_segment_point); if( f_min_segment_distance > m_fRadius ) { return false; } // see CVector2 dp = c_segment.GetEnd() - c_segment.GetStart(); Real a = dp.SquareLength(); Real b = 2 * dp.DotProduct(c_segment.GetStart() - m_cPosition); Real c = (m_cPosition.SquareLength() + c_segment.GetStart().SquareLength() - 2 * m_cPosition.DotProduct(c_segment.GetStart()) - m_fRadius*m_fRadius); Real bb4ac = b*b - 4*a*c; Real mu1 = (-b + sqrt(bb4ac)) / (2 * a); Real mu2 = (-b - sqrt(bb4ac)) / (2 * a); Real mu = Min(mu1,mu2); if( mu < 0 || mu > 1 ) mu = Max(mu1,mu2); f_distance = mu * c_ray.GetLength(); return true; }