static bool ReduceOneMapFile( LPCTSTR lpszInFile, LPCTSTR lpszOutFile, PICTSAMPLEPARAM &fp, int level) { BOOL bRet; CMemBlock memInput( Size4MB ); CMemBlock memOutput( Size2MB ); CRuntimeClass *pInRT; CRuntimeClass *pOutRT = NULL; CPicture *pInPict; CPicture *pOutPict; CFile fileInput; CFile fileOutput; CPictSample filter; if( fileInput.Open( lpszInFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary ) ) { pInRT = ::GetWritablePictureType( &fileInput ); if( NULL == pOutRT ) pOutRT = pInRT; if( NULL != pInRT && NULL != ( pInPict = (CPicture*) pInRT->CreateObject() ) ) { if( fileOutput.Open( lpszOutFile, CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::typeBinary ) ) { VERIFY( NULL != ( pOutPict = (CPicture*) pOutRT->CreateObject() ) ); if( pInPict->Attach( &fileInput ) && pInPict->ReadHeader() ) { if( pOutPict->Attach( &fileOutput ) ) { switch( pInPict->GetBitsPerSample() ) { case 1 : fp.sampleParam = 0; break; // case 8 : fp.sampleParam = level > 2 ? 3 : 0; break; // #HK050104 // case 8 : fp.sampleParam = level <= 2 ? 3 : 0; break; // #HK050120 case 8 : fp.sampleParam = 3; break; // #HK050120 } filter.SetFilterData( &fp.p ); bRet = filter.Filter( pInPict, pOutPict ); pOutPict->Detach(); } pInPict->Detach(); } fileOutput.Close(); delete pOutPict; } delete pInPict; } fileInput.Close(); } return TRUE == bRet ? 1 : 0; }
static bool GetIntergraph( CFile& rFile, CString& rString, TOPOMAP& theMap ) { CRuntimeClass *pRT; bool bRet = false; if( NULL == ( pRT = GetPictureType( &rFile ) ) ); CPicture *pPict = (CPicture*) pRT->CreateObject(); VERIFY( pPict->Attach( &rFile ) && pPict->ReadHeader() ); long X0, Y0, X1, Y1; TAG tag270; TAG tag33918; GetPictInfo( pPict, X0, Y0, X1, Y1); if( pPict->GetTag( 33918, tag33918 ) ) { long nItems = tag33918.Count(); if( ( 4 + 64 ) == nItems ) { IGTAG33918* pData = (IGTAG33918*) tag33918.pVal(); _ASSERTE(sizeof(theMap.m_transform.m_matrix) == sizeof(pData->dblVal) ); memcpy( theMap.m_transform.m_matrix, pData->dblVal, sizeof(theMap.m_transform.m_matrix) ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Karteninformation basteln = X1; = Y1; // GCP's: LinksUnten, RechtsUnten, RechtsOben, LinksOben theMap.m_listOfGCP.erase( theMap.m_listOfGCP.begin(), theMap.m_listOfGCP.end() ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( ), GEOPOINT( 0, Y1, 0 ) ) ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( ), GEOPOINT( X1, Y1, 0 ) ) ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( ), GEOPOINT( X1, 0, 0 ) ) ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( ), GEOPOINT( 0, 0, 0 ) ) ); bRet = true; } } delete pPict; return bRet; }
bool CPluginParamDlg::CreateView() { // create child view that contains parameter controls CRuntimeClass *pFactory = RUNTIME_CLASS(CPluginParamView); m_View = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CPluginParamView, pFactory->CreateObject()); if (m_View == NULL) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_PLUGIN_CANT_CREATE_VIEW); return(FALSE); } CRect rView; GetViewHolderRect(rView); DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_BORDER; if (!m_View->Create(NULL, NULL, dwStyle, rView, this, 0, NULL)) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_PLUGIN_CANT_CREATE_VIEW); return(FALSE); } if (!m_View->InitRows(m_PluginPath, m_SampleRate)) { CString msg; AfxFormatString2(msg, IDS_PLUGIN_CANT_LOAD, m_PluginPath, CWinAppEx::GetLastErrorString()); AfxMessageBox(msg); return(FALSE); } if (m_Param.GetSize()) m_View->SetParams(m_Param); SetWindowText(CString(m_View->GetDescriptor()->Name)); return(TRUE); }
STDMETHODIMP CPictHolder::OpenPictureFile(BSTR strPicture) { Close(); CString S( strPicture ); if( !m_fileOfPicture.Open( S, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary ) ) return E_FAIL; CRuntimeClass *pRT; CPicture *pPict = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; try { for(;;) { if( NULL == ( pRT = GetWritablePictureType( &m_fileOfPicture ) ) ) break; pPict = (CPicture*) pRT->CreateObject(); VERIFY( pPict->Attach( &m_fileOfPicture ) && pPict->ReadHeader() ); m_pPicture = pPict; hr = S_OK; break; } } catch(...) { if( pPict ) delete pPict; m_pPicture = NULL; } return hr; }
static bool GetReferenced( CFile& rFile, CString& rString, TOPOMAP& theMap ) { CRuntimeClass *pRT; if( NULL == ( pRT = GetPictureType( &rFile ) ) ); CPicture *pPict = (CPicture*) pRT->CreateObject(); VERIFY( pPict->Attach( &rFile ) && pPict->ReadHeader() ); long X0, Y0, X1, Y1; TAG tag270; GetPictInfo( pPict, X0, Y0, X1, Y1); if( pPict->GetTag( 270, tag270 ) ) { rString = tag270.strVal(); } delete pPict; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Karteninformation basteln = X1; = Y1; // GCP's: LinksUnten, RechtsUnten, RechtsOben, LinksOben GEOPOINT LO, RU; LO.X = 0; LO.Y = 0; RU.X = 0; RU.Y = 0; theMap.m_listOfGCP.erase( theMap.m_listOfGCP.begin(), theMap.m_listOfGCP.end() ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( LO.X, RU.Y, 0 ), GEOPOINT( 0, Y1, 0 ) ) ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( RU.X, RU.Y, 0 ), GEOPOINT( X1, Y1, 0 ) ) ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( RU.X, LO.Y, 0 ), GEOPOINT( X1, 0, 0 ) ) ); theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back( GCP( GEOPOINT( LO.X, LO.Y, 0 ), GEOPOINT( 0, 0, 0 ) ) ); return true; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 新建OWM对象ControlBar(for Xtreme) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CPlugIn::NewOwmControlBar() { if(m_pVciObj == NULL) { return FALSE; } IVciOwm* pIVciOwm = (IVciOwm*)m_pVciObj; CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = NULL; pIVciOwm->GetDocTemplate(&pDocTemplate); CRuntimeClass* pCtrlBarClass = NULL; pIVciOwm->GetRuntimeClass(4, &pCtrlBarClass); if(!pCtrlBarClass) return FALSE; if(m_pControlBar) return FALSE; // 此处已经修改为支持Xtreme CMainFrame* pMainFrame = (CMainFrame*)(AfxGetMainWnd()); m_pControlBar = (CControlBar*)(pCtrlBarClass->CreateObject()); // pMainFrame->EnableDockingEx(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY, CBRS_XT_FLAT); // pMainFrame->DockControlBar( pBar ); return TRUE; }
void CEditorRoot::SetEditTool( const CString &sEditToolName,bool bStopCurrentTool/*=true */ ) { CEditTool *pTool = GetEditTool(); if (pTool && pTool->GetClassDesc()) { if (stricmp(pTool->GetClassDesc()->ClassName(),sEditToolName) == 0) return; } IClassDesc *pClass = this->GetClassFactory()->FindClass( sEditToolName ); if (!pClass) { //Warning( "Editor Tool %s not registered.",(const char*)sEditToolName ); return; } if (pClass->SystemClassID() != ESYSTEM_CLASS_EDITTOOL) { //Warning( "Class name %s is not a valid Edit Tool class.",(const char*)sEditToolName ); return; } CRuntimeClass *pRtClass = pClass->GetRuntimeClass(); if (pRtClass && pRtClass->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CEditTool))) { CEditTool *pEditTool = (CEditTool*)pRtClass->CreateObject(); this->SetEditTool(pEditTool); return; } else { //Warning( "Class name %s is not a valid Edit Tool class.",(const char*)sEditToolName ); return; } }
CObject* CXMLArchiveNode::CreateObject(const CString& className) { CRuntimeClass* pClass = NULL; // First see if the CRuntimeClass object is cached if (!m_classMap.Lookup(className, (void*&)pClass)) { // Search app specific classes AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState(); for (pClass = pModuleState->m_classList; pClass != NULL; pClass = pClass->m_pNextClass) { if (className == pClass->m_lpszClassName) { m_classMap[className] = (void*&)pClass; break; } } } if (pClass == NULL) { TRACE1("You did not declare the class %s DECLARE_XMLSERIAL", (const char *)className); ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } return pClass->CreateObject(); }
CStaticDoc* CStaticDoc::CreateNewDocument( ) { CRuntimeClass *pDocClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CStaticDoc); CStaticDoc* pDocument = (CStaticDoc*)pDocClass->CreateObject(); if (pDocument == NULL) { TRACE1("Warning: Dynamic create of document type %hs failed.\n", pDocClass->m_lpszClassName); return NULL; } ASSERT_KINDOF(CStaticDoc, pDocument); return pDocument; }
BOOL CImpactChildFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext) { if(m_pwndImpact==NULL) { CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CImpactForm); CObject* pObject = pRuntimeClass->CreateObject(); ASSERT( pObject->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CImpactForm))); m_pwndImpact=(CImpactForm *) pObject; CRect rcClient; GetClientRect(rcClient); m_pwndImpact->Create(this,rcClient); m_pwndImpact->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } return CMDIChildWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext); }
CDialogGraphDen::CDialogGraphDen(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CDialogGraphDen::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDialogGraphDen) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeClass = RUNTIME_CLASS( CGraphDView ); CObject* pObject = pRuntimeClass->CreateObject(); ASSERT( pObject->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CGraphDView ) ) ); m_pGDView=(CGraphDView *)pObject; }
int CPatchBar::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CMySizingControlBar::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; m_Engine = &theApp.GetEngine(); CRuntimeClass *pFactory = RUNTIME_CLASS(CPatchView); m_View = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CPatchView, pFactory->CreateObject()); DWORD dwStyle = AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW; CRect r(0, 0, 0, 0); // arbitrary initial size if (!m_View->Create(NULL, NULL, dwStyle, r, this, IDC_PATCH_VIEW, NULL)) return -1; m_View->m_Parent = this; m_View->SetNotifyWnd(this); m_View->SetAccel(NULL, theApp.GetMain()); m_View->CreateCols(COLUMNS, m_ColInfo, IDD_PATCH_ROW); return 0; }
int MapInfo( const int argc, const char *argv[], istream& s_in, ostream& s_out, ostream& s_err ) { int c; bool bRaw = false; LPCTSTR optarg; int optind = 1; while( EOF != ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "rg?", optind, optarg ) ) ) { switch( c ) { case 'r' : bRaw = true; break; case 'g' : setlocale( LC_ALL, _T("German") ); break; case '?' : Usage( s_err ); return TRUE; } } if( argc < optind ) { Usage( s_err ); return FALSE; } CMemBlock memPict( Size4MB ); CRuntimeClass *pRT; CPicture *pPict; CFile fileInput; for( ; optind < argc; optind++ ) { if( fileInput.Open( argv[optind], CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary ) ) { pRT = ::GetPictureType( &fileInput ); if( NULL != pRT && NULL != ( pPict = (CPicture*) pRT->CreateObject() ) ) { VERIFY( pPict->Attach( &fileInput ) && pPict->ReadHeader() ); pPict->DumpTags( s_out, bRaw ); pPict->Detach(); delete pPict; } else { s_err << _T("cannot determine FileType: ") << argv[optind] << endl; } fileInput.Close(); } else { s_err << _T("cannot open File: ") << argv[optind] << endl; } } return TRUE; }
void CBCGPToolbarMenuButton::CopyFrom (const CBCGPToolbarButton& s) { CBCGPToolbarButton::CopyFrom (s); const CBCGPToolbarMenuButton& src = (const CBCGPToolbarMenuButton&) s; m_bDefault = src.m_bDefault; m_bMenuOnly = src.m_bMenuOnly; m_bIsRadio = src.m_bIsRadio; m_pWndMessage = src.m_pWndMessage; m_bMenuPaletteMode = src.m_bMenuPaletteMode; m_nPaletteRows = src.m_nPaletteRows; m_bQuickCustomMode = src.m_bQuickCustomMode; m_bShowAtRightSide = src.m_bShowAtRightSide; SetTearOff (src.m_uiTearOffBarID); while (!m_listCommands.IsEmpty ()) { delete m_listCommands.RemoveHead (); } for (POSITION pos = src.m_listCommands.GetHeadPosition (); pos != NULL;) { CBCGPToolbarMenuButton* pItem = (CBCGPToolbarMenuButton*) src.m_listCommands.GetNext (pos); ASSERT (pItem != NULL); ASSERT_KINDOF (CBCGPToolbarMenuButton, pItem); CRuntimeClass* pSrcClass = pItem->GetRuntimeClass (); ASSERT (pSrcClass != NULL); CBCGPToolbarMenuButton* pNewItem = (CBCGPToolbarMenuButton*) pSrcClass->CreateObject (); ASSERT (pNewItem != NULL); ASSERT_KINDOF (CBCGPToolbarMenuButton, pNewItem); pNewItem->CopyFrom (*pItem); m_listCommands.AddTail (pNewItem); } }
CChildFrame* CChildFrame::CreateNewFrame( CStaticDoc* pStaticDoc ) { if (pStaticDoc != NULL) ASSERT_VALID(pStaticDoc); // create a frame wired to the specified document ASSERT( pStaticDoc->GetIDResource() != 0); // must have a resource ID to load from CCreateContext context; context.m_pCurrentFrame = NULL; context.m_pCurrentDoc = NULL; //pStaticDoc; context.m_pLastView = NULL; context.m_pNewViewClass = NULL; // pViewClass if this is set, a view will be created! context.m_pNewDocTemplate = NULL; CRuntimeClass* pFrameClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame); CChildFrame * pFrame = (CChildFrame*)pFrameClass->CreateObject(); if (pFrame == NULL) { TRACE1("Warning: Dynamic create of frame %hs failed.\n", pFrameClass->m_lpszClassName); return NULL; } ASSERT_KINDOF(CChildFrame, pFrame); // create new from resource if (!pFrame->LoadFrame( pStaticDoc->GetIDResource(), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE, // default frame styles AfxGetMainFrame(), &context)) { TRACE0("Warning: Couldn't create a child frame.\n"); // frame will be deleted in PostNcDestroy cleanup return NULL; } // it worked ! return pFrame; }
CDialogPlacePart::CDialogPlacePart(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/,DWORD dwType /*=0*/) : CDialog(CDialogPlacePart::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDialogPlacePart) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT int iData=IDD; m_dwType=dwType; m_bFlagNew=FALSE; //clear new flag m_bFlagHdlItemChanged=TRUE; //enables hadling of item changed event m_bFlagHdlItemChanged1=TRUE; //disables handling of item changed event for 1 time m_bDragging = FALSE; //for dragging operations //Create part viewer if(iData=IDD_PLACEPART2){ CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeClass = RUNTIME_CLASS( CPartPView ); CObject* pObject = pRuntimeClass->CreateObject(); ASSERT( pObject->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CPartPView ) ) ); m_pPPView=(CPartPView *)pObject; m_pPPView->SetPlacePartDlg(this); } }
CWnd *CFrameWnd::CreateView( CCreateContext *pContext, UINT nID ) /***************************************************************/ { if( pContext == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } CRuntimeClass *pClass = pContext->m_pNewViewClass; if( pClass == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } CWnd *pView = (CWnd *)pClass->CreateObject(); if( pView == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } ASSERT( pView->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CWnd ) ) ); if( !pView->Create( NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, CRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), this, nID, pContext ) ) { return( NULL ); } return( pView ); }
//********************************************************************* CBCGPGridItem* CCxNDArrayDimGrid::CreateItem (int nRow, int nColumn) { CCxNDArrayDimItem* pItem = NULL; CRuntimeClass* pItemRTC = NULL; if (m_mapItemsRTC.Lookup (nColumn, pItemRTC)) { ASSERT (pItemRTC != NULL); pItem = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST (CCxNDArrayDimItem, pItemRTC->CreateObject ()); } else if (m_pDefaultItemRTC != NULL) { pItem = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST (CCxNDArrayDimItem, m_pDefaultItemRTC->CreateObject ()); } else { pItem = new CCxNDArrayDimItem (); } if (pItem == NULL) { ASSERT (FALSE); return NULL; } ASSERT_VALID (pItem); if (!pItem->OnCreate (nRow, nColumn)) { delete pItem; return NULL; } return pItem; }
BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext) { CDocument *pDoc=NULL; POSITION pos; BOOL bRet = FALSE; //create the source view for this document at this time CRuntimeClass *prc = RUNTIME_CLASS(CSourceView); ENSURE(prc); m_pSrcView = (CSourceView*)prc->CreateObject(); if(m_pSrcView) VERIFY(m_pSrcView->Create(NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, AFX_IDW_PANE_LAST, NULL)); //create the doc-template view and save off a pointer to it bRet = CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext); pDoc = pContext->m_pCurrentDoc; if(bRet && pDoc) { pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); pDoc->AddView(m_pSrcView); } else return FALSE; CView *pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos); ASSERT(pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CHTMLEdView))); if(pView) { m_pWebView = (CHTMLEdView*) pView; } else return FALSE; return bRet; }
void CTraverseBySourceExchange::OnRecvSync(const uchar * data, int /*len*/, DWORD /*ip*/, WORD /*port*/) { TRACE("Receive NAT Sync Request From Source Exchange!\n"); //UINT realsize=len-1;// VC-linhai[2007-08-06]:warning C4189: “realsize” : 局部变量已初始化但不引用 const uchar * realdata=data+1; DWORD cip = *(DWORD*)(realdata); WORD cport = *(WORD*)(realdata+4); if(cip==0 || cport==0) { return; } const uchar * id=realdata+6; DWORD ConnAck = 0; memcpy(&ConnAck, id+16, 4); TRACE("recv sync, ConnAck=%08x\n", ConnAck); #ifdef _DEBUG in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = cip; TRACE("peer addr of %02X%02X%02X%02X = %s:%d\n", id[0], id[1], id[2],id[3], inet_ntoa(addr), ntohs(cport)); #endif uchar myid[16]; GetMyUserHash(myid); if(memcmp(id, myid, 16)==0) { _AddLogLine(false, _T("ERROR: recv myself for traversal")); return; } CAsyncSocketEx * pASock=NULL; CUpDownClient * pClient= CGlobalVariable::clientlist->FindClientByUserHash(id); if(pClient) { pASock = pClient->socket; if(! pASock) { CRuntimeClass * pClassSocket = RUNTIME_CLASS(CClientReqSocket); CClientReqSocket * socket = static_cast<CClientReqSocket*>(pClassSocket->CreateObject()); socket->SetClient(pClient); if (!socket->Create()) { socket->Safe_Delete(); return; } pClient->socket = socket; pASock = socket; } ASSERT(pASock); if(! pASock) { return; } } else { TRACE("\n->%s: Accept a incoming sock for %02X%02X%02X%02X\n", __FUNCTION__, id[0],id[1],id[2],id[3]); pASock = CGlobalVariable::natthread->GetTempASock(id); } m_dwClientIp = cip; m_wClientPort = cport; m_dwState |=NAT_S_SYNC; SendPingPacket(); }
void CUSBLogView::OnEditPaste(void) { if(!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(GetApp().m_uClipboardFormat)) { TRACE("OnEditPaste(): no suitable clipboard format available!\n"); return; } // we need a focused URB as well... int nFocusedURB = m_Log.FindFocusedURB(); if(-1 == nFocusedURB) { nFocusedURB = 0; } if(!AfxGetMainWnd()->OpenClipboard()) { TRACE("Error while opening clipboard!\n"); return; } // from here on, we have to close the clipboard // before exiting this function, otherwise other // applications might not get a chance to copy/paste // stuff! HANDLE hBinary = NULL; PVOID pData = NULL; try { hBinary = GetClipboardData(GetApp().m_uClipboardFormat); if(NULL == hBinary) { AfxThrowNotSupportedException(); } pData = GlobalLock(hBinary); { CMyMemFile memFile(pData); CArchive ar(&memFile, CArchive::load); DWORD dwVersion = ar.ReadCount(); if(_VERSION_DWORD_ != dwVersion) { AfxThrowNotSupportedException(); } DWORD nURBCnt = ar.ReadCount(); TRACE("Pasting %d URBs...\n", nURBCnt); CUSBLogDoc *pDoc = GetDocument(); int nInsertLocation = nFocusedURB; while(0 < nURBCnt) { CRuntimeClass *pClass = ar.ReadClass(); if(!pClass->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CURB))) { TRACE("unknown runtime class!\n"); AfxThrowArchiveException(CArchiveException::badClass); } CURB *pURB = (CURB*) pClass->CreateObject(); ASSERT(NULL != pURB); pURB->SetChunkAllocator(&pDoc->m_arURB.m_ChunkAllocator); pURB->Serialize(ar); pDoc->m_arURB.InsertAt(nInsertLocation, pURB); nInsertLocation++; --nURBCnt; } pDoc->UpdateAllViews(NULL, 1); OnEditSelectNone(); m_Log.SetFocusedURB(nFocusedURB); } GlobalUnlock(hBinary); hBinary = NULL; CloseClipboard(); } catch(...) { if((NULL != pData) && (NULL != hBinary)) { GlobalUnlock(hBinary); } CloseClipboard(); throw; } }
CSettingsPage* XPageSettings() { CRuntimeClass* pClass = RUNTIME_CLASS( CPlaySettingsPage ); return (CSettingsPage*)pClass->CreateObject(); }
// Command line export function void CCommandLineExport::CommandLineExport(const CString& fileIn, const CString& fileOut, const CString& fileLog, const CString& fileDPCM) { // open log bool bLog = false; CStdioFile fLog; if (fileLog.GetLength() > 0) { if(fLog.Open(fileLog, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeText, NULL)) bLog = true; } // create CFamiTrackerDoc for export CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CFamiTrackerDoc); CObject* pObject = pRuntimeClass->CreateObject(); if (pObject == NULL || !pObject->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFamiTrackerDoc))) { if (bLog) fLog.WriteString(_T("Error: unable to create CFamiTrackerDoc\n")); return; } CFamiTrackerDoc* pExportDoc = static_cast<CFamiTrackerDoc*>(pObject); // open file if(!pExportDoc->OnOpenDocument(fileIn)) { if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("Error: unable to open document: ")); fLog.WriteString(fileIn); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); } return; } if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("Opened: ")); fLog.WriteString(fileIn); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); } // find extension int nPos = fileOut.ReverseFind(TCHAR('.')); if (nPos < 0) { if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("Error: export filename has no extension: ")); fLog.WriteString(fileOut); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); } return; } CString ext = fileOut.Mid(nPos); theApp.GetSoundGenerator()->GenerateVibratoTable(pExportDoc->GetVibratoStyle()); // export if (0 == ext.CompareNoCase(_T(".nsf"))) { CCompiler compiler(pExportDoc, bLog ? new CCommandLineLog(&fLog) : NULL); compiler.ExportNSF(fileOut, pExportDoc->GetMachine() ); if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("\nNSF export complete.\n")); } return; } else if (0 == ext.CompareNoCase(_T(".nes"))) { CCompiler compiler(pExportDoc, bLog ? new CCommandLineLog(&fLog) : NULL); compiler.ExportNES(fileOut, pExportDoc->GetMachine() == PAL); if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("\nNES export complete.\n")); } return; } // BIN export requires two files else if (0 == ext.CompareNoCase(_T(".bin"))) { CCompiler compiler(pExportDoc, bLog ? new CCommandLineLog(&fLog) : NULL); compiler.ExportBIN(fileOut, fileDPCM); if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("\nBIN export complete.\n")); } return; } else if (0 == ext.CompareNoCase(_T(".prg"))) { CCompiler compiler(pExportDoc, bLog ? new CCommandLineLog(&fLog) : NULL); compiler.ExportPRG(fileOut, pExportDoc->GetMachine() == PAL); if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("\nPRG export complete.\n")); } return; } else if (0 == ext.CompareNoCase(_T(".asm"))) { CCompiler compiler(pExportDoc, bLog ? new CCommandLineLog(&fLog) : NULL); compiler.ExportASM(fileOut); if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("\nASM export complete.\n")); } return; } else if (0 == ext.CompareNoCase(_T(".nsfe"))) // // // { CCompiler compiler(pExportDoc, bLog ? new CCommandLineLog(&fLog) : NULL); compiler.ExportNSFE(fileOut, pExportDoc->GetMachine()); if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("\nNSFe export complete.\n")); } return; } else if (0 == ext.CompareNoCase(_T(".txt"))) { CTextExport textExport; CString result = textExport.ExportFile(fileOut, pExportDoc); if (result.GetLength() > 0) { if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("Error: ")); fLog.WriteString(result); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); } } else if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("Exported: ")); fLog.WriteString(fileOut); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); } return; } else // use first custom exporter { CCustomExporters* pExporters = theApp.GetCustomExporters(); if (pExporters) { CStringArray sNames; pExporters->GetNames(sNames); if (sNames.GetCount()) { pExporters->SetCurrentExporter(sNames[0]); CFamiTrackerDocWrapper documentWrapper(CFamiTrackerDoc::GetDoc(), 0); bool bResult = (pExporters->GetCurrentExporter().Export(&documentWrapper, fileOut)); if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("Custom exporter: ")); fLog.WriteString(sNames[0]); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); fLog.WriteString(_T("Export ")); fLog.WriteString(bResult ? _T("succesful: ") : _T("failed: ")); fLog.WriteString(fileOut); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); } return; } } } if (bLog) { fLog.WriteString(_T("Error: unable to find matching export extension for: ")); fLog.WriteString(fileOut); fLog.WriteString(_T("\n")); } return; }
CActiveSourceWnd::CActiveSourceWnd(void):m_pContext(NULL) { CRuntimeClass* pFactory = RUNTIME_CLASS(CActiveSourceView); m_pFormView = (CActiveSourceView *)(pFactory->CreateObject()); }
BOOL CTestOutlineTextDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically // when the application's main window is not a dialog SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon // Initialize the scroll view CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); CClientDC dc(this); int PosY = 190*dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY)/96; int nMargin = 7*dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY)/96; CRect rect2(nMargin,PosY,rect.Width()-nMargin*2,rect.Height()-nMargin-PosY); CRuntimeClass *pClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyScrollView); m_pScrollView = (CMyScrollView*)pClass->CreateObject(); m_pScrollView->Create(NULL, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, rect2, this, 10001); m_pScrollView->ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); m_pScrollView->OnInitialUpdate(); m_pScrollView->SetWindowPos( &m_staticShadowColor, nMargin,PosY, rect.Width()-nMargin*2, rect.Height()-nMargin-PosY, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); m_pScrollView->Render(false); // Initialize buttons COLORREF color= RGB(64,0,64); m_btnOutlineColor1.SetColor(color); m_pScrollView->SetOutlineColor1(Gdiplus::Color(GetRValue(color),GetGValue(color),GetBValue(color))); COLORREF color2= RGB(255,128,255); m_btnOutlineColor2.SetColor(color2); m_pScrollView->SetOutlineColor2(Gdiplus::Color(GetRValue(color2),GetGValue(color2),GetBValue(color2))); COLORREF colorText= RGB(255, 128, 64); m_btnTextColor.SetColor(colorText); m_pScrollView->SetTextColor1(Gdiplus::Color(GetRValue(colorText),GetGValue(colorText),GetBValue(colorText))); COLORREF colorText2= RGB(255,0,0); m_btnTextColor2.SetColor(colorText2); m_pScrollView->SetTextColor2(Gdiplus::Color(GetRValue(colorText2),GetGValue(colorText2),GetBValue(colorText2))); m_chkGradientText.SetCheck(1); m_pScrollView->EnableTextGradient(true); // initialize combo. m_cboTextEffect.AddString(_T("Single Outline")); m_cboTextEffect.AddString(_T("Double Outline")); m_cboTextEffect.AddString(_T("Text Glow")); m_cboTextEffect.AddString(_T("Gradient Outline")); m_cboTextEffect.AddString(_T("Just Outline")); m_cboTextEffect.AddString(_T("No Outline")); m_cboTextEffect.AddString(_T("Double Text Glow")); m_cboTextEffect.SetCurSel(3); m_pScrollView->SetTextEffect(GradOutline); EnableOutline2UI(TRUE, TRUE); m_cboTextPath.AddString(_T("GDI+")); m_cboTextPath.AddString(_T("GDI")); m_cboTextPath.SetCurSel(0); m_pScrollView->SetTextPath(GdiPlus); m_edtAngle.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_staticAngle.EnableWindow(FALSE); // Set the font //LOGFONT lf; memset(&m_lf, 0, sizeof(m_lf)); m_lf.lfHeight = -48; //-MulDiv(48, dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72); m_lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; //m_lf.lfItalic = TRUE; //m_lf.lfOrientation = 100; //m_lf.lfEscapement = 100; //m_lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS; m_lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; m_lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; m_lf.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY; wcscpy_s(m_lf.lfFaceName, _T("Arial Black")); m_edtFont.SetWindowText(_T("Arial Black, 36 Regular")); m_pScrollView->SetLogFont(&m_lf); m_pScrollView->SetFontSize(48); // Set the Text CString str = _T("TEXT DESIGNER"); m_edtText.SetWindowText(str); m_pScrollView->SetText(str); // Set the Alphas m_edtOutlineAlpha1.SetWindowText(_T("255")); m_pScrollView->SetOutlineAlpha1(255); m_edtOutlineAlpha2.SetWindowText(_T("255")); m_pScrollView->SetOutlineAlpha2(255); // Set the Thickness m_edtThickness1.SetWindowText(_T("5")); m_pScrollView->SetOutlineThickness1(5); m_edtThickness2.SetWindowText(_T("5")); m_pScrollView->SetOutlineThickness2(5); // Set Text Position m_edtPosX.SetWindowText(_T("10")); m_pScrollView->SetTextPosX(10); m_edtPosY.SetWindowText(_T("10")); m_pScrollView->SetTextPosY(10); m_edtAngle.SetWindowText(_T("0")); m_pScrollView->SetTextAngle(0); // Set Shadow Properties m_chkEnableShadow.SetCheck(1); //m_pScrollView->SetEnableShadow(true); OnBnClickedChkEnableShadow(); m_edtShadowAlpha.SetWindowText(_T("128")); m_pScrollView->SetShadowAlpha(128); m_edtShadowOffsetX.SetWindowText(_T("4")); m_pScrollView->SetShadowOffsetX(4); m_edtShadowOffsetY.SetWindowText(_T("4")); m_pScrollView->SetShadowOffsetY(4); m_btnShadowColor.SetColor(RGB(0,0,0)); m_pScrollView->SetShadowColor(Gdiplus::Color(0,0,0)); m_edtShadowThickness.SetWindowText(_T("8")); m_pScrollView->SetShadowThickness(8); m_chkDiffusedShadow.SetCheck(0); OnBnClickedChkDiffusedShadow(); // PNG rendering m_chkPngRendering.SetCheck(0); OnBnClickedChkEnablePngRendering(); m_chkExtrudedText.SetCheck(0); OnBnClickedChkExtrudedText(); m_chkEnableReflection.SetCheck(0); m_chkEnableReflection.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_pScrollView->EnableReflection(false); m_btnReflectSettings.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_btnSavePng.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_btnSaveRefPng.EnableWindow(FALSE); //m_btnFont.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_pScrollView->Render(true); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }