コード例 #1
bool CSG_ODBC_Connection::_Table_Load(CSG_Table &Table, const CSG_String &Select, const CSG_String &Name, bool bLOB)
	if( !is_Connected() )
		_Error_Message(_TL("no database connection"));

		return( false );

		int				valInt, iField, nFields;
		long			valLong;
		float			valFloat;
		double			valDouble;
		std_string		valString;
		otl_long_string	valRaw(m_Connection.get_max_long_size());
		otl_column_desc	*Fields;
		otl_stream		Stream;
		CSG_Bytes		BLOB;

		Stream.set_all_column_types	(otl_all_date2str);
		Stream.set_lob_stream_mode	(bLOB);
		Stream.open					(bLOB ? 1 : m_Size_Buffer, Select, m_Connection);

		Fields	= Stream.describe_select(nFields);

		if( Fields == NULL || nFields <= 0 )
			_Error_Message(_TL("no fields in selection"));

			return( false );


		for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
			if( _Get_Type_From_SQL(Fields[iField].otl_var_dbtype) == SG_DATATYPE_Undefined )
				return( false );

			Table.Add_Field(Fields[iField].name, _Get_Type_From_SQL(Fields[iField].otl_var_dbtype));

		while( !Stream.eof() && SG_UI_Process_Get_Okay() )	// while not end-of-data
			CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= Table.Add_Record();

			for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
				switch( Table.Get_Field_Type(iField) )
				case SG_DATATYPE_String:	Stream >> valString; if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, CSG_String(valString.c_str()));	break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Short:			
				case SG_DATATYPE_Int:		Stream >> valInt;    if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valInt);		break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_DWord:
				case SG_DATATYPE_Long:		Stream >> valLong;   if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valLong);		break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Float:		Stream >> valFloat;  if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valFloat);		break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Double:	Stream >> valDouble; if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valDouble);	break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Binary:	Stream >> valRaw;    if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else

						for(int i=0; i<valRaw.len(); i++)

						pRecord->Set_Value(iField, BLOB);
	catch( otl_exception &e )

		return( false );

	return( true );
コード例 #2
bool CSG_ODBC_Connection::Table_Load_BLOBs(CSG_Bytes_Array &BLOBs, const CSG_String &Table_Name, const CSG_String &Field, const CSG_String &Where, const CSG_String &Order)
	if( !is_Connected() )
		_Error_Message(_TL("no database connection"));

		return( false );

		bool			bLOB	= true;
		int				nFields;
		otl_column_desc	*Fields;
		otl_long_string	valRaw(m_Connection.get_max_long_size());
		otl_stream		Stream;
		CSG_String		Select;

		Select.Printf(SG_T("SELECT %s FROM %s"), Field.c_str(), Table_Name.c_str());

		if( Where.Length() )
			Select	+= SG_T(" WHERE ") + Where;

		if( Order.Length() )
			Select	+= SG_T(" ORDER BY ") + Order;

		Stream.set_lob_stream_mode	(bLOB);
		Stream.open					(bLOB ? 1 : m_Size_Buffer, Select, m_Connection);

		Fields	= Stream.describe_select(nFields);

		if( Fields == NULL || nFields <= 0 )
			_Error_Message(_TL("no fields in selection"));

			return( false );

		if( nFields != 1 )
			_Error_Message(_TL("more than one field in selection"));

			return( false );

		if( _Get_Type_From_SQL(Fields[0].otl_var_dbtype) != SG_DATATYPE_Binary )//|| _Get_Type_From_SQL(Fields[0].otl_var_dbtype) != SG_DATATYPE_String )
			_Error_Message(_TL("field cannot be mapped to binary object"));

			return( false );


		while( !Stream.eof() && SG_UI_Process_Get_Okay() )	// while not end-of-data
			CSG_Bytes	*pBLOB	= BLOBs.Add();

			Stream >> valRaw;

			if( !Stream.is_null() )
				for(int i=0; i<valRaw.len(); i++)
	catch( otl_exception &e )

		return( false );

	return( true );