void RemoveExtensionString(CSString& Filename) { const char* pParse = Filename.c_str(); int Index = Filename.GetLength() - 1; while (Index >= 0) { if (pParse[Index] == '.') { Filename.Truncate(Index); return; } else if (pParse[Index] == '\\' || pParse[Index] == '/' || pParse[Index] == ':') { return; } --Index; } }
bool SrFindSubDataPath (const char* pFilename, CSString& OutputPath, CSString& OutputFilename, CSString& OutputExtension) { CSString Path; int Index; SplitFilenameString(pFilename, Path, OutputFilename, OutputExtension); Index = Path.FindRI("\\data\\"); if (Index >= 0) ++Index; else if (Index < 0 && Path.StartsWithI("data\\")) Index = 0; if (Index < 0) { OutputPath.Empty(); return false; } OutputPath.Copy(Path.c_str() + Index + 5, Path.GetLength() - Index - 5); return true; }
bool SplitFilenameString (const CSString Filename, CSString& Path, CSString& BaseFilename, CSString& Extension) { return SplitFilenameString_Priv(Filename, Filename.GetLength(), Path, BaseFilename, Extension); }
bool CWebPageDef::ServPage( CClient * pClient, tchar * pszPage, CSTime * pdateIfModifiedSince ) // static { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CWebPageDef::ServPage"); // make sure this is a valid format for the request. tchar szPageName[_MAX_PATH]; Str_GetBare( szPageName, pszPage, sizeof(szPageName), "!\"#$%&()*,:;<=>?[]^{|}-+'`" ); int iError = 404; CWebPageDef * pWebPage = g_Cfg.FindWebPage(szPageName); if ( pWebPage ) { iError = pWebPage->ServPageRequest(pClient, szPageName, pdateIfModifiedSince); if ( ! iError ) return true; } // Is it a file in the Script directory ? if ( iError == 404 ) { const CResourceID ridjunk( RES_UNKNOWN, 1 ); CWebPageDef tmppage( ridjunk ); if ( tmppage.SetSourceFile( szPageName, pClient )) { if ( !tmppage.ServPageRequest(pClient, szPageName, pdateIfModifiedSince) ) return true; } } // Can't find it !? // just take the default page. or have a custom 404 page ? pClient->m_Targ_Text = pszPage; tchar *pszTemp = Str_GetTemp(); sprintf(pszTemp, SPHERE_FILE "%d.htm", iError); pWebPage = g_Cfg.FindWebPage(pszTemp); if ( pWebPage ) { if ( ! pWebPage->ServPageRequest( pClient, pszPage, nullptr )) return true; } // Hmm we should do something !!!? // Try to give a reasonable default error msg. lpctstr pszErrText; switch (iError) { case 401: pszErrText = "Authorization Required"; break; case 403: pszErrText = "Forbidden"; break; case 404: pszErrText = "Object Not Found"; break; case 500: pszErrText = "Internal Server Error"; break; default: pszErrText = "Unknown Error"; break; } CSTime datetime = CSTime::GetCurrentTime(); const char *sDate = datetime.FormatGmt(nullptr); CSString sMsgHead; CSString sText; sText.Format( "<html><head><title>Error %d</title>" "<meta name=robots content=noindex>" "</head><body>" "<h2>HTTP Error %d</h2><p><strong>%d %s</strong></p>" "<p>The " SPHERE_TITLE " server cannot deliver the file or script you asked for.</p>" "<p>Please contact the server's administrator if this problem persists.</p>" "</body></html>", iError, iError, iError, pszErrText); sMsgHead.Format( "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Server: " SPHERE_TITLE " " SPHERE_VERSION_PREFIX SPHERE_VERSION "\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n%s", iError, pszErrText, static_cast<lpctstr>(sDate), sText.GetLength(), static_cast<lpctstr>(sText)); new PacketWeb(pClient, reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(sMsgHead.GetPtr()), sMsgHead.GetLength()); return false; }
int CTextConsole::OnConsoleKey( CSString & sText, tchar nChar, bool fEcho ) { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CTextConsole::OnConsoleKey"); // eventaully we should call OnConsoleCmd // RETURN: // 0 = dump this connection. // 1 = keep processing. // 2 = process this. if ( sText.GetLength() >= SCRIPT_MAX_LINE_LEN ) { commandtoolong: SysMessage( "Command too long\n" ); sText.Empty(); return 0; } if ( nChar == '\r' || nChar == '\n' ) { // Ignore the character if we have no text stored if (!sText.GetLength()) return 1; if ( fEcho ) { SysMessage("\n"); } return 2; } else if ( nChar == 9 ) // TAB (auto-completion) { lpctstr p = nullptr; lpctstr tmp = nullptr; size_t inputLen = 0; bool matched(false); // extract up to start of the word p = sText.GetPtr() + sText.GetLength(); while (( p >= sText.GetPtr() ) && ( *p != '.' ) && ( *p != ' ' ) && ( *p != '/' ) && ( *p != '=' )) p--; p++; inputLen = strlen(p); // search in the auto-complete list for starting on P, and save coords of 1st and Last matched CSStringListRec *firstmatch = nullptr, *lastmatch = nullptr; CSStringListRec *curmatch = nullptr, *nextmatch = nullptr; // the one that should be set for ( curmatch = g_AutoComplete.GetHead(); curmatch != nullptr; curmatch = nextmatch ) { nextmatch = curmatch->GetNext(); if ( !strnicmp(curmatch->GetPtr(), p, inputLen) ) // matched { if ( firstmatch == nullptr ) firstmatch = lastmatch = curmatch; else lastmatch = curmatch; } else if ( lastmatch ) // if no longer matches - save time by instant quit break; } if (( firstmatch != nullptr ) && ( firstmatch == lastmatch )) // there IS a match and the ONLY { tmp = firstmatch->GetPtr() + inputLen; matched = true; } else if ( firstmatch != nullptr ) // also make SE (if SERV/SERVER in dic) to become SERV { p = tmp = firstmatch->GetPtr(); tmp += inputLen; inputLen = strlen(p); matched = true; for ( curmatch = firstmatch->GetNext(); curmatch != lastmatch->GetNext(); curmatch = curmatch->GetNext() ) { if (strnicmp(curmatch->GetPtr(), p, inputLen) != 0) // mismatched { matched = false; break; } } } if ( matched ) { if ( fEcho ) SysMessage(tmp); sText += tmp; if ( sText.GetLength() > SCRIPT_MAX_LINE_LEN ) goto commandtoolong; } return 1; } if ( fEcho ) { // Echo tchar szTmp[2]; szTmp[0] = nChar; szTmp[1] = '\0'; SysMessage( szTmp ); } if ( nChar == 8 ) { if ( sText.GetLength()) // back key { sText.SetLength( sText.GetLength() - 1 ); } return 1; } sText += nChar; return 1; }