コード例 #1
ファイル: InstrumentN163.cpp プロジェクト: Tjoppen/nesicide
bool CInstrumentN163::LoadFile(CFile *pFile, int iVersion, CFamiTrackerDoc *pDoc)
	// Sequences
	unsigned char SeqCount;
	pFile->Read(&SeqCount, sizeof(char));

	// Loop through all instrument effects
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SeqCount; ++i) {

		unsigned char Enabled;
		pFile->Read(&Enabled, sizeof(char));

		if (Enabled == 1) {
			// Read the sequence
			int Count;
			pFile->Read(&Count, sizeof(int));

			if (Count < 0 || Count > MAX_SEQUENCE_ITEMS)
				return false;

			// Find a free sequence
			int Index = pDoc->GetFreeSequenceN163(i);
			CSequence *pSeq = pDoc->GetSequenceN163(Index, i);

			int LoopPoint;
			int Setting;
			pFile->Read(&LoopPoint, sizeof(int));
			int ReleasePoint;
			pFile->Read(&ReleasePoint, sizeof(int));
			pFile->Read(&Setting, sizeof(int));

			for (int j = 0; j < Count; ++j) {
				char Val;
				pFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(char));
				pSeq->SetItem(j, Val);
			SetSeqEnable(i, true);
			SetSeqIndex(i, Index);
		else {
			SetSeqEnable(i, false);
			SetSeqIndex(i, 0);

	// Read wave config
	int WaveSize, WavePos, WaveCount;
	pFile->Read(&WaveSize, sizeof(int));
	pFile->Read(&WavePos, sizeof(int));
	pFile->Read(&WaveCount, sizeof(int));

	if (WaveSize <= 0 || WaveSize > 32)
		return false;
	if (WaveCount <= 0 || WaveCount > MAX_WAVE_COUNT)
		return false;


	for (int i = 0; i < WaveCount; ++i) {
		for (int j = 0; j < WaveSize; ++j) {
			char w;
			pFile->Read(&w, sizeof(char));
			SetSample(i, j, w);

	return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Instrument2A03.cpp プロジェクト: Tjoppen/nesicide
bool CInstrument2A03::LoadFile(CFile *pFile, int iVersion, CFamiTrackerDoc *pDoc)
	// Reads an FTI file

	//CFamiTrackerDoc *pDoc = (CFamiTrackerDoc*)theApp.GetFirstDocument();
	char SampleNames[MAX_DSAMPLES][256];
	stSequence OldSequence;

	// Sequences
	unsigned char SeqCount;
	pFile->Read(&SeqCount, sizeof(char));

	// Loop through all instrument effects
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SeqCount; ++i) {

		unsigned char Enabled;
		pFile->Read(&Enabled, sizeof(char));

		if (Enabled == 1) {
			// Read the sequence
			int Count;
			pFile->Read(&Count, sizeof(int));

			if (Count < 0 || Count > MAX_SEQUENCE_ITEMS)
				return false;

			// Find a free sequence
			int Index = pDoc->GetFreeSequence(i);
			CSequence *pSeq = pDoc->GetSequence(Index, i);

			if (iVersion < 20) {
				OldSequence.Count = Count;
				for (int j = 0; j < Count; ++j) {
					pFile->Read(&OldSequence.Length[j], sizeof(char));
					pFile->Read(&OldSequence.Value[j], sizeof(char));
				pDoc->ConvertSequence(&OldSequence, pSeq, i);	// convert
			else {
				int LoopPoint;
				int Setting;
				pFile->Read(&LoopPoint, sizeof(int));
				if (iVersion > 20) {
					int ReleasePoint;
					pFile->Read(&ReleasePoint, sizeof(int));
				if (iVersion >= 23) {
					pFile->Read(&Setting, sizeof(int));
				for (int j = 0; j < Count; ++j) {
					char Val;
					pFile->Read(&Val, sizeof(char));
					pSeq->SetItem(j, Val);
			SetSeqEnable(i, true);
			SetSeqIndex(i, Index);
		else {
			SetSeqEnable(i, false);
			SetSeqIndex(i, 0);

	bool SamplesFound[MAX_DSAMPLES];
	memset(SamplesFound, 0, sizeof(bool) * MAX_DSAMPLES);

	unsigned int Count;
	pFile->Read(&Count, sizeof(int));

	// DPCM instruments
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Count; ++i) {
		unsigned char InstNote;
		pFile->Read(&InstNote, sizeof(char));
		int Octave = InstNote / 12;
		int Note = InstNote % 12;
		unsigned char Sample, Pitch;
		pFile->Read(&Sample, sizeof(char));
		pFile->Read(&Pitch, sizeof(char));
		SetSamplePitch(Octave, Note, Pitch);
		SetSample(Octave, Note, Sample);

	// DPCM samples list
	bool bAssigned[OCTAVE_RANGE][NOTE_RANGE];
	memset(bAssigned, 0, sizeof(bool) * OCTAVE_RANGE * NOTE_RANGE);

	unsigned int SampleCount;
	pFile->Read(&SampleCount, sizeof(int));

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SampleCount; ++i) {
		int Index, Len;
		pFile->Read(&Index, sizeof(int));
		pFile->Read(&Len, sizeof(int));
		if (Index >= MAX_DSAMPLES || Len >= 256)
			return false;
		pFile->Read(SampleNames[Index], Len);
		SampleNames[Index][Len] = 0;
		int Size;
		pFile->Read(&Size, sizeof(int));
		char *SampleData = new char[Size];
		pFile->Read(SampleData, Size);
		bool Found = false;
		for (int j = 0; j < MAX_DSAMPLES; ++j) {
			CDSample *pSample = pDoc->GetDSample(j);
			// Compare size and name to see if identical sample exists
			if (pSample->SampleSize == Size && !strcmp(pSample->Name, SampleNames[Index])) {
				Found = true;
				// Assign sample
				for (int o = 0; o < OCTAVE_RANGE; ++o) {
					for (int n = 0; n < NOTE_RANGE; ++n) {
						if (GetSample(o, n) == (Index + 1) && !bAssigned[o][n]) {
							SetSample(o, n, j + 1);
							bAssigned[o][n] = true;

		if (!Found) {
			// Load sample
			int FreeSample = pDoc->GetFreeDSample();
			if (FreeSample != -1) {
				if ((pDoc->GetTotalSampleSize() + Size) <= MAX_SAMPLE_SPACE) {
					CDSample *Sample = pDoc->GetDSample(FreeSample);
					strcpy(Sample->Name, SampleNames[Index]);
					Sample->SampleSize = Size;
					Sample->SampleData = SampleData;
					// Assign it
					for (int o = 0; o < OCTAVE_RANGE; ++o) {
						for (int n = 0; n < NOTE_RANGE; ++n) {
							if (GetSample(o, n) == (Index + 1) && !bAssigned[o][n]) {
								SetSample(o, n, FreeSample + 1);
								bAssigned[o][n] = true;
				else {
					return false;
			else {
				return false;
		else {

	return true;