コード例 #1
bool GameJoltAPI::ParseOutputString( CStdString inputString, vector<map<CStdString, CStdString>> &returnData )

	map<CStdString, CStdString> resourceData;
	vector<CStdString> parsedLines;
	vector<CStdString>::iterator it;
	CStdString curPiece;
	CStdString curKey;
	CStdString curValue;
	int curPos = 0;

	curPiece = inputString.Tokenize( _T("\n"), curPos );
	while ( curPiece != _T("") )
		parsedLines.push_back( curPiece );
		curPiece = inputString.Tokenize( _T("\n"), curPos );

	if ( parsedLines.size() == 0 )
		m_ErrorMessage += _T("(Could not parse the response.)");
		return false;

	for ( it = parsedLines.begin(); it < parsedLines.end(); it++ )

		curPos = (*it).FindOneOf( _T(":") );
		curKey = (*it).Mid( 0, curPos );
		curValue = (*it).Mid( curPos + 2, (*it).GetLength() - curPos - 4 );
		// If this key is set, then we have looped and have a new resource.
		// Push the data and clear.
		if ( resourceData[curKey] != _T("") )
			returnData.push_back( resourceData );

		resourceData[curKey] = curValue;


	// We do one final push.
	returnData.push_back( resourceData );

	if ( returnData.front()["success"] != _T("true") )
		m_ErrorMessage += _T("(") + returnData.front()["message"] + _T(")");

	// Return it.
	return true;
