コード例 #1
/* static */
void UIApplianceEditorWidget::initSystemSettings()
    if (m_minGuestRAM == -1)
        /* We need some global defaults from the current VirtualBox
           installation */
        CSystemProperties sp = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
        m_minGuestRAM        = sp.GetMinGuestRAM();
        m_maxGuestRAM        = sp.GetMaxGuestRAM();
        m_minGuestCPUCount   = sp.GetMinGuestCPUCount();
        m_maxGuestCPUCount   = sp.GetMaxGuestCPUCount();
コード例 #2
void VBoxGuestRAMSlider::init()
    ulong fullSize = vboxGlobal().host().GetMemorySize();
    CSystemProperties sys = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
    mMinRAM = sys.GetMinGuestRAM();
    mMaxRAM = RT_MIN (RT_ALIGN (fullSize, _1G / _1M), sys.GetMaxGuestRAM());

    /* Come up with some nice round percent boundaries relative to
     * the system memory. A max of 75% on a 256GB config is ridiculous,
     * even on an 8GB rig reserving 2GB for the OS is way to conservative.
     * The max numbers can be estimated using the following program:
     *      double calcMaxPct(uint64_t cbRam)
     *      {
     *          double cbRamOverhead = cbRam * 0.0390625; // 160 bytes per page.
     *          double cbRamForTheOS = RT_MAX(RT_MIN(_512M, cbRam * 0.25), _64M);
     *          double OSPct  = (cbRamOverhead + cbRamForTheOS) * 100.0 / cbRam;
     *          double MaxPct = 100 - OSPct;
     *          return MaxPct;
     *      }
     *      int main()
     *      {
     *          uint64_t cbRam = _1G;
     *          for (; !(cbRam >> 33); cbRam += _1G)
     *              printf("%8lluGB %.1f%% %8lluKB\n", cbRam >> 30, calcMaxPct(cbRam),
     *                     (uint64_t)(cbRam * calcMaxPct(cbRam) / 100.0) >> 20);
     *          for (; !(cbRam >> 51); cbRam <<= 1)
     *              printf("%8lluGB %.1f%% %8lluKB\n", cbRam >> 30, calcMaxPct(cbRam),
     *                     (uint64_t)(cbRam * calcMaxPct(cbRam) / 100.0) >> 20);
     *          return 0;
     *      }
     * Note. We might wanna put these calculations somewhere global later. */

    /* System RAM amount test */
    mMaxRAMAlw  = (uint)(0.75 * fullSize);
    mMaxRAMOpt  = (uint)(0.50 * fullSize);
    if (fullSize < 3072)
        /* done */;
    else if (fullSize < 4096)   /* 3GB */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.80 * fullSize);
    else if (fullSize < 6144)   /* 4-5GB */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.84 * fullSize);
        mMaxRAMOpt = (uint)(0.60 * fullSize);
    else if (fullSize < 8192)   /* 6-7GB */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.88 * fullSize);
        mMaxRAMOpt = (uint)(0.65 * fullSize);
    else if (fullSize < 16384)  /* 8-15GB */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.90 * fullSize);
        mMaxRAMOpt = (uint)(0.70 * fullSize);
    else if (fullSize < 32768)  /* 16-31GB */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.93 * fullSize);
        mMaxRAMOpt = (uint)(0.75 * fullSize);
    else if (fullSize < 65536)  /* 32-63GB */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.94 * fullSize);
        mMaxRAMOpt = (uint)(0.80 * fullSize);
    else if (fullSize < 131072) /* 64-127GB */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.95 * fullSize);
        mMaxRAMOpt = (uint)(0.85 * fullSize);
    else                        /* 128GB- */
        mMaxRAMAlw = (uint)(0.96 * fullSize);
        mMaxRAMOpt = (uint)(0.90 * fullSize);
    /* Now check the calculated maximums are out of the range for the guest
     * RAM. If so change it accordingly. */
    mMaxRAMAlw  = RT_MIN (mMaxRAMAlw, mMaxRAM);
    mMaxRAMOpt  = RT_MIN (mMaxRAMOpt, mMaxRAM);

    setPageStep (calcPageStep (mMaxRAM));
    setSingleStep (pageStep() / 4);
    setTickInterval (pageStep());
    /* Setup the scale so that ticks are at page step boundaries */
    setMinimum ((mMinRAM / pageStep()) * pageStep());
    setMaximum (mMaxRAM);
    setSnappingEnabled (true);
    setOptimalHint (mMinRAM, mMaxRAMOpt);
    setWarningHint (mMaxRAMOpt, mMaxRAMAlw);
    setErrorHint (mMaxRAMAlw, mMaxRAM);