コード例 #1
ファイル: Language.cpp プロジェクト: joshlong/libcd
void CLanguage::EncodeTab( CUString& strModify ) const
    int nPos;

    while ( ( nPos = strModify.Find( _W( "\t" ) ) ) >= 0 )
        strModify = strModify.Left( nPos ) + _W( "\\t" ) + strModify.Right( strModify.GetLength() - nPos -1 );
    while ( ( nPos = strModify.Find( _W( "\n" ) ) ) >= 0 )
        strModify = strModify.Left( nPos ) + _W( "\\n" ) + strModify.Right( strModify.GetLength() - nPos -1 );
    while ( ( nPos = strModify.Find( _W( "\r" ) ) ) >= 0 )
        strModify = strModify.Left( nPos ) + _W( "\\r" ) + strModify.Right( strModify.GetLength() - nPos -1 );
コード例 #2
ファイル: OpenFileDlg.cpp プロジェクト: IMSoP/CDex
void COpenFileDlg::AddRecursiveFiles( const CUString& strDir,int nItem )
	CFileFind	fileFind;
	CUString		pathAndFileType = strDir + CUString( _W( "\\*.*" ));

    CUStringConvert strCnv;

	// Iterate through the items in the listbox and populate the listconrol.
	if (fileFind.FindFile( strCnv.ToT( pathAndFileType ) ) )
			CUString strFileName = CUString( fileFind.GetFileName() );
			CUString strFileRoot = CUString( fileFind.GetRoot() );
			CUString strFileType;

			if (	TRUE == fileFind.IsDirectory() && 
					FALSE == fileFind.IsDots() &&
					TRUE == m_bRecursiveDir )
				AddRecursiveFiles( strDir + CUString( _W( "\\" ) ) + strFileName, nItem );

			if (fileFind.IsDirectory()==FALSE && fileFind.IsDots()==FALSE)
				int nPos=strFileName.ReverseFind( _T( '.' ) );

				if (nPos>0)
					CUString strExt;
					strExt = strFileName.Right(strFileName.GetLength()-nPos-1);

					strFileType = strExt;


					if ( CompareExt( strExt ) == TRUE )
						CUString strFileSize;
						CUString strFileDate;
						CTime	fileTime;

						// Get the data/time stamp of this file
						fileFind.GetLastWriteTime( fileTime );

						// Format date time string
						strFileDate.Format( _W( "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d" ), fileTime.GetYear(), fileTime.GetMonth(), fileTime.GetDay(), fileTime.GetHour(), fileTime.GetMinute() );

						strFileSize.Format( _W( "%10.2f" ), fileFind.GetLength() / ( 1024.0 * 1024.0 ) );

                        CUStringConvert strCnv;

						m_ctrlRequestedFiles.InsertItem( nItem, strCnv.ToT( strFileName ));

						m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_TYPE, strCnv.ToT( strFileType ) );

						m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_DATE ,strCnv.ToT( strFileDate ) );

						m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_PATH, strCnv.ToT( strFileRoot ) );

						m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_SIZE, strCnv.ToT( strFileSize ) );

						m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemData( nItem, (DWORD)fileTime.GetTime() );

		} while (bStop!=TRUE);

コード例 #3
ファイル: ISndStreamWinAmp.cpp プロジェクト: IMSoP/CDex
BOOL ISndStreamWinAmp::OpenStream( const CUString& strFileName )

	DWORD		i = 0;
	BOOL	bFound = FALSE;

	LTRACE2( _T( "ISndStreamWinAmp::OpenStream( %s )" ), strFileName );

	int nPos = 0;

	CUString strExt( _T( "wav" ) );

	g_bFinished = FALSE;
	g_bInitialized = FALSE;
	g_bOutOpened = FALSE;


	FlushFIFO( );

	nPos = strFileName.ReverseFind('.');

	if ( nPos >= 0  )
		strExt = strFileName.Right( strFileName.GetLength() - nPos - 1  );

	// Set the buffer size
	SetBufferSize( 9000 );

	SetFileName( strFileName );

	int nRet = 0;
	// loop through the available plugings 

	for ( i=0; i < gs_vWinAmpProps.size(); i++ )
		m_WinAmpProp = gs_vWinAmpProps[i];

//		m_WinAmpProp.pModule->Init( );

		// check if the module can handle the file format
		if ( ( nRet = m_WinAmpProp.pModule->IsOurFile( (LPSTR)GetDosFileName( strFileName ) ) ) )
			bFound = TRUE;
		if ( ( 0 == strExt.CompareNoCase( _T( "flac" ) ) ) && ( 0 == strExt.CompareNoCase(  m_WinAmpProp.strExt ) ) )
			bFound = TRUE;
		CUString strPluginExt( m_WinAmpProp.pModule->FileExtensions, CP_UTF8 );

		// check first on extention
		if ( strPluginExt.Find( strExt ) >=0 )
			bFound = TRUE;

//		m_WinAmpProp.pModule->Quit( );

	if ( !bFound ) 
		LTRACE2( _T( "ISndStreamWinAmp::OpenStream Failed, no proper plugin found!" ) );
		return FALSE;

	if (   0 == m_WinAmpProp.pModule->UsesOutputPlug ) 
		LTRACE2( _T( "ISndStreamWinAmp::OpenStream; Failed, does not use Output Plugin " ) );
		return FALSE;

	LTRACE2( _T( "ISndStreamWinAmp::OpenStream found proper plugin ( %s )" ) , m_WinAmpProp.pModule->description );

	// setup proper function calls
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->SetInfo = SetInfo;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->SAAddPCMData = SAAddPCMData;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->SAGetMode = SAGetMode;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->SAAdd = SAAdd;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->VSAAddPCMData = VSAAddPCMData;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->VSAGetMode = VSAGetMode;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->VSAAdd = VSAAdd;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->VSASetInfo = VSASetInfo;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->dsp_isactive = dsp_isactive;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->dsp_dosamples = dsp_dosamples;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->EQSet = EQSet;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->SAVSADeInit = WMIN_SAVSADeInit;
	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->SAVSAInit = WMIN_SAVSAInit;

	m_WinAmpProp.pModule->outMod = &g_OutModule;

	g_OutModule.version = OUT_VER;
	g_OutModule.description = g_lpszOutModuleName;
	g_OutModule.id = 33;

	g_OutModule.Config = OutConfig;
	g_OutModule.About = OutAbout;

	g_OutModule.Init = OutInit;
	g_OutModule.Quit = OutQuit;
	g_OutModule.Open = OutOpen;
	g_OutModule.Close = OutClose;
	g_OutModule.Write = OutWrite;
	g_OutModule.CanWrite = OutCanWrite;
	g_OutModule.IsPlaying = OutIsPlaying;
	g_OutModule.Pause = OutPause;
	g_OutModule.SetVolume = OutSetVolume;
	g_OutModule.SetPan = OutSetPan;
	g_OutModule.Flush = OutFlush;
	g_OutModule.GetOutputTime = OutGetOutputTime;
	g_OutModule.GetWrittenTime = OutGetWrittenTime;

	SetChannels( 2 );
	SetSampleRate( 44100 );
	SetBitRate( 176000 * 8 );
//	m_dwSamples=wfInfo.samples;

	m_dwTotalFileSize = 1000;
	m_dwCurrentFilePos = 0;

	// start the decoding thread
	if ( 0 != m_WinAmpProp.pModule->Play( (LPSTR)GetDosFileName( strFileName ) ) )
		return FALSE;

	// Wait till output device has been opened by the
	// input plugin
	while ( FALSE == g_bOutOpened )
		::Sleep( 5 );

	SetChannels( g_nNumChannels );
	SetSampleRate( g_nOutSampleRate );
	SetBitRate( g_nBitRate );

	g_bInitialized = TRUE;

	// return Success
	return TRUE;