コード例 #1
ファイル: intersection.cpp プロジェクト: andreaswatch/dizuo
//  returns true if line (L1, L2) intersects with triangle( PV1, PV2, PV3 )
//  The point of intersection is returned in HitP
bool CheckLineTri( const CVec3 &L1, const CVec3 &L2, const CVec3 &PV1, const CVec3 &PV2, const CVec3 &PV3, CVec3 &HitP )
CVec3 VIntersect;

// Find Triangle Normal, would be quicker to have these computed already
CVec3 VNorm;
VNorm = ( PV2 - PV1 ).CrossProduct( PV3 - PV1 );

// Find distance from L1 and L2 to the plane defined by the triangle
float fDst1 = (L1-PV1).Dot( VNorm );
float fDst2 = (L2-PV1).Dot( VNorm );

if ( (fDst1 * fDst2) >= 0.0f) return false;  // line doesn't cross the triangle.
if ( fDst1 == fDst2) {return false;} // line and plane are parallel

// Find point on the line that intersects with the plane
VIntersect = L1 + (L2-L1) * ( -fDst1/(fDst2-fDst1) );

// Find if the interesection point lies inside the triangle by testing it against all edges
CVec3 VTest;
VTest = VNorm.CrossProduct( PV2-PV1 );
if ( VTest.Dot( VIntersect-PV1 ) < 0.0f ) return false;
VTest = VNorm.CrossProduct( PV3-PV2 );
if ( VTest.Dot( VIntersect-PV2 ) < 0.0f ) return false;
VTest = VNorm.CrossProduct( PV1-PV3 );
if ( VTest.Dot( VIntersect-PV1 ) < 0.0f ) return false;

HitP = VIntersect;

return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AI_GalakMech.cpp プロジェクト: matthewvdz/joja
void	Pilot_Steer_Vehicle()
	if (!NPC->enemy || !NPC->enemy->client)

	// Setup Actor Data
	CVec3		ActorPos(NPC->currentOrigin);
	CVec3		ActorAngles(NPC->currentAngles);
				ActorAngles[2]	= 0;
	Vehicle_t*	ActorVeh		= NPCInfo->greetEnt->m_pVehicle;
	bool		ActorInTurbo	= (ActorVeh->m_iTurboTime>level.time);
	float		ActorSpeed		= (ActorVeh)?(VectorLength(ActorVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.velocity)):(NPC->client->ps.speed);

	// If my vehicle is spinning out of control, just hold on, we're going to die!!!!!
	if (ActorVeh && (ActorVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_OUTOFCONTROL))
		if (NPC->client->ps.weapon!=WP_NONE)
		ucmd.buttons	&=~BUTTON_ATTACK;
		ucmd.buttons	&=~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;

	CVec3		ActorDirection;
				AngleVectors(ActorAngles.v, ActorDirection.v, 0, 0);

	CVec3		ActorFuturePos(ActorPos);
				ActorFuturePos.ScaleAdd(ActorDirection, FUTURE_PRED_DIST);

	bool		ActorDoTurbo	= false;
	bool		ActorAccelerate	= false;
	bool		ActorAimAtTarget= true;
	float		ActorYawOffset	= 0.0f;

	// Setup Enemy Data
	CVec3		EnemyPos(NPC->enemy->currentOrigin);
	CVec3		EnemyAngles(NPC->enemy->currentAngles);
				EnemyAngles[2]	= 0;
	Vehicle_t*	EnemyVeh		= (NPC->enemy->s.m_iVehicleNum)?(g_entities[NPC->enemy->s.m_iVehicleNum].m_pVehicle):(0);
	bool		EnemyInTurbo	= (EnemyVeh && EnemyVeh->m_iTurboTime>level.time);
	float		EnemySpeed		= (EnemyVeh)?(EnemyVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.speed):(NPC->enemy->resultspeed);
	bool		EnemySlideBreak	= (EnemyVeh && (EnemyVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_SLIDEBREAKING || EnemyVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_STRAFERAM));
	bool		EnemyDead		= (NPC->enemy->health<=0);

	bool		ActorFlank		= (NPCInfo->lastAvoidSteerSideDebouncer>level.time && EnemyVeh && EnemySpeed>10.0f);

	CVec3		EnemyDirection;
	CVec3		EnemyRight;
				AngleVectors(EnemyAngles.v, EnemyDirection.v, EnemyRight.v, 0);

	CVec3		EnemyFuturePos(EnemyPos);
				EnemyFuturePos.ScaleAdd(EnemyDirection, FUTURE_PRED_DIST);

	ESide		EnemySide		= ActorPos.LRTest(EnemyPos, EnemyFuturePos);
	CVec3		EnemyFlankPos(EnemyFuturePos);
				EnemyFlankPos.ScaleAdd(EnemyRight, (EnemySide==Side_Right)?(FUTURE_SIDE_DIST):(-FUTURE_SIDE_DIST));

	// Debug Draw Enemy Data
	if (false)
		CG_DrawEdge(EnemyPos.v,			EnemyFuturePos.v, EDGE_IMPACT_SAFE);
		CG_DrawEdge(EnemyFuturePos.v,	EnemyFlankPos.v, EDGE_IMPACT_SAFE);

	// Setup Move And Aim Directions
	CVec3		MoveDirection((ActorFlank)?(EnemyFlankPos):(EnemyFuturePos));
				MoveDirection	-= ActorPos;
	float		MoveDistance	= MoveDirection.SafeNorm();
	float		MoveAccuracy	= MoveDirection.Dot(ActorDirection);

	CVec3		AimDirection(EnemyPos);
				AimDirection	-= ActorPos;
	float		AimDistance		= AimDirection.SafeNorm();
	float		AimAccuracy		= AimDirection.Dot(ActorDirection);

	if (!ActorFlank && TIMER_Done(NPC, "FlankAttackCheck"))
		TIMER_Set(NPC, "FlankAttackCheck", Q_irand(1000, 3000));
		if (MoveDistance<4000 && Q_irand(0, 1)==0)
			NPCInfo->lastAvoidSteerSideDebouncer	= level.time + Q_irand(8000, 14000);

	// Fly By Sounds
	if ((ActorVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundFlyBy || ActorVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundFlyBy2) &&
		EnemyVeh &&
		MoveDistance<800 &&
		ActorSpeed>500.0f &&
		TIMER_Done(NPC, "FlybySoundDebouncer")
		if (EnemySpeed<100.0f || (ActorDirection.Dot(EnemyDirection)*(MoveDistance/800.0f))<-0.5f)
			TIMER_Set(NPC, "FlybySoundDebouncer", 2000);
			int soundFlyBy = ActorVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundFlyBy;
			if (ActorVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundFlyBy2 && (!soundFlyBy || !Q_irand(0,1)))
				soundFlyBy = ActorVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundFlyBy2;
			G_Sound(ActorVeh->m_pParentEntity, soundFlyBy);		

 	if (EnemySlideBreak || !TIMER_Done(NPC, "MinHoldDirectionTime"))
		if (TIMER_Done(NPC, "MinHoldDirectionTime"))
			TIMER_Set(NPC, "MinHoldDirectionTime", 500);	// Hold For At Least 500 ms
		ActorAccelerate		= true;							// Go
		ActorAimAtTarget	= false;						// Don't Alter Our Aim Direction
		ucmd.buttons		&=~BUTTON_VEH_SPEED;			// Let Normal Vehicle Controls Go

	else if (ActorFlank)
  		ActorAccelerate	= true;
		ActorDoTurbo	= (MoveDistance>2500 || EnemyInTurbo);
		ucmd.buttons	|= BUTTON_VEH_SPEED;			// Tells PMove to use the ps.speed we calculate here, not the one from g_vehicles.c

		// For Flanking, We Calculate The Speed By Hand, Rather Than Using Pure Accelerate / No Accelerate Functionality
		NPC->client->ps.speed = ActorVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax * ((ActorInTurbo)?(1.35f):(1.15f));

		// If In Slowing Distance, Scale Down The Speed As We Approach Our Move Target
		if (MoveDistance<ATTACK_FLANK_SLOWING)
			NPC->client->ps.speed *= (MoveDistance/ATTACK_FLANK_SLOWING);
			NPC->client->ps.speed += EnemySpeed;

			// Match Enemy Speed
			if (NPC->client->ps.speed<5.0f && EnemySpeed<5.0f)
				NPC->client->ps.speed = EnemySpeed;

			// Extra Slow Down When Out In Front
 			if  (MoveAccuracy<0.0f)
				NPC->client->ps.speed *= (MoveAccuracy + 1.0f);

			MoveDirection	*=        (MoveDistance/ATTACK_FLANK_SLOWING);
			EnemyDirection	*= 1.0f - (MoveDistance/ATTACK_FLANK_SLOWING);
			MoveDirection	+= EnemyDirection;

			if (TIMER_Done(NPC, "RamCheck"))
				TIMER_Set(NPC, "RamCheck", Q_irand(1000, 3000));
				if (MoveDistance<RAM_DIST && Q_irand(0, 2)==0)
					VEH_StartStrafeRam(ActorVeh, (EnemySide==Side_Left));

		if (!EnemyVeh && AimAccuracy>0.99f && MoveDistance<500 && !EnemyDead)
			ActorAccelerate = true;
			ActorDoTurbo	= false;
			ActorAccelerate = ((MoveDistance>500 && EnemySpeed>20.0f) || MoveDistance>1000);
			ActorDoTurbo	= (MoveDistance>3000 && EnemySpeed>20.0f);
		ucmd.buttons	&=~BUTTON_VEH_SPEED;

	// Decide Turbo
	if (ActorDoTurbo || ActorInTurbo)
		ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
		ucmd.buttons &=~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;

	// Decide Acceleration
	ucmd.forwardmove = (ActorAccelerate)?(127):(0);

	// Decide To Shoot
	ucmd.buttons	&=~BUTTON_ATTACK;
	ucmd.rightmove	= 0;
 	if (AimDistance<2000 && !EnemyDead)
		// If Doing A Ram Attack
		if (ActorYawOffset!=0)
			if (NPC->client->ps.weapon!=WP_NONE)
			ucmd.buttons	&=~BUTTON_ATTACK;
 		else if (AimAccuracy>ATTACK_FWD)
			if (NPC->client->ps.weapon!=WP_NONE)
			ucmd.buttons	|= BUTTON_ATTACK;
		else if (AimAccuracy<AIM_SIDE && AimAccuracy>-AIM_SIDE)
			if (NPC->client->ps.weapon!=WP_BLASTER)

			if (AimAccuracy<ATTACK_SIDE && AimAccuracy>-ATTACK_SIDE)
				//if (!TIMER_Done(NPC, "RiderAltAttack"))
				//	ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
                    ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK;

			/*		if (TIMER_Done(NPC, "RiderAltAttackCheck"))
						TIMER_Set(NPC, "RiderAltAttackCheck", Q_irand(1000, 3000));
						if (Q_irand(0, 2)==0)
							TIMER_Set(NPC, "RiderAltAttack", 300);
			ucmd.rightmove = (EnemySide==Side_Left)?( 127):(-127);
			if (NPC->client->ps.weapon!=WP_NONE)
		if (NPC->client->ps.weapon!=WP_NONE)

	// Aim At Target
	if (ActorAimAtTarget)
		NPCInfo->desiredPitch	= AngleNormalize360(MoveDirection[PITCH]);
		NPCInfo->desiredYaw		= AngleNormalize360(MoveDirection[YAW] + ActorYawOffset);
	NPC_UpdateAngles(qtrue, qtrue);
コード例 #3
ファイル: McBspTR.cpp プロジェクト: zhvirus/zhangtina
//		_Direct_lighting
// Calculate the radiance directly come from light sources
CCol4 CMcBspTR::_Direct_lighting (const CVec3 &vPos, const CVec3 &vNml,
								  const CVec3 &vView, const CVec3 &vTex,
								  int PID)
	int l;
	TBspRay ray;
	TBspCross crs;
	CBspMaterial *pm;
	CCol4 cRsl = COLOR_BLACK;

	pm = &m_pMaterials[m_pTriangles[PID].GetMaterialID()];

	if (m_bDirectionalLight)
		ray.vOrg = vPos;
		ray.vDir = m_vLightDir;
		ray.vEnd = ray.vOrg + ray.vDir * m_fSceneSize;

		if (ray.vDir.Dot(vNml) < 0.f)	return cRsl;

		int PID2 = PID;
		if (_RayTreeIntersect (ray, crs, PID2))
			if (!_Is_light_patch(PID2)) return cRsl;
			cRsl =  G_theSahder.PhongShading (m_cLightColor, ray.vDir,
				vView*(-1), vPos, vNml, vTex.at(0), vTex.at(1), pm);
		return cRsl;

	for (l = 0; l < m_nLigPatches; l ++)
		// construct a ray point to a random point on the selected light patch
		CBspTriangle *tri = &m_pTriangles[m_tpLigPatches[l].nTID];
		ray.vEnd = tri->Random_point_on_the_triangle();
		ray.vOrg = vPos;
		ray.vDir = ray.vEnd - vPos;
		ray.vEnd += ray.vDir; // extend the ray a little bit

		// If the patch does not facing the light patch or the light patch dose
		// not facing the patch, return black;
		if (ray.vDir.Dot(vNml) < 0.f) continue;
		float fDirectionalScale = m_tpLigPatches[l].vNml.Dot(ray.vDir);
		if (fDirectionalScale > 0.f) continue;
		else fDirectionalScale = -fDirectionalScale;

		// Check if the light is occluded by another patch
		// Calculate the shading by phong model if is lit
		int PID2 = PID;
		if (_RayTreeIntersect (ray, crs, PID2))
			if (PID2 == m_tpLigPatches[l].nTID)
				// Calculate the lighting intensity according to the the
				// distance and the intensity of the light patch.
				CVec3 vTemp = crs.vPos - vPos;
				//float fTemp = vTemp.Dot(vTemp) * 4 * PI;
				float fTemp = vTemp.Dot(vTemp) * PI;
				CCol4 cIntensity =
					m_tpLigPatches[l].cEnergy * fDirectionalScale / fTemp;

				// Shading computation by Phong model.
				cRsl += G_theSahder.PhongShading (cIntensity, ray.vDir,
					vView*(-1), vPos, vNml, vTex[0], vTex[1], pm);

	return cRsl;