コード例 #1
void UpdateSelection ()
	// Get the tools window
	CToolsLogic *toolWnd = dynamic_cast<CToolsLogic*>(getMainFrame ()->m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1));

	// Selection is changed ?
	bool selectionChanged = false;

	// For each modified primitive 
	CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
	std::list<NLLIGO::IPrimitive*>::iterator ite = ModifiedPrimitive.begin ();
	while (ite != ModifiedPrimitive.end ())
		CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
		doc->getLocator (locator, *ite);
		IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (*ite);

		// Selection ?
		if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & _SelectionSelectState)
			// Update the selection
			UpdatePrimitiveSelection (primitiveEditor, locator, selectionChanged);

			// Validate
			primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~_SelectionSelectState;

		// Next primitive to update

	/*// Change dialog selection ?
	if (selectionChanged)
		PropertyDialog.changeSelection (Selection);
コード例 #2
void UpdatePrimitives ()
	// Get the tools window
	CMainFrame *mainWnd = getMainFrame ();
	if (mainWnd)
		CToolsLogic *toolWnd = dynamic_cast<CToolsLogic*>(getMainFrame ()->m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1));

		// Sort the list
		static vector<CDatabaseLocatorPointer>	toSort;
		toSort.clear ();

		CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
		std::list<NLLIGO::IPrimitive*>::iterator ite = ModifiedPrimitive.begin ();
		while (ite != ModifiedPrimitive.end ())
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, *ite);
			toSort.push_back (locator);
		sort (toSort.begin (), toSort.end ());

		// For each modified primitive 
		sint i;
		sint count = (sint)toSort.size ();
		for (i=count-1; i>=0; i--)
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, toSort[i].Primitive);
			IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(toSort[i].Primitive));

			// Logic tree structure modified ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeStruct)
				// Remove from the tree
				primitiveEditor->removeFromLogicTree ();

		// Selection is changed ?
		bool selectionChanged = false;

		// For each modified primitive 
		for (i=0; i<count; i++)
			const IPrimitive *primitive = toSort[i].Primitive;
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, primitive);
			IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(primitive));

			// Quad grid ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & QuadTree)
				// Remove from the container
				primitiveEditor->removeFromQuadGrid ();

				// Num points
				uint pointCount = (primitive)->getNumVector ();
				if (pointCount > 0)
					// Point pointer
					const CPrimVector *points = (primitive)->getPrimVector ();

					// BBox
					CAABBox	bbox;
					bbox.setCenter (points[0]);

					// Extend the bbox
					uint j;
					for (j=1; j<pointCount; j++)
						bbox.extend (points[j]);

					// Insert in the quadtree
					primitiveEditor->_QuadIterator = PrimitiveQuadGrid.insert (bbox.getMin (), bbox.getMax (), const_cast<IPrimitive*> (primitive));

					// Get the linked primitives
					const IPrimitive* linkedPrimitive = theApp.Config.getLinkedPrimitive (*primitive);

					// Is this primitive linked with another one ?
					if (linkedPrimitive)
						IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditorLinked = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(linkedPrimitive));
						if (linkedPrimitive->getNumVector () > 0)
							bbox.setCenter (points[0]);
							bbox.extend (linkedPrimitive->getPrimVector ()[0]);

							// Insert in the quadtree
							primitiveEditor->_QuadIteratorLink = PrimitiveQuadGrid.insert (bbox.getMin (), bbox.getMax (), CQuadGridEntry 
								(const_cast<IPrimitive*> (primitive), const_cast<IPrimitive*> (linkedPrimitive)));

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~QuadTree;

			// Logic tree structure ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeStruct)
				// Add the primitive
				AddPrimitivesLogicTree (locator, primitiveEditor, toolWnd);

				// The flag is validated by AddPrimitivesLogicTree

			// Logic tree parameters ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeParam)
				// Update tree item parameters
				if (toolWnd)
					toolWnd->updatePrimitive (primitiveEditor->_TreeItem, locator);

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~LogicTreeParam;

			// Selection ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & _SelectionSelectState)
				// Update the selection
				UpdatePrimitiveSelection (primitiveEditor, locator, selectionChanged);

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~_SelectionSelectState;

			// Remove from the modified list
			nlassert (primitiveEditor->_Channels == 0);
			ModifiedPrimitive.erase (primitiveEditor->_ModifiedIterator);
			primitiveEditor->_ModifiedIterator = ModifiedPrimitive.end ();

		/*// Change dialog selection ?
		if (selectionChanged)
			if ( pDlg )
				pDlg->changeSelection (Selection);
		nlassert (ModifiedPrimitive.size ()==0);