void DocXDocumentStore::GetDocumentTexts(const CStdString& sFileName, std::vector<std::string>& vDocumentTexts) const { vDocumentTexts.clear(); CZipArchive zipArchive; zipArchive.Open(sFileName, CZipArchive::zipOpenReadOnly); if( !zipArchive.IsClosed() ) { CZipWordArray ar; zipArchive.FindMatches( L"word\\\\*.xml", ar ); for( int uIndex = 0; uIndex < ar.GetSize(); uIndex++ ) { CZipFileHeader fhInfo; if( zipArchive.GetFileInfo( fhInfo, ar[uIndex] ) ) { const CZipString fileName( fhInfo.GetFileName() ); if( fileName.find_first_of( '\\' ) == fileName.find_last_of( '\\' ) ) { C2007DocFile mf; zipArchive.ExtractFile( ar[uIndex], mf ); const CStdStringA sDocText = mf.GetWTInnerText(); if( sDocText.size() > 0 ) vDocumentTexts.push_back( sDocText ); } } } zipArchive.Flush(); zipArchive.Close(); } }
DWORD WINAPI zipCompress(LPVOID lpParam){ _filename = COMPRESS_PREPARING; sTime = time(NULL); CZipArchive zip; vector<__int64>filesize; _size_all = 1; /*char b[123]; sprintf(b, "%d", spanSize); MessageBox(0, b, "", 0);*/ if(spanSize == 0) zip.Open(archive_name, CZipArchive::OpenMode::zipCreate); else zip.Open(archive_name, CZipArchive::OpenMode::zipCreateSpan, spanSize); zip.SetPassword(passwd); //zip.SetAutoFlush(); _filename = COMPRESS_GETTING_FILE_SIZES; for (int i=0; i<int(filename.size()); ++i) { FILE* f=fopen(filename[i].c_str(), "rb"); if(f){ _fseeki64(f, 0LL, SEEK_END); filesize.push_back(_ftelli64(f)); _size_all += _ftelli64(f); fclose(f); } } for(int i=0;i<filename.size();i++){ _filename = filename[i]; //zip.AddNewFile(filename[i].c_str(), MEM); zip.AddNewFile(filename[i].c_str(), filename[i].c_str(), MEM); _done_all += filesize[i]; CZipFileHeader fhInfo; zip.GetFileInfo(fhInfo, i); _compressed += fhInfo.GetEffComprSize() + fhInfo.GetSize() + fhInfo.GetExtraFieldSize(); } zip.Close(); /*FILE *f = fopen(archive_name, "rb"); if(f){ _fseeki64(f, 0LL, SEEK_END); _compressed = _ftelli64(f); fclose(f); }*/ if(sfx_arch){ //do³¹czamy modu³ sfx _filename = COMPRESS_ADDING_SFX_MOD; /*archive_name[strlen(archive_name)-3] = '\0'; sprintf(archive_name, "%sexe", archive_name);*/ //odczytujemy œcie¿kê do modu³u HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess(); HMODULE hMod; DWORD cbNeeded; char processName[MAX_PATH]; EnumProcessModules(hProc, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded); GetModuleFileNameEx(hProc, hMod, processName, MAX_PATH); for(int i=strlen(processName)-1;i>=0;i--){ if(processName[i] == '\\' || processName[i] == '/'){ processName[i+1] = '\0'; sprintf(processName, "%skgb_arch_sfx_zip.mod", processName); break; } } FILE *sfx = fopen(processName, "rb"); //MessageBox(0, "", "", 0); if(sfx == NULL){ MessageBox(0, "An internal error has occured, please reinstall KGB Archiver!", "KGB Archiver", 0); _fcloseall(); DeleteFile(archive_name); return false; } //MessageBox(0, archive_name, "", 0); FILE *archive = fopen(archive_name, "rb"); if(archive == NULL){ _fcloseall(); return false; } //MessageBox(0, "", "", 0); archive_name[strlen(archive_name)-3] = '\0'; sprintf(archive_name, "%sexe", archive_name); //MessageBox(0, archive_name, "", 0); FILE *archive_sfx = fopen(archive_name, "wb"); if(archive_sfx == NULL){ _fcloseall(); return false; } //MessageBox(0, "2", "", 0); int count=0; char buffer[65536]; while(!feof(sfx)){ count = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), sfx); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), count, archive_sfx); } while(!feof(archive)){ count = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), archive); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), count, archive_sfx); } fclose(archive); fclose(sfx); fclose(archive_sfx); archive_name[strlen(archive_name)-3] = '\0'; sprintf(archive_name, "%szip", archive_name); DeleteFile(archive_name); } _done_all++; return true; }
bool CSimpleZip::Extract( const void* src, const unsigned int& srcSize, void* dst, unsigned int& dstSize, std::string& szErrmsg) { if ( NULL==src ) { szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: Invalid source."; return false; } bool bRet = false; CZipMemFile mfIn; CZipMemFile mfOut; CZipArchive zip; CZipFileHeader fhInfo; try { mfIn.Write(src, srcSize); zip.Open(mfIn, CZipArchive::zipOpen); if ( !zip.GetFileInfo(fhInfo, 0) ) { szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: Failed to GetFileInfo"; zip.Close(); return false; } if ( NULL==dst || dstSize<fhInfo.m_uUncomprSize ) { dstSize = fhInfo.m_uUncomprSize; szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: The size of destination buffer is too small."; return false; } mfOut.SetLength( fhInfo.m_uUncomprSize ); ((CZipAbstractFile*)&mfOut)->SeekToBegin(); // may be needed when mfOut was used previously if ( !zip.ExtractFile(0, mfOut) ) { szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: Failed to ExtractFile"; zip.Close(); return false; } zip.Close(); BYTE* b = mfOut.Detach(); //int nLen = (int)mfOut.GetLength(); // this is an error length value memcpy_s(dst, dstSize, b, fhInfo.m_uUncomprSize); dstSize = fhInfo.m_uUncomprSize; free(b); bRet = true; } catch(CZipException& e) { if (!zip.IsClosed()) zip.Close(); szErrmsg = e.GetErrorDescription().c_str(); } catch(...) { if (!zip.IsClosed()) zip.Close(); szErrmsg = "CSimpleZip: Failed to Extract, catch exception."; } return bRet; }
void WorkerThread::runUnzip() { emit(beginRunUnzip()); emit(stageEvent("Extracting and merging game data")); emit(infoEvent("Unzipping original game files")); CZipArchive zip; try { zip.Open(m_gameFileName.toStdString().c_str(), CZipArchive::zipOpenReadOnly); ZIP_SIZE_TYPE totalSize = 0; for(ZIP_INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < zip.GetCount(); i++) { totalSize += zip.GetFileInfo(i)->m_uUncomprSize; // uncompressed size QString name = QString::fromUtf8(zip.GetFileInfo(i)->GetFileName()); if(!validName(name)) { emit(errorEvent("Game pack contains illegal file names (e.g. " + name + ")")); emit(infoEvent("A near future release of WHDRun will fix this problem, sorry for the inconvenience")); m_die = true; return; } } emit(unzipTotalSize(totalSize)); ZIP_SIZE_TYPE progress = 0; for(ZIP_INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < zip.GetCount(); i++) { progress += zip.GetFileInfo(i)->m_uUncomprSize; zip.ExtractFile(i, m_tempPath.toUtf8()); emit(unzipProgress(progress)); } zip.Close(); } catch(CZipException ex) { zip.Close(CZipArchive::afAfterException); emit(errorEvent(QString("Error while unzipping: %1").arg((LPCTSTR)ex.GetErrorDescription()))); m_die = true; // no need to rezip return; } emit(infoEvent("Collecting checksums of unmodified files")); emit(beginCollect()); m_checksums.clear(); collectFiles(m_tempPath, &m_checksums); // TODO: progress for this? (should always be quick) QString gameFileBase = QFileInfo(m_gameFileName).baseName(); QString diffFileName = m_dataPath + "/" + gameFileBase + __WHDRun__DiffSuffix; if(QFileInfo(diffFileName).exists()) { emit(infoEvent("Merging original game files with previously modified files")); CZipArchive zip; try { zip.Open(diffFileName.toUtf8(), CZipArchive::zipOpenReadOnly); //TODO: progress infoEvent for this? (should always be quick) for (ZIP_INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < zip.GetCount(); i++) { zip.ExtractFile(i, m_tempPath.toUtf8()); } zip.Close(); } catch(CZipException ex) { zip.Close(CZipArchive::afAfterException); emit(errorEvent(QString("Error while unzipping changes: %1").arg((LPCTSTR)ex.GetErrorDescription()))); m_die = true; // no need to rezip return; } } emit(endRunUnzip()); }
DWORD ProgressDialog::UpgradeAsync() { typedef std::list<CString> BackupFiles; CZipArchive ar; if (!ar.Open(upgradeFilePath_)) { ::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_UPGRADE_DONE, FALSE, 0); return 0; } bool copySuccess = true; TCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; BackupFiles backupFiles; WORD fileCount = ar.GetCount(); for (WORD i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { CZipFileHeader *fileInfo = ar.GetFileInfo(i); if (fileInfo->IsDirectory()) { continue; } const CZipString &fileName = fileInfo->GetFileName(); _tcscpy(filePath, appDir_); PathAddBackslash(filePath); _tcscat(filePath, fileName); if (PathFileExists(filePath)) { TCHAR backupFilePath[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(backupFilePath, appDir_); PathAddBackslash(backupFilePath); _tcscat(backupFilePath, fileName); _tcscat(backupFilePath, _T(".bak")); if (PathFileExists(backupFilePath)) { DeleteFile(backupFilePath); } if (!MoveFile(filePath, backupFilePath)) { copySuccess = false; break; } backupFiles.push_back((LPCTSTR)fileName); } if (!ar.ExtractFile(i, appDir_)) { copySuccess = false; break; } } if (copySuccess) { AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString(_T(""), _T("Version"), appVersion_); // remove backup files. for (BackupFiles::const_iterator i = backupFiles.begin(); i != backupFiles.end(); ++i) { TCHAR backupFilePath[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(backupFilePath, appDir_); PathAddBackslash(backupFilePath); _tcscat(backupFilePath, *i); _tcscat(backupFilePath, _T(".bak")); DeleteFile(backupFilePath); } } else { // upgrade failed, restore backup. for (BackupFiles::const_iterator i = backupFiles.begin(); i != backupFiles.end(); ++i) { TCHAR backupFilePath[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(backupFilePath, appDir_); PathAddBackslash(backupFilePath); _tcscat(backupFilePath, *i); _tcscat(backupFilePath, _T(".bak")); TCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(filePath, appDir_); PathAddBackslash(filePath); _tcscat(filePath, *i); DeleteFile(filePath); MoveFile(backupFilePath, filePath); } } ::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_UPGRADE_DONE, TRUE, 0); return 0; }
bool CWebCDCovers::DownloadImage(CString strLetter, CString strName, CString strFilename, RESOURCEHOST* pHost, HWND hwndProgress, HWND hwndStatus, CString& strLocalFilename) { // get the html page for the image source *m_pbCancelDownload = false; WCC_GETIMAGEREQUEST* pfn_wccRequest = (WCC_GETIMAGEREQUEST*) GetProcAddress (pHost->hInst, "GetImageRequest"); WCC_GETIMAGEURL* pfn_wccImgURL = (WCC_GETIMAGEURL*) GetProcAddress (pHost->hInst, "GetImageURL"); char szUrl[300], szHeaders[300], szData[300]; int nMethod; pfn_wccRequest (strFilename.GetBuffer (0), strLetter.GetBuffer (0), "", szUrl, &nMethod, szHeaders, szData); CString strHTML = (*szUrl == 0) ? strFilename.GetBuffer (0) : CHttpRequest::DownloadBuffer (szUrl, nMethod, szHeaders, szData, m_pbCancelDownload, m_dwDownloadId, m_nError); // MCH 29/08/04 // Send version info to the DLL strcpy (szData, ((CCdCoverCreator2App*) AfxGetApp ())->GetVersion ().GetBuffer (-1)); // get the URL of the image CString strURL; if (!pfn_wccImgURL (strHTML.GetBuffer (0), strURL.GetBuffer (500), &nMethod, szHeaders, szData)) return false; strURL.ReleaseBuffer (); // generate a local temporary file name strLocalFilename = ((CCdCoverCreator2App*) AfxGetApp ())->GetImageCacheDir () + strURL.Mid (strURL.ReverseFind ('/') + 1); if (strLocalFilename.Find (".php?") >= 0) { // MCH 15/09/04 // www.darktown.to sends again JPGs, but via a PHP script. Filename provided as HTTP header which is not available here strLocalFilename = ((CCdCoverCreator2App*) AfxGetApp ())->GetImageCacheDir (); strLocalFilename.AppendFormat ("dld%d.jpg", GetTickCount ()); } // get the jpeg image *m_pbCancelDownload = false; CHttpRequest::DownloadFile (strURL, nMethod, szHeaders, szData, strLocalFilename, m_pbCancelDownload, m_dwDownloadId, m_nError, 0, hwndProgress, hwndStatus); if (m_nError) return false; // MCH 29/08/04 // if the download is a zip file, extract the image if (strLocalFilename.Right (4).MakeLower () == ".zip") { CString strPath = strLocalFilename.Left (strLocalFilename.ReverseFind ('\\')); CString strZipFile = strLocalFilename; // set up and open a zip archive, get the image files inside the zip file CZipArchive zip; zip.Open (strZipFile); CZipWordArray ar; zip.FindMatches ("*.jp*g", ar); strLocalFilename.Empty (); // extract the image files for (int i = 0; i < ar.GetSize (); i++) { // set the local file name CZipFileHeader info; zip.GetFileInfo (info, i); if (!strLocalFilename.IsEmpty ()) strLocalFilename += ";"; strLocalFilename += strPath + "\\" + info.GetFileName (); // extract the file zip.ExtractFile (ar.GetAt (i), strPath, false); } zip.Close (); // delete the zip file ::DeleteFile (strZipFile); } return true; }