コード例 #1
/*! @brief visualize the candidate part locations overlaid on an image
 * @param im the image
 * @param candidates a vector of type Candidate, representing potential
 * part locations
 * @param N the number of candidates to render. If the candidates have been sorted,
 * this is equivalent to displaying only the 'N best' candidates
 * @param display_confidence display the detection confidence above each bounding box
 * for each part
void Visualize::candidates(const Mat& im, const vectorCandidate& candidates,
                           unsigned int N, Mat& canvas,
                           bool display_confidence) const {

  // create a new canvas that we can modify
  cvtColor(im, canvas, CV_RGB2BGR);
  if (candidates.size() == 0) return;

  // generate a set of colors to display. Do this in HSV then convert it
  const unsigned int ncolors = candidates[0].parts().size();
  vector<Scalar> colors;
  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ncolors; ++n) {
    Mat color(Size(1,3), CV_32FC3);
    // Hue is in degrees, not radians (because consistency is over-rated)
    color.at<float>(0) = (360) / ncolors * n;
    color.at<float>(1) = 1.0;
    color.at<float>(2) = 0.7;
    //cvtColor(color, color, CV_HSV2BGR);
    color = color * 255;


  if(candidates.size() < N) {
    N = candidates.size();

  // draw each candidate to the canvas
  const int LINE_THICKNESS = 4;
  Scalar black(0,0,0);

  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
    Candidate candidate = candidates[n];
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < candidate.parts().size(); ++p) {
      Rect box = candidate.parts()[p];

      std::cout << candidate.confidence()[p] << std::endl;
      if(candidate.confidence()[p] >= 0.0) {

      string confidence = boost::lexical_cast<string>(candidate.confidence()[p]);
      rectangle(canvas, box, colors[p], LINE_THICKNESS);
      if (display_confidence && p == 0) {
        putText(canvas, confidence, Point(box.x, box.y-5),
                FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, black, 2);
    //rectangle(canvas, candidate.boundingBox(), Scalar(255, 0, 0), LINE_THICKNESS);