bool ReconConfig::Load (CfgList *rootcfg) { CfgList *rinfo = dynamic_cast<CfgList*> (rootcfg->GetValue ("reconinfo")); if (rinfo) { scouts = dynamic_cast<CfgBuildOptions*> (rinfo->GetValue ("scouts")); if (scouts) { if (!scouts->InitIDs ()) return false; } updateInterval = rinfo->GetInt ("updateinterval", 4); maxForce = rinfo->GetInt ("maxforce", 5); CfgList* hcfg = dynamic_cast<CfgList*> (rinfo->GetValue ("SearchHeuristic")); if (hcfg) { searchHeuristic.DistanceFactor = hcfg->GetNumeric ("DistanceFactor"); searchHeuristic.ThreatFactor = hcfg->GetNumeric ("ThreatFactor"); searchHeuristic.TimeFactor = hcfg->GetNumeric ("TimeFactor"); searchHeuristic.SpreadFactor = hcfg->GetNumeric ("SpreadFactor"); } else { logPrintf ("Error: No search heuristic info in recon config node.\n"); return false; } return true; } return false; }
bool SupportConfig::Load (CfgList *sidecfg) { CfgList *scfg = dynamic_cast <CfgList*> (sidecfg->GetValue ("supportinfo")); if (scfg) { basecover = dynamic_cast<CfgBuildOptions*> (scfg->GetValue ("basecover")); mapcover = dynamic_cast<CfgBuildOptions*> (scfg->GetValue ("mapcover")); if (basecover) { MapUDefProperties (basecover, basecoverProps); if (!basecover->InitIDs ()) return false; } if (mapcover) { MapUDefProperties (mapcover, mapcoverProps); if (!mapcover->InitIDs ()) return false; } } return true; }
CfgList* CfgValue::LoadFile (std::string name) { InputBuffer buf; FILE *f = fopen (name.c_str(), "rb"); if (!f) throw ContentException(SPrintf("Failed to open file %s\n", name.c_str())); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); buf.len = ftell(f); = new char [buf.len]; fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET); if (!fread (, buf.len, 1, f)) { fclose (f); delete[]; throw ContentException(SPrintf("Failed to read file %s\n", name.c_str())); } buf.filename = name.c_str(); fclose (f); CfgList *nlist = new CfgList; try { nlist->Parse (buf, true); } catch (const ContentException &e) { delete[]; delete nlist; throw e; } delete[]; return nlist; }
void EditorViewWindow::Serialize(CfgList& cfg, bool store) { ViewWindow::Serialize (cfg, store); Camera::CtlMode& camCtlMode=cam.ctlmode; if (store) { CFG_STOREN(cfg,mode); CFG_STOREN(cfg,rendermode); cfg.AddNumeric ("camCtlMode", (int)camCtlMode); CFG_STORE(cfg, bDrawCenters); CFG_STORE(cfg, bCullFaces); CFG_STORE(cfg, bLighting); CFG_STORE(cfg, bHideGrid); CFG_STORE(cfg, bDrawRadius); } else { CFG_LOADN(cfg,mode); SetMode(mode); CFG_LOADN(cfg,rendermode); camCtlMode=(Camera::CtlMode)cfg.GetInt ("camCtlMode",0); CFG_LOAD(cfg, bDrawCenters); CFG_LOAD(cfg, bCullFaces); CFG_LOAD(cfg, bLighting); CFG_LOAD(cfg, bHideGrid); CFG_LOAD(cfg, bDrawRadius); } }
void CfgList::Add(const char* name, Vector2 v) { CfgList* l = new CfgList(); l->Add("x", v.x); l->Add("y", v.y); Add(name, l); }
bool BuildHandler::DoInitialBuildOrders () { // initial build orders completed? assert (config.InitialOrders); if (initialBuildOrderTask) return true; for (int a=0;a<initialBuildOrderState.size();a++) { int &state = initialBuildOrderState[a]; if (state < config.InitialOrders->builds[a]->count) { int type=-1; int id=config.InitialOrders->builds[a]->def; BuildTable::UDef *cd = buildTable.GetCachedDef(id); CfgList* info = config.InitialOrders->builds[a]->info; const char *handler = info ? info->GetLiteral ("Handler") : 0; if (handler) { for (int h=0;h<NUM_TASK_TYPES;h++) { if(!STRCASECMP(handler, handlerStr[h])) { type=h; break; } } if (h == BTF_Force) { ChatMsgPrintf (ai->cb, "Error: No force units possible in the initial build orders.\n"); state=config.InitialOrders->builds[a]->count; return false; } } else { if(!cd->IsBuilder()) { ChatMsgPrintf (ai->cb, "Error in initial buildorder list: unit %s is not a builder\n", cd->name.c_str()); state=config.InitialOrders->builds[a]->count; return false; } } aiTask *t = initialBuildOrderTask = AddTask (buildTable.GetDef(id), type); t->MarkAllocated (); state ++; return true; } } // all initial build tasks are done if (!initialBuildOrdersFinished) { ChatDebugPrintf (ai->cb,"Initial build orders finished."); DistributeResources (); initialBuildOrdersFinished=true; } return false; }
void EditorUI::SaveSettings() { string path=applicationPath + ViewSettingsFile; CfgWriter writer(path.c_str()); if (writer.IsFailed ()) { fltk::message ("Failed to open %s for writing view settings", path.c_str()); return; } CfgList cfg; SerializeConfig (cfg, true); cfg.Write(writer,true); }
bool BuildHandlerConfig::Load(CfgList *sidecfg) { assert (NUM_TASK_TYPES == 4); float sum = 0.0f; CfgList* cfg = modConfig.root; CfgList *weights = dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(cfg->GetValue ("BuildWeights")); CfgList *maxtasks = dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(cfg->GetValue ("MaxTasks")); for (int a=0;a<NUM_TASK_TYPES;a++) { BuildWeights[a] = weights ? weights->GetNumeric (handlerStr[a], 1.0f) : 1.0f; MaxTasks[a] = maxtasks ? maxtasks->GetInt (handlerStr[a], 1) : 1; sum += BuildWeights[a]; } for (int a=0;a<NUM_TASK_TYPES;a++) BuildWeights[a] /= sum; logPrintf ("Building weights: Resources=%f, Forces=%f, Defenses=%f\n", BuildWeights [0], BuildWeights[1], BuildWeights [2]); BuildSpeedPerMetalIncome = cfg->GetNumeric ("BuildSpeedPerMetalIncome", 33); InitialOrders = dynamic_cast<CfgBuildOptions*>(sidecfg->GetValue("InitialBuildOrders")); if (InitialOrders) InitialOrders->InitIDs(); return true; }
CfgList* TextureGroupHandler::MakeConfig (TextureGroup *tg) { CfgList *gc = new CfgList; char n [10]; CfgList *texlist=new CfgList; int index=0; for (set<Texture*>::iterator t=tg->textures.begin();t!=tg->textures.end();++t) { sprintf (n,"tex%d", index++); texlist->AddLiteral (n, (*t)->name.c_str()); } gc->AddValue ("textures", texlist); gc->AddLiteral ("name", tg->name.c_str()); return gc; }
bool ArchiveList::Save () { string fn=applicationPath + ArchiveListFile; CfgWriter writer (fn.c_str()); if (writer.IsFailed()) return false; CfgList cfg; CfgList *archs=new CfgList; cfg.AddValue ("Archives", archs); int index=0; for (set<string>::iterator s=archives.begin();s!=archives.end();++s, index++) { char tmp[20]; sprintf (tmp, "arch%d", index); archs->AddLiteral (tmp,s->c_str()); } cfg.Write (writer,true); return true; }
bool ForceConfig::Load (CfgList *cfg) { CfgList *forceinfo = dynamic_cast<CfgList*> (cfg->GetValue ("forceinfo")); if (forceinfo) { defaultSpread = forceinfo->GetNumeric ("defaultspread", 500); for (list<CfgListElem>::iterator gr = forceinfo->childs.begin(); gr != forceinfo->childs.end(); ++gr) { if (dynamic_cast <CfgList*> (gr->value)) ParseForceGroup ( (CfgList *)gr->value, gr->name ); } return true; } logPrintf ("Error: No force info in config.\n"); return false; }
bool TextureGroupHandler::Save(const char *fn) { // open a cfg writer CfgWriter writer(fn); if (writer.IsFailed()) { fltk::message ("Unable to save texture groups to %s\n", fn); return false; } // create a config list and save it CfgList cfg; for (uint a=0;a<groups.size();a++) { CfgList *gc=MakeConfig(groups[a]); char n [10]; sprintf (n, "group%d", a); cfg.AddValue (n, gc); } cfg.Write(writer,true); return true; }
bool ModConfig::UnitTypeInfo::Load (CfgList *root, BuildTable *tbl) { CfgList *sideinfo = dynamic_cast <CfgList*> (root->GetValue ("sideinfo")); if (!sideinfo) { logPrintf ("No sideinfo node found in config file\n"); return false; } CfgList *l = dynamic_cast <CfgList*> (sideinfo->GetValue ("aadefense")); for (list<CfgListElem>::iterator i=l->childs.begin();i!=l->childs.end();++i) { UnitDefID id = tbl->GetDefID (i->name.c_str()); if (id) { aadefense.push_back (id); BuildTable::UDef* cd = tbl->GetCachedDef (id); cd->flags |= CUD_AADefense; } } l = dynamic_cast <CfgList*> (sideinfo->GetValue ("gddefense")); for (list<CfgListElem>::iterator i=l->childs.begin();i!=l->childs.end();++i) { UnitDefID id = tbl->GetDefID (i->name.c_str()); if (id) { gddefense.push_back (id); BuildTable::UDef* cd = tbl->GetCachedDef (id); cd->flags |= CUD_GroundDefense; } } return true; }
CfgList* CfgValue::LoadFile (const char *name) { InputBuffer buf; FILE *f = fopen (name, "rb"); if (!f) { logger.Trace (NL_Debug, "Failed to open file %s\n", name); return 0; } fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); buf.len = ftell(f); = new char [buf.len]; fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET); if (!fread (, buf.len, 1, f)) { logger.Trace (NL_Debug, "Failed to read file %s\n", name); fclose (f); delete[]; return 0; } buf.filename = name; fclose (f); CfgList *nlist = new CfgList; if (!nlist->Parse (buf,true)) { delete nlist; delete[]; return 0; } delete[]; return nlist; }
void EditorUI::SerializeConfig (CfgList& cfg, bool store) { // Serialize editor window properties int x=window->x(), y=window->y(), width=window->w(), height=window->h(); string& springTexDir = Texture::textureLoadDir; if (store) { CFG_STOREN(cfg,x); CFG_STOREN(cfg,y); CFG_STOREN(cfg,width); CFG_STOREN(cfg,height); CFG_STORE(cfg,springTexDir); CFG_STORE(cfg,optimizeOnLoad); bool showTimeline=uiTimeline->window->visible(); CFG_STORE(cfg,showTimeline); bool showTrackEdit=uiAnimTrackEditor->window->visible(); CFG_STORE(cfg,showTrackEdit); bool showIK=uiIK->window->visible(); CFG_STORE(cfg,showIK); } else { CFG_LOADN(cfg,x); CFG_LOADN(cfg,y); CFG_LOADN(cfg,width); CFG_LOADN(cfg,height); CFG_LOAD(cfg,springTexDir); CFG_LOAD(cfg,optimizeOnLoad); window->resize(x,y,width,height); } // Serialize views: first match the number of views specified in the config int numViews = viewsGroup->children(); if (store) { CFG_STOREN(cfg,numViews); } else { CFG_LOADN(cfg,numViews); int nv=numViews-viewsGroup->children(); if (nv > 0) { viewsGroup->begin(); for (int a=0;a<nv;a++) { EditorViewWindow *wnd = new EditorViewWindow (0,0,0,0,&callback); wnd->SetMode(a%4); } viewsGroup->end(); } else { for (int a=viewsGroup->children()-1;a>=numViews;a--) { EditorViewWindow *wnd = (EditorViewWindow *)viewsGroup->child(a); viewsGroup->remove (wnd); delete wnd; } } } // then serialize view settings for each view in the config int viewIndex = 0; char viewName[16]; for (int a=0;a<viewsGroup->children();++a) { sprintf (viewName, "View%d", viewIndex++); CfgList *viewcfg; if (store) { viewcfg = new CfgList; cfg.AddValue (viewName, viewcfg); }else viewcfg=dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(cfg.GetValue(viewName)); if (viewcfg) ((EditorViewWindow *)viewsGroup->child(a))->Serialize (*viewcfg,store); } }
bool AIConfig::Load (const char *file, IGlobalAICallback *cb) { CfgList *info = 0; root = CfgValue::LoadFile (file); if (root) info = dynamic_cast<CfgList*> (root->GetValue ("info")); if (info) { infoblocksize=info->GetInt ("infoblocksize", -1); if (infoblocksize < 8) { ChatMsgPrintf (cb->GetAICallback(), "AIConfig: invalid infoblocksize: %d\n", infoblocksize); return false; } debug = info->GetInt ("debug",0)!=0; showDebugWindow = info->GetInt ("showdebugwindow",0) != 0; showMetalSpots=info->GetInt ("showmetalspots", 0)!=0; safeSectorRadius = info->GetInt ("safesectorradius", 15); mexSectorRadius = info->GetInt ("mexsectorradius", 15); cacheBuildTable = !!info->GetInt ("cachebuildtable", 1); builderMoveTimeout = info->GetInt ("buildermovetimeout", 200); builderMoveMinDistance = info->GetNumeric("buildermovemindistance", 100); threatDecay = info->GetNumeric ("threatdecay", 0.1f); } else { ChatMsgPrintf (cb->GetAICallback(), "Error: Unable to read configuration file %s. Aborting global AI.\n", file); return false; } return true; }
Genome::Genome(std::string file) { filename = file; CfgList* d = CfgList::LoadFile(file); // read sequence data const char* seqfile = d->GetLiteral("SequenceFile"); std::string seqPath = GetDirPath(file) + seqfile; sequence = ReadTextFile(seqPath); std::transform(sequence.begin(), sequence.end(), sequence.begin(), ::tolower); // load global properties name = d->GetLiteral("LocusName"); topology = d->GetLiteral("LocusTopology"); modificationDate = d->GetLiteral("LocusModificationDate"); definition = d->GetLiteral("Definition"); source = d->GetLiteral("Source"); // load features CfgList* features = d->GetList("features"); mvec<FeatureProtein*> proteins = LoadFeatureList<FeatureProtein>(features->GetList("CDS")); members_ptr(proteins, &FeatureProtein::type) |= FeatureProtein::Type_Protein; mvec<Feature*> tRNA = LoadFeatureList<Feature>(features->GetList("tRNA")); members_ptr(tRNA, &Feature::type) |= Feature::Type_tRNA; mvec<Feature*> rRNA = LoadFeatureList<Feature>(features->GetList("rRNA")); members_ptr(rRNA, &Feature::type) |= Feature::Type_rRNA; mvec<Feature*> misc_RNA = LoadFeatureList<Feature>(features->GetList("misc_RNA")); members_ptr(misc_RNA, &Feature::type) |= Feature::Type_MiscRNA; mvec<Feature*> misc_feature = LoadFeatureList<Feature>(features->GetList("misc_feature")); members_ptr(misc_feature, &Feature::type) |= Feature::Type_MiscFeature; genes = tRNA & rRNA & misc_RNA & misc_feature & proteins; // sort genes std::sort(genes.begin(), genes.end(), GeneComparer); delete d; }
bool RUHandlerConfig::Load (CfgList *sidecfg) { CfgList *c = dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(sidecfg->GetValue ("ResourceInfo")); BuildTable *tbl = &buildTable; if (c) { EnergyBuildRatio = c->GetNumeric ("EnergyBuildRatio", 1.4); MetalBuildRatio = c->GetNumeric ("MetalBuildRatio", 0.8); CfgList *ebh = dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(c->GetValue ("EnergyBuildHeuristic")); if (ebh) EnergyHeuristic.Load (ebh); CfgList *mbh = dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(c->GetValue ("MetalBuildHeuristic")); if (mbh) MetalHeuristic.Load (mbh); ParseDefList (c->GetValue ("EnergyMakers"), EnergyMakers, tbl); ParseDefList (c->GetValue ("MetalMakers"), MetalMakers, tbl); ParseDefList (c->GetValue ("MetalExtracters"), MetalExtracters, tbl); // Read storage config CfgList *st = dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(c->GetValue("Storage")); if (st) { ParseDefList (st->GetValue ("MetalStorage"), StorageConfig.MetalStorage, tbl); if (StorageConfig.MetalStorage.empty ()) { logPrintf ("Error: No metal storage unit type given"); return false; } ParseDefList (st->GetValue ("EnergyStorage"), StorageConfig.EnergyStorage, tbl); if (StorageConfig.EnergyStorage.empty ()) { logPrintf ("Error: No energy storage unit type given"); return false; } StorageConfig.MaxRatio = st->GetNumeric ("MaxRatio", 0.9); StorageConfig.MinEnergyIncome = st->GetNumeric ("MinEnergyIncome", 60); StorageConfig.MinMetalIncome = st->GetNumeric ("MinMetalIncome", 5); StorageConfig.MaxEnergyFactor = st->GetNumeric ("MaxEnergyStorageFactor", 20); StorageConfig.MaxMetalFactor = st->GetNumeric ("MaxMetalStorageFactor", 20); } CfgList *ep = dynamic_cast<CfgList*>(c->GetValue("EnablePolicy")); if (ep) { EnablePolicy.MaxEnergy = ep->GetNumeric ("MaxEnergy"); EnablePolicy.MinEnergy = ep->GetNumeric ("MinEnergy"); EnablePolicy.MinUnitEnergyUsage = ep->GetNumeric ("MinUnitEnergyUsage"); } } else { logPrintf ("Error: No list node named \'ResourceInfo\' was found.\n"); return false; } return true; }