int Stats::execute(int argc, char **argv) { // Extract command line arguments. String inFile = ""; String indexFile = ""; bool basic = false; bool noeof = false; bool params = false; bool qual = false; bool phred = false; int maxNumReads = -1; bool unmapped = false; String pBaseQC = ""; String cBaseQC = ""; String regionList = ""; int excludeFlags = 0; int requiredFlags = 0; bool withinRegion = false; int minMapQual = 0; String dbsnp = ""; PosList *dbsnpListPtr = NULL; bool baseSum = false; int bufferSize = PileupHelper::DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE; ParameterList inputParameters; BEGIN_LONG_PARAMETERS(longParameterList) LONG_PARAMETER_GROUP("Required Parameters") LONG_STRINGPARAMETER("in", &inFile) LONG_PARAMETER_GROUP("Types of Statistics") LONG_PARAMETER("basic", &basic) LONG_PARAMETER("qual", &qual) LONG_PARAMETER("phred", &phred) LONG_STRINGPARAMETER("pBaseQC", &pBaseQC) LONG_STRINGPARAMETER("cBaseQC", &cBaseQC) LONG_PARAMETER_GROUP("Optional Parameters") LONG_INTPARAMETER("maxNumReads", &maxNumReads) LONG_PARAMETER("unmapped", &unmapped) LONG_STRINGPARAMETER("bamIndex", &indexFile) LONG_STRINGPARAMETER("regionList", ®ionList) LONG_INTPARAMETER("excludeFlags", &excludeFlags) LONG_INTPARAMETER("requiredFlags", &requiredFlags) LONG_PARAMETER("noeof", &noeof) LONG_PARAMETER("params", ¶ms) LONG_PARAMETER_GROUP("Optional phred/qual Only Parameters") LONG_PARAMETER("withinRegion", &withinRegion) LONG_PARAMETER_GROUP("Optional BaseQC Only Parameters") LONG_PARAMETER("baseSum", &baseSum) LONG_INTPARAMETER("bufferSize", &bufferSize) LONG_INTPARAMETER("minMapQual", &minMapQual) LONG_STRINGPARAMETER("dbsnp", &dbsnp) END_LONG_PARAMETERS(); inputParameters.Add(new LongParameters ("Input Parameters", longParameterList)); inputParameters.Read(argc-1, &(argv[1])); // If no eof block is required for a bgzf file, set the bgzf file type to // not look for it. if(noeof) { // Set that the eof block is not required. BgzfFileType::setRequireEofBlock(false); } // Check to see if the in file was specified, if not, report an error. if(inFile == "") { usage(); inputParameters.Status(); // In file was not specified but it is mandatory. std::cerr << "--in is a mandatory argument for stats, " << "but was not specified" << std::endl; return(-1); } // Use the index file if unmapped or regionList is not empty. bool useIndex = (unmapped|| (!regionList.IsEmpty())); // IndexFile is required, so check to see if it has been set. if(useIndex && (indexFile == "")) { // In file was not specified, so set it to the in file // + ".bai" indexFile = inFile + ".bai"; } //////////////////////////////////////// // Setup in case pileup is used. Pileup<PileupElementBaseQCStats> pileup(bufferSize); // Initialize start/end positions. myStartPos = 0; myEndPos = -1; // Open the output qc file if applicable. IFILE baseQCPtr = NULL; if(!pBaseQC.IsEmpty() && !cBaseQC.IsEmpty()) { usage(); inputParameters.Status(); // Cannot specify both types of baseQC. std::cerr << "Cannot specify both --pBaseQC & --cBaseQC." << std::endl; return(-1); } else if(!pBaseQC.IsEmpty()) { baseQCPtr = ifopen(pBaseQC, "w"); PileupElementBaseQCStats::setPercentStats(true); } else if(!cBaseQC.IsEmpty()) { baseQCPtr = ifopen(cBaseQC, "w"); PileupElementBaseQCStats::setPercentStats(false); } if(baseQCPtr != NULL) { PileupElementBaseQCStats::setOutputFile(baseQCPtr); PileupElementBaseQCStats::printHeader(); } if((baseQCPtr != NULL) || baseSum) { PileupElementBaseQCStats::setMapQualFilter(minMapQual); PileupElementBaseQCStats::setBaseSum(baseSum); } if(params) { inputParameters.Status(); } // Open the file for reading. SamFile samIn; if(!samIn.OpenForRead(inFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", samIn.GetStatusMessage()); return(samIn.GetStatus()); } samIn.SetReadFlags(requiredFlags, excludeFlags); // Set whether or not basic statistics should be generated. samIn.GenerateStatistics(basic); // Read the sam header. SamFileHeader samHeader; if(!samIn.ReadHeader(samHeader)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", samIn.GetStatusMessage()); return(samIn.GetStatus()); } // Open the bam index file for reading if we are // doing unmapped reads (also set the read section). if(useIndex) { samIn.ReadBamIndex(indexFile); if(unmapped) { samIn.SetReadSection(-1); } if(!regionList.IsEmpty()) { myRegionList = ifopen(regionList, "r"); } } ////////////////////////// // Read dbsnp if specified and doing baseQC if(((baseQCPtr != NULL) || baseSum) && (!dbsnp.IsEmpty())) { // Read the dbsnp file. IFILE fdbSnp; fdbSnp = ifopen(dbsnp,"r"); // Determine how many entries. const SamReferenceInfo& refInfo = samHeader.getReferenceInfo(); int maxRefLen = 0; for(int i = 0; i < refInfo.getNumEntries(); i++) { int refLen = refInfo.getReferenceLength(i); if(refLen >= maxRefLen) { maxRefLen = refLen + 1; } } dbsnpListPtr = new PosList(refInfo.getNumEntries(),maxRefLen); if(fdbSnp==NULL) { std::cerr << "Open dbSNP file " << dbsnp.c_str() << " failed!\n"; } else if(dbsnpListPtr == NULL) { std::cerr << "Failed to init the memory allocation for the dbsnpList.\n"; } else { // Read the dbsnp file. StringArray tokens; String buffer; int position = 0; int refID = 0; // Loop til the end of the file. while (!ifeof(fdbSnp)) { // Read the next line. buffer.ReadLine(fdbSnp); // If it does not have at least 2 columns, // continue to the next line. if (buffer.IsEmpty() || buffer[0] == '#') continue; tokens.AddTokens(buffer); if(tokens.Length() < 2) continue; if(!tokens[1].AsInteger(position)) { std::cerr << "Improperly formatted region line, start position " << "(2nd column) is not an integer: " << tokens[1] << "; Skipping to the next line.\n"; continue; } // Look up the reference name. refID = samHeader.getReferenceID(tokens[0]); if(refID != SamReferenceInfo::NO_REF_ID) { // Reference id was found, so add it to the dbsnp dbsnpListPtr->addPosition(refID, position); } tokens.Clear(); buffer.Clear(); } } ifclose(fdbSnp); } // Read the sam records. SamRecord samRecord; int numReads = 0; ////////////////////// // Setup in case doing a quality count. // Quality histogram. const int MAX_QUAL = 126; const int START_QUAL = 33; uint64_t qualCount[MAX_QUAL+1]; for(int i = 0; i <= MAX_QUAL; i++) { qualCount[i] = 0; } const int START_PHRED = 0; const int PHRED_DIFF = START_QUAL - START_PHRED; const int MAX_PHRED = MAX_QUAL - PHRED_DIFF; uint64_t phredCount[MAX_PHRED+1]; for(int i = 0; i <= MAX_PHRED; i++) { phredCount[i] = 0; } int refPos = 0; Cigar* cigarPtr = NULL; char cigarChar = '?'; // Exclude clips from the qual/phred counts if unmapped reads are excluded. bool qualExcludeClips = excludeFlags & SamFlag::UNMAPPED; ////////////////////////////////// // When not reading by sections, getNextSection returns true // the first time, then false the next time. while(getNextSection(samIn)) { // Keep reading records from the file until SamFile::ReadRecord // indicates to stop (returns false). while(((maxNumReads < 0) || (numReads < maxNumReads)) && samIn.ReadRecord(samHeader, samRecord)) { // Another record was read, so increment the number of reads. ++numReads; // See if the quality histogram should be genereated. if(qual || phred) { // Get the quality. const char* qual = samRecord.getQuality(); // Check for no quality ('*'). if((qual[0] == '*') && (qual[1] == 0)) { // This record does not have a quality string, so no // quality processing is necessary. } else { int index = 0; cigarPtr = samRecord.getCigarInfo(); cigarChar = '?'; refPos = samRecord.get0BasedPosition(); if(!qualExcludeClips && (cigarPtr != NULL)) { // Offset the reference position by any soft clips // by subtracting the queryIndex of this start position. // refPos is now the start position of the clips. refPos -= cigarPtr->getQueryIndex(0); } while(qual[index] != 0) { // Skip this quality if it is clipped and we are skipping clips. if(cigarPtr != NULL) { cigarChar = cigarPtr->getCigarCharOpFromQueryIndex(index); } if(qualExcludeClips && Cigar::isClip(cigarChar)) { // Skip a clipped quality. ++index; // Increment the position. continue; } if(withinRegion && (myEndPos != -1) && (refPos >= myEndPos)) { // We have hit the end of the region, stop processing this // quality string. break; } if(withinRegion && (refPos < myStartPos)) { // This position is not in the target. ++index; // Update the position if this is found in the reference or a clip. if(Cigar::foundInReference(cigarChar) || Cigar::isClip(cigarChar)) { ++refPos; } continue; } // Check for valid quality. if((qual[index] < START_QUAL) || (qual[index] > MAX_QUAL)) { if(qual) { std::cerr << "Invalid Quality found: " << qual[index] << ". Must be between " << START_QUAL << " and " << MAX_QUAL << ".\n"; } if(phred) { std::cerr << "Invalid Phred Quality found: " << qual[index] - PHRED_DIFF << ". Must be between " << START_QUAL << " and " << MAX_QUAL << ".\n"; } // Skip an invalid quality. ++index; // Update the position if this is found in the reference or a clip. if(Cigar::foundInReference(cigarChar) || Cigar::isClip(cigarChar)) { ++refPos; } continue; } // Increment the count for this quality. ++(qualCount[(int)(qual[index])]); ++(phredCount[(int)(qual[index]) - PHRED_DIFF]); // Update the position if this is found in the reference or a clip. if(Cigar::foundInReference(cigarChar) || Cigar::isClip(cigarChar)) { ++refPos; } ++index; } } } // Check the next thing to do for the read. if((baseQCPtr != NULL) || baseSum) { // Pileup the bases for this read. pileup.processAlignmentRegion(samRecord, myStartPos, myEndPos, dbsnpListPtr); } } // Done with a section, move on to the next one. // New section, so flush the pileup. pileup.flushPileup(); } // Flush the rest of the pileup. if((baseQCPtr != NULL) || baseSum) { // Pileup the bases. pileup.processAlignmentRegion(samRecord, myStartPos, myEndPos, dbsnpListPtr); PileupElementBaseQCStats::printSummary(); ifclose(baseQCPtr); } std::cerr << "Number of records read = " << samIn.GetCurrentRecordCount() << std::endl; if(basic) { std::cerr << std::endl; samIn.PrintStatistics(); } // Print the quality stats. if(qual) { std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Quality\tCount\n"; for(int i = START_QUAL; i <= MAX_QUAL; i++) { std::cerr << i << "\t" << qualCount[i] << std::endl; } } // Print the phred quality stats. if(phred) { std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Phred\tCount\n"; for(int i = START_PHRED; i <= MAX_PHRED; i++) { std::cerr << i << "\t" << phredCount[i] << std::endl; } } SamStatus::Status status = samIn.GetStatus(); if(status == SamStatus::NO_MORE_RECS) { // A status of NO_MORE_RECS means that all reads were successful. status = SamStatus::SUCCESS; } return(status); }
// Add an entry to this pileup element. void PileupElementBaseQual::addEntry(SamRecord& record) { // Call the base class: PileupElement::addEntry(record); if(myRefAllele.empty()) { genomeIndex_t markerIndex = (*myRefSeq).getGenomePosition(getChromosome(), static_cast<uint32_t>(getRefPosition()+1)); myRefAllele = (*myRefSeq)[markerIndex]; } // Increment the index ++myIndex; // if the index has gone beyond the allocated space, double the size. if(myIndex >= myAllocatedSize) { char* tempBuffer = (char*)realloc(myBases, myAllocatedSize * 2); if(tempBuffer == NULL) { std::cerr << "Memory Allocation Failure\n"; // TODO return; } myBases = tempBuffer; int8_t* tempInt8Buffer = (int8_t*)realloc(myMapQualities, myAllocatedSize * 2 * sizeof(int8_t)); if(tempInt8Buffer == NULL) { std::cerr << "Memory Allocation Failure\n"; // TODO return; } myMapQualities = tempInt8Buffer; tempInt8Buffer = (int8_t*)realloc(myQualities, myAllocatedSize * 2 * sizeof(int8_t)); if(tempInt8Buffer == NULL) { std::cerr << "Memory Allocation Failure\n"; // TODO return; } myQualities = tempInt8Buffer; tempBuffer = (char*)realloc(myStrands, myAllocatedSize * 2); if(tempBuffer == NULL) { std::cerr << "Memory Allocation Failure\n"; // TODO return; } myStrands = tempBuffer; tempInt8Buffer = (int8_t*)realloc(myCycles, myAllocatedSize * 2 * sizeof(int8_t)); if(tempInt8Buffer == NULL) { std::cerr << "Memory Allocation Failure\n"; // TODO return; } myCycles = tempInt8Buffer; int16_t* tempInt16Buffer = (int16_t*)realloc(myGLScores, myAllocatedSize * 2 * sizeof(int16_t)); if(tempInt8Buffer == NULL) { std::cerr << "Memory Allocation Failure\n"; // TODO return; } myGLScores = tempInt16Buffer; myAllocatedSize = myAllocatedSize * 2; } Cigar* cigar = record.getCigarInfo(); if(cigar == NULL) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to retrieve cigar info from the record."); } int32_t readIndex = cigar->getQueryIndex(getRefPosition(), record.get0BasedPosition()); // If the readPosition is N/A, this is a deletion. if(readIndex != CigarRoller::INDEX_NA) { char base = record.getSequence(readIndex); int8_t mapQual = record.getMapQuality(); //-33 to obtain the PHRED base quality char qual = record.getQuality(readIndex) - 33; if(qual == UNSET_QUAL) { qual = ' '; } char strand = (record.getFlag() & 0x0010) ? 'R' : 'F'; int cycle = strand == 'F' ? readIndex + 1 : record.getReadLength() - readIndex; myBases[myIndex] = base; myMapQualities[myIndex] = mapQual; myQualities[myIndex] = qual; myStrands[myIndex] = strand; myCycles[myIndex] = cycle; } else if(myAddDelAsBase) { int8_t mapQual = record.getMapQuality(); char strand = (record.getFlag() & 0x0010) ? 'R' : 'F'; myBases[myIndex] = '-'; myMapQualities[myIndex] = mapQual; myQualities[myIndex] = -1; myStrands[myIndex] = strand; myCycles[myIndex] = -1; } else { // Do not add a deletion. // Did not add any entries, so decrement the index counter since the // index was not used. --myIndex; } }