コード例 #1
ファイル: detectData.cpp プロジェクト: jdwuarin/algoRobot
void detectData(const string& dataFile, Asset*& calls, Asset*& puts, const string& writeTo,
		long lastDate, double lastByte){ //function used to detect data if data contains the cp_flag
										 //function returns number of bytes extracted.

	ifstream inFile(dataFile.c_str()); // object for handling file input
	string row;
	stringstream srow;
	srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row;
	//used to find out what column I am in, and thus what deque to extract the data to.
	Columns columnHeaders; //instantiate an object of Columns class.

	//find out if we are using a european or american style csv file. Following conditions
	char delimiter = getDelim(row, dataFile);

	columnHeaders.setColNbr(srow, delimiter); //set column numbers
	columnHeaders.checkValid(dataFile); //check if data is valid according to column numbers
	int cpColNbr = columnHeaders.getCpColNbr();
	string callOrPutRow; //used to determine what type of option is contained in row
	int i = 0; //used for collOrPutRow

	if ((calls == NULL)){ // we initialize here the proper options objects to contain our data. This is done only at the beginning of a file.

		vector<Asset**>dummyAssets; dummyAssets.push_back(&calls); dummyAssets.push_back(&puts);//just a dummy assets used for initiateAsset.
		columnHeaders.initiateAsset(dummyAssets, dataFile); //find what the Assets object will point to depending on the rows identity.
		//uses pointer to pointer, so that the copy made automatically is not a copy of our pointer to initialize, but a copy to
		//the pointer to those addresses.

		calls->setExFromByte((double)inFile.tellg());  //skip first line for rest of code as I am starting at beginning of file.
													   //!!!!information has to be set in both objects.
		calls->setWriteTo(writeTo); //setting folder to write to, using data passed as argument to detectData.

	//we first detect what type of options object we are dealing with
	//and save all the data to two single deques of row objects in order to sort columns in parallel.

	bool optionsOrNot = calls->getIsOption();

	//if Options data was entered, find out what kind of options it was.
	if (optionsOrNot == true) {

		//Skip to wanted position, after first line if new file, and as of last accessed byte
		//if return file.
		inFile.seekg(calls->getExFromByte(), ios_base::beg);
		double before = time(0);
		while ((inFile.eof() != 1)){ //while I am in the file

			getline(inFile, row); //get next line.
			srow.clear(); //clear eofbit set from last line.
			srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row.

			for(i = 0; i < cpColNbr; ++i)
				getline(srow, callOrPutRow, delimiter);

			srow.seekg(0); //reset row for srow

			if(callOrPutRow.find("C") != string::npos){ //we have a call
				calls->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary values
				//line is now completely extracted. Now dealing with file size and multiple files part
				if(calls->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile) == true){ //file read status set only for calls.
					break; //break only if member function returned to break, otherwise, do nothing.
				puts->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary values
				//line is now completely extracted. Now dealing with file size and multiple files part
				if(puts->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile) == true){ //file read status set only for calls.
					break; //break only if member function returned to break, otherwise, do nothing.

			//Done with dealing with filesize and multiple files part.

		cout << "It took " << time(0) - before << " seconds to extract " << endl;

		before = time(0);


		before = time(0);
		//Program will quickly sort the data. This is currently done whether data needs sorting or not.
		//So that all the times where data is already sorted, there is no need to even go through the deque of objects.

		cout << "It took " << time(0) - before << " seconds to sort " << endl;
		before = time(0);
		//just setting the strikeDivisor here, should run just fine.
		if(calls->getStrikeDivisor() == 0)
		if(puts->getStrikeDivisor() == 0)

		calls->setIsCall(true); //or 1
		puts->setIsCall(false);	//or 0
		calls->setDataFile(dataFile); //setting path to file data will be extracted form.
		puts->setDataFile(dataFile); //has to be done after setIsCall is done.

	else{  //This is not an *Options object. Undefined for now.


コード例 #2
ファイル: detectData.cpp プロジェクト: jdwuarin/algoRobot
void detectData(const string& dataFile, Asset*& pAsset, const string& writeTo,
		long lastDate, double lastByte){ //function used to detect data if data contains the cp_flag
																  //function returns number of bytes extracted.

	ifstream inFile(dataFile.c_str()); // object for handling file input
	string row;
	stringstream srow;
	srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row;
	//used to find out what column I am in, and thus what deque to extract the data to.
	Columns columnHeaders; //instantiate an objects of Columns class.

	//find out if we are using a european or american style csv file. Following conditions
	char delimiter = getDelim(row, dataFile);

	columnHeaders.setColNbr(srow, delimiter); //set column numbers
	//columnHeaders.checkValid(dataFile); //check if data is valid according to column numbers

	if ((pAsset == NULL)){ // we initialize here the proper options objects to contain our data. This is done only at the beginning of a file.

		vector<Asset**>dummyAssets; dummyAssets.push_back(&pAsset);//just a dummy assets used for initiateAsset.
		columnHeaders.initiateAsset(dummyAssets, dataFile); //find what the Asset object will point to depending on the rows identity.

		pAsset->setExFromByte((double)inFile.tellg());  //skip first line for rest of code as I am starting at beginning of file.
													   //!!!!information is arbitrarily set in the pAsset object
		pAsset->setWriteTo(writeTo); //setting folder to write to, using data passed as argument to detectData.


	//we first detect what type of options object we are dealing with
	//and save all the data to two single deques of row objects in order to sort columns in parallel.

	bool optionsOrNot = pAsset->getIsOption();

	//if Options data was entered, find out what kind of options it was.
	if (optionsOrNot == true) {

		//Skip to wanted position, after first line if new file, and as of last accessed byte
		//if return file.
		inFile.seekg(pAsset->getExFromByte(), ios_base::beg);

		while ((inFile.eof() != 1)){ //while I am in the file

			getline(inFile, row); //get next line.
			srow.clear(); //clear eofbit set from last line.
			srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row.

			pAsset->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary
												//values of of calls object (arbitrarily), could as well be puts.

			if(pAsset->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile)) 	//Now dealing with file size and multiple files part
				break; //only break if returned to.


		} //end of while(inFile.eof() != 1) loop.

		//Now that deques are filled, sort them as wanted.

		if(pAsset->getStrikeDivisor() == 0)


	else{  //This is not an *Options object.

		//Skip to wanted position, after first line if new file, and as of last accessed byte
		//if return file.
		inFile.seekg(pAsset->getExFromByte(), ios_base::beg);
		while ((inFile.eof() != 1)){ //while I am in the file

			getline(inFile, row); //get next line.
			srow.clear(); //clear eofbit set from last line.
			srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row.

			pAsset->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary
												//values of object

			//line is now completely extracted. Now dealing with file size and multiple files part

			if(pAsset->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile))
				break; //only break if returned to

			pAsset->writeCurrValues(); //push_back all deques containing our data in the structure of our objects

		} //end of while(inFile.eof() != 1) loop.

	pAsset->setDataFile(dataFile); //setting path to file data will be extracted form.
	//extraction is finished
