Package* HelpCommandParser::constructPackageFromLine(int argc, const char **argv, std::string packageID) { if(argc == 1) { std::cout<<"Possible commands are:"<<std::endl; for(std::map<std::string, CommandParser*>::iterator iter = commands->begin(); iter != commands->end(); iter++) { if(iter->second) { std::cout<<"\t"<<std::left<<std::setw(maxCommandNameLength)<<iter->second->getCommand()<<"\t"<<std::setw(0)<<iter->second->getDescription()<<std::endl; } } } else if(argc > 1) { CommandParser *parser = retrieveCommandParser(std::string(argv[1])); if(parser) { parser->printParameterHelp(); } else { std::cout<<"help: the specified command doesn't exist"<<std::endl; } } return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { mreal::initPrecision(); mreal::initRand(); CommandParser commandParser; initCommands(&commandParser); CommandFactory commandFactory; try { int commandCode = UNKNOWN_COMMAND; CommandParams commandParams; commandParser.getCommandCodeAndParams(argc, argv, commandCode, commandParams); ContextPtr pContext = Context::setup(DRY_MODE, ".3app"); CommandPtr pCommand = commandFactory.getCommand(commandCode, commandParams); pCommand->execute(); _destroy(pCommand); delete pContext; } catch(std::exception const& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; printSyntaxMessage(); } }
void registerStatusCommands(CommandParser& parser) { CommandDefinition defStatusReport("status", "report"); defStatusReport .setTitle("print full status report") .addArg("format", ArgValueType::REPORT_FORMAT, Required::NO, Positional::YES); parser.addCommand(defStatusReport, &reportStatusComprehensive); CommandDefinition defStatusShow("status", "show"); defStatusShow .setTitle("print general status"); parser.addCommand(defStatusShow, bind(&reportStatusSingleSection, _1, &StatusReportOptions::wantForwarderGeneral)); parser.addAlias("status", "show", ""); CommandDefinition defChannelList("channel", "list"); defChannelList .setTitle("print channel list"); parser.addCommand(defChannelList, bind(&reportStatusSingleSection, _1, &StatusReportOptions::wantChannels)); parser.addAlias("channel", "list", ""); CommandDefinition defFibList("fib", "list"); defFibList .setTitle("print FIB entries"); parser.addCommand(defFibList, bind(&reportStatusSingleSection, _1, &StatusReportOptions::wantFib)); parser.addAlias("fib", "list", ""); CommandDefinition defCsInfo("cs", "info"); defCsInfo .setTitle("print CS information"); parser.addCommand(defCsInfo, bind(&reportStatusSingleSection, _1, &StatusReportOptions::wantCs)); parser.addAlias("cs", "info", ""); }
void Completer::completeName(const CommandParser &parser) { m_startIndex = parser.nameStart(); m_endIndex = parser.nameEnd(); const auto list = Command::findCommands(; for(const CommandEntry *entry : list) { addItem(entry->name); if(entry->hasFlag(CO_FORCE)) addItem(entry->name + "!"); } }
void DMIParser::exec() { bool readDescription = false; bool readFeatureList = true; std::string currentFeature = ""; int currentIndex = -1; CommandParser *parser = CommandParser::Instance(); std::stringstream o; o << "--type " << mType; parser->parse( "dmidecode", o.str(), true); std::vector<std::string> lines = parser->lines(); parser->split(":"); std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > fields = parser->fields(); // Process the lines one by one for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size() ; ++i) { if (readDescription) { mFrames[currentIndex].Description = lines[i]; readDescription = false; continue; } if (lines[i].substr(0,6) == "Handle") { // Start new Frame Frame f; f.Handle = lines[i]; mFrames.push_back(f); currentIndex++; readDescription = true; readFeatureList = false; continue; } if (currentIndex < 0) continue; if (lines[i].find(":") != std::string::npos) { readFeatureList = false; } else if (readFeatureList) { mFrames[currentIndex].FeatureData[currentFeature].push_back(lines[i]); } if (fields[i].size() == 2) { // Simple field readFeatureList = false; mFrames[currentIndex].Data[fields[i][0]] = fields[i][1]; } else if (fields[i].size() == 1) { // Possible Feature list type field boost::trim(fields[i][0]); currentFeature = fields[i][0]; readFeatureList = true; } } }
int main() { CommandParser commandParser; string input; while ( !cin.eof() ) { getline( cin, input ); if(!commandParser.parse( input )) { LOGME( "Error executing: "<< input << endl ); } } return 0; }
void Controller::parseSpecFile(std::string file) { std::string expandedFilename; if(file[0] == '~') { file.erase(0,1); expandedFilename = std::string(getenv("HOME")); expandedFilename += file; } else { expandedFilename = file; } std::ifstream specFile(expandedFilename.c_str()); if(! { YAML::Parser specParser(specFile); YAML::Node specDoc; specParser.GetNextDocument(specDoc); for(int i=0; i<specDoc["commands"].size(); i++) { if(specDoc["commands"][i]["command"].GetType() == YAML::CT_SCALAR && specDoc["commands"][i]["source"].GetType() == YAML::CT_SEQUENCE) { std::string command; specDoc["commands"][i]["command"] >> command; // lets check whether this command is for us for(int s=0; s<specDoc["commands"][i]["source"].size(); s++) { std::string source; specDoc["commands"][i]["source"][s] >> source; if(source == "controller") { CommandParser *parser = new CommandParser(specDoc["commands"][i]); commands->insert(std::make_pair(command, parser)); if(parser->getCommand().length() > maxCommandNameLength) { maxCommandNameLength = parser->getCommand().length(); } } } } }
void registerLegacyStatusCommand(CommandParser& parser) { CommandDefinition defLegacyNfdStatus("legacy-nfd-status", ""); defLegacyNfdStatus .addArg("args", ArgValueType::ANY, Required::NO, Positional::YES); parser.addCommand(defLegacyNfdStatus, &legacyNfdStatus, AVAILABLE_IN_ALL & ~AVAILABLE_IN_HELP); }
void MacSoftware::read() { Util::exec("pkgutil --package > /tmp/pkgutil.txt"); CommandParser *c = CommandParser::Instance(); c->parse("cat", "/tmp/pkgutil.txt"); vector<string> lines = c->lines(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); i++) { mSoftwareList.push_back(SoftwarePackage()); mSoftwareList[i].name = lines[i]; c->parse("pkgutil", "--pkg-info " + lines[i]); vector<string> lines2 = c->lines(); c->split(":"); vector<vector<string> > fields = c->fields(); for (int j = 0; j < (int)lines2.size(); j++) { if (fields[j][0] == "version") { mSoftwareList[i].version = fields[j][1]; } if (fields[j][0] == "install-time") { //TODO: Format the time which is a time_t to a string // and poplulate mSoftwareList[i].install_time //mSoftwareList[i].install_time = fields[j][1]; } } } }
#include <idt.h> #include <gdt.h> #include <isrs.h> #include <timer.h> #include <irq.h> #include "keyboard.h" #include <terminal.h> #include <Array.h> #include <commandparser.h> #include <system.h> #include <vector.h> #include "printf.h" #include "types.h" #include "callrealmode.h" #include "multiboot.h" #include "fat_filelib.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "heap.h" #include "std/string.h" #include "include/assert.h" extern "C" /* Use C link age for kernel_main. */ void kernel_main() { Terminal::install(Terminal::VgaColor::Blue, Terminal::VgaColor::Cyan); GDT::install(); IDT::install(); ISRs::install(); IRQ::install(); Timer::install(); Keyboard::install(); FileSystem::install(); Heap::install(); CommandParser commandParser; commandParser.start(); ENDLESS_LOOP; }
void execute(const std::string& cmd) { std::vector<std::string> args; boost::split(args, cmd, boost::is_any_of(" ")); CommandParser parser; registerCommands(parser); std::string noun, verb; CommandArguments ca; ExecuteCommand execute; std::tie(noun, verb, ca, execute) = parser.parse(args, ParseMode::ONE_SHOT); Controller controller(face, m_keyChain); ExecuteContext ctx{noun, verb, ca, 0, out, err, face, m_keyChain, controller}; execute(ctx); exitCode = ctx.exitCode; }
TEST(parser, parseToCmd) { std::string storeConfig = "services/store/test/data_store.conf"; ResultCode code = ::idgs::util::singleton<DataStore>::getInstance().initialize(storeConfig); //string insert_cmd = "store.service insert {\"store_name\":\"Customer\"} key={\"c_custkey\":\"234000\"} value={\"c_name\":\"Tom0\",\"c_nationkey\":\"10\",\"c_phone\":\"13500000000\"}"; string insert_cmd = "store.service insert {\"store_name\":\"Orders\"} key={\"o_orderkey\":\"100000\"} value={\"o_custkey\":\"234000\",\"o_orderstatus\":\"2\",\"o_totalprice\":\"200.55\",\"o_orderdate\":\"2013-02-01\"}"; CommandParser parser; Command command; code = parser.parse(insert_cmd, &command); ASSERT_EQ(RC_SUCCESS, code); ASSERT_EQ("store.service", command.actorId); ASSERT_EQ("insert", command.opName); ASSERT_EQ("{\"store_name\":\"Orders\"}", command.payload); /* for(auto it = command.attachments.begin(); it!=command.attachments.end(); ++it) { LOG(INFO) << "get Attachment " << it->first << " | " << it->second; }*/ }
void HistoryHandler::addEvent (CommandParser& test) { int index = masterList[0].dateDifference(test.getDateObj()); if (masterList.size()<=index) fillDates(index); masterList[index].addEvent( test.getId(), test.getInputName(), test.getInputLocation(), test.getStartTimeObj(), test.getEndTimeObj(), test.getInputEventType(), test.getEventStatus()); }
void CommandCC110LPrint::parse(CommandParser & cmdParser) { //bool boolParam; //float floatParam; //double doubleParam; //int intParam; //unsigned int uintParam; //std::string stringParam; // default value true this->mExecutable = true; // test reversed"-", this->mWhat); }
void LinuxOS::read() { mName = Util::exec("uname -s"); boost::trim(mName); std::string kernel = Util::exec("uname -r"); boost::trim(kernel); std::vector<std::string> tokens; boost::split(tokens, kernel, boost::is_any_of(".")); mMajorVersion = tokens[0]; mMinorVersion = tokens[1]; mBuild = tokens[2]; CommandParser *c = CommandParser::Instance(); c->parse("lsb_release", " -a"); c->split(":"); std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > fields2 = c->fields(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fields2.size() ; ++i) { if (fields2[i].size() <= 0) continue; if (fields2[i][0] == "Description") { mName = fields2[i][1]; } if (fields2[i][0] == "Release") { mMajorVersion = fields2[i][1]; mMinorVersion = ""; mBuild = kernel; } } c->parse("cat", "/etc/*-release"); c->split("="); std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > fields = c->fields(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size() ; ++i) { if (fields[i].size() <= 0) continue; if (fields[i][0] == "PATCHLEVEL") { mMinorVersion = fields[i][1]; } } /* * Slackware: /etc/slackware-version Mandrake: /etc/mandrake-release Red Hat: /etc/redhat-release Fedora: /etc/fedora-release Suse : /etc/SuSE-release United : /etc/UnitedLinux-release Debian : /etc/debian_version */ }
int main() { std::string str; CommandParser cp; std::string response; std::cout<<response <<std::endl; while(1){ std::cout << "enter a command: "; std::getline(std::cin, str); response = cp.processCommand(str); // std::cout<<"getting response.."<<std::endl; std::cout<<response<<std::endl; } // std::vector<std::string> tokenized_stuff = cp.tokenizeInput(str); // for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = tokenized_stuff.begin(); itr != tokenized_stuff.end(); ++itr){ // std::cout<< *itr<< " "; // std::cout<< std::endl; // } /*check the first word == the words in enum*/ // std::cout<< isMatch(tokenized_stuff[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void HistoryHandler::deleteEvent (CommandParser& test) { int displayIndex, i; displayIndex=atoi(test.getInputIndex().c_str()); string eventId = displayList[displayIndex-1].getId(); string date=eventId.substr(0,8); Date dateObj=masterList[0].dateStringToObject(date); int dateIndex=masterList[0].dateDifference(dateObj); int indexToDelete=masterList[dateIndex].getIndex(eventId); commandOrder.push("Delete"); eventOrder.push(masterList[dateIndex].getEvent(indexToDelete)); masterList[dateIndex].deleteEvent(indexToDelete); }
void HistoryHandler::showEvents (CommandParser test) { Date date; if (test.hasName()) { displayList.clear(); searchInputParameter(test.getInputName(), "name"); } else if (test.hasDate()) { showParticularDate(test.getDateObj()); } else if (test.hasLocation()) { displayList.clear(); searchInputParameter(test.getInputLocation(), "location"); } }
int main(int ac, const char *av[]) { std::vector<std::string> argv(&av[1], &av[ac]); // stick to STL streams, no mix of C and C++ for IO operations std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); bool interactiveMode = false; Irony irony; if (ac == 1) { printHelp(); return 1; } std::ofstream logFile; // When logging to a specific file, std::clog.rdbuf() is replaced by the log // file's one. When we return from the main, this buffer is deleted (at the // same time as logFile) but std::clog is still active, and will try to // release the rdbuf() which has already been released in logFile's // destructor. To avoid this we restore std::clog()'s original rdbuf on exit. RestoreClogOnExit clogBufferRestorer; unsigned optCount = 0; while (optCount < argv.size()) { const std::string &opt = argv[optCount]; if (opt.c_str()[0] != '-') break; if (opt == "--help" || opt == "-h") { printHelp(); return 0; } if (opt == "--version" || opt == "-v") { printVersion(); return 0; } if (opt == "--interactive" || opt == "-i") { interactiveMode = true; } else if (opt == "--debug" || opt == "-d") { irony.setDebug(true); } else if (opt == "--log-file" && (optCount + 1) < argv.size()) { ++optCount;[optCount]); std::clog.rdbuf(logFile.rdbuf()); } else { std::cerr << "error: invalid option '" << opt << "'\n"; return 1; } ++optCount; } argv.erase(argv.begin(), argv.begin() + optCount); CommandParser commandParser; std::unique_ptr<CommandProviderInterface> commandProvider; if (interactiveMode) { commandProvider.reset(new InteractiveCommandProvider()); } else { commandProvider.reset(new CommandLineCommandProvider(argv)); } while (Command *c = commandParser.parse(commandProvider->nextCommand())) { if (c->action != Command::Exit) { std::clog << "execute: " << *c << std::endl; if (irony.isDebugEnabled()) { dumpUnsavedFiles(*c); } } switch (c->action) { case Command::Help: printHelp(); break; case Command::Diagnostics: irony.diagnostics(); break; case Command::Complete: irony.complete(c->file, c->line, c->column, c->flags, c->cxUnsavedFiles); break; case Command::Exit: return 0; case Command::Parse: irony.parse(c->file, c->flags, c->cxUnsavedFiles); break; case Command::SetDebug: irony.setDebug(c->opt); break; case Command::GetCompileOptions: irony.getCompileOptions(c->dir, c->file); break; case Command::Unknown: assert(0 && "unreacheable code...reached!"); break; } std::cout << "\n;;EOT\n" << std::flush; } return 1; }
void Completer::completeArgument(const CommandParser &parser) { m_startIndex = parser.argumentStart(); m_endIndex = parser.argumentEnd(); }
void HistoryHandler::editEvent (CommandParser& test) { int displayIndex=atoi(test.getInputIndex().c_str()); if(displayIndex>displayList.size()) throw TempusException(TempusException::INVALID_INDEX_EXCEPTION); if(!test.hasWords()) throw TempusException(TempusException::INVALID_EDIT_EXCEPTION, "No Details Entered"); if(!test.hasDate()) throw TempusException(TempusException::INVALID_EDIT_EXCEPTION, "Only Date Can Be Edited In Archive"); string id = displayList[displayIndex-1].getId(); string date=id.substr(0,8); Date dateObj=masterList[0].dateStringToObject(date); int dateIndex=masterList[0].dateDifference(dateObj); int indexToEdit=masterList[dateIndex].getIndex(id); assert(indexToEdit!=-1); Event eventObj2 = masterList[dateIndex].getEvent(indexToEdit); if (test.hasTime() && !test.hasDate()) throw TempusException(TempusException::INVALID_EDIT_EXCEPTION, "Cannot Edit Time In Archive"); deleteEvent(test); stringstream input; input << eventObj2.getName(); if (eventObj2.getLocation()!="") input << " Location " << eventObj2.getLocation(); input << " Date " << test.getInputDate(); if (eventObj2.getEventType()!="d") input << " Time "; else input << " By "; if (test.hasTime()) input << test.getStartTimeObj().formatCompleteTime(test.getEndTimeObj()); else input << eventObj2.getStartTime().formatCompleteTime(eventObj2.getEndTime()); test.setStatus(eventObj2.getEventStatus()); test.setInputDetails(input.str()); }
void Console::register_save_commands() { CommandParser saveParser; saveParser.register_command("level", save_level()); register_command("save", saveParser); }