コード例 #1
ファイル: Phantom_Arm.cpp プロジェクト: amitkr/Raspberry_Pi
// Setup 
void setup() {
  // Lets initialize the Commander
	if (!command.begin("/dev/ttyXBEE", B38400))
		printf("Commander Begin failed\n");

  // Next initialize the Bioloid
  bioloid.poseSize = CNT_SERVOS;

  // Read in the current positions...
  printf("Before readPose\n");
  printf("After readPose\n");
  for (int i=1; i <= CNT_SERVOS; i++) {
    Serial.println(dxl_read_word(i, AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L), DEC);
  // Start off to put arm to sleep...
  Serial.println("Kurt's Arm");


  MSound(3, 60, 2000, 80, 2250, 100, 2500);

コード例 #2
ファイル: CommanderTest.cpp プロジェクト: CreedyNZ/JimBob
int main()
    printf("Arbotox Commander XBee Test!\n");
    // Lets try to open the XBee device...
    command.begin(szDevice, B38400);
    printf("After Begin!\n");

    // loop simply echo what we receive from xbee to terminal
    // Now lets try to get data from the commander.
    for (;;)
        if (command.ReadMsgs())
            // We have data.  see if anything has changed before
            if ((command.rightV != rightV) || (command.rightH != rightH) ||
                (command.leftV != leftV) || (command.leftH != leftH) ||
                (command.buttons != buttons) || (command.ext != ext))
                // Something changed so print it out
                rightV = command.rightV;
                rightH = command.rightH;
                leftV = command.leftV;
                leftH = command.leftH;
                buttons = command.buttons;
                ext = command.ext;
                printf("%x %x - %d %d %d %d\n", buttons, ext, rightV, rightH, leftV, leftH);
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CommanderTest.cpp プロジェクト: CreedyNZ/JimBob
int main()
    printf("Arbotox Commander XBee Test!\n");

    // Install signal handler to allow us to do some cleanup...
    struct sigaction sigIntHandler;

    sigIntHandler.sa_handler = SignalHandler;
    sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0;

    sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL);

    mraa_uart_context uart;
    uart = mraa_uart_init(0);
    if (uart == NULL) {
        printf("MRAA UART failed to setup\n");

    // Lets try to open the XBee device...
    command.begin(szDevice, B38400);
    printf("After Begin!\n");

    // loop simply echo what we receive from xbee to terminal
    // Now lets try to get data from the commander.
    while (fRunning)
        if (command.ReadMsgs())
            // We have data.  see if anything has changed before
            if ((command.rightV != rightV) || (command.rightH != rightH) ||
                (command.leftV != leftV) || (command.leftH != leftH) ||
                (command.buttons != buttons) || (command.ext != ext))
                // Something changed so print it out
                rightV = command.rightV;
                rightH = command.rightH;
                leftV = command.leftV;
                leftH = command.leftH;
                buttons = command.buttons;
                ext = command.ext;
                printf("%x %x - %d %d %d %d\n", buttons, ext, rightV, rightH, leftV, leftH);
    return 0;
コード例 #4
// If both PS2 and XBee are defined then we will become secondary to the xbee
void CommanderInputController::Init(void)
    //  DBGSerial.println("Init Commander Start");
    g_BodyYOffset = 0;
    g_BodyYShift = 0;
    command.begin(szDevice, B38400);
    GPSeq = 0;                                    // init to something...

    ControlMode = WALKMODE;
    HeightSpeedMode = NORM_NORM;
    //    DoubleHeightOn = false;
    DoubleTravelOn = false;
    WalkMethod = false;
    //  DBGSerial.println("Init Commander End");


コード例 #5
ファイル: Rover.cpp プロジェクト: hybotics/kurtE_Raspberry_Pi
// Main: the main  function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Install signal handler to allow us to do some cleanup...
    struct sigaction sigIntHandler;

    sigIntHandler.sa_handler = SignalHandler;
    sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0;

    sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL);

    char abT[40];        // give a nice large buffer.
    uint8_t cbRead;

        if (argc > 1)
           for (int i=1; i < argc; i++) 
                    printf("%d - %s\n", i, argv[i]);
    char *pszDevice;

    if (!RClaw.begin(pszDevice = (argc > 1? argv[1] : szRClawDevice), B38400))
        printf("RClaw (%s) Begin failed\n", pszDevice);
        return 0;

    if (!command.begin(pszDevice = (argc > 2? argv[2] : szCommanderDevice), B38400))
        printf("Commander (%s) Begin failed\n", pszDevice);
        return 0;

    int error;


    // Try to load the Rover Configuration Data


    Serial.println("Kurt's Rover Program Startup\n");

    g_fDebugOutput = false;			// start with it off!
    g_fShowDebugPrompt = true;
    g_fRoverActive = false;
    g_fRoverActivePrev = false;
    g_fServosInit = false;
    g_bGear = 3;                                // We init in 3rd gear.
    g_bSteeringMode = ONE_STICK_MODE;
    // Initialize our pan and tilt servos
    InitializeServos();                                // Make sure the servos are active

    // Loop: the main arduino main Loop function
        // We also have a simple debug monitor that allows us to
        // check things. call it here..
        if (TerminalMonitor())

        CheckVoltages();    // check voltages - if we get too low shut down the servos...

        // Lets get the PS2 data...

        // Drive the rover
        if (g_fRoverActive) {
            if (g_bSteeringMode == TANK_MODE) {
                sRDrivePWM = LStickY; //RStickY; // BUGBUG - appears like wrong ones doing each...
                sLDrivePWM = RStickY; // LStickY;
            } else {    // One stick driving
                if ((RStickY >=0) && (RStickX >= 0)) {    // Quadrant 1
                    sRDrivePWM = RStickY - RStickX;
                    sLDrivePWM = max(RStickX, RStickY);
                } else if ((RStickY<0) && (RStickX>=0))   { //Quadrant 2
                sRDrivePWM = (RStickY + RStickX);
                sLDrivePWM = min (-RStickX, RStickY);

            } else if ((RStickY<0)  && (RStickX<0)) {    //Quadrant 3
                sRDrivePWM = min (RStickX, RStickY);
                sLDrivePWM = (RStickY - RStickX);

            } else if ((RStickY>=0) && (RStickX<0)) {    // Quadrant 4
                sRDrivePWM = max(-RStickX, RStickY);
                sLDrivePWM = (RStickY + RStickX);
            } else {
                    sRDrivePWM = 0;
                sLDrivePWM = 0;

            // Lets output the appropriate stuff to the motor controller
            // ok lets figure out our speeds to output to the two motors.  two different commands
            // depending on going forward or backward.
            // Scale the two values for the motors.
            sRDrivePWM = max(min((sRDrivePWM * g_bGear) / 4, 127), -127);    // This should keep up in the -127 to +127 range and scale it depending on what gear we are in.
            sLDrivePWM = max(min((sLDrivePWM * g_bGear) / 4, 127), -127);

#ifdef DEBUG
            if (g_fDebugOutput) {
                if ((RStickY != RStickYPrev) || (RStickX != RStickXPrev) ||
                        (LStickY != LStickYPrev) || (LStickX != LStickXPrev) ||
                        (sRDrivePWM != sRDrivePWMPrev) || (sLDrivePWM != sLDrivePWMPrev)) {
                    Serial.print(LStickY, DEC);
                    Serial.print(LStickX, DEC);
                    Serial.print(" ");
                    Serial.print(RStickY, DEC);
                    Serial.print(RStickX, DEC);
                    Serial.print(" - ");
                    Serial.print(sLDrivePWM, DEC);
                    Serial.println(sRDrivePWM, DEC);
                    LStickYPrev = LStickY;
                    LStickXPrev = LStickX;
                    RStickYPrev = RStickY;
                    RStickXPrev = RStickX;
                    sRDrivePWMPrev = sRDrivePWM;
                    sLDrivePWMPrev = sLDrivePWM;
        // Call our motors driver code which may change depending on how we talk to the motors...

            // Also if we have a pan/tilt lets update that as well..
            if (g_bSteeringMode != TANK_MODE) {
                if (LStickX ) {
                    if (command.buttons & BUT_L6) {     //modify which thing we are controlling depending on if L6 is down or not.
                        w = max(min(g_wRot + LStickX/8, rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::ROTATE].wMax), rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::ROTATE].wMin);
                        if (w != g_wRot) {
                            g_wRot = w;
                    } else {
                        w = max(min(g_wPan + LStickX/8, rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::PAN].wMax), rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::PAN].wMin);
                        if (w != g_wPan) {
                            g_wPan = w;

                if (LStickY) {
                    w = max(min(g_wTilt + LStickY/8, rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::TILT].wMax), rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::TILT].wMin);
                    if (w != g_wTilt) {
                        g_wTilt = w;

            delay (10);
        } else {
            if (g_fRoverActivePrev) {
                MSound( 3, 100, 2500, 80, 2250, 60, 2000);
        delay (10);

        g_fRoverActivePrev = g_fRoverActive;