bool ComponentCollection::ValidateCompatible( const ComponentPtr& component, tstring& error ) const { HELIUM_ASSERT( component->GetSlot() != Reflect::ReservedTypes::Invalid ); if ( component->GetComponentBehavior() == ComponentBehaviors::Exclusive ) { error = component->GetClass()->m_UIName + TXT( " cannot be added to a(n) " ) + GetClass()->m_UIName + TXT( " because it is an exclusive component." ); return false; } return true; }
bool ComponentCollection::ValidateCompatible( const ComponentPtr& component, std::string& error ) const { HELIUM_ASSERT( component->GetSlot() != NULL ); if ( component->GetComponentBehavior() == ComponentBehaviors::Exclusive ) { error = *component->GetMetaClass()->m_Name; error += TXT( " cannot be added to a(n) " ); error += *GetMetaClass()->m_Name; error += TXT( " because it is an exclusive component." ); return false; } return true; }