コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace std;
using namespace alize;
ConfigChecker cc;
cc.addStringParam("config",false, true,"default config file");
cc.addStringParam("saveLabelFileExtension",true, true,"produced labelFiles extension");
cc.addStringParam("labelOutputPath",false,true,"path where to store produced labelFiles");
cc.addStringParam("labelInputPath",false,true,"path where to load original labelFiles");
cc.addIntegerParam("winLength",false,true,"window of the morphological filter in frames");
cc.addFloatParam("selectThreshold",false,true,"applying filter when selected/unselected matches this threshold");
cc.addStringParam("mode",false,true,"decide the mode: fusion(2 files) or morphing (one file) default=fusion");
cc.addStringParam("labelOneFilename",false,true,"if fusion is selected, name of the first feature file");
cc.addStringParam("labelTwoFilename",false,true,"if fusion is selected, name of the second feature file");
cc.addStringParam("labelFilename",false,true,"if morphing is selected, name of the feature file");

  try {
    CmdLine cmdLine(argc, argv);
    if (cmdLine.displayHelpRequired()){
      cout <<"LabelFusion.exe"<<endl<<"This program is used to merge labelFiles and to apply a morphological window" <<endl<<cc.getParamList()<<endl;
    return 0;  
    if (cmdLine.displayVersionRequired()){
      cout <<"Version 2-beta"<<endl;
    Config tmp;
    Config config;
    if (tmp.existsParam("config")) config.load(tmp.getParam("config"));
    if (config.existsParam("verbose"))verbose=config.getParam("verbose").toBool();else verbose=false;
    bool fusion=true;
    if (config.existsParam("mode")) fusion=(config.getParam("mode")=="fusion");
    if (fusion) labelFusion(config);
    	else labelMorphing(config);	
catch (alize::Exception & e) {cout << e.toString () << endl << cc.getParamList() << endl;}
return 0;
コード例 #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
  using namespace std;
  using namespace alize;

  ConfigChecker cc;

  cc.addStringParam("config",true,true,"defines the default config filename");

  cc.addFloatParam("frameLength",true,true,"defines length of a frame (default=10ms)");
  cc.addIntegerParam("nbTrainIt",false,true,"defines the number of it, the ceiling and flooring are moved and the baggedFrameProbability is used"); 
  cc.addFloatParam("baggedFrameProbabilityInit",false,true,"defines the % of frames taken by component for the initializing of the mixture - mandatory if init from scratch");
  cc.addFloatParam("baggedFrameProbability",true,true,"defines the % of frames taken for each iterations");
  cc.addFloatParam("initVarianceFlooring",true,true,"defines the variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - initial value (moved during the it)");
  cc.addFloatParam("initVarianceCeiling",true,true,"defines the variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - initial value (moved during the it)"); 
  cc.addFloatParam("finalVarianceFlooring",true,true,"defines the variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - final value");
  cc.addFloatParam("finalVarianceCeiling",true,true,"defines the variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - final value"); 

  // For the MAP Algorithm
  cc.addStringParam("MAPAlgo",true,true,"defines the adaptation method (MAPConst,MAPConst2,MAPOccDep,MLLR)");
  cc.addBooleanParam("meanAdapt",false,true,"if set to true, the gaussians means are adapted");
  cc.addBooleanParam("varAdapt",false,true,"if set to true, the gaussians variances are adapted");
  cc.addBooleanParam("weightAdapt",false,true,"if set to true, the gaussians weights are adapted");
  cc.addFloatParam("MAPAlphaMean",false,true,"defines the value alpha for the adaptation of the means for MAP (MAPConst, MAPConst2)");
  cc.addFloatParam("MAPAlphaVar",false,true,"defines the value alpha for the adaptation of the variances for MAP (MAPConst, MAPConst2)");
  cc.addFloatParam("MAPAlphaWeight",false,true,"defines the value alpha for the adaptation of the weights for MAP (MAPConst, MAPConst2)");
  cc.addFloatParam("MAPRegFactorMean",false,true,"defines the value alpha for the adaptation of the means for MAP (MAPOccDep, MAPModelBased, MLLR)");
  cc.addFloatParam("MAPRegFactorVar",false,true,"defines the value alpha for the adaptation of the variances for MAP (MAPOccDep, MAPModelBased, MLLR)");
  cc.addFloatParam("MAPRegFactorWeight",false,true,"defines the value alpha for the adaptation of the weights for MAP (MAPOccDep, MAPModelBased, MLLR)");

  cc.addBooleanParam("normalizeModel",false,true,"if set to true, normalize the model (at each iteration)");
  cc.addBooleanParam("normalizeModelMeanOnly",false,true,"if set to true, normalize only the means of the model");
  cc.addIntegerParam("normalizeModelNbIt",false,true,"defines the number of it (only if normalizeModelMeanOnly is set to true)"); 
//  cc.addBooleanParam("normalizeClient",false,true,"if set to true, normalize the client (at each iteration)");

  cc.addStringParam("labelFilesPath",false,true,"defines the path where to load original labelFiles");
  cc.addStringParam("labelFilesExtension",false,true,"defines the extension to load original labelFiles");
//  cc.addStringParam("labelSelectedFrames",false,true,"only the frames from segments with this label will be used");

  // For the Segmentation Algorithm
  cc.addStringParam("listFileToSegment",true,true,"defines the list of the files to segment");
  cc.addStringParam("outputFilesPath",true,true,"defines the path where will be to store the produced files");
  cc.addStringParam("fileRefPath",false,true,"defines the path of the reference files");
  cc.addFloatParam("decodingEpsilon",false,true,"defines the value epsilon for the decoding");
//  cc.addStringParam("musicLabel",false,true,"label for the segments of music (default=M)");
//  cc.addBooleanParam("aggregateSegment",false,false,"if set to true, aggregate segments after each class");
  cc.addIntegerParam("iterationNb",false,true,"number of iterations for decoding adaptation pass (default=10)");
  cc.addStringParam("transitionMethod",true,true,"defines the method used to calculate the transitions (Equiprob,RapConst,Unity,SpeakerTime)");
  cc.addFloatParam("gammaTransition",true,true,"defines the value gamma for the transitions method");
  cc.addFloatParam("fudge",false,true,"defines the value fudge for the Viterbi algorithm");
  cc.addIntegerParam("viterbiBufferLength",true,true,"defines the size of the buffer for the Viterbi algorithm");
//  cc.addIntegerParam("classNb",true,true,"number of classes");
//  cc.addIntegerParam("selectionLength",true,true,"defines the length of selection"); // Only for Segmentation
//  cc.addStringParam("saveSegServerFileFormat",true,true,"defines the save format of the SegServer file");

  cc.addStringParam("selectionMethod",false,true,"defines a selection mathod : firstSegmentFound (default), firstLimitedLengthSegmentFound, longestSegmentFound, longestLimitedLengthSegmentFound");
  cc.addIntegerParam("selectionLength",true,true,"defines the minimum size of the segment selected according to the selectionMethod");
  cc.addIntegerParam("limitedLength",true,true,"defines the maximum size of the segment selected according to the selectionMethod. This parameter is necessary for both firstLimitedLengthSegmentFound and longestLimitedLengthSegmentFound selection methods");
  cc.addIntegerParam("speakerMinTime",true,true,"defines a minimal length of speech to fix the relevancy of a new speaker");
  cc.addIntegerParam("limitSpeaker",false,true,"defines the maximal number of segments by file (default=99999)");
  cc.addStringParam("trainAlgo",false,true,"defines the method of training of the models : MAP or EM (default)");
  cc.addStringParam("testAlgo",false,true,"defines the method of decoding : Viterbi (default)");

//  cc.addBooleanParam("loadWorldFromExternalFile",false,true,"if set to true, load the model defined by the parameter worldModel, otherwise, compute a world model directly from the targeted signal");
//  cc.addStringParam("worldModel",false,true,"defines the filename of the world model)");

  try {
      CmdLine cmdLine(argc, argv);
      if (cmdLine.displayHelpRequired()){
        cout << "******************************" << endl;
        cout << "********* Segmentation *******" << endl;
        cout << "******************************" << endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "This program is used to perform spreakers segmentation and clustering" << endl;
        cout << "" << endl;
        cout << cc.getParamList()<<endl;
        return 0;  
      if (cmdLine.displayVersionRequired()){
        cout << "Segmentation - Version 2" << endl;
        return 0;  
      Config tmp;
      Config config;
      if (tmp.existsParam("config")) config.load(tmp.getParam("config"));
      if (config.existsParam("verbose")) verbose=config.getParam("verbose").toBool(); else verbose=false;
      if (verbose) verboseLevel=1; else verboseLevel=0;
      if (config.existsParam("verboseLevel")) verboseLevel=config.getParam("verboseLevel").toLong();
      if (verboseLevel>0) verbose=true;
  catch (alize::Exception& e) { cout << e.toString() << endl << cc.getParamList() << endl; }
  return 0;     
コード例 #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ConfigChecker cc;
    cc.addIntegerParam("verboseLevel", false, true,
      "level of the verbose information 0=no verbose, 1=normal, 2=more");
    cc.addStringParam("config", OPTIONAL, ARG_REQUIRED,
      "Train config file name ");
    cc.addStringParam("configTest", OPTIONAL, ARG_REQUIRED,
      "Unsupervised adaptation config file name ");
    cc.addStringParam("targetIdList", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED,
      "targets list");
    cc.addStringParam("inputWorldFilename", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED,
      "world model");
    cc.addStringParam("testsIdList", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED, "tests list");
    cc.addBooleanParam("NISTprotocol", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED,
      "true to follow unsupervised NIST protocol, false to follow BATCH protocol");
    cc.addBooleanParam("WMAP", false, false,
      "NO MORE USED, Choice of WMAP (one Gaussian) to compute trial feature server weights, need other param : MUtarget,MUimp,SIGMAtarget and SIGMAIMP;TAR weight and IMPweight, thrMin and thrMax");
    cc.addBooleanParam("WMAPGMM", false, false,
      "Choice of WMAP GMM to compute trial feature server weights, param needed : two gmm of scores, TARScoresModel and NONScoresModel. Need also a value for Priors update, initPriorImp (10) and initPriorTar(1) ");
    cc.addBooleanParam("TNORM", false, false,
      " TNORM scores before computing WMAP, need gmm of Tnormed scores and a param : impScoreFile, score file for TNORM and testsNames, the list of trial segments ");
    cc.addBooleanParam("FAST", false, false,
      "FAST MODE : For computing LLR use top ten info files AND FOR FUSING EM MODELS WHEN UPDATING");
    cc.addBooleanParam("FromResFile", false, false,
      " Avoid to compute LLR for WMAP computing, search LLR in a score file, param needed: InputResFilename");
    cc.addBooleanParam("CrossValid", false, false,
      " compute LLR of a percentage of train data on a model learnt on a percentage of train data AverageIt times and return the best ML (one iter) model, need AverageIt, SelectedTrain.");
    cc.addBooleanParam("Oracle", false, false,
      " For Oracle (supervised) experiments, need targetTests to perform adaptation on target tests only");
    cc.addBooleanParam("REGRESS", false, false,
      "Use logistic regression for adaptation weights computing, need BETA and THETA");
    cc.addIntegerParam("MaxMixturesCount", false, true,
      "max mixtures stored in the mixture server (in memory)");
    cc.addIntegerParam("LLKthreshold", false, true,
      "thresholds the results of LLR in order to avoid problem in WMAP computing");
    cc.addStringParam("computeLLKWithTopDistribs", true, true,
      "PARTIAL/COMPLETE: will compute LLK with topdistribs. COMPLETE: add world LLK to client LLK, PARTIAL: just keeps the topDistrib LLK");
    cc.addIntegerParam("topDistribsCount ", false, true,
      "Number of distrib to approximate complete LLK");
    cc.addStringParam("InfoExtension", false, true,
      "Extension for top ten info files");
    cc.addStringParam("InfoPath", false, true, "Path for top ten info files");
    cc.addFloatParam("OptimalScore", false, true,
      "Used for updating  priors (fixedPriors == false), if LLR is superior add one for target count, else add one for impostors count ");
    cc.addBooleanParam("SegMode", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED,
      "For adaptation by segments (for the moment support only 3 frame segments)");
    cc.addIntegerParam("mixtureDistribCountForGMMScores", false, true,
      cc.addBooleanParam("ScoresByTarget", MANDATORY, ARG_REQUIRED," IF SET TO TRUE TWO GMM (TAR AND NON) ARE NEEDED BY CLIENT (idcinet.tar and idclient.non)");
    cc.addStringParam("TARListFilename", false, true, "List of the TAR model id (used when ScoresByTarget is set to true)");
cc.addIntegerParam("ResetNbAdapt ", false, true,
      "Max number of tests used for adaptation");
    Config tmp;
    CmdLine cmdLine(argc, argv);
    if (cmdLine.displayHelpRequired())
      {				// --help
	cout << "************************************" << endl;
	cout << "********** SpkAdapt.exe *********" << endl;
	cout << "************************************" << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cout <<
	  "Unsupervised adaptation process, update model using test trial information following NIST protocol"
	  << endl;
	cout << "" << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Command Line example: " << endl;
	cout <<
	  "SpkAdapt.exe --config cfg/TrainTarget.cfg --configTest cfg/TrainTest.cfg --inputWorldFilename world --targetIdList ./lst/id.lst --testsIdList ./lst/tests.list --outputLLRFilename file --NISTprotocol true"
	  << endl;
	cout << cc.getParamList() << endl;
	Config config(tmp.getParam("config"));
	Config configTest(tmp.getParam("configTest"));
	if (config.existsParam("verbose"))
	  verbose = config.getParam("verbose").toBool();
	  verbose = false;
	bool segmode=false;
	if (config.existsParam("SegMode"))
	  segmode = config.getParam("SegMode").toBool();
	if (verbose)
	  verboseLevel = 1;
	  verboseLevel = 0;
	if (config.existsParam("verboseLevel"))
	  verboseLevel = config.getParam("verboseLevel").toLong();
	if (verboseLevel > 0)
	  verbose = true;
	TrainTargetAdapt(config, configTest);	// Launch process

  catch(alize::Exception & e)
    cout << e.toString() << endl;

  return 0;
jint Java_com_example_VoiceRecognize_VoiceRecognize_TrainWorld1(JNIEnv* env,
								jobject thiz,
								jstring jfilename)
  const char *nativefilename = env->GetStringUTFChars(jfilename,0);

  ConfigChecker cc;
  cc.addIntegerParam("verboseLevel",false,true,"level of the verbose information 0=no verbose, 1=normal, 2=more");
  cc.addStringParam("inputFeatureFilename",false, true,"feature filename or filename of a text file with the list of feature filenames");
  cc.addStringParam("inputStreamList",false, true,"filename of a text file with the filename of input streams");
  cc.addStringParam("weightStreamList",false,true,"filename of a text file with the weight of each input stream - default=equal weights");
  cc.addStringParam("outputWorldFilename",true,true,"output worldmodel filename");                            
  cc.addStringParam("inputWorldFilename",false,true,"if set, the init is based on a model get from this file, else frrom scratch");
  cc.addStringParam("saveInitModel",false,true,"if set (default), save the initial model");
  cc.addStringParam("labelSelectedFrames",true,true,"the segments with this label are used for training the worldmodel");
  cc.addFloatParam("baggedFrameProbability",true,true,"defines the % of frames taken for each iterations");
  cc.addFloatParam("baggedFrameProbabilityInit",false,true,"NOT LONGER USED IN TRAINWORLD !! deprecated and remplaced by nbFrameToSelect (defines the % of frames taken BY COMPONENT for the initializing of the mixture- mandatory if init from scratch)");
  cc.addIntegerParam("nbFrameToSelect",false,true,"Defines the number of frames selected to initialise one component, default=50 ");
  cc.addIntegerParam("baggedMinimalLength",false,true,"minimum length for selected segments in bagged (default=3)");
  cc.addIntegerParam("baggedMaximalLength",false,true,"maximal length for selected segments in bagged (default=7)");
  cc.addFloatParam("initVarianceFlooring",true,true,"variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - initial value (moved during the it)");
  cc.addFloatParam("initVarianceCeiling",true,true,"variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - initial value (moved during the it)"); 
  cc.addFloatParam("finalVarianceFlooring",true,true,"variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - final value");
  cc.addFloatParam("finalVarianceCeiling",true,true,"variance control parameters - relative to global data variance - final value"); 
  cc.addIntegerParam("nbTrainIt",true,true,"number of it, the ceiling and flooring are moved and the baggedFrameProbability is used"); 
  cc.addBooleanParam("normalizeModel",false,true,"if set to true,  normalize the world (at each iteration)");
  cc.addBooleanParam("normalizeModelMeanOnly",false,true,"used only if normalizeModel is On, says if only mean parameters should be normalized"); 
  cc.addIntegerParam("normalizeModelNbIt",false,true,"used only if noramlizeModelMeanOnly is set, nb of normalization it");
  cc.addBooleanParam("use01",false,true,"if set at true, don't compute the global mean and cov but uses 0 mean and 1 cov");
  cc.addBooleanParam("componentReduction",false,true,"if set reduce the number of components at each it, selecting the best weights until targetDistribCount (default false)");
  cc.addIntegerParam("targetMixtureDistribCount",false,true,"final number of components if componentReduction is selected"); 
  cc.addIntegerParam("initRand",false,true,"initialisation of the random generator for bagged set of data (default=0)"); 

	cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;  
  int argc=3;
  char* argv[3];

  argv[0]=new char[3];

  argv[1]=new char[9];

  argv[2]=new char[strlen(nativefilename)+1];
  strcpy(argv[2], nativefilename);

  try {
      CmdLine cmdLine(argc, argv);
     //Now free the array
      int i;
         delete [] argv[i];

     env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jfilename, nativefilename);
     	cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
      if (cmdLine.displayHelpRequired()){
        cout <<"TrainWorld.exe"<<endl<<"This program is used for training a world model from scratch or from a model"
        return 0;  
      if (cmdLine.displayVersionRequired()){
        cout <<"Version 2-beta"<<endl;
      Config tmp;
      Config config;
      if (tmp.existsParam("config")) config.load(tmp.getParam("config"));
      if (config.existsParam("verbose"))verbose=config.getParam("verbose").toBool();else verbose=false;
      if (verbose) verboseLevel=1;else verboseLevel=0;
      if (config.existsParam("verboseLevel"))verboseLevel=config.getParam("verboseLevel").toLong();
      if (verboseLevel>0) verbose=true;
catch (alize::Exception& e) {cout << e.toString() << endl << cc.getParamList()<< endl;}
return 0;     