/** * Set a "key = value" to config items * * @param key The name of the key to set * @param value The value to set */ int Settings::set(QString key, QString value) { QPtrListIterator<ConfigItem> it(m_items); // Search for existing key while (it.current() != NULL) { if (it.current()->key() == key) { // Replace existing it.current()->setText(value); return m_items.count(); } else { ++it; } } // // If we come here, it means the key was not found so we must create new ConfigItem* item = new ConfigItem; item->setKey(key); item->setText(value); m_items.append(item); return m_items.count(); }
void ConfigureDialog::fill(unsigned id) { lstBox->clear(); lstBox->setSorting(1); ConfigItem *parentItem = new MainInfoItem(lstBox, 0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < getContacts()->nClients(); i++){ Client *client = getContacts()->getClient(i); CommandDef *cmds = client->configWindows(); if (cmds){ parentItem = NULL; for (; cmds->text; cmds++){ if (parentItem){ new ClientItem(parentItem, client, cmds); }else{ parentItem = new ClientItem(lstBox, client, cmds); parentItem->setOpen(true); } } } } unsigned long n; parentItem = NULL; list<unsigned> st; for (n = 0; n < getContacts()->nClients(); n++){ Protocol *protocol = getContacts()->getClient(n)->protocol(); if ((protocol->description()->flags & (PROTOCOL_AR | PROTOCOL_AR_USER)) == 0) continue; if (parentItem == NULL){ parentItem = new ConfigItem(lstBox, 0); parentItem->setText(0, i18n("Autoreply")); parentItem->setOpen(true); } for (const CommandDef *d = protocol->statusList(); d->text; d++){ if (((protocol->description()->flags & PROTOCOL_AR_OFFLINE) == 0) && ((d->id == STATUS_ONLINE) || (d->id == STATUS_OFFLINE))) continue; list<unsigned>::iterator it; for (it = st.begin(); it != st.end(); ++it) if ((*it) == d->id) break; if (it != st.end()) continue; st.push_back(d->id); new ARItem(parentItem, d); } } parentItem = new ConfigItem(lstBox, 0); parentItem->setText(0, i18n("Plugins")); parentItem->setPixmap(0, Pict("run", lstBox->colorGroup().base())); parentItem->setOpen(true); for ( n = 0;; n++){ Event e(EventPluginGetInfo, (void*)n); pluginInfo *info = (pluginInfo*)e.process(); if (info == NULL) break; if (info->info == NULL){ Event e(EventLoadPlugin, (char*)info->name.c_str()); e.process(); } if ((info->info == NULL) || (info->info->title == NULL)) continue; QString title = i18n(info->info->title); new PluginItem(parentItem, title, info, n); } QFontMetrics fm(lstBox->font()); unsigned w = 0; for (QListViewItem *item = lstBox->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()){ w = QMAX(w, itemWidth(item, fm)); } lstBox->setFixedWidth(w); lstBox->setColumnWidth(0, w - 2); if (id){ for (QListViewItem *item = lstBox->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()){ if (setCurrentItem(item, id)) return; } } lstBox->setCurrentItem(lstBox->firstChild()); }