コード例 #1
ConnectionPtr SocketConnection::acceptSync()
    LB_TS_THREAD( _recvThread );
    if( !isListening( ))
        return 0;

    LBASSERT( _overlappedAcceptData );
    LBASSERT( _overlappedSocket != INVALID_SOCKET );
    if( _overlappedSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
        return 0;

    // complete accept
    DWORD got   = 0;
    DWORD flags = 0;

    if( !WSAGetOverlappedResult( _readFD, &_overlappedRead, &got, TRUE,
                                 &flags ))
        LBWARN << "Accept completion failed: " << lunchbox::sysError
               << ", closing socket" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    sockaddr_in* local     = 0;
    sockaddr_in* remote    = 0;
    int          localLen  = 0;
    int          remoteLen = 0;
    GetAcceptExSockaddrs( _overlappedAcceptData, 0, sizeof( sockaddr_in ) + 16,
                          sizeof( sockaddr_in ) + 16, (sockaddr**)&local,
                          &localLen, (sockaddr**)&remote, &remoteLen );
    _tuneSocket( _overlappedSocket );

    ConstConnectionDescriptionPtr description = getDescription();
    SocketConnection* newConnection = new SocketConnection;
    ConnectionPtr connection( newConnection ); // to keep ref-counting correct

    newConnection->_readFD  = _overlappedSocket;
    newConnection->_writeFD = _overlappedSocket;

#ifndef _WIN32
    //fcntl( _overlappedSocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );

    _overlappedSocket       = INVALID_SOCKET;

    newConnection->_setState( STATE_CONNECTED );
    ConnectionDescriptionPtr newDescription = newConnection->_getDescription();
    newDescription->bandwidth = description->bandwidth;
    newDescription->port = ntohs( remote->sin_port );
    newDescription->setHostname( getHostName( *remote ));

    LBDEBUG << "accepted connection from " << newDescription->getHostname()
           << ":" << newDescription->port << std::endl;
    return connection;
コード例 #2
// caller: application
ConnectionPtr UDTConnection::acceptSync( )
    struct sockaddr address;
    int addrlen;

    UDTSOCKET newSocket = UDT::accept( _udt, &address, &addrlen );
    UDTConnectionPtr newConnection = new UDTConnection;

    if( UDT::INVALID_SOCK == newSocket )
        LBERROR << UDTLASTERROR( "UDT::accept" ) << std::endl;
        close( );
        goto err;

    acknowledge( _notifier );

    newConnection->_udt = newSocket;

    // Do this after accept, otherwise accept itself becomes non-blocking
    static const bool OFF = false;
    if( newConnection->setSockOpt( UDT_RCVSYN,
                                   static_cast<const void *>( &OFF ),
                                   sizeof(OFF) ))
        ConnectionDescriptionPtr desc = newConnection->_getDescription();
        desc->setHostname( ::inet_ntoa(
                                  ((struct sockaddr_in *)&address)->sin_addr ));
        desc->port = ntohs( ((struct sockaddr_in *)&address)->sin_port );
        desc->bandwidth = getDescription()->bandwidth;
        if( newConnection->initialize( ))
            newConnection->_setState( STATE_CONNECTED );
            goto out;
    // else goto err;
    newConnection = 0;

    // Let the event thread continue polling
    lunchbox::ScopedMutex<> mutex( _app_mutex );

    _app_block.set( true );

    return newConnection;
コード例 #3
ConnectionPtr SocketConnection::acceptSync()
    if( !isListening( ))
        return 0;

    sockaddr_in newAddress;
    socklen_t   newAddressLen = sizeof( newAddress );

    Socket    fd;
    unsigned  nTries = 1000;
        fd = ::accept( _readFD, (sockaddr*)&newAddress, &newAddressLen );
    while( fd == INVALID_SOCKET && errno == EINTR && --nTries );

    if( fd == INVALID_SOCKET )
      LBWARN << "accept failed: " << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;
        return 0;

    _tuneSocket( fd );

    ConstConnectionDescriptionPtr description = getDescription();
    SocketConnection* newConnection = new SocketConnection;

    newConnection->_readFD      = fd;
    newConnection->_writeFD     = fd;
    newConnection->_setState( STATE_CONNECTED );
    ConnectionDescriptionPtr newDescription = newConnection->_getDescription();
    newDescription->bandwidth = description->bandwidth;
    newDescription->port = ntohs( newAddress.sin_port );
    newDescription->setHostname( inet_ntoa( newAddress.sin_addr ));

    LBDEBUG << "Accepted " << newDescription->toString() << std::endl;
    return newConnection;
コード例 #4
// listen
bool SocketConnection::listen()
    ConnectionDescriptionPtr description = _getDescription();
    LBASSERT( description->type == CONNECTIONTYPE_TCPIP );

    if( !isClosed( ))
        return false;

    _setState( STATE_CONNECTING );

    sockaddr_in address;
    const size_t size = sizeof( sockaddr_in );

    if( !_parseAddress( description, address ))
        LBWARN << "Can't parse connection parameters" << std::endl;
        return false;

    if( !_createSocket())
        return false;

    const bool bound = (::bind( _readFD, (sockaddr *)&address, size ) == 0);

    if( !bound )
        LBWARN << "Could not bind socket " << _readFD << ": "
               << lunchbox::sysError << " to " << getHostName( address )
               << ":" << ntohs( address.sin_port ) << " AF "
               << (int)address.sin_family << std::endl;

        return false;

    if( ::listen( _readFD, SOMAXCONN ) != 0 )
        LBWARN << "Could not listen on socket: " << lunchbox::sysError
               << std::endl;
        return false;

    // get socket parameters
    socklen_t used = size;
    getsockname( _readFD, (struct sockaddr *)&address, &used );
    description->port = ntohs( address.sin_port );

    std::string hostname = description->getHostname();
    if( hostname.empty( ))
        if( address.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY )
            char cHostname[256] = {0};
            gethostname( cHostname, 256 );
            hostname = cHostname;

            description->setHostname( hostname );
            description->setHostname( getHostName( address ));

    _setState( STATE_LISTENING );

    LBDEBUG << "Listening on " << description->getHostname() << "["
           << getHostName( address ) << "]:" << description->port
           << " (" << description->toString() << ")" << std::endl;

    return true;
コード例 #5
// connect
bool SocketConnection::connect()
    ConnectionDescriptionPtr description = _getDescription();
    LBASSERT( description->type == CONNECTIONTYPE_TCPIP );
    if( !isClosed( ))
        return false;

    if( description->port == 0 )
        return false;

    if( description->getHostname().empty( ))
        description->setHostname( "" );

    sockaddr_in address;
    if( !_parseAddress( description, address ))
        LBWARN << "Can't parse connection parameters" << std::endl;
        return false;

    _setState( STATE_CONNECTING );

    if( !_createSocket( ))
        return false;

    if( address.sin_addr.s_addr == 0 )
        LBWARN << "Refuse to connect to" << std::endl;
        return false;

#ifdef _WIN32
    const bool connected = WSAConnect( _readFD, (sockaddr*)&address,
                                       sizeof( address ), 0, 0, 0, 0 ) == 0;
    int nTries = 10;
    while( nTries-- )
        const bool connected = (::connect( _readFD, (sockaddr*)&address,
                                           sizeof( address )) == 0);
        if( connected )

        switch( errno )
          case EINTR: // Happens sometimes, but looks harmless
              LBDEBUG << "connect: " << lunchbox::sysError << ", retrying"
                     << std::endl;
              lunchbox::sleep( 5 /*ms*/ );

              nTries = 0;
    const bool connected = nTries > 0;

    if( !connected )
        LBDEBUG << "Could not connect to '" << description->getHostname() << ":"
                << description->port << "': " << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;
        return false;

    _setState( STATE_CONNECTED );
    LBDEBUG << "Connected " << description->toString() << std::endl;
    return true;