コード例 #1
    found_unknown_directive(ContextT const& ctx, ContainerT const& line, 
        ContainerT& pending)
        namespace wave = boost::wave;

        typedef typename ContainerT::const_iterator iterator_type;
        iterator_type it = line.begin();
        wave::token_id id = wave::util::impl::skip_whitespace(it, line.end());

        if (id != wave::T_IDENTIFIER)
            return false;       // nothing we could do

        if ((*it).get_value() == "version" || (*it).get_value() == "extension")
            // handle #version and #extension directives
            std::copy(line.begin(), line.end(), std::back_inserter(pending));
            return true;

        return false;           // unknown directive
コード例 #2
inline bool 
definition_equals(ContainerT const &definition, 
    ContainerT const &new_definition)
    typedef typename ContainerT::const_iterator const_iterator_type;

const_iterator_type first1 = definition.begin();
const_iterator_type last1 = definition.end();
const_iterator_type first2 = new_definition.begin();
const_iterator_type last2 = new_definition.end();

    while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2 && token_equals(*first1, *first2)) 
    // skip whitespace, if both sequences have a whitespace next
    token_id id1 = next_token<const_iterator_type>::peek(first1, last1, false);
    token_id id2 = next_token<const_iterator_type>::peek(first2, last2, false);

        if (IS_CATEGORY(id1, WhiteSpaceTokenType) && 
            IS_CATEGORY(id2, WhiteSpaceTokenType)) 
        // all consecutive whitespace tokens count as one whitespace
        // adjust first1 and first2 accordingly
            skip_whitespace(first1, last1);
            skip_whitespace(first2, last2);
        else if (!IS_CATEGORY(id1, WhiteSpaceTokenType) && 
                 !IS_CATEGORY(id2, WhiteSpaceTokenType)) 
        else {
        // the sequences differ
    return (first1 == last1 && first2 == last2) ? true : false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cpp_macromap_utils.hpp プロジェクト: AlexS2172/IVRM
inline bool
is_whitespace_only (ContainerT const &argument)
    using namespace cpplexer;
    typename ContainerT::const_iterator end = argument.end();
    for (typename ContainerT::const_iterator it = argument.begin();
          it != end; ++it)
        if (!IS_CATEGORY(*it, WhiteSpaceTokenType))
            return false;
    return true;
コード例 #4
    inline typename ContainerT::value_type::string_type
    as_stringlit (ContainerT const &token_sequence, PositionT const &pos)
        using namespace boost::wave;
        typedef typename ContainerT::value_type::string_type string_type;
        string_type result("\"");
        bool was_whitespace = false;
        typename ContainerT::const_iterator end = token_sequence.end();
        for (typename ContainerT::const_iterator it = token_sequence.begin(); 
             it != end; ++it) 
            token_id id = token_id(*it);
            if (IS_CATEGORY(*it, WhiteSpaceTokenType) || T_NEWLINE == id) {
                if (!was_whitespace) {
                // C++ standard [cpp.stringize]
                // Each occurrence of white space between the argument's 
                // preprocessing tokens becomes a single space character in the 
                // character string literal.
                    result += " ";
                    was_whitespace = true;
            else if (T_STRINGLIT == id || T_CHARLIT == id) {
            // string literals and character literals have to be escaped
                result += impl::escape_lit((*it).get_value());
                was_whitespace = false;
            if (T_PLACEMARKER != id) 
            // now append this token to the string
                result += (*it).get_value();
                was_whitespace = false;
        result += "\"";

    // validate the resulting literal to contain no invalid universal character
    // value (throws if invalid chars found)
        boost::wave::cpplexer::impl::validate_literal(result, pos.get_line(), 
            pos.get_column(), pos.get_file()); 
        return result;
コード例 #5
 void replace_ellipsis (std::vector<ContainerT> const &arguments,
     typename ContainerT::size_type index, 
     ContainerT &expanded, PositionT const &pos)
     using namespace cpplexer;
     typedef typename ContainerT::value_type token_type;
     token_type comma(T_COMMA, ",", pos);
     for (/**/; index < arguments.size(); ++index) {
     ContainerT const &arg = arguments[index];
         std::copy(arg.begin(), arg.end(), 
             std::inserter(expanded, expanded.end()));
         if (index < arguments.size()-1) 
コード例 #6
void push_front_test()
    using namespace boost::spirit;

    const char* cp = "one,two,three";
    const char* cp_first = cp;
    const char* cp_last = cp + test_impl::string_length(cp);
    const char* cp_i[] = {"one","two","three"};;
    int i;
    ContainerT c;
    typename ContainerT::const_iterator it;

    scanner<char const*> scan( cp_first, cp_last );
    match<> hit;

    hit = list_p( (*alpha_p)[ push_front_a(c)] , ch_p(',') ).parse(scan);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(scan.first, scan.last);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( c.size(), static_cast<typename ContainerT::size_type>(3));
    for (i=2, it = c.begin();i>=0 && it != c.end();--i, ++it)
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( cp_i[i], *it);
    scan.first = cp;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CPreProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: TrentSterling/glr
bool CPreProcessor::found_unknown_directive(ContextT const& ctx, ContainerT const& line, ContainerT& pending)
	typedef typename ContainerT::const_iterator iterator_type;
	iterator_type it = line.begin();
	wave::token_id id = wave::util::impl::skip_whitespace(it, line.end());

	if ( id != wave::T_IDENTIFIER )
		// nothing we could do
		return false;

	if ((*it).get_value() == "version" || (*it).get_value() == "extension" )
		// Handle #version and #extension directives
		std::copy(line.begin(), line.end(), std::back_inserter(pending));
		return true;

	if ((*it).get_value() == "type" )
		// Handle type directive
		typedef typename ContextT::token_type result_type;
		for ( result_type t : line )
			const char* text = t.get_value().c_str();
			if ( strcmp("#", text) != 0 && strcmp("type", text) != 0 && strcmp("na", text) != 0 )
				type_ += t.get_value().c_str();

		//std::cout << type_ << std::endl;

		return true;

	if ((*it).get_value() == "name")
		// Once the name is set, we ignore #name directives
		if ( name_.size() == 0 )
			// Handle name directive
			typedef typename ContextT::token_type result_type;
			for ( result_type t : line )
				const char* text = t.get_value().c_str();
				if ( strcmp("#", text) != 0 && strcmp("name", text) != 0 )
					name_ += t.get_value().c_str();
		//std::cout << name_ << std::endl;

		return true;

	if ((*it).get_value() == "bind" )
		// Handle bind directive

		//typedef typename ContextT::token_type result_type;
		//for ( result_type t : line) {
		//	std::cout << t.get_value() << std::endl;

		std::copy(line.begin(), line.end(), std::back_inserter(pending));
		return true;

	// Unknown directive
	return false;
コード例 #8
std::string containerStr (const ContainerT& c, int wrapLengthParam = 0, int numIndentationSpaces = 0)
	return elemsStr(c.begin(), c.end(), wrapLengthParam, numIndentationSpaces);
コード例 #9
ファイル: utility.cpp プロジェクト: wuye9036/soul
	void visit( ContainerT& v, ::boost::any* data ){
		for( typename ContainerT::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it ){
			SAFE_ACCEPT( *it );
コード例 #10
ファイル: StringAlg.hpp プロジェクト: sidch/Thea
stringJoin(ContainerT const & a, C const & padding)
  return stringJoin(a.begin(), a.end(), padding);
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: arturmazurek/euler
inline long toNumber(ContainerT& digits) {
    return toNumber(digits.begin(), digits.end());
コード例 #12
ファイル: mathutil.hpp プロジェクト: Ircher/CBoE
void erase_if(ContainerT& items, const PredicateT& predicate) {
    for(auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end();) {
		if(predicate(*it)) it = items.erase(it);
		else ++it;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Algorithms.hpp プロジェクト: jagoly/sqee
template<class ContainerT, class PredicateT> inline
auto find_if(const ContainerT& _container, const PredicateT& _pred) {
    return sq::algo::find_if(_container.begin(), _container.end(), _pred);
コード例 #14
ファイル: Algorithms.hpp プロジェクト: jagoly/sqee
template<class ContainerT, class ValueT> inline
auto find_first(const ContainerT& _container, const ValueT& _value) {
    return sq::algo::find_first(_container.begin(), _container.end(), _value);