コード例 #1
SBMLLevel1Version1Converter::getDefaultProperties() const
  static ConversionProperties prop;
  static bool init = false;

  if (init) 
    return prop;
    SBMLNamespaces * sbmlns = new SBMLNamespaces(1,1); // default namespaces
    prop.setTargetNamespaces(sbmlns); // this gets cloned
    prop.addOption("convertToL1V1", true,
      "convert the document to SBML Level 1 Version 1");
    prop.addOption("changePow", false, 
      "change pow expressions to the (^) hat notation");
    prop.addOption("inlineCompartmentSizes", false, 
      "if true, occurrances of compartment ids in expressions will be replaced with their initial size");

    delete sbmlns;
    init = true;
    return prop;
コード例 #2
SBMLLevelVersionConverter::getDefaultProperties() const
  static ConversionProperties prop;
  static bool init = false;

  if (init) 
    return prop;
    SBMLNamespaces * sbmlns = new SBMLNamespaces(); // default namespaces
    prop.setTargetNamespaces(sbmlns); // this gets cloned
    prop.addOption("strict", true,
                   "Whether validity should be strictly preserved");
    prop.addOption("setLevelAndVersion", true, 
                   "Convert the model to a given Level and Version of SBML");
    prop.addOption("addDefaultUnits", true,
                   "Whether default units should be added when converting to L3");
    delete sbmlns;
    init = true;
    return prop;
コード例 #3
SBMLLevelVersionConverter::getDefaultProperties() const
  static ConversionProperties prop;
  prop.setTargetNamespaces(new SBMLNamespaces()); // default namespaces
  prop.addOption("strict", true,
                 "Whether validity should be strictly preserved");
  prop.addOption("setLevelAndVersion", true, 
                 "Convert the model to a given Level and Version of SBML");
  return prop;