コード例 #1
    static void
    write(std::ofstream &file, 
          const CrsMatrixType A,
          const std::string comment = "%% Tacho::MatrixMarket::Export",
          const int uplo = 0) {
      typedef typename CrsMatrixType::value_type   value_type;
      typedef typename CrsMatrixType::ordinal_type ordinal_type;
      typedef typename CrsMatrixType::size_type    size_type;

      std::streamsize prec = file.precision();
      file << std::scientific;
      file << "%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate "
           << (Util::isComplex<value_type>() ? "complex " : "real ")
           << ((uplo == Uplo::Upper || uplo == Uplo::Lower) ? "symmetric " : "general ")
           << std::endl;
      file << comment << std::endl;
      // cnt nnz
      size_type nnz = 0;
      for (ordinal_type i=0;i<A.NumRows();++i) {
        const size_type jbegin = A.RowPtrBegin(i), jend = A.RowPtrEnd(i);
        for (size_type j=jbegin;j<jend;++j) {
          const auto aj = A.Col(j);
          if (uplo == Uplo::Upper && i <= aj) ++nnz;
          if (uplo == Uplo::Lower && i >= aj) ++nnz;
          if (!uplo) ++nnz;
      file << A.NumRows() << " " << A.NumCols() << " " << nnz << std::endl;
      const int w = 10;
      for (ordinal_type i=0;i<A.NumRows();++i) {
        const size_type jbegin = A.RowPtrBegin(i), jend = A.RowPtrEnd(i);
        for (size_type j=jbegin;j<jend;++j) {
          const auto aj = A.Col(j);
          bool flag = false;
          if (uplo == Uplo::Upper && i <= aj) flag = true;
          if (uplo == Uplo::Lower && i >= aj) flag = true;
          if (!uplo) flag = true;
          if (flag) {
            value_type val = A.Value(j);
            file << std::setw(w) << ( i+1) << "  "
                 << std::setw(w) << (aj+1) << "  "
                 << std::setw(w) <<    val << std::endl;
コード例 #2
    GraphHelper_Scotch(const CrsMatrixType& A,
                       const int seed = GraphHelper::DefaultRandomSeed) {

        _label = "GraphHelper_Scotch::" + A.Label();

        _is_ordered = false;
        _cblk  = 0;

        // scotch does not allow self-contribution (diagonal term in sparse matrix)
        _base  = 0; //A.BaseVal();
        _m     = A.NumRows();
        _nnz   = A.NumNonZeros();

        _rptr  = size_type_array(_label+"::RowPtrArray", _m+1);
        _cidx  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::ColIndexArray", _nnz);

        _perm  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::PermutationArray", _m);
        _peri  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::InvPermutationArray", _m);
        _range = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::RangeArray", _m);
        _tree  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::TreeArray", _m);

        // create a graph structure without diagonals
        A.convertGraph(_nnz, _rptr, _cidx);

        int ierr = 0;
        ordinal_type *rptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_rptr.ptr_on_device());
        ordinal_type *cidx = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cidx.ptr_on_device());

        if (seed != GraphHelper::DefaultRandomSeed) {

        ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&_graph);
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphBuild(&_graph,             // scotch graph
                                 _base,               // base value
                                 _m,                  // # of vertices
                                 rptr,                // column index array pointer begin
                                 rptr+1,              // column index array pointer end
                                 NULL,                // weights on vertices (optional)
                                 NULL,                // label array on vertices (optional)
                                 _nnz,                // # of nonzeros
                                 cidx,                // column index array
        CHKERR(ierr);  // edge load array (optional)
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&_graph);