コード例 #1
ReferenceCustomDynamics::ReferenceCustomDynamics(int numberOfAtoms, const CustomIntegrator& integrator) : 
           ReferenceDynamics(numberOfAtoms, integrator.getStepSize(), 0.0), integrator(integrator) {
    for (int i = 0; i < integrator.getNumComputations(); i++) {
        string expression;
        integrator.getComputationStep(i, stepType[i], stepVariable[i], expression);
コード例 #2
ReferenceCustomDynamics::ReferenceCustomDynamics(int numberOfAtoms, const CustomIntegrator& integrator) : 
           ReferenceDynamics(numberOfAtoms, integrator.getStepSize(), 0.0), integrator(integrator) {
    for (int i = 0; i < integrator.getNumComputations(); i++) {
        string expression;
        integrator.getComputationStep(i, stepType[i], stepVariable[i], expression);
    kineticEnergyExpression = Lepton::Parser::parse(integrator.getKineticEnergyExpression()).optimize().createProgram();
    kineticEnergyNeedsForce = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < kineticEnergyExpression.getNumOperations(); i++) {
        const Lepton::Operation& op = kineticEnergyExpression.getOperation(i);
        if (op.getId() == Lepton::Operation::VARIABLE && op.getName() == "f")
            kineticEnergyNeedsForce = true;
コード例 #3
void CustomIntegratorUtilities::analyzeComputations(const ContextImpl& context, const CustomIntegrator& integrator, vector<vector<Lepton::ParsedExpression> >& expressions,
            vector<Comparison>& comparisons, vector<int>& blockEnd, vector<bool>& invalidatesForces, vector<bool>& needsForces, vector<bool>& needsEnergy,
            vector<bool>& computeBoth, vector<int>& forceGroup) {
    int numSteps = integrator.getNumComputations();
    invalidatesForces.resize(numSteps, false);
    needsForces.resize(numSteps, false);
    needsEnergy.resize(numSteps, false);
    computeBoth.resize(numSteps, false);
    forceGroup.resize(numSteps, -2);
    vector<CustomIntegrator::ComputationType> stepType(numSteps);
    vector<string> stepVariable(numSteps);

    // Parse the expressions.

    for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
        string expression;
        integrator.getComputationStep(step, stepType[step], stepVariable[step], expression);
        if (stepType[step] == CustomIntegrator::BeginIfBlock || stepType[step] == CustomIntegrator::BeginWhileBlock) {
            // This step involves a condition.

            string lhs, rhs;
            parseCondition(expression, lhs, rhs, comparisons[step]);
        else if (expression.size() > 0)

    // Identify which steps invalidate the forces.

    set<string> affectsForce;
    for (vector<ForceImpl*>::const_iterator iter = context.getForceImpls().begin(); iter != context.getForceImpls().end(); ++iter) {
        const map<string, double> params = (*iter)->getDefaultParameters();
        for (map<string, double>::const_iterator param = params.begin(); param != params.end(); ++param)
    for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++)
        invalidatesForces[i] = (stepType[i] == CustomIntegrator::ConstrainPositions || affectsForce.find(stepVariable[i]) != affectsForce.end());

    // Make a list of which steps require valid forces or energy to be known.

    vector<string> forceGroupName;
    vector<string> energyGroupName;
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        stringstream fname;
        fname << "f" << i;
        stringstream ename;
        ename << "energy" << i;
    for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
        for (int expr = 0; expr < expressions[step].size(); expr++) {
            if (usesVariable(expressions[step][expr], "f")) {
                needsForces[step] = true;
                forceGroup[step] = -1;
            if (usesVariable(expressions[step][expr], "energy")) {
                needsEnergy[step] = true;
                forceGroup[step] = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                if (usesVariable(expressions[step][expr], forceGroupName[i])) {
                    if (forceGroup[step] != -2)
                        throw OpenMMException("A single computation step cannot depend on multiple force groups");
                    needsForces[step] = true;
                    forceGroup[step] = i;
                if (usesVariable(expressions[step][expr], energyGroupName[i])) {
                    if (forceGroup[step] != -2)
                        throw OpenMMException("A single computation step cannot depend on multiple force groups");
                    needsEnergy[step] = true;
                    forceGroup[step] = i;
    for (int step = numSteps-2; step >= 0; step--)
        if (forceGroup[step] == -2)
            forceGroup[step] = forceGroup[step+1];

    // Find the end point of each block.

    vector<int> blockStart;
    blockEnd.resize(numSteps, -1);
    for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
        if (stepType[step] == CustomIntegrator::BeginIfBlock || stepType[step] == CustomIntegrator::BeginWhileBlock)
        else if (stepType[step] == CustomIntegrator::EndBlock) {
            if (blockStart.size() == 0) {
                stringstream error("CustomIntegrator: Unexpected end of block at computation ");
                error << step;
                throw OpenMMException(error.str());
            blockEnd[blockStart.back()] = step;
    if (blockStart.size() > 0)
        throw OpenMMException("CustomIntegrator: Missing EndBlock");

    // If a step requires either forces or energy, and a later step will require the other one, it's most efficient
    // to compute both at the same time.  Figure out whether we should do that.  In principle it's easy: step through
    // the sequence of computations and see if the other one is used before the next time they get invalidated.
    // Unfortunately, flow control makes this much more complicated, because there are many possible paths to
    // consider.
    // The cost of computing both when we really only needed one is much less than the cost of computing only one,
    // then later finding we need to compute the other separately.  So we always err on the side of computing both.
    // If there is any possible path that would lead to us needing it, go ahead and compute it.
    // So we need to enumerate all possible paths.  For each "if" block, there are two possibilities: execute it
    // or don't.  For each "while" block there are three possibilities: don't execute it; execute it and then
    // continue on; or execute it and then jump back to the beginning.  I'm assuming the number of blocks will
    // always remain small.  Otherwise, this could become very expensive!

    vector<int> jumps(numSteps, -1);
    vector<int> stepsInPath;
    enumeratePaths(0, stepsInPath, jumps, blockEnd, stepType, needsForces, needsEnergy, invalidatesForces, forceGroup, computeBoth);
コード例 #4
void testSerializeCustomIntegrator() {
    CustomIntegrator *intg = new CustomIntegrator(0.002234);
    vector<Vec3> initialValues(123);
    for(int i = 0; i < 123; i++)
        initialValues[i] = Vec3(i+0.1, i+0.2, i+0.3);
    intg->setPerDofVariable(0, initialValues);
    intg->addPerDofVariable("oldx", 0);
    intg->addComputePerDof("v", "v+dt*f/m");
    intg->addComputePerDof("oldx", "x");
    intg->addComputePerDof("x", "x+dt*v");
    intg->addComputePerDof("v", "(x-oldx)/dt");
    intg->addComputeSum("summand", "x*x+v*v");
    intg->addPerDofVariable("outf", 0);
    intg->addPerDofVariable("outf1", 0);
    intg->addPerDofVariable("outf2", 0);
    intg->addGlobalVariable("oute", 0);
    intg->addGlobalVariable("oute1", 0);
    intg->addGlobalVariable("oute2", 0);
    intg->addComputePerDof("outf", "f");
    intg->addComputePerDof("outf1", "f1");
    intg->addComputePerDof("outf2", "f2");
    intg->addComputeGlobal("oute", "energy");
    intg->addComputeGlobal("oute1", "energy1");
    intg->addComputeGlobal("oute2", "energy2");
    intg->addComputeSum("summand2", "v*v+f*f");
    intg->setKineticEnergyExpression("m*v1*v1/2; v1=v+0.5*dt*f/m");
    stringstream ss;
    XmlSerializer::serialize<Integrator>(intg, "CustomIntegrator", ss);
    CustomIntegrator *intg2 = dynamic_cast<CustomIntegrator*>(XmlSerializer::deserialize<Integrator>(ss));
    ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getNumGlobalVariables(), intg->getNumGlobalVariables());
    for (int i = 0; i < intg->getNumGlobalVariables(); i++) {
        ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getGlobalVariable(i), intg2->getGlobalVariable(i));
        ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getGlobalVariableName(i), intg2->getGlobalVariableName(i));
    ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getNumPerDofVariables(), intg2->getNumPerDofVariables());
    for(int i = 0; i < intg->getNumPerDofVariables(); i++) {
        vector<Vec3> vars1; intg->getPerDofVariable(i, vars1);
        vector<Vec3> vars2; intg2->getPerDofVariable(i, vars2);
        for (int j = 0; j < (int) vars1.size(); j++) {
            ASSERT_EQUAL(vars1[j][0], vars2[j][0]);
            ASSERT_EQUAL(vars1[j][1], vars2[j][1]);
            ASSERT_EQUAL(vars1[j][2], vars2[j][2]);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getNumComputations(), intg2->getNumComputations());
    for(int i=0; i<intg->getNumComputations(); i++) {
        CustomIntegrator::ComputationType type1, type2;
        string variable1, variable2;
        string expression1, expression2;
        intg->getComputationStep(i, type1, variable1, expression1);
        intg2->getComputationStep(i, type2, variable2, expression2);
        ASSERT_EQUAL(type1, type2);
        ASSERT_EQUAL(variable1, variable2);
        ASSERT_EQUAL(expression1, expression2);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getKineticEnergyExpression(), intg2->getKineticEnergyExpression());
    ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getRandomNumberSeed(), intg2->getRandomNumberSeed());
    ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getStepSize(), intg2->getStepSize());
    ASSERT_EQUAL(intg->getConstraintTolerance(), intg2->getConstraintTolerance());
    delete intg;
    delete intg2;