void testPeriodic() { System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("r"); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic); forceField->setCutoffDistance(2.0); system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(4, 0, 0), Vec3(0, 4, 0), Vec3(0, 0, 4)); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(3); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); positions[1] = Vec3(0, 2.1, 0); positions[2] = Vec3(0, 3, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, -2, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 2, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[2], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(1.9+1+0.9, state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); }
void testDiscrete3DFunction() { const int xsize = 8; const int ysize = 5; const int zsize = 6; System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("fn(r-1,a,b)+1"); forceField->addGlobalParameter("a", 0.0); forceField->addGlobalParameter("b", 0.0); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); vector<double> table; for (int i = 0; i < xsize; i++) for (int j = 0; j < ysize; j++) for (int k = 0; k < zsize; k++) table.push_back(sin(0.25*i)+cos(0.33*j)+0.12345*k); forceField->addTabulatedFunction("fn", new Discrete3DFunction(xsize, ysize, zsize, table)); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < (int) table.size(); i++) { positions[1] = Vec3((i%xsize)+1, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); context.setParameter("a", (i/xsize)%ysize); context.setParameter("b", i/(xsize*ysize)); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[0], 1e-6); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[1], 1e-6); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(table[i]+1.0, state.getPotentialEnergy(), 1e-6); } }
void testDiscrete1DFunction() { System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("fn(r-1)+1"); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); vector<double> table; for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) table.push_back(sin(0.25*i)); forceField->addTabulatedFunction("fn", new Discrete1DFunction(table)); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < (int) table.size(); i++) { positions[1] = Vec3(i+1, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[0], 1e-6); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[1], 1e-6); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(table[i]+1.0, state.getPotentialEnergy(), 1e-6); } }
void testTriclinic() { ReferencePlatform platform; System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); Vec3 a(3.1, 0, 0); Vec3 b(0.4, 3.5, 0); Vec3 c(-0.1, -0.5, 4.0); system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* nonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("r"); nonbonded->addParticle(vector<double>()); nonbonded->addParticle(vector<double>()); nonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic); const double cutoff = 1.5; nonbonded->setCutoffDistance(cutoff); system.addForce(nonbonded); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); OpenMM_SFMT::SFMT sfmt; init_gen_rand(0, sfmt); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 50; iteration++) { // Generate random positions for the two particles. positions[0] = a*genrand_real2(sfmt) + b*genrand_real2(sfmt) + c*genrand_real2(sfmt); positions[1] = a*genrand_real2(sfmt) + b*genrand_real2(sfmt) + c*genrand_real2(sfmt); context.setPositions(positions); // Loop over all possible periodic copies and find the nearest one. Vec3 delta; double distance2 = 100.0; for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) for (int k = -1; k < 2; k++) { Vec3 d = positions[1]-positions[0]+a*i+b*j+c*k; if (d.dot(d) < distance2) { delta = d; distance2 = d.dot(d); } } double distance = sqrt(distance2); // See if the force and energy are correct. State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); if (distance >= cutoff) { ASSERT_EQUAL(0.0, state.getPotentialEnergy()); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), state.getForces()[0], 0); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), state.getForces()[1], 0); } else { const Vec3 force = delta/sqrt(delta.dot(delta)); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(distance, state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(force, state.getForces()[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(-force, state.getForces()[1], TOL); } } }
void testContinuous3DFunction() { const int xsize = 10; const int ysize = 11; const int zsize = 12; const double xmin = 0.6; const double xmax = 1.1; const double ymin = 0.0; const double ymax = 0.7; const double zmin = 0.2; const double zmax = 0.9; ReferencePlatform platform; System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("fn(r,a,b)+1"); forceField->addGlobalParameter("a", 0.0); forceField->addGlobalParameter("b", 0.0); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); vector<double> table(xsize*ysize*zsize); for (int i = 0; i < xsize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ysize; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < zsize; k++) { double x = xmin + i*(xmax-xmin)/xsize; double y = ymin + j*(ymax-ymin)/ysize; double z = zmin + k*(zmax-zmin)/zsize; table[i+xsize*j+xsize*ysize*k] = sin(0.25*x)*cos(0.33*y)*(1+z); } } } forceField->addTabulatedFunction("fn", new Continuous3DFunction(xsize, ysize, zsize, table, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); for (double x = xmin-0.15; x < xmax+0.2; x += 0.1) { for (double y = ymin-0.15; y < ymax+0.2; y += 0.1) { for (double z = zmin-0.15; z < zmax+0.2; z += 0.1) { positions[1] = Vec3(x, 0, 0); context.setParameter("a", y); context.setParameter("b", z); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); double energy = 1; double force = 0; if (x >= xmin && x <= xmax && y >= ymin && y <= ymax && z >= zmin && z <= zmax) { energy = sin(0.25*x)*cos(0.33*y)*(1.0+z)+1.0; force = -0.25*cos(0.25*x)*cos(0.33*y)*(1.0+z); } ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-force, 0, 0), forces[0], 0.1); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(force, 0, 0), forces[1], 0.1); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(energy, state.getPotentialEnergy(), 0.05); } } } }
void testParameters() { ReferencePlatform platform; System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("scale*a*(r*b)^3; a=a1*a2; b=c+b1+b2"); forceField->addPerParticleParameter("a"); forceField->addPerParticleParameter("b"); forceField->addGlobalParameter("scale", 3.0); forceField->addGlobalParameter("c", -1.0); vector<double> params(2); params[0] = 1.5; params[1] = 2.0; forceField->addParticle(params); params[0] = 2.0; params[1] = 3.0; forceField->addParticle(params); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); positions[1] = Vec3(2, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); context.setParameter("scale", 1.0); context.setParameter("c", 0.0); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); vector<Vec3> forces = state.getForces(); double force = -3.0*3*5.0*(10*10); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-force, 0, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(force, 0, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(3.0*(10*10*10), state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); // Try changing the global parameters and make sure it's still correct. context.setParameter("scale", 1.5); context.setParameter("c", 1.0); state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); forces = state.getForces(); force = -1.5*3.0*3*6.0*(12*12); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-force, 0, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(force, 0, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(1.5*3.0*(12*12*12), state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); // Try changing the per-particle parameters and make sure it's still correct. params[0] = 1.6; params[1] = 2.1; forceField->setParticleParameters(0, params); params[0] = 1.9; params[1] = 2.8; forceField->setParticleParameters(1, params); forceField->updateParametersInContext(context); state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); forces = state.getForces(); force = -1.5*1.6*1.9*3*5.9*(11.8*11.8); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-force, 0, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(force, 0, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(1.5*1.6*1.9*(11.8*11.8*11.8), state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); }
void testInteractionGroupLongRangeCorrection() { const int numParticles = 10; const double boxSize = 10.0; const double cutoff = 0.5; ReferencePlatform platform; System system; system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(boxSize, 0, 0), Vec3(0, boxSize, 0), Vec3(0, 0, boxSize)); CustomNonbondedForce* nonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("c1*c2*r^-4"); nonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("c"); vector<Vec3> positions(numParticles); vector<double> params(1); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { system.addParticle(1.0); params[0] = (i%2 == 0 ? 1.1 : 2.0); nonbonded->addParticle(params); positions[i] = Vec3(0.5*i, 0, 0); } nonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic); nonbonded->setCutoffDistance(cutoff); system.addForce(nonbonded); // Setup nonbonded groups. They involve 1 interaction of type AA, // 2 of type BB, and 5 of type AB. set<int> set1, set2, set3, set4, set5; set1.insert(0); set1.insert(1); set1.insert(2); nonbonded->addInteractionGroup(set1, set1); set2.insert(3); set3.insert(4); set3.insert(6); set3.insert(8); nonbonded->addInteractionGroup(set2, set3); set4.insert(5); set5.insert(7); set5.insert(9); nonbonded->addInteractionGroup(set4, set5); // Compute energy with and without the correction. VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); Context context(system, integrator, platform); context.setPositions(positions); double energy1 = context.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); nonbonded->setUseLongRangeCorrection(true); context.reinitialize(); context.setPositions(positions); double energy2 = context.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); // Check the result. double sum = (1.1*1.1 + 2*2.0*2.0 + 5*1.1*2.0)*2.0; int numPairs = (numParticles*(numParticles+1))/2; double expected = 2*M_PI*numParticles*numParticles*sum/(numPairs*boxSize*boxSize*boxSize); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(expected, energy2-energy1, 1e-4); }
void* CustomNonbondedForceProxy::deserialize(const SerializationNode& node) const { if (node.getIntProperty("version") != 1) throw OpenMMException("Unsupported version number"); CustomNonbondedForce* force = NULL; try { CustomNonbondedForce* force = new CustomNonbondedForce(node.getStringProperty("energy")); force->setNonbondedMethod((CustomNonbondedForce::NonbondedMethod) node.getIntProperty("method")); force->setCutoffDistance(node.getDoubleProperty("cutoff")); const SerializationNode& perParticleParams = node.getChildNode("PerParticleParameters"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) perParticleParams.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& parameter = perParticleParams.getChildren()[i]; force->addPerParticleParameter(parameter.getStringProperty("name")); } const SerializationNode& globalParams = node.getChildNode("GlobalParameters"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) globalParams.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& parameter = globalParams.getChildren()[i]; force->addGlobalParameter(parameter.getStringProperty("name"), parameter.getDoubleProperty("default")); } const SerializationNode& particles = node.getChildNode("Particles"); vector<double> params(force->getNumPerParticleParameters()); for (int i = 0; i < (int) particles.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& particle = particles.getChildren()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < (int) params.size(); j++) { stringstream key; key << "param"; key << j+1; params[j] = particle.getDoubleProperty(key.str()); } force->addParticle(params); } const SerializationNode& exclusions = node.getChildNode("Exclusions"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) exclusions.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& exclusion = exclusions.getChildren()[i]; force->addExclusion(exclusion.getIntProperty("p1"), exclusion.getIntProperty("p2")); } const SerializationNode& functions = node.getChildNode("Functions"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) functions.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& function = functions.getChildren()[i]; const SerializationNode& valuesNode = function.getChildNode("Values"); vector<double> values; for (int j = 0; j < (int) valuesNode.getChildren().size(); j++) values.push_back(valuesNode.getChildren()[j].getDoubleProperty("v")); force->addFunction(function.getStringProperty("name"), values, function.getDoubleProperty("min"), function.getDoubleProperty("max")); } return force; } catch (...) { if (force != NULL) delete force; throw; } }
void testSimpleExpression() { System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("-0.1*r^3"); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); positions[1] = Vec3(2, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); double force = 0.1*3*(2*2); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-force, 0, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(force, 0, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(-0.1*(2*2*2), state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); }
void testInteractionGroups() { const int numParticles = 6; System system; VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* nonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("v1+v2"); nonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("v"); vector<double> params(1, 0.001); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { system.addParticle(1.0); nonbonded->addParticle(params); params[0] *= 10; } set<int> set1, set2, set3, set4; set1.insert(2); set2.insert(0); set2.insert(1); set2.insert(2); set2.insert(3); set2.insert(4); set2.insert(5); nonbonded->addInteractionGroup(set1, set2); // Particle 2 interacts with every other particle. set3.insert(0); set3.insert(1); set4.insert(4); set4.insert(5); nonbonded->addInteractionGroup(set3, set4); // Particles 0 and 1 interact with 4 and 5. nonbonded->addExclusion(1, 2); // Add an exclusion to make sure it gets skipped. system.addForce(nonbonded); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(numParticles); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Energy); double expectedEnergy = 331.423; // Each digit is the number of interactions a particle particle is involved in. ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(expectedEnergy, state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); }
void testCutoff() { ReferencePlatform platform; System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("r"); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffNonPeriodic); forceField->setCutoffDistance(2.5); system.addForce(forceField); ASSERT(!forceField->usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()); ASSERT(!system.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(3); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); positions[1] = Vec3(0, 2, 0); positions[2] = Vec3(0, 3, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 1, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, -1, 0), forces[2], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(2.0+1.0, state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); }
void testExclusions() { System system; VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* nonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("a*r; a=a1+a2"); nonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("a"); vector<double> params(1); vector<Vec3> positions(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { system.addParticle(1.0); params[0] = i+1; nonbonded->addParticle(params); positions[i] = Vec3(i, 0, 0); } nonbonded->addExclusion(0, 1); nonbonded->addExclusion(1, 2); nonbonded->addExclusion(2, 3); nonbonded->addExclusion(0, 2); nonbonded->addExclusion(1, 3); system.addForce(nonbonded); Context context(system, integrator, platform); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(1+4, 0, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(0, 0, 0), forces[2], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-(1+4), 0, 0), forces[3], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL((1+4)*3.0, state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); }
void testTabulatedFunction() { ReferencePlatform platform; System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("fn(r)+1"); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); forceField->addParticle(vector<double>()); vector<double> table; for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) table.push_back(std::sin(0.25*i)); forceField->addFunction("fn", table, 1.0, 6.0); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); double tol = 0.01; for (int i = 1; i < 30; i++) { double x = (7.0/30.0)*i; positions[1] = Vec3(x, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); const vector<Vec3>& forces = state.getForces(); double force = (x < 1.0 || x > 6.0 ? 0.0 : -std::cos(x-1.0)); double energy = (x < 1.0 || x > 6.0 ? 0.0 : std::sin(x-1.0))+1.0; ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-force, 0, 0), forces[0], 0.1); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(force, 0, 0), forces[1], 0.1); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(energy, state.getPotentialEnergy(), 0.02); } for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) { double x = 0.25*i+1.0; positions[1] = Vec3(x, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Energy); double energy = (x < 1.0 || x > 6.0 ? 0.0 : std::sin(x-1.0))+1.0; ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(energy, state.getPotentialEnergy(), 1e-4); } }
void CpuCalcCustomNonbondedForceKernel::copyParametersToContext(ContextImpl& context, const CustomNonbondedForce& force) { if (numParticles != force.getNumParticles()) throw OpenMMException("updateParametersInContext: The number of particles has changed"); // Record the values. int numParameters = force.getNumPerParticleParameters(); vector<double> params; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) { vector<double> parameters; force.getParticleParameters(i, parameters); for (int j = 0; j < numParameters; j++) particleParamArray[i][j] = parameters[j]; } // If necessary, recompute the long range correction. if (forceCopy != NULL) { longRangeCoefficient = CustomNonbondedForceImpl::calcLongRangeCorrection(force, context.getOwner()); hasInitializedLongRangeCorrection = true; *forceCopy = force; } }
void testParallelComputation() { System system; const int numParticles = 200; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) system.addParticle(1.0); CustomNonbondedForce* force = new CustomNonbondedForce("4*eps*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6); sigma=0.5; eps=1"); vector<double> params; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) force->addParticle(params); system.addForce(force); OpenMM_SFMT::SFMT sfmt; init_gen_rand(0, sfmt); vector<Vec3> positions(numParticles); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) positions[i] = Vec3(5*genrand_real2(sfmt), 5*genrand_real2(sfmt), 5*genrand_real2(sfmt)); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { Vec3 delta = positions[i]-positions[j]; if (delta.dot(delta) < 0.1) force->addExclusion(i, j); } VerletIntegrator integrator1(0.01); Context context1(system, integrator1, platform); context1.setPositions(positions); State state1 = context1.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); VerletIntegrator integrator2(0.01); string deviceIndex = platform.getPropertyValue(context1, CudaPlatform::CudaDeviceIndex()); map<string, string> props; props[CudaPlatform::CudaDeviceIndex()] = deviceIndex+","+deviceIndex; Context context2(system, integrator2, platform, props); context2.setPositions(positions); State state2 = context2.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(state1.getPotentialEnergy(), state2.getPotentialEnergy(), 1e-5); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(state1.getForces()[i], state2.getForces()[i], 1e-5); }
void testSwitchingFunction() { ReferencePlatform platform; System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* nonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("10/r^2"); vector<double> params; nonbonded->addParticle(params); nonbonded->addParticle(params); nonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffNonPeriodic); nonbonded->setCutoffDistance(2.0); nonbonded->setUseSwitchingFunction(true); nonbonded->setSwitchingDistance(1.5); system.addForce(nonbonded); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); // Compute the interaction at various distances. for (double r = 1.0; r < 2.5; r += 0.1) { positions[1] = Vec3(r, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); // See if the energy is correct. double expectedEnergy = 10/(r*r); double switchValue; if (r <= 1.5) switchValue = 1; else if (r >= 2.0) switchValue = 0; else { double t = (r-1.5)/0.5; switchValue = 1+t*t*t*(-10+t*(15-t*6)); } ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(switchValue*expectedEnergy, state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); // See if the force is the gradient of the energy. double delta = 1e-3; positions[1] = Vec3(r-delta, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); double e1 = context.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); positions[1] = Vec3(r+delta, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); double e2 = context.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL((e2-e1)/(2*delta), state.getForces()[0][0], 1e-3); } }
void testManyParameters() { System system; system.addParticle(1.0); system.addParticle(1.0); VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); CustomNonbondedForce* forceField = new CustomNonbondedForce("(a1*a2+b1*b2+c1*c2+d1*d2+e1*e2)*r"); forceField->addPerParticleParameter("a"); forceField->addPerParticleParameter("b"); forceField->addPerParticleParameter("c"); forceField->addPerParticleParameter("d"); forceField->addPerParticleParameter("e"); vector<double> params(5); params[0] = 1.0; params[1] = 2.0; params[2] = 3.0; params[3] = 4.0; params[4] = 5.0; forceField->addParticle(params); params[0] = 1.1; params[1] = 1.2; params[2] = 1.3; params[3] = 1.4; params[4] = 1.5; forceField->addParticle(params); system.addForce(forceField); Context context(system, integrator, platform); vector<Vec3> positions(2); positions[0] = Vec3(0, 0, 0); positions[1] = Vec3(2, 0, 0); context.setPositions(positions); State state = context.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); vector<Vec3> forces = state.getForces(); double force = 1*1.1 + 2*1.2 + 3*1.3 + 4*1.4 + 5*1.5; ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(force, 0, 0), forces[0], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(Vec3(-force, 0, 0), forces[1], TOL); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(2*force, state.getPotentialEnergy(), TOL); }
void testLongRangeCorrection() { // Create a box of particles. int gridSize = 5; int numParticles = gridSize*gridSize*gridSize; double boxSize = gridSize*0.7; double cutoff = boxSize/3; System standardSystem; System customSystem; VerletIntegrator integrator1(0.01); VerletIntegrator integrator2(0.01); NonbondedForce* standardNonbonded = new NonbondedForce(); CustomNonbondedForce* customNonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("4*eps*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6); sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2); eps=sqrt(eps1*eps2)"); customNonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("sigma"); customNonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("eps"); vector<Vec3> positions(numParticles); int index = 0; vector<double> params1(2); params1[0] = 1.1; params1[1] = 0.5; vector<double> params2(2); params2[0] = 1; params2[1] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) for (int j = 0; j < gridSize; j++) for (int k = 0; k < gridSize; k++) { standardSystem.addParticle(1.0); customSystem.addParticle(1.0); if (index%2 == 0) { standardNonbonded->addParticle(0, params1[0], params1[1]); customNonbonded->addParticle(params1); } else { standardNonbonded->addParticle(0, params2[0], params2[1]); customNonbonded->addParticle(params2); } positions[index] = Vec3(i*boxSize/gridSize, j*boxSize/gridSize, k*boxSize/gridSize); index++; } standardNonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(NonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic); customNonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic); standardNonbonded->setCutoffDistance(cutoff); customNonbonded->setCutoffDistance(cutoff); standardSystem.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(boxSize, 0, 0), Vec3(0, boxSize, 0), Vec3(0, 0, boxSize)); customSystem.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(boxSize, 0, 0), Vec3(0, boxSize, 0), Vec3(0, 0, boxSize)); standardNonbonded->setUseDispersionCorrection(true); customNonbonded->setUseLongRangeCorrection(true); standardNonbonded->setUseSwitchingFunction(true); customNonbonded->setUseSwitchingFunction(true); standardNonbonded->setSwitchingDistance(0.8*cutoff); customNonbonded->setSwitchingDistance(0.8*cutoff); standardSystem.addForce(standardNonbonded); customSystem.addForce(customNonbonded); // Compute the correction for the standard force. Context context1(standardSystem, integrator1, platform); context1.setPositions(positions); double standardEnergy1 = context1.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); standardNonbonded->setUseDispersionCorrection(false); context1.reinitialize(); context1.setPositions(positions); double standardEnergy2 = context1.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); // Compute the correction for the custom force. Context context2(customSystem, integrator2, platform); context2.setPositions(positions); double customEnergy1 = context2.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); customNonbonded->setUseLongRangeCorrection(false); context2.reinitialize(); context2.setPositions(positions); double customEnergy2 = context2.getState(State::Energy).getPotentialEnergy(); // See if they agree. ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(standardEnergy1-standardEnergy2, customEnergy1-customEnergy2, 1e-4); }
double CustomNonbondedForceImpl::calcLongRangeCorrection(const CustomNonbondedForce& force, const Context& context) { if (force.getNonbondedMethod() == CustomNonbondedForce::NoCutoff || force.getNonbondedMethod() == CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffNonPeriodic) return 0.0; // Parse the energy expression. map<string, Lepton::CustomFunction*> functions; for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumFunctions(); i++) { string name; vector<double> values; double min, max; force.getFunctionParameters(i, name, values, min, max); functions[name] = new TabulatedFunction(min, max, values); } Lepton::ExpressionProgram expression = Lepton::Parser::parse(force.getEnergyFunction(), functions).optimize().createProgram(); // Identify all particle classes (defined by parameters), and record the class of each particle. int numParticles = force.getNumParticles(); vector<vector<double> > classes; map<vector<double>, int> classIndex; vector<int> atomClass(numParticles); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { vector<double> parameters; force.getParticleParameters(i, parameters); if (classIndex.find(parameters) == classIndex.end()) { classIndex[parameters] = classes.size(); classes.push_back(parameters); } atomClass[i] = classIndex[parameters]; } int numClasses = classes.size(); // Count the total number of particle pairs for each pair of classes. map<pair<int, int>, int> interactionCount; if (force.getNumInteractionGroups() == 0) { // Count the particles of each class. vector<int> classCounts(numClasses, 0); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) classCounts[atomClass[i]]++; for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { interactionCount[make_pair(i, i)] = (classCounts[i]*(classCounts[i]+1))/2; for (int j = i+1; j < numClasses; j++) interactionCount[make_pair(i, j)] = classCounts[i]*classCounts[j]; } } else { // Initialize the counts to 0. for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { for (int j = i; j < numClasses; j++) interactionCount[make_pair(i, j)] = 0; } // Loop over interaction groups and count the interactions in each one. for (int group = 0; group < force.getNumInteractionGroups(); group++) { set<int> set1, set2; force.getInteractionGroupParameters(group, set1, set2); for (set<int>::const_iterator a1 = set1.begin(); a1 != set1.end(); ++a1) for (set<int>::const_iterator a2 = set2.begin(); a2 != set2.end(); ++a2) { if (*a1 >= *a2 && set1.find(*a2) != set1.end() && set2.find(*a1) != set2.end()) continue; int class1 = atomClass[*a1]; int class2 = atomClass[*a2]; interactionCount[make_pair(min(class1, class2), max(class1, class2))]++; } } } // Loop over all pairs of classes to compute the coefficient. double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) for (int j = i; j < numClasses; j++) sum += interactionCount[make_pair(i, j)]*integrateInteraction(expression, classes[i], classes[j], force, context); int numInteractions = (numParticles*(numParticles+1))/2; sum /= numInteractions; return 2*M_PI*numParticles*numParticles*sum; }
void testParaHydrogen() { const int numParticles = 32; const int numCopies = 12; const double temperature = 25.0; const double mass = 2.0; const double boxSize = 1.1896; const int numSteps = 1000; const int numBins = 200; const double reference[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.932814042206152e-5, 1.244331241336431e-4, 4.052316284060125e-4, 1.544810863683946e-3, 4.376197806690222e-3, 1.025847561714293e-2, 2.286702037465422e-2, 4.371052180263602e-2, 7.518538770734748e-2, 0.122351534531647, 0.185758975626622, 0.266399984652322, 0.363380262153250, 0.473696401293219, 0.595312098494172, 0.726049519422861, 0.862264551954547, 0.991102029379444, 1.1147503922535, 1.23587006992066, 1.33495411932817, 1.42208208736987, 1.49273884004107, 1.54633319690403, 1.58714702233941, 1.60439217751355, 1.61804190608902, 1.60680198476058, 1.58892222973695, 1.56387607986781, 1.52629494593350, 1.48421439018970, 1.43656176771959, 1.38752775598872, 1.33310695719931, 1.28363477223121, 1.23465642750248, 1.18874848666326, 1.14350496170519, 1.10292486009936, 1.06107270157688, 1.02348927970441, 0.989729345271297, 0.959273446941802, 0.932264875865758, 0.908818658748942, 0.890946420768315, 0.869332737718165, 0.856401736350349, 0.842370069917020, 0.834386614237393, 0.826268072171045, 0.821547250199453, 0.818786865315836, 0.819441757028076, 0.819156933383128, 0.822275325148621, 0.828919078023881, 0.837233720599450, 0.846961908186718, 0.855656955481099, 0.864520333201247, 0.876082425547566, 0.886950044046000, 0.900275658318995 }; // Create a box of para-hydrogen. System system; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) system.addParticle(mass); system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(boxSize,0,0), Vec3(0,boxSize,0), Vec3(0,0,boxSize)); CustomNonbondedForce* nb = new CustomNonbondedForce("2625.49963*(exp(1.713-1.5671*p-0.00993*p*p)-(12.14/p^6+215.2/p^8-143.1/p^9+4813.9/p^10)*(step(rc-p)*exp(-(rc/p-1)^2)+1-step(rc-p))); p=r/0.05291772108; rc=8.32"); nb->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic); nb->setCutoffDistance(boxSize/2); vector<double> params; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) nb->addParticle(params); system.addForce(nb); RPMDIntegrator integ(numCopies, temperature, 10.0, 0.0005); Platform& platform = Platform::getPlatformByName("CUDA"); Context context(system, integ, platform); OpenMM_SFMT::SFMT sfmt; init_gen_rand(0, sfmt); vector<Vec3> positions(numParticles); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) positions[i] = Vec3(boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt), boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt), boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt)); for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) integ.setPositions(i, positions); integ.step(1000); // Simulate it. vector<int> counts(numBins, 0); const double invBoxSize = 1.0/boxSize; double meanKE = 0.0; for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) { integ.step(20); vector<State> states(numCopies); for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) states[i] = integ.getState(i, State::Positions | State::Forces); // Record the radial distribution function. const vector<Vec3>& pos = states[0].getPositions(); for (int j = 0; j < numParticles; j++) for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) { Vec3 delta = pos[j]-pos[k]; delta[0] -= floor(delta[0]*invBoxSize+0.5)*boxSize; delta[1] -= floor(delta[1]*invBoxSize+0.5)*boxSize; delta[2] -= floor(delta[2]*invBoxSize+0.5)*boxSize; double dist = sqrt(delta.dot(delta)); int bin = (int) (numBins*(dist/boxSize)); counts[bin]++; } // Calculate the quantum contribution to the kinetic energy. vector<Vec3> centroids(numParticles, Vec3()); for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) { const vector<Vec3>& pos = states[i].getPositions(); for (int j = 0; j < numParticles; j++) centroids[j] += pos[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < numParticles; j++) centroids[j] *= 1.0/numCopies; double ke = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) { const vector<Vec3>& pos = states[i].getPositions(); const vector<Vec3>& f = states[i].getForces(); for (int j = 0; j < numParticles; j++) { Vec3 delta = centroids[j]-pos[j]; ke += delta.dot(f[j]); } } meanKE += ke/(2*numCopies*numParticles); } // Check against expected values. double scale = (boxSize*boxSize*boxSize)/(numSteps*0.5*numParticles*numParticles); for (int i = 0; i < numBins/2; i++) { double r1 = i*boxSize/numBins; double r2 = (i+1)*boxSize/numBins; double volume = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*(r2*r2*r2-r1*r1*r1); ASSERT_USUALLY_EQUAL_TOL(reference[i], scale*counts[i]/volume, 0.1); } meanKE /= numSteps*BOLTZ; ASSERT_USUALLY_EQUAL_TOL(60.0, 1.5*temperature+meanKE, 0.02); }
void testCoulombLennardJones() { const int numMolecules = 300; const int numParticles = numMolecules*2; const double boxSize = 20.0; // Create two systems: one with a NonbondedForce, and one using a CustomNonbondedForce to implement the same interaction. System standardSystem; System customSystem; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { standardSystem.addParticle(1.0); customSystem.addParticle(1.0); } NonbondedForce* standardNonbonded = new NonbondedForce(); CustomNonbondedForce* customNonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("4*eps*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6)+138.935456*q/r; q=q1*q2; sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2); eps=sqrt(eps1*eps2)"); customNonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("q"); customNonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("sigma"); customNonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("eps"); vector<Vec3> positions(numParticles); vector<Vec3> velocities(numParticles); OpenMM_SFMT::SFMT sfmt; init_gen_rand(0, sfmt); vector<double> params(3); for (int i = 0; i < numMolecules; i++) { if (i < numMolecules/2) { standardNonbonded->addParticle(1.0, 0.2, 0.1); params[0] = 1.0; params[1] = 0.2; params[2] = 0.1; customNonbonded->addParticle(params); standardNonbonded->addParticle(-1.0, 0.1, 0.1); params[0] = -1.0; params[1] = 0.1; customNonbonded->addParticle(params); } else { standardNonbonded->addParticle(1.0, 0.2, 0.2); params[0] = 1.0; params[1] = 0.2; params[2] = 0.2; customNonbonded->addParticle(params); standardNonbonded->addParticle(-1.0, 0.1, 0.2); params[0] = -1.0; params[1] = 0.1; customNonbonded->addParticle(params); } positions[2*i] = Vec3(boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt), boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt), boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt)); positions[2*i+1] = Vec3(positions[2*i][0]+1.0, positions[2*i][1], positions[2*i][2]); velocities[2*i] = Vec3(genrand_real2(sfmt), genrand_real2(sfmt), genrand_real2(sfmt)); velocities[2*i+1] = Vec3(genrand_real2(sfmt), genrand_real2(sfmt), genrand_real2(sfmt)); standardNonbonded->addException(2*i, 2*i+1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); customNonbonded->addExclusion(2*i, 2*i+1); } standardNonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(NonbondedForce::NoCutoff); customNonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::NoCutoff); standardSystem.addForce(standardNonbonded); customSystem.addForce(customNonbonded); VerletIntegrator integrator1(0.01); VerletIntegrator integrator2(0.01); Context context1(standardSystem, integrator1, platform); Context context2(customSystem, integrator2, platform); context1.setPositions(positions); context2.setPositions(positions); context1.setVelocities(velocities); context2.setVelocities(velocities); State state1 = context1.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); State state2 = context2.getState(State::Forces | State::Energy); ASSERT_EQUAL_TOL(state1.getPotentialEnergy(), state2.getPotentialEnergy(), 1e-4); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(state1.getForces()[i], state2.getForces()[i], 1e-4); } }
void CustomNonbondedForceImpl::calcLongRangeCorrection(const CustomNonbondedForce& force, const Context& context, double& coefficient, vector<double>& derivatives) { if (force.getNonbondedMethod() == CustomNonbondedForce::NoCutoff || force.getNonbondedMethod() == CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffNonPeriodic) { coefficient = 0.0; return; } // Identify all particle classes (defined by parameters), and record the class of each particle. int numParticles = force.getNumParticles(); vector<vector<double> > classes; map<vector<double>, int> classIndex; vector<int> atomClass(numParticles); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { vector<double> parameters; force.getParticleParameters(i, parameters); if (classIndex.find(parameters) == classIndex.end()) { classIndex[parameters] = classes.size(); classes.push_back(parameters); } atomClass[i] = classIndex[parameters]; } int numClasses = classes.size(); // Count the total number of particle pairs for each pair of classes. map<pair<int, int>, long long int> interactionCount; if (force.getNumInteractionGroups() == 0) { // Count the particles of each class. vector<long long int> classCounts(numClasses, 0); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) classCounts[atomClass[i]]++; for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { interactionCount[make_pair(i, i)] = (classCounts[i]*(classCounts[i]+1))/2; for (int j = i+1; j < numClasses; j++) interactionCount[make_pair(i, j)] = classCounts[i]*classCounts[j]; } } else { // Initialize the counts to 0. for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { for (int j = i; j < numClasses; j++) interactionCount[make_pair(i, j)] = 0; } // Loop over interaction groups and count the interactions in each one. for (int group = 0; group < force.getNumInteractionGroups(); group++) { set<int> set1, set2; force.getInteractionGroupParameters(group, set1, set2); for (set<int>::const_iterator a1 = set1.begin(); a1 != set1.end(); ++a1) for (set<int>::const_iterator a2 = set2.begin(); a2 != set2.end(); ++a2) { if (*a1 >= *a2 && set1.find(*a2) != set1.end() && set2.find(*a1) != set2.end()) continue; int class1 = atomClass[*a1]; int class2 = atomClass[*a2]; interactionCount[make_pair(min(class1, class2), max(class1, class2))]++; } } } // Compute the coefficient. map<string, Lepton::CustomFunction*> functions; for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumFunctions(); i++) functions[force.getTabulatedFunctionName(i)] = createReferenceTabulatedFunction(force.getTabulatedFunction(i)); double nPart = (double) numParticles; double numInteractions = (nPart*(nPart+1))/2; Lepton::CompiledExpression expression = Lepton::Parser::parse(force.getEnergyFunction(), functions).createCompiledExpression(); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) for (int j = i; j < numClasses; j++) sum += interactionCount[make_pair(i, j)]*integrateInteraction(expression, classes[i], classes[j], force, context); sum /= numInteractions; coefficient = 2*M_PI*nPart*nPart*sum; // Now do the same for parameter derivatives. int numDerivs = force.getNumEnergyParameterDerivatives(); derivatives.resize(numDerivs); for (int k = 0; k < numDerivs; k++) { expression = Lepton::Parser::parse(force.getEnergyFunction(), functions).differentiate(force.getEnergyParameterDerivativeName(k)).createCompiledExpression(); sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) for (int j = i; j < numClasses; j++) sum += interactionCount[make_pair(i, j)]*integrateInteraction(expression, classes[i], classes[j], force, context); sum /= numInteractions; derivatives[k] = 2*M_PI*nPart*nPart*sum; } }
double CustomNonbondedForceImpl::integrateInteraction(Lepton::CompiledExpression& expression, const vector<double>& params1, const vector<double>& params2, const CustomNonbondedForce& force, const Context& context) { const set<string>& variables = expression.getVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumPerParticleParameters(); i++) { stringstream name1, name2; name1 << force.getPerParticleParameterName(i) << 1; name2 << force.getPerParticleParameterName(i) << 2; if (variables.find(name1.str()) != variables.end()) expression.getVariableReference(name1.str()) = params1[i]; if (variables.find(name2.str()) != variables.end()) expression.getVariableReference(name2.str()) = params2[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumGlobalParameters(); i++) { const string& name = force.getGlobalParameterName(i); if (variables.find(name) != variables.end()) expression.getVariableReference(name) = context.getParameter(name); } // To integrate from r_cutoff to infinity, make the change of variables x=r_cutoff/r and integrate from 0 to 1. // This introduces another r^2 into the integral, which along with the r^2 in the formula for the correction // means we multiply the function by r^4. Use the midpoint method. double* rPointer; try { rPointer = &expression.getVariableReference("r"); } catch (exception& ex) { throw OpenMMException("CustomNonbondedForce: Cannot use long range correction with a force that does not depend on r."); } double cutoff = force.getCutoffDistance(); double sum = 0; int numPoints = 1; for (int iteration = 0; ; iteration++) { double oldSum = sum; double newSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { if (i%3 == 1) continue; double x = (i+0.5)/numPoints; double r = cutoff/x; *rPointer = r; double r2 = r*r; newSum += expression.evaluate()*r2*r2; } sum = newSum/numPoints + oldSum/3; if (iteration > 2 && (fabs((sum-oldSum)/sum) < 1e-5 || sum == 0)) break; if (iteration == 8) throw OpenMMException("CustomNonbondedForce: Long range correction did not converge. Does the energy go to 0 faster than 1/r^2?"); numPoints *= 3; } // If a switching function is used, integrate over the switching interval. double sum2 = 0; if (force.getUseSwitchingFunction()) { double rswitch = force.getSwitchingDistance(); sum2 = 0; numPoints = 1; for (int iteration = 0; ; iteration++) { double oldSum = sum2; double newSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { if (i%3 == 1) continue; double x = (i+0.5)/numPoints; double r = rswitch+x*(cutoff-rswitch); double switchValue = x*x*x*(10+x*(-15+x*6)); *rPointer = r; newSum += switchValue*expression.evaluate()*r*r; } sum2 = newSum/numPoints + oldSum/3; if (iteration > 2 && (fabs((sum2-oldSum)/sum2) < 1e-5 || sum2 == 0)) break; if (iteration == 8) throw OpenMMException("CustomNonbondedForce: Long range correction did not converge. Is the energy finite everywhere in the switching interval?"); numPoints *= 3; } sum2 *= cutoff-rswitch; } return sum/cutoff+sum2; }
void CpuCalcCustomNonbondedForceKernel::initialize(const System& system, const CustomNonbondedForce& force) { // Record the exclusions. numParticles = force.getNumParticles(); exclusions.resize(numParticles); for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumExclusions(); i++) { int particle1, particle2; force.getExclusionParticles(i, particle1, particle2); exclusions[particle1].insert(particle2); exclusions[particle2].insert(particle1); } // Build the arrays. int numParameters = force.getNumPerParticleParameters(); particleParamArray = new double*[numParticles]; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) particleParamArray[i] = new double[numParameters]; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) { vector<double> parameters; force.getParticleParameters(i, parameters); for (int j = 0; j < numParameters; j++) particleParamArray[i][j] = parameters[j]; } nonbondedMethod = CalcCustomNonbondedForceKernel::NonbondedMethod(force.getNonbondedMethod()); nonbondedCutoff = force.getCutoffDistance(); if (nonbondedMethod == NoCutoff) useSwitchingFunction = false; else { neighborList = new CpuNeighborList(4); useSwitchingFunction = force.getUseSwitchingFunction(); switchingDistance = force.getSwitchingDistance(); } // Create custom functions for the tabulated functions. map<string, Lepton::CustomFunction*> functions; for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumFunctions(); i++) functions[force.getTabulatedFunctionName(i)] = createReferenceTabulatedFunction(force.getTabulatedFunction(i)); // Parse the various expressions used to calculate the force. Lepton::ParsedExpression expression = Lepton::Parser::parse(force.getEnergyFunction(), functions).optimize(); Lepton::CompiledExpression energyExpression = expression.createCompiledExpression(); Lepton::CompiledExpression forceExpression = expression.differentiate("r").createCompiledExpression(); for (int i = 0; i < numParameters; i++) parameterNames.push_back(force.getPerParticleParameterName(i)); for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumGlobalParameters(); i++) { globalParameterNames.push_back(force.getGlobalParameterName(i)); globalParamValues[force.getGlobalParameterName(i)] = force.getGlobalParameterDefaultValue(i); } // Delete the custom functions. for (map<string, Lepton::CustomFunction*>::iterator iter = functions.begin(); iter != functions.end(); iter++) delete iter->second; // Record information for the long range correction. if (force.getNonbondedMethod() == CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic && force.getUseLongRangeCorrection()) { forceCopy = new CustomNonbondedForce(force); hasInitializedLongRangeCorrection = false; } else { longRangeCoefficient = 0.0; hasInitializedLongRangeCorrection = true; } // Record the interaction groups. for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumInteractionGroups(); i++) { set<int> set1, set2; force.getInteractionGroupParameters(i, set1, set2); interactionGroups.push_back(make_pair(set1, set2)); } data.isPeriodic = (nonbondedMethod == CutoffPeriodic); nonbonded = new CpuCustomNonbondedForce(energyExpression, forceExpression, parameterNames, exclusions, data.threads); if (interactionGroups.size() > 0) nonbonded->setInteractionGroups(interactionGroups); }
void testLargeInteractionGroup() { const int numMolecules = 300; const int numParticles = numMolecules*2; const double boxSize = 20.0; // Create a large system. System system; system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(boxSize, 0, 0), Vec3(0, boxSize, 0), Vec3(0, 0, boxSize)); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) system.addParticle(1.0); CustomNonbondedForce* nonbonded = new CustomNonbondedForce("4*eps*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6)+138.935456*q/r; q=q1*q2; sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2); eps=sqrt(eps1*eps2)"); nonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("q"); nonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("sigma"); nonbonded->addPerParticleParameter("eps"); vector<Vec3> positions(numParticles); OpenMM_SFMT::SFMT sfmt; init_gen_rand(0, sfmt); vector<double> params(3); for (int i = 0; i < numMolecules; i++) { if (i < numMolecules/2) { params[0] = 1.0; params[1] = 0.2; params[2] = 0.1; nonbonded->addParticle(params); params[0] = -1.0; params[1] = 0.1; nonbonded->addParticle(params); } else { params[0] = 1.0; params[1] = 0.2; params[2] = 0.2; nonbonded->addParticle(params); params[0] = -1.0; params[1] = 0.1; nonbonded->addParticle(params); } positions[2*i] = Vec3(boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt), boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt), boxSize*genrand_real2(sfmt)); positions[2*i+1] = Vec3(positions[2*i][0]+1.0, positions[2*i][1], positions[2*i][2]); nonbonded->addExclusion(2*i, 2*i+1); } nonbonded->setNonbondedMethod(CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic); system.addForce(nonbonded); // Compute the forces. VerletIntegrator integrator(0.01); Context context(system, integrator, platform); context.setPositions(positions); State state1 = context.getState(State::Forces); // Modify the force so only one particle interacts with everything else. set<int> set1, set2; set1.insert(151); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) set2.insert(i); nonbonded->addInteractionGroup(set1, set2); context.reinitialize(); context.setPositions(positions); State state2 = context.getState(State::Forces); // The force on that one particle should be the same. ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(state1.getForces()[151], state2.getForces()[151], 1e-4); // Modify the interaction group so it includes all interactions. This should now reproduce the original forces // on all atoms. for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) set1.insert(i); nonbonded->setInteractionGroupParameters(0, set1, set2); context.reinitialize(); context.setPositions(positions); State state3 = context.getState(State::Forces); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(state1.getForces()[i], state3.getForces()[i], 1e-4); }
void* CustomNonbondedForceProxy::deserialize(const SerializationNode& node) const { int version = node.getIntProperty("version"); if (version < 1 || version > 2) throw OpenMMException("Unsupported version number"); CustomNonbondedForce* force = NULL; try { CustomNonbondedForce* force = new CustomNonbondedForce(node.getStringProperty("energy")); force->setForceGroup(node.getIntProperty("forceGroup", 0)); force->setNonbondedMethod((CustomNonbondedForce::NonbondedMethod) node.getIntProperty("method")); force->setCutoffDistance(node.getDoubleProperty("cutoff")); force->setUseSwitchingFunction(node.getBoolProperty("useSwitchingFunction", false)); force->setSwitchingDistance(node.getDoubleProperty("switchingDistance", -1.0)); force->setUseLongRangeCorrection(node.getBoolProperty("useLongRangeCorrection", false)); const SerializationNode& perParticleParams = node.getChildNode("PerParticleParameters"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) perParticleParams.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& parameter = perParticleParams.getChildren()[i]; force->addPerParticleParameter(parameter.getStringProperty("name")); } const SerializationNode& globalParams = node.getChildNode("GlobalParameters"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) globalParams.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& parameter = globalParams.getChildren()[i]; force->addGlobalParameter(parameter.getStringProperty("name"), parameter.getDoubleProperty("default")); } if (version > 1) { const SerializationNode& energyDerivs = node.getChildNode("EnergyParameterDerivatives"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) energyDerivs.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& parameter = energyDerivs.getChildren()[i]; force->addEnergyParameterDerivative(parameter.getStringProperty("name")); } } const SerializationNode& particles = node.getChildNode("Particles"); vector<double> params(force->getNumPerParticleParameters()); for (int i = 0; i < (int) particles.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& particle = particles.getChildren()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < (int) params.size(); j++) { stringstream key; key << "param"; key << j+1; params[j] = particle.getDoubleProperty(key.str()); } force->addParticle(params); } const SerializationNode& exclusions = node.getChildNode("Exclusions"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) exclusions.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& exclusion = exclusions.getChildren()[i]; force->addExclusion(exclusion.getIntProperty("p1"), exclusion.getIntProperty("p2")); } const SerializationNode& functions = node.getChildNode("Functions"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) functions.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& function = functions.getChildren()[i]; if (function.hasProperty("type")) { force->addTabulatedFunction(function.getStringProperty("name"), function.decodeObject<TabulatedFunction>()); } else { // This is an old file created before TabulatedFunction existed. const SerializationNode& valuesNode = function.getChildNode("Values"); vector<double> values; for (int j = 0; j < (int) valuesNode.getChildren().size(); j++) values.push_back(valuesNode.getChildren()[j].getDoubleProperty("v")); force->addTabulatedFunction(function.getStringProperty("name"), new Continuous1DFunction(values, function.getDoubleProperty("min"), function.getDoubleProperty("max"))); } } bool hasInteractionGroups = false; // Older files will be missing this block. for (int i = 0; i < (int) node.getChildren().size(); i++) { if (node.getChildren()[i].getName() == "InteractionGroups") hasInteractionGroups = true; } if (hasInteractionGroups) { const SerializationNode& interactionGroups = node.getChildNode("InteractionGroups"); for (int i = 0; i < (int) interactionGroups.getChildren().size(); i++) { const SerializationNode& interactionGroup = interactionGroups.getChildren()[i]; // Get set 1. const SerializationNode& set1node = interactionGroup.getChildNode("Set1"); std::set<int> set1; for (int j = 0; j < (int) set1node.getChildren().size(); j++) set1.insert(set1node.getChildren()[j].getIntProperty("index")); // Get set 2. const SerializationNode& set2node = interactionGroup.getChildNode("Set2"); std::set<int> set2; for (int j = 0; j < (int) set2node.getChildren().size(); j++) set2.insert(set2node.getChildren()[j].getIntProperty("index")); force->addInteractionGroup(set1, set2); } } return force; } catch (...) { if (force != NULL) delete force; throw; } }