コード例 #1
vector<Mat*> predictRealImages(vector<Mat*> imageVector, vector<CvRTrees*> forestVector1, vector<CvRTrees*> forestVector2, int imNum, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int tileSizeX, int tileSizeY, int overlap, 
	int numOfTrees,double desicionThres1,double desicionThres2, int numOfPointPairs1, int numOfPointPairs2, int numOfPointPairs3, string charType, string featureType, bool useNoise)
	printf("Detecting characters in images....\n\n");
	//CalcRectSample calcRect;
	DWORD start, stop;
	Scalar mean, std;
	int xPos, yPos, predPosx, predPosy, rectFiltNum;
	int overlapTileX = tileSizeX/overlap;
	int overlapTileY = tileSizeY/overlap;

	Mat imRect, imRectReSize, imRectThres, integralRect,thresholdedImage, imRectThresholded;
	Mat featureMat1;
	Mat featureMat2 = Mat::zeros(1,numOfPointPairs2,CV_32FC1);
	Mat featureMat3 = Mat::zeros(1,numOfPointPairs3,CV_32FC1);
	vector<Mat*> predictions;
	Mat* pred;
	int tileNumX = imageWidth/(tileSizeX/overlap) - 2;//imageWidth/charSizeX*overlap - (overlap-1);
	int tileNumY = imageHeight/(tileSizeY/overlap) - 2; //imageHeight/charSizeY*overlap -(overlap-1);

	if(featureType == "rects")
		rectFiltNum = calcRectFiltNum(tileSizeX,tileSizeY)+1;
		featureMat1 = Mat::zeros(1,rectFiltNum,CV_32FC1);
	else if(featureType == "points")
		featureMat1 = Mat::zeros(1,numOfPointPairs1,CV_32FC1);

	Mat treePred;
	CvForestTree* tree;
	double minVal, maxVal;
	int minIndx[2] = {0,0};
	int maxIndx[2] = {0,0};
	int numOfForests = (int)forestVector1.size();
	Mat pointPairVector1 = Mat::zeros(numOfPointPairs1,4,CV_32SC1);
	Mat pointPairVector2 = Mat::zeros(numOfPointPairs2,4,CV_32SC1);
	Mat pointPairVector3 = Mat::zeros(numOfPointPairs3,4,CV_32SC1);

	if(featureType == "points")
		cv::RNG rng(0);
		int distThreshold = 10;
		int x1, x2, y1, y2;
		for(int i=0; i<numOfPointPairs1; i++)
			x1 = 0;
			y1 = 0;
			x2 = 0;
			y2 = 0;

			while(abs(x1-x2) < distThreshold && abs(y1-y2) < distThreshold)
				x1 = rng.uniform(tileSizeX/4,tileSizeX*3/4);
				y1 = rng.uniform(tileSizeY/4,tileSizeY*3/4);
				x2 = rng.uniform(0,tileSizeX);
				y2 = rng.uniform(0,tileSizeY);
			pointPairVector1.at<int>(i,0) = x1;
			pointPairVector1.at<int>(i,1) = y1;
			pointPairVector1.at<int>(i,2) = x2;
			pointPairVector1.at<int>(i,3) = y2;

	RNG rng(0);
	int distThreshold = 10;
	int x1, x2, y1, y2;
	for(int i=0; i<numOfPointPairs2; i++)
		x1 = 0;
		y1 = 0;
		x2 = 0;
		y2 = 0;

		while(abs(x1-x2) < distThreshold && abs(y1-y2) < distThreshold)
			x1 = rng.uniform(tileSizeX/4,tileSizeX*3/4);
			y1 = rng.uniform(tileSizeY/4,tileSizeY*3/4);
			x2 = rng.uniform(0,tileSizeX);
			y2 = rng.uniform(0,tileSizeY);

		pointPairVector2.at<int>(i,0) = x1/(tileSizeX/8);
		pointPairVector2.at<int>(i,1) = y1/(tileSizeY/8);
		pointPairVector2.at<int>(i,2) = x2/(tileSizeX/8);
		pointPairVector2.at<int>(i,3) = y2/(tileSizeY/8);

	for(int i=0; i<numOfPointPairs3; i++)
		x1 = 0;
		y1 = 0;
		x2 = 0;
		y2 = 0;

		while(abs(x1-x2) < distThreshold && abs(y1-y2) < distThreshold)
			x1 = rng.uniform(tileSizeX/4,tileSizeX*3/4);
			y1 = rng.uniform(tileSizeY/4,tileSizeY*3/4);
			x2 = rng.uniform(0,tileSizeX);
			y2 = rng.uniform(0,tileSizeY);

		pointPairVector3.at<int>(i,0) = x1/(tileSizeX/16);
		pointPairVector3.at<int>(i,1) = y1/(tileSizeY/16);
		pointPairVector3.at<int>(i,2) = x2/(tileSizeX/16);
		pointPairVector3.at<int>(i,3) = y2/(tileSizeY/16);

	start = GetTickCount();
	for(int im=0; im<imNum; im++)
		pred = new Mat(Mat::zeros(tileNumY,tileNumX, CV_8UC1));
		xPos = 0;
		yPos = 0;
		predPosx = 0;
		predPosy = 0;

		while(yPos < imageHeight - tileSizeY)
			while(xPos < imageWidth - tileSizeX)

				imRect = (*imageVector[im])(Rect(xPos,yPos,tileSizeX,tileSizeY));
				featureMat2 = Mat::zeros(1,numOfPointPairs2,CV_32FC1);
				calcPointPairsFeaturesTile(imRectReSize,featureMat2,pointPairVector2,numOfPointPairs2,0, false);

				imRectThresholded = thresholdedImage(Rect(xPos,yPos,tileSizeX,tileSizeY));
				int reSizeTo = 8;
				featureMat2 = Mat::zeros(1,reSizeTo*reSizeTo,CV_32FC1);
				calcStdTile(imRectThresholded,featureMat2,0, reSizeTo);*/

				treePred = Mat::zeros(2,1, CV_32SC1);

				for(int t=0; t<forestVector2[0]->get_tree_count(); t++)
					tree = forestVector2[0]->get_tree(t);

				if(treePred.at<int>(1,0) > desicionThres2*forestVector2[0]->get_tree_count())

						if(featureType == "rects")
						else if(featureType == "points")
							featureMat1 = Mat::zeros(1,numOfPointPairs1,CV_32FC1);
							calcPointPairsFeaturesTile(imRectThresholded,featureMat1,pointPairVector1,numOfPointPairs1,0, useNoise);

						//Loop over all trees

						treePred = Mat::zeros(256,1, CV_32SC1);

						for(int f=0; f<numOfForests; f++)
							for(int t=0; t<forestVector1[f]->get_tree_count(); t++)
								tree = forestVector1[f]->get_tree(t);
						//cout << (char)(*maxIndx) << "\t" << maxVal/(numOfForests*numOfTrees) << endl;
						if(maxVal > numOfTrees*numOfForests*desicionThres1)
							pred->at<uchar>(predPosy,predPosx) = *maxIndx;

				xPos += overlapTileX;
			xPos = 0;
			yPos += overlapTileY;
			predPosx = 0;
	stop = GetTickCount();
	std::cout << "Average time per image: " << (float)(stop - start)/((float)imNum)/1000 << std::endl << std::endl; 
	return predictions;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mlrtrees.cpp プロジェクト: Arise/Open-DPI-Detector
bool CvRTrees::grow_forest( const CvTermCriteria term_crit )
    CvMat* sample_idx_mask_for_tree = 0;
    CvMat* sample_idx_for_tree      = 0;

    const int max_ntrees = term_crit.max_iter;
    const double max_oob_err = term_crit.epsilon;

    const int dims = data->var_count;
    float maximal_response = 0;

    CvMat* oob_sample_votes	   = 0;
    CvMat* oob_responses       = 0;

    float* oob_samples_perm_ptr= 0;

    float* samples_ptr     = 0;
    uchar* missing_ptr     = 0;
    float* true_resp_ptr   = 0;
    bool is_oob_or_vimportance = (max_oob_err > 0 && term_crit.type != CV_TERMCRIT_ITER) || var_importance;

    // oob_predictions_sum[i] = sum of predicted values for the i-th sample
    // oob_num_of_predictions[i] = number of summands
    //                            (number of predictions for the i-th sample)
    // initialize these variable to avoid warning C4701
    CvMat oob_predictions_sum = cvMat( 1, 1, CV_32FC1 );
    CvMat oob_num_of_predictions = cvMat( 1, 1, CV_32FC1 );
    nsamples = data->sample_count;
    nclasses = data->get_num_classes();

    if ( is_oob_or_vimportance )
        if( data->is_classifier )
            oob_sample_votes = cvCreateMat( nsamples, nclasses, CV_32SC1 );
            // oob_responses[0,i] = oob_predictions_sum[i]
            //    = sum of predicted values for the i-th sample
            // oob_responses[1,i] = oob_num_of_predictions[i]
            //    = number of summands (number of predictions for the i-th sample)
            oob_responses = cvCreateMat( 2, nsamples, CV_32FC1 );
            cvGetRow( oob_responses, &oob_predictions_sum, 0 );
            cvGetRow( oob_responses, &oob_num_of_predictions, 1 );
        oob_samples_perm_ptr     = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float)*nsamples*dims );
        samples_ptr              = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float)*nsamples*dims );
        missing_ptr              = (uchar*)cvAlloc( sizeof(uchar)*nsamples*dims );
        true_resp_ptr            = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float)*nsamples );            

        data->get_vectors( 0, samples_ptr, missing_ptr, true_resp_ptr );
        double minval, maxval;
        CvMat responses = cvMat(1, nsamples, CV_32FC1, true_resp_ptr);
        cvMinMaxLoc( &responses, &minval, &maxval );
        maximal_response = (float)MAX( MAX( fabs(minval), fabs(maxval) ), 0 );

    trees = (CvForestTree**)cvAlloc( sizeof(trees[0])*max_ntrees );
    memset( trees, 0, sizeof(trees[0])*max_ntrees );

    sample_idx_mask_for_tree = cvCreateMat( 1, nsamples, CV_8UC1 );
    sample_idx_for_tree      = cvCreateMat( 1, nsamples, CV_32SC1 );

    ntrees = 0;
    while( ntrees < max_ntrees )
        int i, oob_samples_count = 0;
        double ncorrect_responses = 0; // used for estimation of variable importance
        CvForestTree* tree = 0;

        cvZero( sample_idx_mask_for_tree );
        for(i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ ) //form sample for creation one tree
            int idx = cvRandInt( &rng ) % nsamples;
            sample_idx_for_tree->data.i[i] = idx;
            sample_idx_mask_for_tree->data.ptr[idx] = 0xFF;

        trees[ntrees] = new CvForestTree();
        tree = trees[ntrees];
        tree->train( data, sample_idx_for_tree, this );

        if ( is_oob_or_vimportance )
            CvMat sample, missing;
            // form array of OOB samples indices and get these samples
            sample   = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_32FC1, samples_ptr );
            missing  = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_8UC1,  missing_ptr );

            oob_error = 0;
            for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++,
                sample.data.fl += dims, missing.data.ptr += dims )
                CvDTreeNode* predicted_node = 0;
                // check if the sample is OOB
                if( sample_idx_mask_for_tree->data.ptr[i] )

                // predict oob samples
                if( !predicted_node )
                    predicted_node = tree->predict(&sample, &missing, true);

                if( !data->is_classifier ) //regression
                    double avg_resp, resp = predicted_node->value;
                    oob_predictions_sum.data.fl[i] += (float)resp;
                    oob_num_of_predictions.data.fl[i] += 1;

                    // compute oob error
                    avg_resp = oob_predictions_sum.data.fl[i]/oob_num_of_predictions.data.fl[i];
                    avg_resp -= true_resp_ptr[i];
                    oob_error += avg_resp*avg_resp;
                    resp = (resp - true_resp_ptr[i])/maximal_response;
                    ncorrect_responses += exp( -resp*resp );
                else //classification
                    double prdct_resp;
                    CvPoint max_loc;
                    CvMat votes;

                    cvGetRow(oob_sample_votes, &votes, i);

                    // compute oob error
                    cvMinMaxLoc( &votes, 0, 0, 0, &max_loc );

                    prdct_resp = data->cat_map->data.i[max_loc.x];
                    oob_error += (fabs(prdct_resp - true_resp_ptr[i]) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 0 : 1;

                    ncorrect_responses += cvRound(predicted_node->value - true_resp_ptr[i]) == 0;
            if( oob_samples_count > 0 )
                oob_error /= (double)oob_samples_count;

            // estimate variable importance
            if( var_importance && oob_samples_count > 0 )
                int m;

                memcpy( oob_samples_perm_ptr, samples_ptr, dims*nsamples*sizeof(float));
                for( m = 0; m < dims; m++ )
                    double ncorrect_responses_permuted = 0;
                    // randomly permute values of the m-th variable in the oob samples
                    float* mth_var_ptr = oob_samples_perm_ptr + m;

                    for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
                        int i1, i2;
                        float temp;

                        if( sample_idx_mask_for_tree->data.ptr[i] ) //the sample is not OOB
                        i1 = cvRandInt( &rng ) % nsamples;
                        i2 = cvRandInt( &rng ) % nsamples;
                        CV_SWAP( mth_var_ptr[i1*dims], mth_var_ptr[i2*dims], temp );

                        // turn values of (m-1)-th variable, that were permuted
                        // at the previous iteration, untouched
                        if( m > 1 )
                            oob_samples_perm_ptr[i*dims+m-1] = samples_ptr[i*dims+m-1];

                    // predict "permuted" cases and calculate the number of votes for the
                    // correct class in the variable-m-permuted oob data
                    sample  = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_32FC1, oob_samples_perm_ptr );
                    missing = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_8UC1, missing_ptr );
                    for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++,
                        sample.data.fl += dims, missing.data.ptr += dims )
                        double predct_resp, true_resp;

                        if( sample_idx_mask_for_tree->data.ptr[i] ) //the sample is not OOB

                        predct_resp = tree->predict(&sample, &missing, true)->value;
                        true_resp   = true_resp_ptr[i];
                        if( data->is_classifier )
                            ncorrect_responses_permuted += cvRound(true_resp - predct_resp) == 0;
                            true_resp = (true_resp - predct_resp)/maximal_response;
                            ncorrect_responses_permuted += exp( -true_resp*true_resp );
                    var_importance->data.fl[m] += (float)(ncorrect_responses
                        - ncorrect_responses_permuted);
        if( term_crit.type != CV_TERMCRIT_ITER && oob_error < max_oob_err )

    if( var_importance )
        for ( int vi = 0; vi < var_importance->cols; vi++ )
                var_importance->data.fl[vi] = ( var_importance->data.fl[vi] > 0 ) ?
                    var_importance->data.fl[vi] : 0;
        cvNormalize( var_importance, var_importance, 1., 0, CV_L1 );

    cvFree( &oob_samples_perm_ptr );
    cvFree( &samples_ptr );
    cvFree( &missing_ptr );
    cvFree( &true_resp_ptr );
    cvReleaseMat( &sample_idx_mask_for_tree );
    cvReleaseMat( &sample_idx_for_tree );

    cvReleaseMat( &oob_sample_votes );
    cvReleaseMat( &oob_responses );

    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_rgbd.cpp プロジェクト: far-ad/GP-RF
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // std::cout<<FLT_EPSILON<<std::endl; 
  cv::Mat training_data, training_labels,testing_data, testing_labels;
  training_data = read_rgbd_data_cv(argv[1],NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_SAMPLES);
  training_labels = read_rgbd_data_cv(argv[2], NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_SAMPLES);
  testing_data = read_rgbd_data_cv(argv[3],NUMBER_OF_TESTING_SAMPLES);
  testing_labels = read_rgbd_data_cv(argv[4], NUMBER_OF_TESTING_SAMPLES);
  printf("dataset specs: %d samples with %d features\n", training_data.rows, training_data.cols);

  // define all the attributes as numerical
  // that can be assigned on a per attribute basis

  cv::Mat var_type = cv::Mat(training_data.cols + 1, 1, CV_8U );
  var_type.setTo(cv::Scalar(CV_VAR_NUMERICAL) ); // all inputs are numerical
  var_type.at<uchar>(training_data.cols, 0) = CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL; // the labels are categorical

  /********************************步骤1:定义初始化Random Trees的参数******************************/
  float priors[] = {1,1,1,1,1};  // weights of each classification for classes
  CvRTParams params = CvRTParams(25, // max depth
				 50, // min sample count
				 0, // regression accuracy: N/A here
				 false, // compute surrogate split, no missing data
				 15, // max number of categories (use sub-optimal algorithm for larger numbers)
				 priors, // the array of priors
				 false,  // calculate variable importance
				 20,       // number of variables randomly selected at node and used to find the best split(s).
				 NUMBER_OF_TREES,	 // max number of trees in the forest
				 0.01f,				// forrest accuracy
				 CV_TERMCRIT_ITER |	CV_TERMCRIT_EPS // termination cirteria
  /****************************步骤2:训练 Random Decision Forest(RDF)分类器*********************/
  // printf( "\nUsing training database: %s\n\n", argv[1]);
  CvRTrees* rtree = new CvRTrees;
  rtree->train(training_data, CV_ROW_SAMPLE, training_labels,
	       cv::Mat(), cv::Mat(), var_type, cv::Mat(), params);
  // perform classifier testing and report results
  cv::Mat test_sample, train_sample;
  int correct_class = 0;
  int wrong_class = 0;
  int result;
  int label;
  int false_positives [NUMBER_OF_CLASSES] = {0,0,0,0,0};
  int false_negatives [NUMBER_OF_CLASSES] = {0,0,0,0,0};

  CvDTreeNode* leaf_nodes [training_data.rows];

  for (int tsample = 0; tsample < training_data.rows; tsample++)
      train_sample = training_data.row(tsample);
      CvForestTree* tree = rtree->get_tree(1);
      CvDTreeNode* leaf_node = tree->predict(train_sample, cv::Mat());
      leaf_nodes[tsample] = leaf_node; 

  // printf( "\nUsing testing database: %s\n\n", argv[2]);

  for (int tsample = 0; tsample < testing_data.rows; tsample++)
      // extract a row from the testing matrix
      test_sample = testing_data.row(tsample);
      // train on the testing data:
      // test_sample = training_data.row(tsample);

      result = (int) rtree->predict(test_sample, cv::Mat());
      label = (int) testing_labels.at<float>(tsample, 0);

      printf("Testing Sample %i -> class result (digit %d) - label (digit %d)\n", tsample, result, label);

      // get the leaf nodes of the first tree in the forest
      /*CvForestTree* tree = rtree->get_tree(0);
      std::list<const CvDTreeNode*> leaf_list;
      leaf_list = get_leaf_node( tree );
      printf("Number of Leaf nodes: %ld\n", leaf_list.size());*/

      // if the prediction and the (true) testing classification are the same
      // (N.B. openCV uses a floating point decision tree implementation!)
      if (fabs(result - label)
	  // if they differ more than floating point error => wrong class
	  false_positives[(int) result]++;
	  false_negatives[(int) testing_labels.at<float>(tsample, 0)]++;
	  // otherwise correct

  printf( // "\nResults on the testing database: %s\n"
	 "\tCorrect classification: %d (%g%%)\n"
	 "\tWrong classifications: %d (%g%%)\n",
	 // argv[2],
	 correct_class, (double) correct_class*100/testing_data.rows,
	 wrong_class, (double) wrong_class*100/testing_data.rows);

  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CLASSES; i++)
      printf( "\tClass (digit %d) false postives 	%d (%g%%)\n\t                false negatives  %d (%g%%)\n", i,
	      (double) false_positives[i]*100/testing_data.rows,
	      (double) false_negatives[i]*100/testing_data.rows);

	// get all the leaf nodes in the forest
   for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TREES; i ++)
      	CvForestTree* tree = rtree->get_tree(i);
      	std::list<const CvDTreeNode*> leaf_list;
      	leaf_list = get_leaf_node( tree );
  	//get training_sample indices for leaf nodes
  std::list<leaf_samples> node_indices;
  for (int i = 0; i < training_data.rows; i++) 
      CvDTreeNode* leaf_node = leaf_nodes[i];

      if (leaf_node != NULL) 
		leaf_samples leaf_sample;
		leaf_sample.leaf = leaf_node;
		printf("\nValue of leaf: %f\n", leaf_node->value);
		printf("Smaple indices for leaf:\n");
		printf(" %d", i);

		for (int j=i+1; j < training_data.rows; j++) 
	    	if (leaf_node == leaf_nodes[j])
	      		printf(" %lu", j);
	      		leaf_nodes[j] = NULL;
  	printf("\nSize of node_indices: %d\n", node_indices.size()); 
	//get labels and features

  //get double pointers for features and labels
  const double* p = testing_data.ptr<double>(0);
  std::vector<double> vec(p, p + testing_data.cols);

  // all matrix memory free by destructors

  // all OK : main returns 0
  // result = rtree->predict(testing_data.row(79), cv::Mat());
  // float andi = result - testing_labels.at<float>(79, 0);
  // // std::cout<<training_labels.row(0).col(0)<<std::endl;
  // std::cout<<andi<<std::endl;
  return 0;