コード例 #1
// Indicate the plots we might want to move to that the enemy can attack
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::MarkCellsNearEnemy()
	for(unsigned int iUnitIndex = 0;  iUnitIndex < m_EnemyUnits.size(); iUnitIndex++)
		CvUnit* pUnit = getUnit(m_EnemyUnits[iUnitIndex]);
		//for ranged every plot we can enter with movement left is a base for attack
		int iMinMovesLeft = pUnit->IsCanAttackRanged() ? 1 : 0;

		//be a bit conservative here, use ZOC - if one of our units is killed, this is not correct anymore
		//therefore we later do a dilation filter on the cells
		ReachablePlots tiles = pUnit->GetAllPlotsInReachThisTurn(false,true,false,iMinMovesLeft);

		for (ReachablePlots::iterator moveTile=tiles.begin(); moveTile!=tiles.end(); ++moveTile)
			CvPlot* pMoveTile = GC.getMap().plotByIndexUnchecked(moveTile->iPlotIndex);
			int iPlotIndex = GC.getMap().plotNum(pMoveTile->getX(),pMoveTile->getY());

			if (pUnit->IsCanAttackRanged())
				std::set<int> rangedPlots;
				//this generates some overlap, but preventing that is about as bad as ignoring it
				for (std::set<int>::iterator attackTile=rangedPlots.begin(); attackTile!=rangedPlots.end(); ++attackTile)
				//for melee every tile he can move into can be attacked

	//do the dilation
	std::vector<int> vCellsToMark;
	for (int iPlotLoop = 0; iPlotLoop < GC.getMap().numPlots(); iPlotLoop++)
		//nothing to do
		if (m_pCells[iPlotLoop].IsSubjectToAttack())

		CvPlot* pPlot = GC.getMap().plotByIndexUnchecked(iPlotLoop);

		//danger plots are calculated without ZOC
		if (GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).GetPossibleAttackers(*pPlot).size()>0)
			//check whether neighbors are subject to attack with ZOC
			CvPlot** aPlotsToCheck = GC.getMap().getNeighborsUnchecked(pPlot);
			for (int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
				CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot = aPlotsToCheck[iI];
				if (pAdjacentPlot)
					if (m_pCells[pAdjacentPlot->GetPlotIndex()].IsSubjectToAttack())
	//this should give a nice compromise
	for (size_t iI = 0; iI < vCellsToMark.size(); iI++)

	// Look at every cell on the map
	for(int iI = 0; iI < GC.getMap().numPlots(); iI++)
		CvPlot* pPlot = GC.getMap().plotByIndexUnchecked(iI);
		if(m_pCells[iI].IsRevealed() && !m_pCells[iI].IsImpassableTerrain() && !m_pCells[iI].IsImpassableTerritory())
			// Friendly cities always safe
					// Check adjacent plots for enemy citadels
						if ( pPlot->IsNearEnemyCitadel( m_ePlayer ) )

						for(unsigned int iCityIndex = 0;  iCityIndex < m_EnemyCities.size(); iCityIndex++)
							CvCity* pCity = getCity( m_EnemyCities[iCityIndex] );
							if (pCity->canRangeStrikeAt( pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY() ))
コード例 #2
// Get the maximum damage unit could receive at this plot in the next turn
int CvDangerPlotContents::GetDanger(PlayerTypes ePlayer)
	if (!m_pPlot)
		return 0;

	// Damage from terrain - since we don't know the unit, just assume 20
	int iPlotDamage = m_bFlatPlotDamage ? 20 : 0;

	// Damage from units
	CvPlot* pAttackerPlot = NULL;

	for (DangerUnitVector::iterator it = m_apUnits.begin(); it < m_apUnits.end(); ++it)
		CvUnit* pUnit = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getUnit(it->second);

		if ( !pUnit || pUnit->isDelayedDeath() || pUnit->IsDead())

		pAttackerPlot = NULL;
		if (pUnit->IsCanAttackRanged())
			if (pUnit->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_AIR)
				iPlotDamage += pUnit->GetAirCombatDamage(NULL, NULL, false, 0, m_pPlot);
				iPlotDamage += pUnit->GetRangeCombatDamage(NULL, NULL, false, 0, m_pPlot);
			if (plotDistance(m_iX, m_iY, pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY()) == 1)
				pAttackerPlot = pUnit->plot();
			//we don't know the defender strength, so assume it's equal to attacker strength!
			iPlotDamage += pUnit->getCombatDamage(
				pUnit->GetMaxAttackStrength(pAttackerPlot, m_pPlot, NULL),
				pUnit->getDamage(), false, false, false);

			if (pUnit->isRangedSupportFire())
				iPlotDamage += pUnit->GetRangeCombatDamage(NULL, NULL, false, 0, m_pPlot, pAttackerPlot);
	// Damage from cities
	for (DangerCityVector::iterator it = m_apCities.begin(); it < m_apCities.end(); ++it)
		CvCity* pCity = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getCity(it->second);

		if (pCity && pCity->getTeam() != GET_PLAYER(ePlayer).getTeam())
			iPlotDamage += pCity->rangeCombatDamage(NULL, NULL, false, m_pPlot);

	// Damage from features
	iPlotDamage += GetDamageFromFeatures(ePlayer);

	return iPlotDamage;
コード例 #3
// Get the maximum damage unit could receive at this plot in the next turn (update this with CvUnitCombat changes!)
int CvDangerPlotContents::GetDanger(const CvUnit* pUnit, AirActionType iAirAction)
	if (!m_pPlot || !pUnit)
		return 0;

	// Air units only take damage from interceptions
	if (pUnit->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_AIR)
		return GetAirUnitDamage(pUnit, iAirAction);

	//simple caching for speedup
	SUnitStats unitStats(pUnit);
	if (unitStats==m_lastUnit)
		return m_lastResult;

	//otherwise calculate from scratch
	int iPlotDamage = 0;

	CvCity* pFriendlyCity = NULL;
	if ( m_pPlot->isFriendlyCity(*pUnit,true) )
		pFriendlyCity = m_pPlot->getPlotCity();

	// Civilians can be captured - unless they would need to be embarked on this plot
	if (!pUnit->IsCombatUnit() && pUnit->isNativeDomain(m_pPlot))
		// If plot contains an enemy unit, mark it as max danger
		if (m_pPlot->getBestDefender(NO_PLAYER, pUnit->getOwner(), NULL, true))
			return MAX_INT;

		for (DangerUnitVector::iterator it = m_apUnits.begin(); it < m_apUnits.end(); ++it)
			CvUnit* pAttacker = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getUnit(it->second);

			if ( pAttacker && !pAttacker->isDelayedDeath() && !pAttacker->IsDead())
				// If in a city and the city can be captured, we are in highest danger
				if (pFriendlyCity)
					if (GetDanger(pFriendlyCity) + pFriendlyCity->getDamage() > pFriendlyCity->GetMaxHitPoints())
						return MAX_INT;
				// Look for a possible plot defender
					IDInfo* pUnitNode = m_pPlot->headUnitNode();
					CvUnit* pBestDefender = NULL;
					while (pUnitNode != NULL)
						pBestDefender = ::getUnit(*pUnitNode);
						pUnitNode = m_pPlot->nextUnitNode(pUnitNode);

						if (pBestDefender && pBestDefender->getOwner() == pUnit->getOwner())
							//fix endless recursion with stacked embarked civilians: defender must also be able to attack
							if (pBestDefender->IsCanDefend() && pBestDefender->IsCanAttack())
								if (pBestDefender != pUnit)
									if (pBestDefender->isWaiting() || !(pBestDefender->canMove()))
						pBestDefender = NULL;
					// If there is a defender and it might be killed, high danger
					if (pBestDefender && (pBestDefender->isWaiting() || !pBestDefender->canMove()))
						if (GetDanger(pBestDefender) > pBestDefender->GetCurrHitPoints())
							return INT_MAX;
					else if (pBestDefender==NULL)
						//Civilian could be captured on this tile
						return MAX_INT;

		// Damage from features (citadel)
		iPlotDamage += GetDamageFromFeatures(pUnit->getOwner());
		iPlotDamage += m_bFlatPlotDamage ? m_pPlot->getTurnDamage(pUnit->ignoreTerrainDamage(), pUnit->ignoreFeatureDamage(), pUnit->extraTerrainDamage(), pUnit->extraFeatureDamage()) : 0;

		// Damage from cities
		for (DangerCityVector::iterator it = m_apCities.begin(); it < m_apCities.end(); ++it)
			CvCity* pCity = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getCity(it->second);
			if (!pCity || pCity->getTeam() == pUnit->getTeam())

			iPlotDamage += pCity->rangeCombatDamage(pUnit, NULL, false, m_pPlot);

		//update cache
		m_lastUnit = unitStats;
		m_lastResult = iPlotDamage;
		return iPlotDamage;

	// Capturing a city with a garrisoned unit destroys the garrisoned unit
	if (pFriendlyCity)
		int iCityDanger = GetDanger(pFriendlyCity, (pUnit->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_LAND ? pUnit : NULL));
		if (iCityDanger + pFriendlyCity->getDamage() < pFriendlyCity->GetMaxHitPoints())
			if (pUnit->CanGarrison())
				// Reconstruct the amount of damage the garrison would absorb for the city
				int iUnitShare = (iCityDanger*2*pUnit->GetMaxHitPoints()) / pFriendlyCity->GetMaxHitPoints();

				// Damage from features
				return iUnitShare + GetDamageFromFeatures(pUnit->getOwner());
				return 0;
			return MAX_INT;

	CvPlot* pAttackerPlot = NULL;
	CvUnit* pInterceptor = NULL;
	// Damage from units
	// Otherwise a tooltip or similar can change the game state
	for (DangerUnitVector::iterator it = m_apUnits.begin(); it < m_apUnits.end(); ++it)
		CvUnit* pAttacker = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getUnit(it->second);
		if (!pAttacker || pAttacker->isDelayedDeath() || pAttacker->IsDead())

		pAttackerPlot = NULL;
		if (pAttacker->plot() != m_pPlot)
			if (pAttacker->IsCanAttackRanged())
				if (pAttacker->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_AIR)
					pInterceptor = pAttacker->GetBestInterceptor(*m_pPlot, pUnit);
					int iInterceptDamage = 0;
					if (pInterceptor)
						// Always assume interception is successful
						iInterceptDamage = pInterceptor->GetInterceptionDamage(pUnit, false);
					iPlotDamage += pAttacker->GetAirCombatDamage(pUnit, NULL, false, iInterceptDamage, m_pPlot);
					iPlotDamage += pAttacker->GetRangeCombatDamage(pUnit, NULL, false, 0, m_pPlot);
				if (plotDistance(m_iX, m_iY, pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY()) == 1)
					pAttackerPlot = pAttacker->plot();
				iPlotDamage += pAttacker->getCombatDamage(
					pAttacker->GetMaxAttackStrength(pAttackerPlot, m_pPlot, pUnit),
					pUnit->GetMaxDefenseStrength(m_pPlot, pAttacker), pAttacker->getDamage(), false, false, false);
				if (pAttacker->isRangedSupportFire())
					iPlotDamage += pAttacker->GetRangeCombatDamage(pUnit, NULL, false, 0, m_pPlot, pAttackerPlot);

	// Damage from cities
	for (DangerCityVector::iterator it = m_apCities.begin(); it < m_apCities.end(); ++it)
		CvCity* pCity = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getCity(it->second);
		if (!pCity || pCity->getTeam() == pUnit->getTeam())

		iPlotDamage += pCity->rangeCombatDamage(pUnit, NULL, false, m_pPlot);

	// Damage from surrounding features (citadel) and the plot itself
	iPlotDamage += GetDamageFromFeatures(pUnit->getOwner());
	iPlotDamage += m_bFlatPlotDamage ? m_pPlot->getTurnDamage(pUnit->ignoreTerrainDamage(), pUnit->ignoreFeatureDamage(), pUnit->extraTerrainDamage(), pUnit->extraFeatureDamage()) : 0;

	//update cache
	m_lastUnit = unitStats;
	m_lastResult = iPlotDamage;

	return iPlotDamage;
コード例 #4
// Get the maximum damage city could receive this turn if it were in this plot
int CvDangerPlotContents::GetDanger(CvCity* pCity, const CvUnit* pPretendGarrison)
	if (!m_pPlot || !pCity)
		return 0;

	int iPlotDamage = 0;
	CvPlot* pCityPlot = pCity->plot();
	const int iCityX = pCityPlot->getX();
	const int iCityY = pCityPlot->getY();

	CvCityGarrisonOverride guard(pCity,pPretendGarrison);

	CvPlot* pAttackerPlot = NULL;
	CvUnit* pInterceptor = NULL;

	// Damage from ranged units and melees that cannot capture 
	for (DangerUnitVector::iterator it = m_apUnits.begin(); it < m_apUnits.end(); ++it)
		CvUnit* pUnit = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getUnit(it->second);
		if (!pUnit || pUnit->isDelayedDeath() || pUnit->IsDead())

		pAttackerPlot = NULL;
		if (pUnit->IsCanAttackRanged())
			if (pUnit->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_AIR)
				pInterceptor = pUnit->GetBestInterceptor(*m_pPlot);
				int iInterceptDamage = 0;
				if (pInterceptor)
					// Always assume interception is successful
					iInterceptDamage = pInterceptor->GetInterceptionDamage(pUnit, false);
				iPlotDamage += pUnit->GetAirCombatDamage(NULL, pCity, false, iInterceptDamage, m_pPlot);
				iPlotDamage += pUnit->GetRangeCombatDamage(NULL, pCity, false, 0, m_pPlot);
		else if (pUnit->isNoCapture())
			if (plotDistance(iCityX, iCityY, pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY()) == 1)
				pAttackerPlot = pUnit->plot();
			iPlotDamage += pUnit->getCombatDamage(pUnit->GetMaxAttackStrength(pAttackerPlot, pCityPlot, NULL),
				pCity->getStrengthValue(), pUnit->getDamage(), false, false, true);
			if (pUnit->isRangedSupportFire())
				iPlotDamage += pUnit->GetRangeCombatDamage(NULL, pCity, false, 0, pCityPlot);

	// Damage from cities
	for (DangerCityVector::iterator it = m_apCities.begin(); it < m_apCities.end(); ++it)
		CvCity* pCity = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getCity(it->second);

		if (!pCity || pCity->getTeam() == pCity->getTeam())

		iPlotDamage += pCity->rangeCombatDamage(NULL, pCity, false, pCityPlot);

	// Damage from melee units
	for (DangerUnitVector::iterator it = m_apUnits.begin(); it < m_apUnits.end(); ++it)
		CvUnit* pUnit = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getUnit(it->second);
		if (!pUnit || pUnit->isDelayedDeath() || pUnit->IsDead())

		pAttackerPlot = NULL;

		if (!pUnit->IsCanAttackRanged() && !pUnit->isNoCapture())
			if (plotDistance(iCityX, iCityY, pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY()) == 1)
				pAttackerPlot = pUnit->plot();

			iPlotDamage += pUnit->getCombatDamage(pUnit->GetMaxAttackStrength(pAttackerPlot, pCityPlot, NULL),
				pCity->getStrengthValue(), pUnit->getDamage(), false, false, true);

			if (pUnit->isRangedSupportFire())
				iPlotDamage += pUnit->GetRangeCombatDamage(NULL, pCity, false, 0, pCityPlot);

	//if we have a garrison, split the damage
	CvUnit* pGarrison = pCity->GetGarrisonedUnit();
	if (pGarrison)
		int iUnitShare = (iPlotDamage*2*pGarrison->GetMaxHitPoints())/(pCity->GetMaxHitPoints()+2*pGarrison->GetMaxHitPoints());
		iPlotDamage -= iUnitShare;

	return iPlotDamage;