コード例 #1
ファイル: p_effect.cpp プロジェクト: usernameak/gzdoom
void P_DrawSplash2 (FLevelLocals *Level, int count, const DVector3 &pos, DAngle angle, int updown, int kind)
	int color1, color2, zadd;
	double zvel, zspread;

	switch (kind)
	case 0:		// Blood
		color1 = blood1;
		color2 = blood2;
	case 1:		// Gunshot
		color1 = grey3;
		color2 = grey5;
	case 2:		// Smoke
		color1 = grey3;
		color2 = grey1;
	default:	// colorized blood
		color1 = ParticleColor(kind);
		color2 = ParticleColor(RPART(kind)/3, GPART(kind)/3, BPART(kind)/3);

	zvel = -1./512.;
	zspread = updown ? -6000 / 65536. : 6000 / 65536.;
	zadd = (updown == 2) ? -128 : 0;

	for (; count; count--)
		FParticle *p = NewParticle (Level);
		DAngle an;

		if (!p)

		p->ttl = 12;
		p->fadestep = FADEFROMTTL(12);
		p->alpha = 1.f;
		p->size = 4;
		p->color = M_Random() & 0x80 ? color1 : color2;
		p->Vel.Z = M_Random() * zvel;
		p->Acc.Z = -1 / 22.;
		if (kind) 
			an = angle + ((M_Random() - 128) * (180 / 256.));
			p->Vel.X = M_Random() * an.Cos() / 2048.;
			p->Vel.Y = M_Random() * an.Sin() / 2048.;
			p->Acc.X = p->Vel.X / 16.;
			p->Acc.Y = p->Vel.Y / 16.;
		an = angle + ((M_Random() - 128) * (90 / 256.));
		p->Pos.X = pos.X + ((M_Random() & 31) - 15) * an.Cos();
		p->Pos.Y = pos.Y + ((M_Random() & 31) - 15) * an.Sin();
		p->Pos.Z = pos.Z + (M_Random() + zadd - 128) * zspread;
		p->renderstyle = STYLE_Translucent;
コード例 #2
ファイル: p_teleport.cpp プロジェクト: gamegenten/GZDoom-GPL
static bool DoGroupForOne (AActor *victim, AActor *source, AActor *dest, bool floorz, bool fog)
	DAngle an = dest->Angles.Yaw - source->Angles.Yaw;
	DVector2 off = victim->Pos() - source->Pos();
	DAngle offAngle = victim->Angles.Yaw - source->Angles.Yaw;
	DVector2 newp = { off.X * an.Cos() - off.Y * an.Sin(), off.X * an.Sin() + off.Y * an.Cos() };
	double z = floorz ? ONFLOORZ : dest->Z() + victim->Z() - source->Z();

	bool res =
		P_Teleport (victim, DVector3(dest->Pos().XY() + newp, z),
	// P_Teleport only changes angle if fog is true
	victim->Angles.Yaw = (dest->Angles.Yaw + victim->Angles.Yaw - source->Angles.Yaw).Normalized360();

	return res;
コード例 #3
ファイル: p_effect.cpp プロジェクト: usernameak/gzdoom
void P_DrawSplash (FLevelLocals *Level, int count, const DVector3 &pos, DAngle angle, int kind)
	int color1, color2;

	switch (kind)
	case 1:		// Spark
		color1 = orange;
		color2 = yorange;

	for (; count; count--)
		FParticle *p = JitterParticle (Level, 10);

		if (!p)

		p->size = 2;
		p->color = M_Random() & 0x80 ? color1 : color2;
		p->Vel.Z -= M_Random () / 128.;
		p->Acc.Z -= 1./8;
		p->Acc.X += (M_Random () - 128) / 8192.;
		p->Acc.Y += (M_Random () - 128) / 8192.;
		p->Pos.Z = pos.Z - M_Random () / 64.;
		angle += M_Random() * (45./256);
		p->Pos.X = pos.X + (M_Random() & 15)*angle.Cos();
		p->Pos.Y = pos.Y + (M_Random() & 15)*angle.Sin();
コード例 #4
ファイル: p_slopes.cpp プロジェクト: Accusedbold/zdoom
void P_SetSlope (secplane_t *plane, bool setCeil, int xyangi, int zangi, const DVector3 &pos)
	DAngle xyang;
	DAngle zang;

	if (zangi >= 180)
		zang = 179.;
	else if (zangi <= 0)
		zang = 1.;
		zang = (double)zangi;
	if (setCeil)
		zang += 180.;

	xyang = (double)xyangi;

	DVector3 norm;

	if (ib_compatflags & BCOMPATF_SETSLOPEOVERFLOW)
		// We have to consider an integer multiplication overflow here.
		norm[0] = FixedToFloat(FloatToFixed(zang.Cos()) * FloatToFixed(xyang.Cos()));
		norm[1] = FixedToFloat(FloatToFixed(zang.Cos()) * FloatToFixed(xyang.Sin()));
		norm[0] = zang.Cos() * xyang.Cos();
		norm[1] = zang.Cos() * xyang.Sin();
	norm[2] = zang.Sin();
	double dist = -norm[0] * pos.X - norm[1] * pos.Y - norm[2] * pos.Z;
	plane->set(norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], dist);
コード例 #5
ファイル: a_dynlight.cpp プロジェクト: FlameNeon/gzdoom
void ADynamicLight::UpdateLocation()
	double oldx= X();
	double oldy= Y();
	double oldradius= radius;
	float intensity;

	if (IsActive())
		if (target)
			DAngle angle = target->Angles.Yaw;
			double s = angle.Sin();
			double c = angle.Cos();

			DVector3 pos = target->Vec3Offset(m_off.X * c + m_off.Y * s, m_off.X * s - m_off.Y * c, m_off.Z + target->GetBobOffset());
			SetXYZ(pos); // attached lights do not need to go into the regular blockmap
			Prev = target->Pos();
			subsector = R_PointInSubsector(Prev);
			Sector = subsector->sector;

		// The radius being used here is always the maximum possible with the
		// current settings. This avoids constant relinking of flickering lights

		if (lighttype == FlickerLight || lighttype == RandomFlickerLight || lighttype == PulseLight)
			intensity = float(MAX(m_Radius[0], m_Radius[1]));
			intensity = m_currentRadius;
		radius = intensity * 2.0f * gl_lights_size;

		if (X() != oldx || Y() != oldy || radius != oldradius)
			//Update the light lists
コード例 #6
ファイル: p_teleport.cpp プロジェクト: gamegenten/GZDoom-GPL
// [RH] Modified to support different source and destination ids.
// [RH] Modified some more to be accurate.
bool EV_SilentLineTeleport (line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBOOL reverse)
	int i;
	line_t *l;

	if (side || thing->flags2 & MF2_NOTELEPORT || !line || line->sidedef[1] == NULL)
		return false;

	FLineIdIterator itr(id);
	while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0)
		if (line->Index() == i)

		if ((l=&level.lines[i]) != line && l->backsector)
			// Get the thing's position along the source linedef
			double pos;
			DVector2 npos;			// offsets from line
			double den;

			den = line->Delta().LengthSquared();
			if (den == 0)
				pos = 0;
				double num = (thing->Pos().XY() - line->v1->fPos()) | line->Delta();
				if (num <= 0)
					pos = 0;
				else if (num >= den)
					pos = 1;
					pos = num / den;
				npos = thing->Pos().XY() - line->v1->fPos() - line->Delta() * pos;

			// Get the angle between the two linedefs, for rotating
			// orientation and velocity. Rotate 180 degrees, and flip
			// the position across the exit linedef, if reversed.
			DAngle angle = l->Delta().Angle() - line->Delta().Angle();

			if (!reverse)
				angle += 180.;
				pos = 1 - pos;

			// Sine, cosine of angle adjustment
			double s = angle.Sin();
			double c = angle.Cos();

			DVector2 p;

			// Rotate position along normal to match exit linedef
			p.X = npos.X*c - npos.Y*s;
			p.Y = npos.Y*c + npos.X*s;

			// Interpolate position across the exit linedef
			p += l->v1->fPos() + pos*l->Delta();

			// Whether this is a player, and if so, a pointer to its player_t.
			// Voodoo dolls are excluded by making sure thing->player->mo==thing.
			player_t *player = thing->player && thing->player->mo == thing ?
				thing->player : NULL;

			// Whether walking towards first side of exit linedef steps down
			bool stepdown = l->frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(p) < l->backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(p);

			// Height of thing above ground
			double z = thing->Z() - thing->floorz;

			// Side to exit the linedef on positionally.
			// Notes:
			// This flag concerns exit position, not momentum. Due to
			// roundoff error, the thing can land on either the left or
			// the right side of the exit linedef, and steps must be
			// taken to make sure it does not end up on the wrong side.
			// Exit momentum is always towards side 1 in a reversed
			// teleporter, and always towards side 0 otherwise.
			// Exiting positionally on side 1 is always safe, as far
			// as avoiding oscillations and stuck-in-wall problems,
			// but may not be optimum for non-reversed teleporters.
			// Exiting on side 0 can cause oscillations if momentum
			// is towards side 1, as it is with reversed teleporters.
			// Exiting on side 1 slightly improves player viewing
			// when going down a step on a non-reversed teleporter.

			// Is this really still necessary with real math instead of imprecise trig tables?
#if 1
			int side = reverse || (player && stepdown);
			int fudge = FUDGEFACTOR;

			double dx = line->Delta().X;
			double dy = line->Delta().Y;
			// Make sure we are on correct side of exit linedef.
			while (P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(p, l) != side && --fudge >= 0)
				if (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy))
					p.Y -= (dx < 0) != side ? -1 : 1;
					p.X += (dy < 0) != side ? -1 : 1;

			// Adjust z position to be same height above ground as before.
			// Ground level at the exit is measured as the higher of the
			// two floor heights at the exit linedef.
			z = z + l->sidedef[stepdown]->sector->floorplane.ZatPoint(p);

			// Attempt to teleport, aborting if blocked
			if (!P_TeleportMove (thing, DVector3(p, z), false))
				return false;

			if (thing == players[consoleplayer].camera)
				R_ResetViewInterpolation ();

			// Rotate thing's orientation according to difference in linedef angles
			thing->Angles.Yaw += angle;

			// Rotate thing's velocity to come out of exit just like it entered
			p = thing->Vel.XY();
			thing->Vel.X = p.X*c - p.Y*s;
			thing->Vel.Y = p.Y*c + p.X*s;

			// Adjust a player's view, in case there has been a height change
			if (player && player->mo == thing)
				// Adjust player's local copy of velocity
				p = player->Vel;
				player->Vel.X = p.X*c - p.Y*s;
				player->Vel.Y = p.Y*c + p.X*s;

				// Save the current deltaviewheight, used in stepping
				double deltaviewheight = player->deltaviewheight;

				// Clear deltaviewheight, since we don't want any changes now
				player->deltaviewheight = 0;

				// Set player's view according to the newly set parameters

				// Reset the delta to have the same dynamics as before
				player->deltaviewheight = deltaviewheight;

			return true;
	return false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: p_teleport.cpp プロジェクト: gamegenten/GZDoom-GPL
bool EV_Teleport (int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int flags)
	AActor *searcher;
	double z;
	DAngle angle = 0.;
	double s = 0, c = 0;
	double vx = 0, vy = 0;
	DAngle badangle = 0.;

	if (thing == NULL)
	{ // Teleport function called with an invalid actor
		return false;
	bool predicting = (thing->player && (thing->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING));
	if (thing->flags2 & MF2_NOTELEPORT)
		return false;
	if (side != 0)
	{ // Don't teleport if hit back of line, so you can get out of teleporter.
		return 0;
	searcher = SelectTeleDest(tid, tag, predicting);
	if (searcher == NULL)
		return false;
	// [RH] Lee Killough's changes for silent teleporters from BOOM
		// Get the angle between the exit thing and source linedef.
		// Rotate 90 degrees, so that walking perpendicularly across
		// teleporter linedef causes thing to exit in the direction
		// indicated by the exit thing.
		angle = line->Delta().Angle() - searcher->Angles.Yaw + 90.;
		if (flags & TELF_ROTATEBOOMINVERSE) angle = -angle;

		// Sine, cosine of angle adjustment
		s = angle.Sin();
		c = angle.Cos();

		// Velocity of thing crossing teleporter linedef
		vx = thing->Vel.X;
		vy = thing->Vel.Y;

		z = searcher->Z();
	else if (searcher->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass(NAME_TeleportDest2)))
		z = searcher->Z();
	if ((i_compatflags2 & COMPATF2_BADANGLES) && (thing->player != NULL))
		badangle = 0.01;
	if (P_Teleport (thing, DVector3(searcher->Pos(), z), searcher->Angles.Yaw + badangle, flags))
		// [RH] Lee Killough's changes for silent teleporters from BOOM
		if (line)
				// Rotate thing according to difference in angles (or not - Boom got the direction wrong here.)
				thing->Angles.Yaw += angle;

				// Rotate thing's velocity to come out of exit just like it entered
				thing->Vel.X = vx*c - vy*s;
				thing->Vel.Y = vy*c + vx*s;
		if (vx == 0 && vy == 0 && thing->player != NULL && thing->player->mo == thing && !predicting)
			thing->player->mo->PlayIdle ();
		return true;
	return false;
コード例 #8
int P_Thing_Warp(AActor *caller, AActor *reference, double xofs, double yofs, double zofs, DAngle angle, int flags, double heightoffset, double radiusoffset, DAngle pitch)
	if (flags & WARPF_MOVEPTR)
		AActor *temp = reference;
		reference = caller;
		caller = temp;

	DVector3 old = caller->Pos();
	int oldpgroup = caller->Sector->PortalGroup;

	zofs += reference->Height * heightoffset;

	if (!(flags & WARPF_ABSOLUTEANGLE))
		angle += (flags & WARPF_USECALLERANGLE) ? caller->Angles.Yaw: reference->Angles.Yaw;

	const double rad = radiusoffset * reference->radius;
	const double s = angle.Sin();
	const double c = angle.Cos();

		if (!(flags & WARPF_ABSOLUTEOFFSET))
			double xofs1 = xofs;

			// (borrowed from A_SpawnItemEx, assumed workable)
			// in relative mode negative y values mean 'left' and positive ones mean 'right'
			// This is the inverse orientation of the absolute mode!
			xofs = xofs1 * c + yofs * s;
			yofs = xofs1 * s - yofs * c;

		if (flags & WARPF_TOFLOOR)
			// set correct xy
			// now the caller's floorz should be appropriate for the assigned xy-position
			// assigning position again with.
			// extra unlink, link and environment calculation
			caller->SetOrigin(reference->Vec3Offset(xofs + rad * c, yofs + rad * s, 0.), true);
			// The two-step process is important.
			caller->SetZ(caller->floorz + zofs);
			caller->SetOrigin(reference->Vec3Offset(xofs + rad * c, yofs + rad * s, zofs), true);
	else // [MC] The idea behind "absolute" is meant to be "absolute". Override everything, just like A_SpawnItemEx's.
		caller->SetOrigin(xofs + rad * c, yofs + rad * s, zofs, true);
		if (flags & WARPF_TOFLOOR)
			caller->SetZ(caller->floorz + zofs);

	if ((flags & WARPF_NOCHECKPOSITION) || P_TestMobjLocation(caller))
		if (flags & WARPF_TESTONLY)
			caller->SetOrigin(old, true);
			caller->Angles.Yaw = angle;

			if (flags & WARPF_COPYPITCH)
				caller->SetPitch(reference->Angles.Pitch, false);
			if (pitch != 0)
				caller->SetPitch(caller->Angles.Pitch + pitch, false);
			if (flags & WARPF_COPYVELOCITY)
				caller->Vel = reference->Vel;
			if (flags & WARPF_STOP)

			// this is no fun with line portals 
				// This just translates the movement but doesn't change the vector
				DVector3 displacedold  = old + Displacements.getOffset(oldpgroup, caller->Sector->PortalGroup);
				caller->Prev += caller->Pos() - displacedold;
				caller->PrevPortalGroup = caller->Sector->PortalGroup;
			else if (flags & WARPF_COPYINTERPOLATION)
				// Map both positions of the reference actor to the current portal group
				DVector3 displacedold = old + Displacements.getOffset(reference->PrevPortalGroup, caller->Sector->PortalGroup);
				DVector3 displacedref = old + Displacements.getOffset(reference->Sector->PortalGroup, caller->Sector->PortalGroup);
				caller->Prev = caller->Pos() + displacedold - displacedref;
				caller->PrevPortalGroup = caller->Sector->PortalGroup;
			else if (!(flags & WARPF_INTERPOLATE))

			if ((flags & WARPF_BOB) && (reference->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB))
		return true;
	caller->SetOrigin(old, true);
	return false;
コード例 #9
ファイル: poly_wallsprite.cpp プロジェクト: JPLeBreton/gzdoom
void RenderPolyWallSprite::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, const PolyClipPlane &clipPlane, AActor *thing, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth, uint32_t stencilValue)
	if (RenderPolySprite::IsThingCulled(thing))

	const auto &viewpoint = PolyRenderer::Instance()->Viewpoint;
	DVector3 pos = thing->InterpolatedPosition(viewpoint.TicFrac);
	pos.Z += thing->GetBobOffset(viewpoint.TicFrac);

	bool flipTextureX = false;
	FTexture *tex = RenderPolySprite::GetSpriteTexture(thing, flipTextureX);
	if (tex == nullptr || tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)

	DVector2 spriteScale = thing->Scale;
	double thingxscalemul = spriteScale.X / tex->Scale.X;
	double thingyscalemul = spriteScale.Y / tex->Scale.Y;
	double spriteHeight = thingyscalemul * tex->GetHeight();

	DAngle ang = thing->Angles.Yaw + 90;
	double angcos = ang.Cos();
	double angsin = ang.Sin();

	// Determine left and right edges of sprite. The sprite's angle is its normal,
	// so the edges are 90 degrees each side of it.
	double x2 = tex->GetScaledWidth() * spriteScale.X;
	double x1 = tex->GetScaledLeftOffset() * spriteScale.X;
	DVector2 left, right;
	left.X = pos.X - x1 * angcos;
	left.Y = pos.Y - x1 * angsin;
	right.X = left.X + x2 * angcos;
	right.Y = left.Y + x2 * angsin;

	//int scaled_to = tex->GetScaledTopOffset();
	//int scaled_bo = scaled_to - tex->GetScaledHeight();
	//gzt = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_to;
	//gzb = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_bo;

	DVector2 points[2] = { left, right };

	TriVertex *vertices = PolyRenderer::Instance()->FrameMemory.AllocMemory<TriVertex>(4);

	bool foggy = false;
	int actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : viewpoint.extralight << 4;

	std::pair<float, float> offsets[4] =
		{ 0.0f,  1.0f },
		{ 1.0f,  1.0f },
		{ 1.0f,  0.0f },
		{ 0.0f,  0.0f },

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		auto &p = (i == 0 || i == 3) ? points[0] : points[1];

		vertices[i].x = (float)p.X;
		vertices[i].y = (float)p.Y;
		vertices[i].z = (float)(pos.Z + spriteHeight * offsets[i].second);
		vertices[i].w = 1.0f;
		vertices[i].u = (float)(offsets[i].first * tex->Scale.X);
		vertices[i].v = (float)((1.0f - offsets[i].second) * tex->Scale.Y);
		if (flipTextureX)
			vertices[i].u = 1.0f - vertices[i].u;

	bool fullbrightSprite = ((thing->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT) || (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT));
	int lightlevel = fullbrightSprite ? 255 : thing->Sector->lightlevel + actualextralight;

	PolyDrawArgs args;
	args.SetLight(GetColorTable(sub->sector->Colormap, sub->sector->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true), lightlevel, PolyRenderer::Instance()->Light.WallGlobVis(foggy), fullbrightSprite);
	args.DrawArray(vertices, 4, PolyDrawMode::TriangleFan);
コード例 #10
ファイル: r_wallsprite.cpp プロジェクト: Blzut3/gzdoom
	void RenderWallSprite::Project(RenderThread *thread, AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTexture *pic, const DVector2 &scale, int renderflags, int spriteshade, bool foggy, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap)
		FWallCoords wallc;
		double x1, x2;
		DVector2 left, right;
		double gzb, gzt, tz;
		DAngle ang = thing->Angles.Yaw + 90;
		double angcos = ang.Cos();
		double angsin = ang.Sin();

		// Determine left and right edges of sprite. The sprite's angle is its normal,
		// so the edges are 90 degrees each side of it.
		x2 = pic->GetScaledWidth();
		x1 = pic->GetScaledLeftOffsetSW();

		x1 *= scale.X;
		x2 *= scale.X;

		left.X = pos.X - x1 * angcos - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.X;
		left.Y = pos.Y - x1 * angsin - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Y;
		right.X = left.X + x2 * angcos;
		right.Y = left.Y + x2 * angsin;

		// Is it off-screen?
		if (wallc.Init(thread, left, right, TOO_CLOSE_Z))
		RenderPortal *renderportal = thread->Portal.get();

		if (wallc.sx1 >= renderportal->WindowRight || wallc.sx2 <= renderportal->WindowLeft)

		// Sprite sorting should probably treat these as walls, not sprites,
		// but right now, I just want to get them drawing.
		tz = (pos.X - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.X) * thread->Viewport->viewpoint.TanCos + (pos.Y - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Y) * thread->Viewport->viewpoint.TanSin;

		int scaled_to = pic->GetScaledTopOffsetSW();
		int scaled_bo = scaled_to - pic->GetScaledHeight();
		gzt = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_to;
		gzb = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_bo;

		RenderWallSprite *vis = thread->FrameMemory->NewObject<RenderWallSprite>();
		vis->CurrentPortalUniq = renderportal->CurrentPortalUniq;
		vis->x1 = wallc.sx1 < renderportal->WindowLeft ? renderportal->WindowLeft : wallc.sx1;
		vis->x2 = wallc.sx2 >= renderportal->WindowRight ? renderportal->WindowRight : wallc.sx2;
		vis->yscale = (float)scale.Y;
		vis->idepth = float(1 / tz);
		vis->depth = (float)tz;
		vis->sector = thing->Sector;
		vis->heightsec = NULL;
		vis->gpos = { (float)pos.X, (float)pos.Y, (float)pos.Z };
		vis->gzb = (float)gzb;
		vis->gzt = (float)gzt;
		vis->deltax = float(pos.X - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.X);
		vis->deltay = float(pos.Y - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Y);
		vis->renderflags = renderflags;
		if (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT) vis->renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; // kg3D
		vis->RenderStyle = thing->RenderStyle;
		vis->FillColor = thing->fillcolor;
		vis->Translation = thing->Translation;
		vis->FakeFlatStat = WaterFakeSide::Center;
		vis->Alpha = float(thing->Alpha);
		vis->fakefloor = NULL;
		vis->fakeceiling = NULL;
		//vis->bInMirror = renderportal->MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP;
		vis->pic = pic;
		vis->wallc = wallc;
		vis->foggy = foggy;

		vis->Light.SetColormap(thread->Light->SpriteGlobVis(foggy) / MAX(tz, MINZ), spriteshade, basecolormap, false, false, false);

コード例 #11
void RenderPolyWallSprite::Render(const TriMatrix &worldToClip, AActor *thing, subsector_t *sub, uint32_t subsectorDepth)
	if (RenderPolySprite::IsThingCulled(thing))

	DVector3 pos = thing->InterpolatedPosition(r_TicFracF);
	pos.Z += thing->GetBobOffset(r_TicFracF);

	bool flipTextureX = false;
	FTexture *tex = RenderPolySprite::GetSpriteTexture(thing, flipTextureX);
	if (tex == nullptr)

	DVector2 spriteScale = thing->Scale;
	double thingxscalemul = spriteScale.X / tex->Scale.X;
	double thingyscalemul = spriteScale.Y / tex->Scale.Y;
	double spriteHeight = thingyscalemul * tex->GetHeight();

	DAngle ang = thing->Angles.Yaw + 90;
	double angcos = ang.Cos();
	double angsin = ang.Sin();

	// Determine left and right edges of sprite. The sprite's angle is its normal,
	// so the edges are 90 degrees each side of it.
	double x2 = tex->GetScaledWidth() * spriteScale.X;
	double x1 = tex->GetScaledLeftOffset() * spriteScale.X;
	DVector2 left, right;
	left.X = pos.X - x1 * angcos;
	left.Y = pos.Y - x1 * angsin;
	right.X = left.X + x2 * angcos;
	right.Y = right.Y + x2 * angsin;

	//int scaled_to = tex->GetScaledTopOffset();
	//int scaled_bo = scaled_to - tex->GetScaledHeight();
	//gzt = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_to;
	//gzb = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_bo;

	DVector2 points[2] = { left, right };

	TriVertex *vertices = PolyVertexBuffer::GetVertices(4);
	if (!vertices)

	bool foggy = false;
	int actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : extralight << 4;

	std::pair<float, float> offsets[4] =
		{ 0.0f,  1.0f },
		{ 1.0f,  1.0f },
		{ 1.0f,  0.0f },
		{ 0.0f,  0.0f },

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		auto &p = (i == 0 || i == 3) ? points[0] : points[1];

		vertices[i].x = (float)p.X;
		vertices[i].y = (float)p.Y;
		vertices[i].z = (float)(pos.Z + spriteHeight * offsets[i].second);
		vertices[i].w = 1.0f;
		vertices[i].varying[0] = (float)(offsets[i].first * tex->Scale.X);
		vertices[i].varying[1] = (float)((1.0f - offsets[i].second) * tex->Scale.Y);
		if (flipTextureX)
			vertices[i].varying[0] = 1.0f - vertices[i].varying[0];

	bool fullbrightSprite = ((thing->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT) || (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT));

	TriUniforms uniforms;
	if (fullbrightSprite || fixedlightlev >= 0 || fixedcolormap)
		uniforms.light = 256;
		uniforms.flags = TriUniforms::fixed_light;
		uniforms.light = (uint32_t)((thing->Sector->lightlevel + actualextralight) / 255.0f * 256.0f);
		uniforms.flags = 0;
	uniforms.subsectorDepth = subsectorDepth;

	PolyDrawArgs args;
	args.uniforms = uniforms;
	args.objectToClip = &worldToClip;
	args.vinput = vertices;
	args.vcount = 4;
	args.mode = TriangleDrawMode::Fan;
	args.ccw = true;
	args.stenciltestvalue = 0;
	args.stencilwritevalue = 1;
	PolyTriangleDrawer::draw(args, TriDrawVariant::DrawSubsector, TriBlendMode::AlphaBlend);
コード例 #12
ファイル: p_effect.cpp プロジェクト: usernameak/gzdoom
void P_RunEffect (AActor *actor, int effects)
	DAngle moveangle = actor->Vel.Angle();

	FParticle *particle;
	int i;

	if ((effects & FX_ROCKET) && (cl_rockettrails & 1))
		// Rocket trail
		double backx = -actor->radius * 2 * moveangle.Cos();
		double backy = -actor->radius * 2 * moveangle.Sin();
		double backz = actor->Height * ((2. / 3) - actor->Vel.Z / 8);

		DAngle an = moveangle + 90.;
		double speed;

		particle = JitterParticle (actor->Level, 3 + (M_Random() & 31));
		if (particle) {
			double pathdist = M_Random() / 256.;
			DVector3 pos = actor->Vec3Offset(
				backx - actor->Vel.X * pathdist,
				backy - actor->Vel.Y * pathdist,
				backz - actor->Vel.Z * pathdist);
			particle->Pos = pos;
			speed = (M_Random () - 128) * (1./200);
			particle->Vel.X += speed * an.Cos();
			particle->Vel.Y += speed * an.Sin();
			particle->Vel.Z -= 1./36;
			particle->Acc.Z -= 1./20;
			particle->color = yellow;
			particle->size = 2;
		for (i = 6; i; i--) {
			FParticle *particle = JitterParticle (actor->Level, 3 + (M_Random() & 31));
			if (particle) {
				double pathdist = M_Random() / 256.;
				DVector3 pos = actor->Vec3Offset(
					backx - actor->Vel.X * pathdist,
					backy - actor->Vel.Y * pathdist,
					backz - actor->Vel.Z * pathdist + (M_Random() / 64.));
				particle->Pos = pos;

				speed = (M_Random () - 128) * (1./200);
				particle->Vel.X += speed * an.Cos();
				particle->Vel.Y += speed * an.Sin();
				particle->Vel.Z += 1. / 80;
				particle->Acc.Z += 1. / 40;
				if (M_Random () & 7)
					particle->color = grey2;
					particle->color = grey1;
				particle->size = 3;
			} else
	if ((effects & FX_GRENADE) && (cl_rockettrails & 1))
		// Grenade trail

		DVector3 pos = actor->Vec3Angle(-actor->radius * 2, moveangle, -actor->Height * actor->Vel.Z / 8 + actor->Height * (2. / 3));

		P_DrawSplash2 (actor->Level, 6, pos, moveangle + 180, 2, 2);
	if (actor->fountaincolor)
		// Particle fountain

		static const int *fountainColors[16] = 
			{ &black,	&black,
			  &red,		&red1,
			  &green,	&green1,
			  &blue,	&blue1,
			  &yellow,	&yellow1,
			  &purple,	&purple1,
			  &black,	&grey3,
			  &grey4,	&white
		int color = actor->fountaincolor*2;
		MakeFountain (actor, *fountainColors[color], *fountainColors[color+1]);
	if (effects & FX_RESPAWNINVUL)
		// Respawn protection

		static const int *protectColors[2] = { &yellow1, &white };

		for (i = 3; i > 0; i--)
			particle = JitterParticle (actor->Level, 16);
			if (particle != NULL)
				DAngle ang = M_Random() * (360 / 256.);
				DVector3 pos = actor->Vec3Angle(actor->radius, ang, 0);
				particle->Pos = pos;
				particle->color = *protectColors[M_Random() & 1];
				particle->Vel.Z = 1;
				particle->Acc.Z = M_Random () / 512.;
				particle->size = 1;
				if (M_Random () < 128)
				{ // make particle fall from top of actor
					particle->Pos.Z += actor->Height;
					particle->Vel.Z = -particle->Vel.Z;
					particle->Acc.Z = -particle->Acc.Z;
コード例 #13
ファイル: hw_spritelight.cpp プロジェクト: usernameak/gzdoom
void HWDrawInfo::GetDynSpriteLight(AActor *self, float x, float y, float z, FLightNode *node, int portalgroup, float *out)
	FDynamicLight *light;
	float frac, lr, lg, lb;
	float radius;
	out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0.f;
	// Go through both light lists
	while (node)
		if (light->ShouldLightActor(self))
			float dist;
			FVector3 L;

			// This is a performance critical section of code where we cannot afford to let the compiler decide whether to inline the function or not.
			// This will do the calculations explicitly rather than calling one of AActor's utility functions.
			if (Level->Displacements.size > 0)
				int fromgroup = light->Sector->PortalGroup;
				int togroup = portalgroup;
				if (fromgroup == togroup || fromgroup == 0 || togroup == 0) goto direct;

				DVector2 offset = Level->Displacements.getOffset(fromgroup, togroup);
				L = FVector3(x - (float)(light->X() + offset.X), y - (float)(light->Y() + offset.Y), z - (float)light->Z());
				L = FVector3(x - (float)light->X(), y - (float)light->Y(), z - (float)light->Z());

			dist = (float)L.LengthSquared();
			radius = light->GetRadius();

			if (dist < radius * radius)
				dist = sqrtf(dist);	// only calculate the square root if we really need it.

				frac = 1.0f - (dist / radius);

				if (light->IsSpot())
					L *= -1.0f / dist;
					DAngle negPitch = -*light->pPitch;
					DAngle Angle = light->target->Angles.Yaw;
					double xyLen = negPitch.Cos();
					double spotDirX = -Angle.Cos() * xyLen;
					double spotDirY = -Angle.Sin() * xyLen;
					double spotDirZ = -negPitch.Sin();
					double cosDir = L.X * spotDirX + L.Y * spotDirY + L.Z * spotDirZ;
					frac *= (float)smoothstep(light->pSpotOuterAngle->Cos(), light->pSpotInnerAngle->Cos(), cosDir);

				if (frac > 0 && (!light->shadowmapped || screen->mShadowMap.ShadowTest(light, { x, y, z })))
					lr = light->GetRed() / 255.0f;
					lg = light->GetGreen() / 255.0f;
					lb = light->GetBlue() / 255.0f;
					if (light->IsSubtractive())
						float bright = (float)FVector3(lr, lg, lb).Length();
						FVector3 lightColor(lr, lg, lb);
						lr = (bright - lr) * -1;
						lg = (bright - lg) * -1;
						lb = (bright - lb) * -1;

					out[0] += lr * frac;
					out[1] += lg * frac;
					out[2] += lb * frac;
		node = node->nextLight;