コード例 #1
ファイル: db.cpp プロジェクト: BobWeinerJr/mongo
    void logStartup() {
        BSONObjBuilder toLog;
        stringstream id;
        id << getHostNameCached() << "-" << jsTime();
        toLog.append( "_id", id.str() );
        toLog.append( "hostname", getHostNameCached() );

        toLog.appendTimeT( "startTime", time(0) );
        toLog.append( "startTimeLocal", dateToCtimeString(curTimeMillis64()) );

        toLog.append("cmdLine", serverGlobalParams.parsedOpts);
        toLog.append( "pid", ProcessId::getCurrent().asLongLong() );

        BSONObjBuilder buildinfo( toLog.subobjStart("buildinfo"));

        BSONObj o = toLog.obj();

        Lock::GlobalWrite lk;
        DBDirectClient c;
        const char* name = "local.startup_log";
        c.createCollection( name, 10 * 1024 * 1024, true );
        c.insert( name, o);
コード例 #2
ファイル: indexupdatetests.cpp プロジェクト: violentesc/mongo
 void run() {
     // Insert some documents.
     int32_t nDocs = 1000;
     for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
         _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "a" << ( i / 4 ) ) );
     // Find the documents that are dups.
     set<DiskLoc> dups;
     int32_t last = -1;
     for( boost::shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor = theDataFileMgr.findAll( _ns );
          cursor->advance() ) {
         int32_t currA = cursor->current()[ "a" ].Int();
         if ( currA == last ) {
             dups.insert( cursor->currLoc() );
         last = currA;
     // Check the expected number of dups.
     ASSERT_EQUALS( static_cast<uint32_t>( nDocs / 4 * 3 ), dups.size() );
     // Drop the dups.
     BtreeBasedBuilder::doDropDups( _ns, nsdetails( _ns ), dups, true );
     // Check that the expected number of documents remain.
     ASSERT_EQUALS( static_cast<uint32_t>( nDocs / 4 ), _client.count( _ns ) );
コード例 #3
    void DocumentSourceCursor::sourceToBson(
        BSONObjBuilder *pBuilder, bool explain) const {

        /* this has no analog in the BSON world, so only allow it for explain */
        if (explain)
            BSONObj bsonObj;
            pBuilder->append("query", *pQuery);

            if (pSort.get())
                pBuilder->append("sort", *pSort);

            // construct query for explain
            BSONObjBuilder queryBuilder;
            queryBuilder.append("$query", *pQuery);
            if (pSort.get())
                queryBuilder.append("$orderby", *pSort);
            queryBuilder.append("$explain", 1);
            Query query(queryBuilder.obj());

            DBDirectClient directClient;
            BSONObj explainResult(directClient.findOne(ns, query));

            pBuilder->append("cursor", explainResult);
コード例 #4
ファイル: repl_block.cpp プロジェクト: mikejs/mongo
        void run(){
            Client::initThread( "slaveTracking" );
            DBDirectClient db;
            while ( ! inShutdown() ){
                sleepsecs( 1 );

                if ( ! _dirty )
                writelock lk(NS);

                list< pair<BSONObj,BSONObj> > todo;
                    scoped_lock mylk(_mutex);
                    for ( map<Ident,Info>::iterator i=_slaves.begin(); i!=_slaves.end(); i++ ){
                        BSONObjBuilder temp;
                        temp.appendTimestamp( "syncedTo" , i->second.loc[0].asDate() );
                        todo.push_back( pair<BSONObj,BSONObj>( i->first.obj.getOwned() , 
                                                               BSON( "$set" << temp.obj() ).getOwned() ) );

                for ( list< pair<BSONObj,BSONObj> >::iterator i=todo.begin(); i!=todo.end(); i++ ){
                    db.update( NS , i->first , i->second , true );

                _dirty = false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: cursortests.cpp プロジェクト: Eric-Lu/mongo
 void run() {
     dblock lk;
     const char *ns = "unittests.cursortests.BtreeCursorTests.MultiRangeGap";
         DBDirectClient c;
         for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
             c.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
         for( int i = 100; i < 110; ++i )
             c.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
         ASSERT( c.ensureIndex( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) );
     int v[] = { -50, 2, 40, 60, 109, 200 };
     boost::shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > frv( vec( v, 6 ) );
     Client::Context ctx( ns );
     scoped_ptr<BtreeCursor> _c( BtreeCursor::make(nsdetails( ns ), 1, nsdetails( ns )->idx(1), frv, 1 ) );
     BtreeCursor &c = *_c.get();
     ASSERT_EQUALS( "BtreeCursor a_1 multi", c.toString() );
     double expected[] = { 0, 1, 2, 109 };
     for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
         ASSERT( c.ok() );
         ASSERT_EQUALS( expected[ i ], c.currKey().firstElement().number() );
     ASSERT( !c.ok() );
コード例 #6
ファイル: dbhelper_tests.cpp プロジェクト: 328500920/mongo
    TEST(DBHelperTests, FindDiskLocsNoIndex) {

        DBDirectClient client;
        client.remove( ns, BSONObj() );
        client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << OID::gen() ) );

        long long maxSizeBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

        set<DiskLoc> locs;
        long long numDocsFound;
        long long estSizeBytes;
            Lock::DBRead lk( ns );
            Client::Context ctx( ns );

            // search invalid index range
            KeyRange range( ns,
                            BSON( "badIndex" << 0 ),
                            BSON( "badIndex" << 10 ),
                            BSON( "badIndex" << 1 ) );

            Status result = Helpers::getLocsInRange( range,
                                                     &estSizeBytes );

            // Make sure we get the right error code
            ASSERT_EQUALS( result.code(), ErrorCodes::IndexNotFound );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( static_cast<long long>( locs.size() ), 0 );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( numDocsFound, 0 );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( estSizeBytes, 0 );
コード例 #7
    Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::insert(
            const NamespaceString& collectionName,
            const BSONObj& document,
            const BSONObj& writeConcern) {
        try {
            DBDirectClient client;
                Client::GodScope gs;
                // TODO(spencer): Once we're no longer fully rebuilding the user cache on every
                // change to user data we should remove the global lock and uncomment the
                // WriteContext below
                Lock::GlobalWrite w;
                // Client::WriteContext ctx(userNS);
                client.insert(collectionName, document);

            // Handle write concern
            BSONObjBuilder gleBuilder;
            gleBuilder.append("getLastError", 1);
            BSONObj res;
            client.runCommand("admin", gleBuilder.done(), res);
            string errstr = client.getLastErrorString(res);
            if (errstr.empty()) {
                return Status::OK();
            if (res.hasField("code") && res["code"].Int() == ASSERT_ID_DUPKEY) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey, errstr);
            return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errstr);
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            return e.toStatus();
コード例 #8
ファイル: db.cpp プロジェクト: BobWeinerJr/mongo
    void doDBUpgrade( const string& dbName, DataFileHeader* h ) {
        static DBDirectClient db;

        if ( h->version == 4 && h->versionMinor == 4 ) {
            verify( PDFILE_VERSION == 4 );
            verify( PDFILE_VERSION_MINOR_22_AND_OLDER == 5 );

            list<string> colls = db.getCollectionNames( dbName );
            for ( list<string>::iterator i=colls.begin(); i!=colls.end(); i++) {
                string c = *i;
                log() << "\t upgrading collection:" << c << endl;
                BSONObj out;
                bool ok = db.runCommand( dbName , BSON( "reIndex" << c.substr( dbName.size() + 1 ) ) , out );
                if ( ! ok ) {
                    log() << "\t\t reindex failed: " << out;
                    fassertFailed( 17393 );

            getDur().writingInt(h->versionMinor) = 5;

        // do this in the general case
        fassert( 17401, repairDatabase( dbName ) );
コード例 #9
    Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::insert(
            const NamespaceString& collectionName,
            const BSONObj& document,
            const BSONObj& writeConcern) {
        try {
            DBDirectClient client;
            client.insert(collectionName, document);

            // Handle write concern
            BSONObjBuilder gleBuilder;
            gleBuilder.append("getLastError", 1);
            BSONObj res;
            client.runCommand("admin", gleBuilder.done(), res);
            string errstr = client.getLastErrorString(res);
            if (errstr.empty()) {
                return Status::OK();
            if (res.hasField("code") && res["code"].Int() == ASSERT_ID_DUPKEY) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey, errstr);
            return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errstr);
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            return e.toStatus();
コード例 #10
    Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::remove(
            const NamespaceString& collectionName,
            const BSONObj& query,
            const BSONObj& writeConcern,
            int* numRemoved) {
        try {
            DBDirectClient client;
            client.remove(collectionName, query);

            // Handle write concern
            BSONObjBuilder gleBuilder;
            gleBuilder.append("getLastError", 1);
            BSONObj res;
            client.runCommand("admin", gleBuilder.done(), res);
            string errstr = client.getLastErrorString(res);
            if (!errstr.empty()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errstr);

            *numRemoved = res["n"].numberInt();
            return Status::OK();
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            return e.toStatus();
コード例 #11
ファイル: indexupdatetests.cpp プロジェクト: violentesc/mongo
 void run() {
     // Recreate the collection as capped, without an _id index.
     _client.dropCollection( _ns );
     BSONObj info;
     ASSERT( _client.runCommand( "unittests",
                                 BSON( "create" << "indexupdate" <<
                                       "capped" << true <<
                                       "size" << ( 10 * 1024 ) <<
                                       "autoIndexId" << false ),
                                 info ) );
     // Insert some documents.
     int32_t nDocs = 1000;
     for( int32_t i = 0; i < nDocs; ++i ) {
         _client.insert( _ns, BSON( "_id" << i ) );
     // Initialize curop.
     // Request an interrupt.
     BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "key" << BSON( "_id" << 1 ) <<
                               "ns" << _ns <<
                               "name" << "_id" );
     // The call is not interrupted because mayInterrupt == false.
     theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod( "unittests.system.indexes", indexInfo, false );
     // The new index is listed in system.indexes because the index build succeeded.
     ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, _client.count( "unittests.system.indexes", BSON( "ns" << _ns ) ) );
コード例 #12
ファイル: cursortests.cpp プロジェクト: anagri/mongo
 void run() {
     dblock lk;
     const char *ns = "unittests.cursortests.BtreeCursorTests.MultiRangeGap";
         DBDirectClient c;
         for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
             c.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
         for( int i = 100; i < 110; ++i )
             c.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << i ) );
         ASSERT( c.ensureIndex( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) );
     BoundList b;
     b.push_back( pair< BSONObj, BSONObj >( BSON( "" << -50 ), BSON( "" << 2 ) ) );
     b.push_back( pair< BSONObj, BSONObj >( BSON( "" << 40 ), BSON( "" << 60 ) ) );
     b.push_back( pair< BSONObj, BSONObj >( BSON( "" << 109 ), BSON( "" << 200 ) ) );
     Client::Context ctx( ns );
     BtreeCursor c( nsdetails( ns ), 1, nsdetails( ns )->idx(1), b, 1 );
     ASSERT_EQUALS( "BtreeCursor a_1 multi", c.toString() );
     double expected[] = { 0, 1, 2, 109 };
     for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
         ASSERT( c.ok() );
         ASSERT_EQUALS( expected[ i ], c.currKey().firstElement().number() );
     ASSERT( !c.ok() );
コード例 #13
    Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::removePrivilegeDocuments(const string& dbname,
                                                                     const BSONObj& query) {
        try {
            string userNS = dbname + ".system.users";
            DBDirectClient client;
                Client::GodScope gs;
                // TODO(spencer): Once we're no longer fully rebuilding the user cache on every
                // change to user data we should remove the global lock and uncomment the
                // WriteContext below
                Lock::GlobalWrite w;
                // Client::WriteContext ctx(userNS);
                client.remove(userNS, query);

            // 30 second timeout for w:majority
            BSONObj res = client.getLastErrorDetailed(false, false, -1, 30*1000);
            string errstr = client.getLastErrorString(res);
            if (!errstr.empty()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::UserModificationFailed, errstr);

            int numUpdated = res["n"].numberInt();
            if (numUpdated == 0) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::UserNotFound,
                              mongoutils::str::stream() << "No users found on database \"" << dbname
                                      << "\" matching query: " << query.toString());
            return Status::OK();
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            return e.toStatus();
コード例 #14
ファイル: rs.cpp プロジェクト: LearyLX/mongo
    void ReplSetImpl::assumePrimary() {
        LOG(2) << "replSet assuming primary" << endl;
        verify( iAmPotentiallyHot() );

        // Wait for replication to stop and buffer to be consumed
        LOG(1) << "replSet waiting for replication to finish before becoming primary" << endl;

        // Lock here to prevent stepping down & becoming primary from getting interleaved
        Lock::GlobalWrite lk;

        // Make sure that new OpTimes are higher than existing ones even with clock skew
        DBDirectClient c;
        BSONObj lastOp = c.findOne( "local.oplog.rs", Query().sort(reverseNaturalObj), NULL, QueryOption_SlaveOk );
        if ( !lastOp.isEmpty() ) {
            OpTime::setLast( lastOp[ "ts" ].date() );

        // Generate new election unique id

        // This must be done after becoming primary but before releasing the write lock. This adds
        // the dropCollection entries for every temp collection to the opLog since we want it to be
        // replicated to secondaries.
コード例 #15
    Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::remove(
            const NamespaceString& collectionName,
            const BSONObj& query,
            const BSONObj& writeConcern,
            int* numRemoved) {
        try {
            DBDirectClient client;
                Client::GodScope gs;
                // TODO(spencer): Once we're no longer fully rebuilding the user cache on every
                // change to user data we should remove the global lock and uncomment the
                // WriteContext below
                Lock::GlobalWrite w;
                // Client::WriteContext ctx(userNS);
                client.remove(collectionName, query);

            // Handle write concern
            BSONObjBuilder gleBuilder;
            gleBuilder.append("getLastError", 1);
            BSONObj res;
            client.runCommand("admin", gleBuilder.done(), res);
            string errstr = client.getLastErrorString(res);
            if (!errstr.empty()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errstr);

            *numRemoved = res["n"].numberInt();
            return Status::OK();
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            return e.toStatus();
コード例 #16
ファイル: db.cpp プロジェクト: opinionaided/mongo
    bool doDBUpgrade( const string& dbName , string errmsg , DataFileHeader * h ) {
        static DBDirectClient db;

        if ( h->version == 4 && h->versionMinor == 4 ) {
            verify( PDFILE_VERSION == 4 );
            verify( PDFILE_VERSION_MINOR == 5 );

            list<string> colls = db.getCollectionNames( dbName );
            for ( list<string>::iterator i=colls.begin(); i!=colls.end(); i++) {
                string c = *i;
                log() << "\t upgrading collection:" << c << endl;
                BSONObj out;
                bool ok = db.runCommand( dbName , BSON( "reIndex" << c.substr( dbName.size() + 1 ) ) , out );
                if ( ! ok ) {
                    errmsg = "reindex failed";
                    log() << "\t\t reindex failed: " << out << endl;
                    return false;

            h->versionMinor = 5;
            return true;

        // do this in the general case
        return repairDatabase( dbName.c_str(), errmsg );
コード例 #17
    Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::insertPrivilegeDocument(const string& dbname,
                                                                    const BSONObj& userObj) {
        try {
            string userNS = dbname + ".system.users";
            DBDirectClient client;
                Client::GodScope gs;
                // TODO(spencer): Once we're no longer fully rebuilding the user cache on every
                // change to user data we should remove the global lock and uncomment the
                // WriteContext below
                Lock::GlobalWrite w;
                // Client::WriteContext ctx(userNS);
                client.insert(userNS, userObj);

            // 30 second timeout for w:majority
            BSONObj res = client.getLastErrorDetailed(false, false, -1, 30*1000);
            string errstr = client.getLastErrorString(res);
            if (errstr.empty()) {
                return Status::OK();
            if (res.hasField("code") && res["code"].Int() == ASSERT_ID_DUPKEY) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey,
                              mongoutils::str::stream() << "User \"" << userObj["user"].String() <<
                                     "\" already exists on database \"" << dbname << "\"");
            return Status(ErrorCodes::UserModificationFailed, errstr);
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            return e.toStatus();
コード例 #18
 Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::createIndex(
         const NamespaceString& collectionName,
         const BSONObj& pattern,
         bool unique,
         const BSONObj& writeConcern) {
     DBDirectClient client;
     try {
         if (client.ensureIndex(collectionName.ns(),
                                unique)) {
             BSONObjBuilder gleBuilder;
             gleBuilder.append("getLastError", 1);
             BSONObj res;
             client.runCommand("admin", gleBuilder.done(), res);
             string errstr = client.getLastErrorString(res);
             if (!errstr.empty()) {
                 return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errstr);
         return Status::OK();
     catch (const DBException& ex) {
         return ex.toStatus();
コード例 #19
    Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::updatePrivilegeDocument(
            const UserName& user, const BSONObj& updateObj) const {
        string userNS = mongoutils::str::stream() << user.getDB() << ".system.users";
        Client::GodScope gs;
        Client::WriteContext ctx(userNS);

        DBDirectClient client;
                      QUERY("user" << user.getUser() << "userSource" << BSONNULL),

        // 30 second timeout for w:majority
        BSONObj res = client.getLastErrorDetailed(false, false, -1, 30*1000);
        string err = client.getLastErrorString(res);
        if (!err.empty()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::UserModificationFailed, err);

        int numUpdated = res["n"].numberInt();
        dassert(numUpdated <= 1 && numUpdated >= 0);
        if (numUpdated == 0) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::UserNotFound,
                          mongoutils::str::stream() << "User " << user.getFullName() <<
                                  " not found");

        return Status::OK();
コード例 #20
ファイル: db.cpp プロジェクト: BobWeinerJr/mongo
  * Checks if this server was started without --replset but has a config in local.system.replset
  * (meaning that this is probably a replica set member started in stand-alone mode).
  * @returns the number of documents in local.system.replset or 0 if this was started with
  *          --replset.
 unsigned long long checkIfReplMissingFromCommandLine() {
     Lock::GlobalWrite lk; // this is helpful for the query below to work as you can't open files when readlocked
     if (!replSettings.usingReplSets()) {
         DBDirectClient c;
         return c.count("local.system.replset");
     return 0;
コード例 #21
ファイル: indexupdatetests.cpp プロジェクト: Albert-B-P/mongo
 void run() {
             BSON("name" << "x"
                  << "ns" << _ns
                  << "key" << BSON("y" << 1 << "x" << 1)));
     // Cannot create a different index with the same name as the existing one.
     ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");
コード例 #22
ファイル: indexupdatetests.cpp プロジェクト: Albert-B-P/mongo
 void run() {
             BSON("name" << "x"
                  << "ns" << _ns
                  << "key" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1)));
     // It is okay to try to create an index with the exact same specs (will be
     // ignored, but should not raise an error).
     ASSERT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");
コード例 #23
ファイル: indexupdatetests.cpp プロジェクト: Albert-B-P/mongo
 void run() {
             BSON("name" << "x"
                  << "ns" << _ns
                  << "unique" << true
                  << "key" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1)));
     // Cannot have same key spec with an option different from the existing one.
     ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");
コード例 #24
ファイル: jstests.cpp プロジェクト: mapleoin/mongo
        void run(){

            client.insert( _a , BSON( "a" << "17" ) );
                BSONObj fromA = client.findOne( _a , BSONObj() );
                assert( fromA.valid() );
                //cout << "Froma : " << fromA << endl;
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                b.append( "b" , 18 );
                b.appendDBRef( "c" , "dbref.a" , fromA["_id"].__oid() );
                client.insert( _b , b.obj() );
            ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest" , "x = db.dbref.b.findOne(); assert.eq( 17 , x.c.fetch().a , 'ref working' );" ) );
            // BSON DBRef <=> JS DBPointer
            ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest", "x = db.dbref.b.findOne(); db.dbref.b.drop(); x.c = new DBPointer( x.c.ns, x.c.id ); db.dbref.b.insert( x );" ) );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( DBRef, client.findOne( "unittest.dbref.b", "" )[ "c" ].type() );
            // BSON Object <=> JS DBRef
            ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest", "x = db.dbref.b.findOne(); db.dbref.b.drop(); x.c = new DBRef( x.c.ns, x.c.id ); db.dbref.b.insert( x );" ) );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( Object, client.findOne( "unittest.dbref.b", "" )[ "c" ].type() );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( string( "dbref.a" ), client.findOne( "unittest.dbref.b", "" )[ "c" ].embeddedObject().getStringField( "$ref" ) );
コード例 #25
ファイル: db.cpp プロジェクト: zhuk/mongo
 void clearTmpCollections() {
     vector< string > toDelete;
     DBDirectClient cli;
     auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > c = cli.query( "local.system.namespaces", Query( fromjson( "{name:/^local.temp./}" ) ) );
     while( c->more() )
         toDelete.push_back( c->next().getStringField( "name" ) );
     for( vector< string >::iterator i = toDelete.begin(); i != toDelete.end(); ++i ) {
         log() << "Dropping old temporary collection: " << *i << endl;
         cli.dropCollection( *i );
コード例 #26
ファイル: jstests.cpp プロジェクト: hashrocket/mongo
 void run() {
     if( !globalScriptEngine->utf8Ok() ) {
         log() << "warning: utf8 not supported" << endl;
     string utf8ObjSpec = "{'_id':'\\u0001\\u007f\\u07ff\\uffff'}";
     BSONObj utf8Obj = fromjson( utf8ObjSpec );
     client.insert( ns(), utf8Obj );
     client.eval( "unittest", "v = db.jstests.utf8check.findOne(); db.jstests.utf8check.remove( {} ); db.jstests.utf8check.insert( v );" );
     check( utf8Obj, client.findOne( ns(), BSONObj() ) );
コード例 #27
ファイル: indexupdatetests.cpp プロジェクト: Albert-B-P/mongo
 void run() {
             BSON("name" << "super2"
                  << "ns" << _ns
                  << "unique" << 1
                  << "dropDups" << true
                  << "sparse" << true
                  << "expireAfterSeconds" << 2400
                  << "key" << BSON("superIdx" << "2d")));
     ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");
コード例 #28
 Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMongod::query(
         const NamespaceString& collectionName,
         const BSONObj& query,
         const BSONObj& projection,
         const boost::function<void(const BSONObj&)>& resultProcessor) {
     try {
         DBDirectClient client;
         client.query(resultProcessor, collectionName.ns(), query, &projection);
         return Status::OK();
     } catch (const DBException& e) {
         return e.toStatus();
コード例 #29
ファイル: indexupdatetests.cpp プロジェクト: Albert-B-P/mongo
 void run() {
     // Exactly the same specs with the existing one, only
     // specified in a different order than the original.
             BSON("name" << "super2"
                  << "ns" << _ns
                  << "expireAfterSeconds" << 3600
                  << "sparse" << true
                  << "unique" << 1
                  << "dropDups" << true
                  << "key" << BSON("superIdx" << "2d")));
     ASSERT_EQUALS(_client.getLastError(), "");
コード例 #30
ファイル: dbhelper_tests.cpp プロジェクト: AndrewCEmil/mongo
    TEST(DBHelperTests, FindDiskLocs) {

        DBDirectClient client;
        OperationContextImpl txn;

        // Some unique tag we can use to make sure we're pulling back the right data
        OID tag = OID::gen();
        client.remove( ns, BSONObj() );

        int numDocsInserted = 10;
        for ( int i = 0; i < numDocsInserted; ++i ) {
            client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << i << "tag" << tag ) );

        long long maxSizeBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

        set<DiskLoc> locs;
        long long numDocsFound;
        long long estSizeBytes;
            // search _id range (0, 10)
            Lock::DBRead lk(txn.lockState(), ns);

            KeyRange range( ns,
                            BSON( "_id" << 0 ),
                            BSON( "_id" << numDocsInserted ),
                            BSON( "_id" << 1 ) );

            Status result = Helpers::getLocsInRange( &txn,
                                                     &estSizeBytes );

            ASSERT_EQUALS( result, Status::OK() );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( numDocsFound, numDocsInserted );
            ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS( estSizeBytes, 0 );
            ASSERT_LESS_THAN( estSizeBytes, maxSizeBytes );

            Database* db = dbHolder().get(
                                    &txn, nsToDatabase(range.ns), storageGlobalParams.dbpath);
            const Collection* collection = db->getCollection(&txn, ns);

            // Make sure all the disklocs actually correspond to the right info
            for ( set<DiskLoc>::const_iterator it = locs.begin(); it != locs.end(); ++it ) {
                const BSONObj obj = collection->docFor(*it);
                ASSERT_EQUALS(obj["tag"].OID(), tag);