bool CSV::openDb (QString &path, QString &symbol, QString &type, bool tickFlag) { if (, chartIndex)) { qDebug("CSV::openDb:can't open chart"); QString ss("CSV::OpenDb:Could not open db."); printStatusLogMessage(ss); db.close(); return TRUE; } QString s; DBIndexItem item; chartIndex->getIndexItem(symbol, item); item.getSymbol(s); if (! s.length()) { if (!"Futures")) { db.setType(DbPlugin::Futures1); if (db.createNewFutures()) { db.close(); return TRUE; } } else { if(db.createNewStock()) { db.close(); return TRUE; } } item.setSymbol(symbol); item.setBarType(tickFlag); chartIndex->setIndexItem(symbol, item); } // verify if this chart can be updated by this plugin item.getQuotePlugin(s); if (! s.length()) { item.setQuotePlugin(pluginName); chartIndex->setIndexItem(symbol, item); } else { if ( { s = symbol + " - skipping update. Source does not match destination."; printStatusLogMessage(s); db.close(); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
void UpgradeMessage::saveHeaderData (DbPlugin &db, QString &k, QString &d, QString &sym, DBIndexItem &item) { // is this a co key? bool ok = FALSE; double t = k.toDouble(&ok); if (ok) { if (t < 10000) { // its a chart object Setting t; t.parse(d); QString s = "Plugin"; QString s2; t.getData(s,s2); if (s2.length()) { t.remove(s); s = "Type"; t.setData(s, s2); } s = "Plot"; t.getData(s, s2); if (!"Main Plot")) { s2 = "Bars"; t.setData(s, s2); } else return; index.setChartObject(sym, k, t); return; } } if (!"Type")) { item.setType(d); return; } if (!"FuturesType")) { item.setFuturesType(d); return; } if (!"FuturesMonth")) { item.setFuturesMonth(d); return; } if (!"BarType")) { item.setBarType(d); return; } if (!"Fundamentals")) { index.setFundamentals(sym, d); return; } if (!"LocalIndicators")) { index.addIndicator(sym, d); return; } if (!"QuotePlugin")) { item.setQuotePlugin(d); return; } if (!"Symbol")) { item.setSymbol(d); return; } if (!"Title")) { item.setTitle(d); return; } if (!"Path")) { item.setPath(d); return; } if (!"SpreadFirstSymbol")) { int t = d.find("/data0/", 0, TRUE); d.replace(t + 5, 1, "1"); QString ts = "FirstSymbol"; db.setData(ts, d); return; } if (!"SpreadSecondSymbol")) { int t = d.find("/data0/", 0, TRUE); d.replace(t + 5, 1, "1"); QString ts = "SecondSymbol"; db.setData(ts, d); return; } if (!"IndexList")) { while (1) { int t = d.find("/data0/", 0, TRUE); if (t == -1) break; else d.replace(t + 5, 1, "1"); } QString ts = "List"; db.setData(ts, d); return; } if (!"CCAdjustment")) { QString ts = "Adjustment"; db.setData(ts, d); return; } }
void NYBOT::parse () { if (cancelFlag) return; QFile f(file); if (! return; QTextStream stream(&f); QString ts = stream.readLine(); QString s; stripJunk(ts, s); QStringList keys = QStringList::split(",", s, FALSE); while(stream.atEnd() == 0) { ts = stream.readLine(); stripJunk(ts, s); QStringList l = QStringList::split(",", s, FALSE); if (l.count() != keys.count()) continue; Setting data; int loop2; for (loop2 = 0; loop2 < (int) keys.count(); loop2++) data.setData(keys[loop2], l[loop2]); // symbol QString symbol; QString ts = "commoditySymbol"; data.getData(ts, symbol); symbol = symbol.stripWhiteSpace(); if (symbol.length() == 0) continue; if (!"CC") || !"CR") || !"CT") || !"DX") || !"KC") || !"OJ") || !"SB") || !"YX")) { } else continue; // date QString date; ts = "tradeDate"; data.getData(ts, date); date.append("000000"); Bar bar; if (bar.setDate(date)) { QString ss = tr("Bad date") + " " + date; printStatusLogMessage(ss); continue; } ts = "dailyOpenPrice1"; data.getData(ts, s); if (s.toFloat() == 0) { ts = "dailyOpenPrice2"; data.getData(ts, s); } if (setTFloat(s, FALSE)) continue; else bar.setOpen(tfloat); ts = "dailyHigh"; data.getData(ts, s); if (setTFloat(s, FALSE)) continue; else bar.setHigh(tfloat); ts = "dailyLow"; data.getData(ts, s); if (setTFloat(s, FALSE)) continue; else bar.setLow(tfloat); ts = "settlementPrice"; data.getData(ts, s); if (setTFloat(s, FALSE)) continue; else bar.setClose(tfloat); ts = "tradeVolume"; data.getData(ts, s); if (setTFloat(s, FALSE)) continue; else bar.setVolume(tfloat); ts = "openInterest"; data.getData(ts, s); if (setTFloat(s, FALSE)) continue; else bar.setOI((int) tfloat); if ("CC")) { bar.setOpen(bar.getOpen() / 100); bar.setHigh(bar.getHigh() / 100); bar.setLow(bar.getLow() / 100); bar.setClose(bar.getClose() / 100); } if (bar.verify()) continue; //futures month ts = "contractMonth"; data.getData(ts, s); QString year = s.left(4); QString month = s.right(2); QString fmonth; switch (month.toInt()) { case 1: fmonth = "F"; break; case 2: fmonth = "G"; break; case 3: fmonth = "H"; break; case 4: fmonth = "J"; break; case 5: fmonth = "K"; break; case 6: fmonth = "M"; break; case 7: fmonth = "N"; break; case 8: fmonth = "Q"; break; case 9: fmonth = "U"; break; case 10: fmonth = "V"; break; case 11: fmonth = "X"; break; case 12: fmonth = "Z"; break; default: break; } if (fd.setSymbol(symbol)) continue; if (year.length()) { symbol.append(year); if (fmonth.length()) symbol.append(fmonth); else continue; } else continue; s = "Futures/"; QString s2; fd.getExchange(s2); s.append(s2 + "/"); fd.getSymbol(s2); s.append(s2); QString path; createDirectory(s, path); if (! path.length()) { QString ss(tr("Unable to create futures directory")); printStatusLogMessage(ss); return; } s = path + "/" + symbol; if (, chartIndex)) { QString ss(tr("Could not open db")); printStatusLogMessage(ss); return; } DBIndexItem item; chartIndex->getIndexItem(symbol, item); item.getSymbol(s); if (! s.length()) { if (plug.createNewFutures()) return; chartIndex->getIndexItem(symbol, item); s = QString::number(Exchange::NYBOT); item.setExchange(s); item.setQuotePlugin(pluginName); chartIndex->setIndexItem(symbol, item); } plug.setBar(bar); plug.close(); emit signalWakeup(); } f.close(); downloadComplete(); if (cancelFlag) { cancelFlag = FALSE; QString ss(tr("Update cancelled")); printStatusLogMessage(ss); } else { QString ss(tr("Done")); printStatusLogMessage(ss); } }
void Yahoo::createAutoHistoryUrls (QString &path, QString &d) { if (, chartIndex)) { qDebug("Yahoo::createAutoHistoryUrls:could not open db"); return; } QFileInfo fi(path); QString fn = fi.fileName(); // verify if this chart can be updated by this plugin QString s; DBIndexItem item; chartIndex->getIndexItem(fn, item); item.getQuotePlugin(s); if (! s.length()) { item.setQuotePlugin(pluginName); chartIndex->setIndexItem(fn, item); } // else // { // if ( // { // qDebug("Yahoo::createAutoHistoryUrls:source not same as destination"); // plug.close(); // return; // } // } QDate edt = QDate::currentDate(); if (edt.dayOfWeek() == 6) edt = edt.addDays(-1); else { if (edt.dayOfWeek() == 7) edt = edt.addDays(-2); } Bar bar; plug.getLastBar(bar); if (bar.getEmptyFlag()) { QDate dt = edt; dt = dt.addDays(-365); s = dt.toString("yyyyMMdd000000"); bar.setDate(s); } QDateTime dt; bar.getDate(dt); if ( == edt) { // qDebug("Yahoo::createAutoHistoryUrls:barDate == endDate"); plug.close(); return; } s = ""; s.append(d); s.append("&a="); s.append(QString::number( - 1)); s.append("&b="); s.append(dt.toString("dd")); s.append("&c="); s.append(dt.toString("yyyy")); s.append("&d="); s.append(QString::number(edt.month() - 1)); s.append("&e="); s.append(edt.toString("dd")); s.append("&f="); s.append(edt.toString("yyyy")); s.append("&g=d&ignore=.csv"); plug.close(); Setting *set = new Setting; QString ts = "url"; set->setData(ts, s); ts = "symbol"; set->setData(ts, d); url.append(set); }
void Yahoo::parseFundamental () { if (! data.length()) return; if (data.contains("no data available")) return; QStringList l = QStringList::split("yfnc_tablehead1", data, FALSE); int loop; Setting fund; for (loop = 1; loop < (int) l.count(); loop++) { QString k = l[loop]; int p = k.find(">", 0, TRUE); if (p == -1) continue; p++; k.remove(0, p); p = k.find("<", 0, TRUE); if (p == -1) continue; k.truncate(p); if (k.contains("&sup")) k.truncate(k.length() - 6); if (k.contains("&")) k.remove(k.find("&", 0, TRUE), 5); k = k.stripWhiteSpace(); if (! k.length()) continue; QString d = l[loop]; p = d.find("yfnc_tabledata1", 0, TRUE); if (p == -1) continue; p = d.find(">", p, TRUE); if (p == -1) continue; p++; d.remove(0, p); p = d.find("<", 0, TRUE); if (p == -1) continue; d.truncate(p); d = d.stripWhiteSpace(); if (! d.length()) continue; fund.setData(k, d); } QString s = dataPath + "/"; QString ts = "symbol"; QString ts2; currentUrl->getData(ts, ts2); QFileInfo fi(ts2); if (fi.extension(FALSE).length()) s.append(fi.extension(FALSE).upper()); else s.append("US"); s.append("/"); s.append(ts2); if (, chartIndex)) { QString ss(tr("Could not open db")); printStatusLogMessage(ss); return; } QString fn = ts2; // verify if this chart can be updated by this plugin DBIndexItem item; chartIndex->getIndexItem(fn, item); item.getSymbol(s); if (! s.length()) { if(plug.createNewStock()) { plug.close(); return; } chartIndex->getIndexItem(fn, item); item.setQuotePlugin(pluginName); item.setSymbol(ts2); QString title = ts2; int p = data.find("yfnc_leftnav1", 0, TRUE); if (p != -1) { p = data.find("b>", p, TRUE); if (p != -1) { p = p + 2; int p2 = data.find("<", p, TRUE); if (p2 != -1) { s = data.mid(p, p2 - p); if (s.length()) title = s; } } } item.setTitle(title); chartIndex->setIndexItem(fn, item); } else { QString s2; item.getTitle(s2); if (! { int p = data.find("yfnc_leftnav1", 0, TRUE); if (p != -1) { p = data.find("b>", p, TRUE); if (p != -1) { p = p + 2; int p2 = data.find("<", p, TRUE); if (p2 != -1) { s = data.mid(p, p2 - p); if (s.length()) { item.setTitle(s); chartIndex->setIndexItem(fn, item); } } } } } } // item.getQuotePlugin(s); // if ( // { // s = ts2 + " - " + tr("skipping update. Source does not match destination"); // printStatusLogMessage(s); // plug.close(); // return; // } // include date of this update QDate dt = QDate::currentDate(); ts = "updateDate"; ts2 = dt.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); fund.setData(ts, ts2); fund.getString(ts2); ts = "Fundamentals"; chartIndex->setFundamentals(fn, ts2); plug.close(); emit signalWakeup(); }
void Yahoo::parseQuote () { if (! data.length()) return; QFile f(file); if (! return; Q3TextStream stream(&f); stream << data; f.close(); f.setName(file); if (! return; stream.setDevice(&f); QString s = dataPath + "/"; QString ts = "symbol"; QString ts2; currentUrl->getData(ts, ts2); QFileInfo fi(ts2); if (fi.extension(FALSE).length()) s.append(fi.extension(FALSE).upper()); else s.append("US"); s.append("/"); s.append(ts2); if (, chartIndex)) { QString ss(tr("Could not open db")); printStatusLogMessage(ss); f.close(); return; } QString fn = ts2; // verify if this chart can be updated by this plugin DBIndexItem item; chartIndex->getIndexItem(fn, item); item.getSymbol(s); if (! s.length()) { if (plug.createNewStock()) { f.close(); plug.close(); return; } chartIndex->getIndexItem(fn, item); item.setSymbol(ts2); item.setTitle(ts2); item.setQuotePlugin(pluginName); chartIndex->setIndexItem(fn, item); } // item.getQuotePlugin(s); // if ( // { // s = ts2 + " - " + tr("skipping update. Source does not match destination"); // printStatusLogMessage(s); // f.close(); // plug.close(); // return; // } while(stream.atEnd() == 0) { ts = stream.readLine(); QStringList l = QStringList::split( '\n', substituteSeparator( ts, ',', '\n' ), FALSE); if (l.count() < 9 || l.count() > 10) { QString ss = tr("Parse: invalid number of parameters") + " '" + ts2 + "' " + tr("skipped"); printStatusLogMessage(ss); errorList.append(ts2); continue; } // get date QStringList l2 = QStringList::split("/", l[3], FALSE); if (l2.count() != 3) continue; QString date = l2[2]; if (l2[0].toInt() < 10) date.append("0"); date.append(l2[0]); if (l2[1].toInt() < 10) date.append("0"); date.append(l2[1]); date.append("000000"); Bar bar; if (bar.setDate(date)) { QString ss = ts2 + " - " + tr("Bad date") + " " + l[3]; qDebug("Yahoo::parseQuote: %s - Bad date %s", ts2.latin1(), l[3].latin1()); printStatusLogMessage(ss); continue; } if (setTFloat(l[6], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setOpen(tfloat); if (setTFloat(l[7], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setHigh(tfloat); // make Low price equal to Open if Low is not available if (! l[8].compare("N/A")) l[8] = l[6]; if (setTFloat(l[8], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setLow(tfloat); if (setTFloat(l[2], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setClose(tfloat); if (l.count() == 10) { if (setTFloat(l[9], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setVolume(tfloat); } if (bar.verify()) continue; plug.setBar(bar); emit signalWakeup(); } f.close(); plug.close(); }
void Yahoo::parseHistory () { if (! data.length()) return; if (data.contains("No data available")) return; if (data.contains("No Prices in this date range")) return; // strip off the header QString s = "Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close\n"; int p = data.find(s, 0, TRUE); if (p != -1) data.remove(0, p + s.length()); QFile f(file); if (! return; Q3TextStream stream(&f); stream << data; f.close(); f.setName(file); if (! return; stream.setDevice(&f); s = dataPath + "/"; QString ts = "symbol"; QString ts2; currentUrl->getData(ts, ts2); QFileInfo fi(ts2); if (fi.extension(FALSE).length()) s.append(fi.extension(FALSE).upper()); else s.append("US"); s.append("/"); s.append(ts2); if (, chartIndex)) { QString ss(tr("Could not open db")); printStatusLogMessage(ss); f.close(); return; } QString fn = ts2; // verify if this chart can be updated by this plugin DBIndexItem item; chartIndex->getIndexItem(fn, item); item.getSymbol(s); if (! s.length()) { if (plug.createNewStock()) { f.close(); plug.close(); return; } chartIndex->getIndexItem(fn, item); item.setSymbol(ts2); item.setTitle(ts2); item.setQuotePlugin(pluginName); chartIndex->setIndexItem(fn, item); } // item.getQuotePlugin(s); // if ( // { // s = ts2 + " - " + tr("skipping update. Source does not match destination"); // printStatusLogMessage(s); // f.close(); // plug.close(); // return; // } while(stream.atEnd() == 0) { ts = stream.readLine(); QStringList l = QStringList::split( '\n', substituteSeparator( ts, ',', '\n' ), FALSE); if (l.count() < 5) { QString ss = tr("Parse: invalid number of parameters") + " '" + ts2 + "' " + tr("skipped"); printStatusLogMessage(ss); errorList.append(ts2); continue; } // date QString date = parseDate(l[0]); Bar bar; if (bar.setDate(date)) { QString ss = ts2 + " - " + tr("Bad date") + " " + l[0]; qDebug("Yahoo::parseHistory: %s - Bad date %s", ts2.latin1(), l[0].latin1()); printStatusLogMessage(ss); continue; } if (setTFloat(l[1], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setOpen(tfloat); if (setTFloat(l[2], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setHigh(tfloat); if (setTFloat(l[3], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setLow(tfloat); if (setTFloat(l[4], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setClose(tfloat); if (l.count() >= 6) { if (setTFloat(l[5], FALSE)) continue; else bar.setVolume(tfloat); } if (bar.verify()) continue; // adjusted close if (adjustment->isChecked()) { double adjclose = 0; if (l.count() >= 7) { if (setTFloat(l[6], FALSE)) continue; else adjclose = tfloat; // apply yahoo's adjustments through all the data, not just closing price // i.e. adjust for stock splits and dividends float factor = bar.getClose() / adjclose; if (factor != 1) { bar.setHigh(bar.getHigh() / factor); bar.setLow(bar.getLow() / factor); bar.setOpen(bar.getOpen() / factor); bar.setClose(bar.getClose() / factor); bar.setVolume(bar.getVolume() * factor); } } } plug.setBar(bar); emit signalWakeup(); } f.close(); plug.close(); }