コード例 #1
// prepare to decode the track, fill in mandatory plugin fields
// return -1 on failure
static int
example_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) {
    example_info_t *info = (example_info_t *)_info;

    // take this parameters from your input file
    // we set constants for clarity sake
    _info->fmt.bps = 16;
    _info->fmt.channels = 2;
    _info->fmt.samplerate  = 44100;
    for (int i = 0; i < _info->fmt.channels; i++) {
        _info->fmt.channelmask |= 1 << i;
    _info->readpos = 0;
    _info->plugin = &plugin;

    if (it->endsample > 0) {
        info->startsample = it->startsample;
        info->endsample = it->endsample;
        plugin.seek_sample (_info, 0);
    else {
        info->startsample = 0;
        int TOTALSAMPLES = 1000; // calculate from file
        info->endsample = TOTALSAMPLES-1;
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ttaplug.c プロジェクト: cboxdoerfer/deadbeef
static int
tta_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) {
    tta_info_t *info = (tta_info_t *)_info;

    deadbeef->pl_lock ();
    const char *fname = deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI")
    trace ("open_tta_file %s\n", fname);
    if (open_tta_file (fname, &info->tta, 0) != 0) {
        deadbeef->pl_unlock ();
        fprintf (stderr, "tta: failed to open %s\n", fname);
        return -1;

    if (player_init (&info->tta) != 0) {
        deadbeef->pl_unlock ();
        fprintf (stderr, "tta: failed to init player for %s\n", fname);
        return -1;
    deadbeef->pl_unlock ();

    _info->fmt.bps = info->tta.BPS;
    _info->fmt.channels = info->tta.NCH;
    _info->fmt.samplerate = info->tta.SAMPLERATE;
    for (int i = 0; i < _info->fmt.channels; i++) {
        _info->fmt.channelmask |= 1 << i;
    _info->readpos = 0;
    _info->plugin = &plugin;

    int64_t endsample = deadbeef->pl_item_get_endsample (it);
    if (endsample > 0) {
        info->startsample = deadbeef->pl_item_get_startsample (it);
        info->endsample = endsample;
        plugin.seek_sample (_info, 0);
    else {
        info->startsample = 0;
        info->endsample = (info->tta.DATALENGTH)-1;
    trace ("open_tta_file %s success!\n", deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: aac.c プロジェクト: vadmium/deadbeef
static int
aac_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) {
    aac_info_t *info = (aac_info_t *)_info;

    info->file = deadbeef->fopen (deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
    if (!info->file) {
        return -1;

    // probe
    float duration = -1;
    int samplerate = -1;
    int channels = -1;
    int totalsamples = -1;

    info->junk = deadbeef->junk_get_leading_size (info->file);
    if (!info->file->vfs->is_streaming ()) {
        if (info->junk >= 0) {
            deadbeef->fseek (info->file, info->junk, SEEK_SET);
        else {
            info->junk = 0;
    else {
        deadbeef->fset_track (info->file, it);

    info->mp4track = -1;
    info->mp4reader.read = aac_fs_read;
    info->mp4reader.write = NULL;
    info->mp4reader.seek = aac_fs_seek;
    info->mp4reader.truncate = NULL;
    info->mp4reader.user_data = info;
    info->mp4reader.open = aac_fs_open;
    info->mp4reader.seek = aac_fs_seek;
    info->mp4reader.read = aac_fs_read;
    info->mp4reader.write = NULL;
    info->mp4reader.close = aac_fs_close;

    if (!info->file->vfs->is_streaming ()) {
#ifdef USE_MP4FF
        trace ("aac_init: mp4ff_open_read %s\n", deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
        info->mp4file = mp4ff_open_read (&info->mp4reader);
        if (info->mp4file) {
            int ntracks = mp4ff_total_tracks (info->mp4file);
            if (ntracks > 0) {
                trace ("m4a container detected, ntracks=%d\n", ntracks);
                int i = -1;
                unsigned char*  buff = 0;
                unsigned int    buff_size = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) {
                    mp4AudioSpecificConfig mp4ASC;
                    mp4ff_get_decoder_config (info->mp4file, i, &buff, &buff_size);
                        int rc = AudioSpecificConfig(buff, buff_size, &mp4ASC);
                        if(rc < 0)
                trace ("mp4 probe-buffer size: %d\n", buff_size);

                if (i != ntracks && buff) 
                    trace ("mp4 track: %d\n", i);
                    int samples = mp4ff_num_samples(info->mp4file, i);
                    info->mp4samples = samples;
                    info->mp4track = i;

                    // init mp4 decoding
                    info->dec = NeAACDecOpen ();
                    unsigned long srate;
                    unsigned char ch;
                    if (NeAACDecInit2(info->dec, buff, buff_size, &srate, &ch) < 0) {
                        trace ("NeAACDecInit2 returned error\n");
                        free (buff);
                        return -1;
                    samplerate = srate;
                    channels = ch;
                    samples = (int64_t)samples * srate / mp4ff_time_scale (info->mp4file, i);
                    totalsamples = samples;
                    NeAACDecConfigurationPtr conf = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration (info->dec);
                    conf->dontUpSampleImplicitSBR = 1;
                    NeAACDecSetConfiguration (info->dec, conf);
                    mp4AudioSpecificConfig mp4ASC;
                    if (NeAACDecAudioSpecificConfig(buff, buff_size, &mp4ASC) >= 0)
                        info->mp4framesize = 1024;
                        if (mp4ASC.frameLengthFlag == 1) {
                            info->mp4framesize = 960;
//                        if (mp4ASC.sbr_present_flag == 1) {
//                            info->mp4framesize *= 2;
//                        }
                    totalsamples *= info->mp4framesize;
                    duration = (float)totalsamples  / samplerate;
                else {
                    mp4ff_close (info->mp4file);
                    info->mp4file = NULL;
                if (buff) {
                    free (buff);
            else {
                mp4ff_close (info->mp4file);
                info->mp4file = NULL;
// {{{ libmp4v2 code
        trace ("aac_init: MP4ReadProvider %s\n", deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
        info->mp4file = MP4ReadProvider (deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"), 0, &info->mp4reader);
        info->mp4track = MP4FindTrackId(info->mp4file, 0, "audio", 0);
        trace ("aac_init: MP4FindTrackId returned %d\n", info->mp4track);
        if (info->mp4track >= 0) {
            info->timescale = MP4GetTrackTimeScale(info->mp4file, info->mp4track);

            u_int8_t* pConfig;
            uint32_t configSize = 0;
            bool res = MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(info->mp4file, info->mp4track, &pConfig, &configSize);

            mp4AudioSpecificConfig mp4ASC;
            int rc = AudioSpecificConfig(pConfig, configSize, &mp4ASC);
            if (rc >= 0) {
                _info->samplerate = mp4ASC.samplingFrequency;
                _info->channels = MP4GetTrackAudioChannels (info->mp4file, info->mp4track);
                totalsamples = MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples (info->mp4file, info->mp4track) * 1024 * _info->channels;

                // init mp4 decoding
                info->dec = NeAACDecOpen ();
                unsigned long srate;
                unsigned char ch;
                if (NeAACDecInit2(info->dec, pConfig, configSize, &srate, &ch) < 0) {
                    trace ("NeAACDecInit2 returned error\n");
                    return -1;
                samplerate = srate;
                channels = ch;
                NeAACDecConfigurationPtr conf = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration (info->dec);
                conf->dontUpSampleImplicitSBR = 1;
                NeAACDecSetConfiguration (info->dec, conf);
                mp4AudioSpecificConfig mp4ASC;
                if (NeAACDecAudioSpecificConfig(pConfig, configSize, &mp4ASC) >= 0)
                    info->mp4framesize = 1024;
                    if (mp4ASC.frameLengthFlag == 1) {
                        info->mp4framesize = 960;
//                    if (mp4ASC.sbr_present_flag == 1) {
//                        info->mp4framesize *= 2;
//                    }
                //totalsamples *= info->mp4framesize;
                free (pConfig);
                info->maxSampleSize = MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize(info->mp4file, info->mp4track);
                info->samplebuffer = malloc (info->maxSampleSize);
                info->mp4sample = 1;
            else {
                MP4Close (info->mp4file);
                info->mp4file = NULL;
        else {
            MP4Close (info->mp4file);
            info->mp4file = NULL;
// }}}
        if (!info->mp4file) {
            trace ("mp4 track not found, looking for aac stream...\n");

            if (info->junk >= 0) {
                deadbeef->fseek (info->file, info->junk, SEEK_SET);
            else {
                deadbeef->rewind (info->file);
            int offs = parse_aac_stream (info->file, &samplerate, &channels, &duration, &totalsamples);
            if (offs == -1) {
                trace ("aac stream not found\n");
                return -1;
            if (offs > info->junk) {
                info->junk = offs;
            if (info->junk >= 0) {
                deadbeef->fseek (info->file, info->junk, SEEK_SET);
            else {
                deadbeef->rewind (info->file);
            trace ("found aac stream (junk: %d, offs: %d)\n", info->junk, offs);

        _info->fmt.channels = channels;
        _info->fmt.samplerate = samplerate;
    else {
        // sync before attempting to init
        int samplerate, channels;
        float duration;
        int offs = parse_aac_stream (info->file, &samplerate, &channels, &duration, NULL);
        if (offs < 0) {
            trace ("aac: parse_aac_stream failed\n");
            return -1;
        if (offs > info->junk) {
            info->junk = offs;
        trace("parse_aac_stream returned %x\n", offs);
        deadbeef->pl_replace_meta (it, "!FILETYPE", "AAC");

//    duration = (float)totalsamples / samplerate;
//    deadbeef->pl_set_item_duration (it, duration);

    _info->fmt.bps = 16;
    _info->plugin = &plugin;

    if (!info->mp4file) {
        //trace ("NeAACDecGetCapabilities\n");
        //unsigned long caps = NeAACDecGetCapabilities();

        trace ("NeAACDecOpen\n");
        info->dec = NeAACDecOpen ();

        trace ("prepare for NeAACDecInit: fread %d from offs %lld\n", AAC_BUFFER_SIZE, deadbeef->ftell (info->file));
        info->remaining = deadbeef->fread (info->buffer, 1, AAC_BUFFER_SIZE, info->file);

        NeAACDecConfigurationPtr conf = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration (info->dec);
//        conf->dontUpSampleImplicitSBR = 1;
        NeAACDecSetConfiguration (info->dec, conf);
        unsigned long srate;
        unsigned char ch;
        trace ("NeAACDecInit (%d bytes)\n", info->remaining);
        int consumed = NeAACDecInit (info->dec, info->buffer, info->remaining, &srate, &ch);
        trace ("NeAACDecInit returned samplerate=%d, channels=%d, consumed: %d\n", (int)srate, (int)ch, consumed);
        if (consumed < 0) {
            trace ("NeAACDecInit returned %d\n", consumed);
            return -1;
        if (consumed > info->remaining) {
            trace ("NeAACDecInit consumed more than available! wtf?\n");
            return -1;
        if (consumed == info->remaining) {
            info->remaining = 0;
        else if (consumed > 0) {
            memmove (info->buffer, info->buffer + consumed, info->remaining - consumed);
            info->remaining -= consumed;
        _info->fmt.channels = ch;
        _info->fmt.samplerate = srate;

    if (!info->file->vfs->is_streaming ()) {
        if (it->endsample > 0) {
            info->startsample = it->startsample;
            info->endsample = it->endsample;
            plugin.seek_sample (_info, 0);
        else {
            info->startsample = 0;
            info->endsample = totalsamples-1;
    trace ("totalsamples: %d, endsample: %d, samples-from-duration: %d\n", totalsamples-1, info->endsample, (int)deadbeef->pl_get_item_duration (it)*44100);

    for (int i = 0; i < _info->fmt.channels; i++) {
        _info->fmt.channelmask |= 1 << i;
    info->noremap = 0;
    info->remap[0] = -1;
    trace ("init success\n");

    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: wavpack.c プロジェクト: jubalh/deadbeef
static int
wv_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) {
    wvctx_t *info = (wvctx_t *)_info;
    deadbeef->pl_lock ();
    info->file = deadbeef->fopen (deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
    deadbeef->pl_unlock ();
    if (!info->file) {
        return -1;

#ifndef TINYWV
    deadbeef->pl_lock ();
    const char *uri = deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI");
    char *c_fname = alloca (strlen (uri) + 2);
    if (c_fname) {
        strcpy (c_fname, uri);
        strcat (c_fname, "c");
        info->c_file = deadbeef->fopen (c_fname);
    else {
        fprintf (stderr, "wavpack warning: failed to alloc memory for correction file name\n");
    deadbeef->pl_unlock ();

    char error[80];
#ifdef TINYWV
    info->ctx = WavpackOpenFileInput (wv_read_stream, info->file, error);
    info->ctx = WavpackOpenFileInputEx (&wsr, info->file, info->c_file, error, OPEN_NORMALIZE, 0);
    if (!info->ctx) {
        fprintf (stderr, "wavpack error: %s\n", error);
        return -1;
    _info->plugin = &plugin;
    _info->fmt.bps = WavpackGetBytesPerSample (info->ctx) * 8;
    _info->fmt.channels = WavpackGetNumChannels (info->ctx);
    _info->fmt.samplerate = WavpackGetSampleRate (info->ctx);
    _info->fmt.is_float = (WavpackGetMode (info->ctx) & MODE_FLOAT) ? 1 : 0;

    // FIXME: streamer and maybe output plugins need to be fixed to support
    // arbitrary channelmask

    // _info->fmt.channelmask = WavpackGetChannelMask (info->ctx);

    for (int i = 0; i < _info->fmt.channels; i++) {
        _info->fmt.channelmask |= 1 << i;
    _info->readpos = 0;
    if (it->endsample > 0) {
        info->startsample = it->startsample;
        info->endsample = it->endsample;
        if (plugin.seek_sample (_info, 0) < 0) {
            return -1;
    else {
        info->startsample = 0;
        info->endsample = WavpackGetNumSamples (info->ctx)-1;
    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: aac.c プロジェクト: amitkr/deadbeef
static int
aac_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) {
    aac_info_t *info = (aac_info_t *)_info;

    deadbeef->pl_lock ();
    info->file = deadbeef->fopen (deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
    deadbeef->pl_unlock ();
    if (!info->file) {
        return -1;

    // probe
    float duration = -1;
    int samplerate = -1;
    int channels = -1;
    int totalsamples = -1;

    info->junk = deadbeef->junk_get_leading_size (info->file);
    if (!info->file->vfs->is_streaming ()) {
        if (info->junk >= 0) {
            deadbeef->fseek (info->file, info->junk, SEEK_SET);
        else {
            info->junk = 0;
    else {
        deadbeef->fset_track (info->file, it);

    info->mp4track = -1;
    info->mp4reader.read = aac_fs_read;
    info->mp4reader.write = NULL;
    info->mp4reader.seek = aac_fs_seek;
    info->mp4reader.truncate = NULL;
    info->mp4reader.user_data = info;

    if (!info->file->vfs->is_streaming ()) {
        trace ("aac_init: mp4ff_open_read %s\n", deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
        info->mp4 = mp4ff_open_read (&info->mp4reader);
        if (info->mp4) {
            int ntracks = mp4ff_total_tracks (info->mp4);
            for (int i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) {
                if (mp4ff_get_track_type (info->mp4, i) != TRACK_AUDIO) {
                int res = mp4_track_get_info (info->mp4, i, &duration, &samplerate, &channels, &totalsamples, &info->mp4framesize);
                if (res >= 0 && duration > 0) {
                    info->mp4track = i;
            trace ("track: %d\n", info->mp4track);
            if (info->mp4track >= 0) {
                // prepare decoder
                int res = mp4_track_get_info (info->mp4, info->mp4track, &duration, &samplerate, &channels, &totalsamples, &info->mp4framesize);
                if (res != 0) {
                    trace ("aac: mp4_track_get_info(%d) returned error\n", info->mp4track);
                    return -1;

                // init mp4 decoding
                info->mp4samples = mp4ff_num_samples(info->mp4, info->mp4track);
                info->dec = NeAACDecOpen ();
                unsigned long srate;
                unsigned char ch;
                unsigned char*  buff = 0;
                unsigned int    buff_size = 0;
                mp4AudioSpecificConfig mp4ASC;
                mp4ff_get_decoder_config (info->mp4, info->mp4track, &buff, &buff_size);
                if (NeAACDecInit2(info->dec, buff, buff_size, &srate, &ch) < 0) {
                    trace ("NeAACDecInit2 returned error\n");
                    free (buff);
                    return -1;

                if (buff) {
                    free (buff);
                trace ("aac: successfully initialized track %d\n", info->mp4track);
                _info->fmt.samplerate = samplerate;
                _info->fmt.channels = channels;
            else {
                trace ("aac: track not found in mp4 container\n");
                mp4ff_close (info->mp4);
                info->mp4 = NULL;

        if (!info->mp4) {
            trace ("aac: looking for raw stream...\n");

            if (info->junk >= 0) {
                deadbeef->fseek (info->file, info->junk, SEEK_SET);
            else {
                deadbeef->rewind (info->file);
            int offs = parse_aac_stream (info->file, &samplerate, &channels, &duration, &totalsamples);
            if (offs == -1) {
                trace ("aac stream not found\n");
                return -1;
            if (offs > info->junk) {
                info->junk = offs;
            if (info->junk >= 0) {
                deadbeef->fseek (info->file, info->junk, SEEK_SET);
            else {
                deadbeef->rewind (info->file);
            trace ("found aac stream (junk: %d, offs: %d)\n", info->junk, offs);

            _info->fmt.channels = channels;
            _info->fmt.samplerate = samplerate;
    else {
        // sync before attempting to init
        int samplerate, channels;
        float duration;
        int offs = parse_aac_stream (info->file, &samplerate, &channels, &duration, NULL);
        if (offs < 0) {
            trace ("aac: parse_aac_stream failed\n");
            return -1;
        if (offs > info->junk) {
            info->junk = offs;
        trace("parse_aac_stream returned %x\n", offs);
        deadbeef->pl_replace_meta (it, "!FILETYPE", "AAC");

//    duration = (float)totalsamples / samplerate;
//    deadbeef->pl_set_item_duration (it, duration);

    _info->fmt.bps = 16;
    _info->plugin = &plugin;

    if (!info->mp4) {
        trace ("NeAACDecOpen for raw stream\n");
        info->dec = NeAACDecOpen ();

        trace ("prepare for NeAACDecInit: fread %d from offs %lld\n", AAC_BUFFER_SIZE, deadbeef->ftell (info->file));
        info->remaining = deadbeef->fread (info->buffer, 1, AAC_BUFFER_SIZE, info->file);

        NeAACDecConfigurationPtr conf = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration (info->dec);
//        conf->dontUpSampleImplicitSBR = 1;
        NeAACDecSetConfiguration (info->dec, conf);
        unsigned long srate;
        unsigned char ch;
        trace ("NeAACDecInit (%d bytes)\n", info->remaining);
        int consumed = NeAACDecInit (info->dec, info->buffer, info->remaining, &srate, &ch);
        trace ("NeAACDecInit returned samplerate=%d, channels=%d, consumed: %d\n", (int)srate, (int)ch, consumed);
        if (consumed < 0) {
            trace ("NeAACDecInit returned %d\n", consumed);
            return -1;
        if (consumed > info->remaining) {
            trace ("NeAACDecInit consumed more than available! wtf?\n");
            return -1;
        if (consumed == info->remaining) {
            info->remaining = 0;
        else if (consumed > 0) {
            memmove (info->buffer, info->buffer + consumed, info->remaining - consumed);
            info->remaining -= consumed;
        _info->fmt.channels = ch;
        _info->fmt.samplerate = srate;

    if (!info->file->vfs->is_streaming ()) {
        if (it->endsample > 0) {
            info->startsample = it->startsample;
            info->endsample = it->endsample;
            plugin.seek_sample (_info, 0);
        else {
            info->startsample = 0;
            info->endsample = totalsamples-1;
    if (_info->fmt.channels == 7) {
        _info->fmt.channels = 8;

    trace ("totalsamples: %d, endsample: %d, samples-from-duration: %d, samplerate %d, channels %d\n", totalsamples-1, info->endsample, (int)deadbeef->pl_get_item_duration (it)*44100, _info->fmt.samplerate, _info->fmt.channels);

    for (int i = 0; i < _info->fmt.channels; i++) {
        _info->fmt.channelmask |= 1 << i;
    info->noremap = 0;
    info->remap[0] = -1;
    trace ("init success\n");

    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: sndfile.c プロジェクト: Tydus/deadbeef
static int
sndfile_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) {
    sndfile_info_t *info = (sndfile_info_t*)_info;

    SF_INFO inf;
    DB_FILE *fp = deadbeef->fopen (deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
    if (!fp) {
        trace ("sndfile: failed to open %s\n", deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
        return -1;
    int fsize = deadbeef->fgetlength (fp);

    info->file = fp;
    info->ctx = sf_open_virtual (&vfs, SFM_READ, &inf, info);
    if (!info->ctx) {
        trace ("sndfile: %s: unsupported file format\n");
        return -1;
    _info->plugin = &plugin;
    info->sf_format = inf.format&0x000f;

    switch (inf.format&0x000f) {
    case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8:
    case SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8:
        _info->fmt.bps = 8;
    case SF_FORMAT_PCM_16:
        _info->fmt.bps = 16;
    case SF_FORMAT_PCM_24:
        _info->fmt.bps = 24;
        _info->fmt.is_float = 1;
    case SF_FORMAT_PCM_32:
        _info->fmt.bps = 32;
        info->read_as_short = 1;
        _info->fmt.bps = 16;
        trace ("[sndfile] unidentified input format: 0x%X\n", inf.format&0x000f);

    _info->fmt.channels = inf.channels;
    _info->fmt.samplerate = inf.samplerate;

    int channel_map [inf.channels];
    int cmdres = sf_command (info->ctx, SFC_GET_CHANNEL_MAP_INFO, channel_map, sizeof (channel_map)) ;
    if (cmdres != SF_FALSE) {
        // channel map found, convert to channel mask
        _info->fmt.channelmask = wavex_gen_channel_mask (channel_map, inf.channels);
    else {
        // channel map not found, generate from channel number
        for (int i = 0; i < inf.channels; i++) {
            _info->fmt.channelmask |= 1 << i;

    _info->readpos = 0;
    if (it->endsample > 0) {
        info->startsample = it->startsample;
        info->endsample = it->endsample;
        if (plugin.seek_sample (_info, 0) < 0) {
            return -1;
    else {
        info->startsample = 0;
        info->endsample = inf.frames-1;
    // hack bitrate

    int totalsamples = inf.frames;
    float sec = (float)totalsamples / inf.samplerate;
    if (sec > 0) {
        info->bitrate = fsize / sec * 8 / 1000;
    else {
        info->bitrate = -1;

    return 0;