string EncryptionHandler::singleEncrypt(const string& msg) { DES des; des.SetKey(DES_KEY, 8); des.ProduceSubKey(); CC_ASSERT(msg.length() <= 8); char byte[8] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < msg.length(); i++) { byte[i] = msg.c_str()[i]; } des.SetMsg(byte, 8); des.Crypte(); // vector<char> cipher; // for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // { // cipher.push_back(des.cryptedmsg[i]); // } string cipher(des.cryptedmsg, des.cryptedmsg + 8); return cipher; }
void desTest() { byte out[8]; byte in[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; byte key[] = { 0x3b, 0x38, 0x98, 0x37, 0x15, 0x20, 0xf7, 0x5e }; Serial.println(); Serial.println("========= DES test =========="); //encrypt Serial.print("Encrypt..."); unsigned long time = micros(); des.encrypt(out, in, key); time = micros() - time; Serial.print("done. ("); Serial.print(time); Serial.println(" micros)"); printArray(out); //decrypt for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { in[i] = out[i]; } Serial.print("Decrypt..."); time = micros(); des.decrypt(out, in, key); time = micros() - time; Serial.print("done. ("); Serial.print(time); Serial.println(" micros)"); printArray(out); }
bool CDESEncry::DesryFile(char *szFilename) { std::locale::global(std::locale("")); FILE *ff; char inbuff[8],outbuff[8]; ff = fopen(szFilename, "rb"); if(ff==NULL) { //std::string szInFile = CMarkup::UTF8ToGB2312(szFilename); ff = fopen(szFilename, "rb"); if (NULL == ff) { return false; } } int fsize; fread(&fsize,sizeof(int),1,ff); //获得明文文件大小 int nTotalsize = fsize; fsize = fsize%8 ? (fsize/8+1)*8 : fsize; //fread(initbuff,sizeof(char),sizeof(initbuff),ff); //获得明文件的类型、加密重数、加密模式 m_pfileContent = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*fsize+1); //开始解密 DES jm; int nStart = 0; while(fsize > 0) //请参考加密部分 { int nRead = (int)fread(inbuff,sizeof(char),8,ff); jm.Des_one(outbuff,inbuff,C_Key,DECRYPT); if (fsize > 8) { memcpy(m_pfileContent + nStart, outbuff, 8); nStart += 8; } else { memcpy(m_pfileContent + nStart, outbuff, fsize); //输出明文,不包括最后一个分组 nStart += nRead; } fsize -= nRead; //保存剩余尚未输出的明文大小 } m_pfileContent[nTotalsize] = 0; fclose(ff); GetvecInfoPos(); return true; }
unsigned char* DESUtil::encrypt3(const char *key, unsigned char *data, int inSize, int *outSize) { DES des; *outSize = des.extend(inSize); unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(*outSize); memcpy(buffer, data, inSize); des.encrypt3((unsigned char*)key, buffer, inSize); return buffer; }
unsigned char* DESUtil::decrypt3(const char *key, unsigned char *data, int inSize, int *outSize) { unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(inSize); memcpy(buffer, data, inSize); DES des; des.decrypt3((unsigned char*)key, buffer, inSize, outSize); return buffer; }
void CTCCode::EnCodeFile(wchar_t *InFile,wchar_t* key,wchar_t* OutFile) { if(InFile&&key&&OutFile) { HANDLE infile=::CreateFile(InFile,GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if(infile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { HANDLE outfile=::CreateFile(OutFile,GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if(outfile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DES des; //unicode 转 anscii int num=::WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,0,key,-1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); char* key_l = new char[num]; memset(key_l, 0, num); //初始化动作 WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,0,key, num ,key_l, num ,NULL,NULL); long lFileLen=::GetFileSize(infile,NULL); long count=lFileLen/MAXFILESIZE; //整除,知道整个文件的块数 long d=lFileLen%MAXFILESIZE; //取余数 long outLen = 0; char inbuff[MAXFILESIZE]={0}; char oubuff[MAXFILESIZE]={0}; DWORD ReadFileSize=0; DWORD DwWitten=0; for(long i=0;i<count;i++) { memset(inbuff,0,sizeof(inbuff)); memset(oubuff,0,sizeof(oubuff)); ::ReadFile(infile,inbuff,MAXFILESIZE,&ReadFileSize ,NULL); des.Des_Go(oubuff, inbuff, sizeof(inbuff), key_l,sizeof(key_l), ENCRYPT1); ::WriteFile(outfile,oubuff,MAXFILESIZE,&DwWitten,NULL); } if(d>0) { memset(inbuff,0,sizeof(inbuff)); memset(oubuff,0,sizeof(oubuff)); ::ReadFile(infile,inbuff,d,&ReadFileSize ,NULL); des.Des_Go(oubuff, inbuff, MAXFILESIZE, key_l,sizeof(key_l), ENCRYPT1); ::WriteFile(outfile,oubuff,MAXFILESIZE,&DwWitten,NULL); } delete [] key_l; //写入文件长度及结束符 char endmark[2]={0xA3,0xA4}; ::WriteFile(outfile,endmark,2,&DwWitten,NULL); char dsize[2]={0}; itoa(d,dsize,10); ::WriteFile(outfile,dsize,2,&DwWitten,NULL); } CloseHandle(outfile); } CloseHandle(infile); } }
int main() { DES d; d.initialiseTables(); d.key_generator( d.keyWithParties,d.RoundKeys,d.shiftTable); d.Cipher(d.plainBlock,d.RoundKeys,d.cipherBlock); d.printCipherBlock(); return 1; }
void DES_ecb_encrypt(DES_cblock* input, DES_cblock* output, DES_key_schedule* key, int enc) { DES des; if (enc) { des.set_encryptKey(*key, 0); des.encrypt(*output, *input, DES_BLOCK); } else { des.set_decryptKey(*key, 0); des.decrypt(*output, *input, DES_BLOCK); } }
bool CDESEncry::EncryFile(char *szFilename) { std::locale::global(std::locale("")); std::string szInFile = szFilename; FILE *ff, *fp; ff = fopen(szFilename,"rb"); if (ff == NULL) { //szInFile = CMarkup::UTF8ToGB2312(szFilename); ff = fopen(szInFile.c_str(),"rb"); if (ff == NULL) { return false; } } std::string strOutFile = szInFile; Transform_file(strOutFile, true); fp = fopen(strOutFile.c_str(),"wb"); if (fp == NULL) { fclose(ff); return false; } fseek(ff,0,SEEK_END); int fsize=ftell(ff); //获得文件大小(相对于文件首的位移) fseek(ff,0,SEEK_SET); fwrite(&fsize,sizeof(int),1,fp); //写入文件大小 //fwrite(C_Key,sizeof(char),sizeof(C_Key),fp); //写入文件类型 //开始加密 int nRead; DES jm; char inbuff[8],outbuff[8]; while(!feof(ff)) { nRead = fread(inbuff,sizeof(char),8,ff); jm.Des_one(outbuff,inbuff,C_Key,ENCRYPT); fwrite(outbuff,sizeof(char),8,fp); //输出分密文分组 } fclose(fp); fclose(ff); return true; }
void Dialog::on_ButtonDecrypt_clicked() { if(!inputFileName.isEmpty()\ && !keyFileName.isEmpty()\ && !outputFileName.isEmpty()) if(\ &&\ && { pinputFile = &inputFile; pkeyFile = &keyFile; poutputFile = &outputFile; pvectorFile = NULL; if(ModeIndex) {if(!vectorFileName.isEmpty()) {if( {pvectorFile = &vectorFile;} else {ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText("Files open error\n"); exit(0);}} else {ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText("One or more files are missing\n"); exit(0);}} DES desMetod; desMetod.EncryptDecryptFlag=0; desMetod.ModeIndex=ModeIndex; if(desMetod.MainDES(pinputFile,pkeyFile,poutputFile,pvectorFile)) ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText(desMetod.ErrorStr); else ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText("Decrypt success\n"); inputFile.close(); keyFile.close(); outputFile.close(); inputFileName = ""; keyFileName = ""; outputFileName = ""; ui->LabelSelectInputFile->setText("Select input file"); ui->LabelSelectKeyFile->setText("Select key file"); ui->LabelSelectOutputFile->setText("Select output file"); if(ModeIndex) { vectorFile.close(); vectorFileName = ""; ui->LabelSelectVectorFile->setText("Select vector file");}} else ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText("Files open error\n"); else ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText("One or more files are missing\n");}
string EncryptionHandler::singleDecrypt(const string& cryptedMsg) { DES des; des.SetKey(DES_KEY, 8); des.ProduceSubKey(); CC_ASSERT(cryptedMsg.size() <= 8); for (int i = 0; i < cryptedMsg.size(); i++) { des.cryptedmsg[i] = cryptedMsg[i]; } des.Char2Bit(des.cryptedmsg, des.bcryptedmsg, 8); des.Decipher(); char msg[9] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { msg[i] = des.decipher[i]; } return string(msg); }
bool CDESEncry::EncryString(char *szSource, char *szDest) { char inbuff[8],outbuff[8]; int nSourceLen = (int)strlen(szSource); int nStart = 0; DES jm; while (nStart < nSourceLen) { memcpy(inbuff, szSource + nStart, sizeof(inbuff)); jm.Des_one(outbuff,inbuff,C_Key,ENCRYPT); memcpy(szDest + nStart, outbuff, sizeof(outbuff)); nStart += sizeof(inbuff); } if (nSourceLen % 8 != 0) { nStart -= sizeof(inbuff); memcpy(inbuff, szSource + nStart, nSourceLen - nStart); jm.Des_one(outbuff,inbuff,C_Key,ENCRYPT); memcpy(szDest + nStart, outbuff, nSourceLen - nStart); } return true; }
void tdesTest() { byte out[8]; byte in[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; byte key[] = { 0x3b, 0x38, 0x98, 0x37, 0x15, 0x20, 0xf7, 0x5e, // key A 0x92, 0x2f, 0xb5, 0x10, 0xc7, 0x1f, 0x43, 0x6e, // key B 0x3b, 0x38, 0x98, 0x37, 0x15, 0x20, 0xf7, 0x5e, // key C (in this case A) }; Serial.println(); Serial.println("====== Triple-DES test ======"); //encrypt Serial.print("Encrypt..."); unsigned long time = micros(); des.tripleEncrypt(out, in, key); time = micros() - time; Serial.print("done. ("); Serial.print(time); Serial.println(" micros)"); printArray(out); //decrypt for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { in[i] = out[i]; } Serial.print("Decrypt..."); time = micros(); des.tripleDecrypt(out, in, key); time = micros() - time; Serial.print("done. ("); Serial.print(time); Serial.println(" micros)"); printArray(out); }
byte *decrypt(byte *dataIn, int len ) { unsigned int memsize = ((len/8)+1)*8; // round to the upper 8 byte size unsigned int nBlocks = ((len/8)+1); // Number of blocks. There is always one block unsigned int boffset = 0; // WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING byte *bout = (byte *)malloc(memsize); // THIS IS a very bad idea!!!! Just for testing. Allocation should be done OUTSIDE the function. while ( nBlocks > 0 ) { des.tripleDecrypt(&bout[boffset], &dataIn[boffset], key); boffset = boffset + 8; nBlocks = nBlocks - 1; }; return bout; }
void CTCCode::DeCodeFile(wchar_t *InFile,wchar_t* key,wchar_t* OutFile) { if(InFile&&key&&OutFile) { HANDLE infile=::CreateFile(InFile,GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if(infile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { HANDLE outfile=::CreateFile(OutFile,GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if(outfile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DES des; //unicode 转 anscii int num=::WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,0,key,-1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); char* key_l = new char[num]; memset(key_l, 0, num); //初始化动作 WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,0,key, num ,key_l, num ,NULL,NULL); long lFileLen=::GetFileSize(infile,NULL); char inbuff[MAXFILESIZE]={0}; char oubuff[MAXFILESIZE]={0}; DWORD ReadFileSize=0; DWORD DwWitten=0; int writSize = MAXFILESIZE; ////////////////////////读取长度/////////////////////////// lFileLen -= 4;//指定到自己写的结束符位置 SetFilePointer(infile,lFileLen,0,FILE_CURRENT);//设置位置 char inbufftem[4]={0}; char *p=inbufftem; char endmark[2]={0xA3,0xA4}; ::ReadFile(infile,inbufftem,4,&ReadFileSize,NULL); int dd=0; if(inbufftem[0]==endmark[0] && inbufftem[1]==endmark[1]) { p+=2; dd=atoi(p); } SetFilePointer(infile,0,0,FILE_BEGIN);//指针复位 long count=lFileLen/MAXFILESIZE; //整除,知道整个文件的块数 for(long i=0;i<count;i++) { memset(inbuff,0,sizeof(inbuff)); memset(oubuff,0,sizeof(oubuff)); ::ReadFile(infile,inbuff,MAXFILESIZE,&ReadFileSize ,NULL); des.Des_Go(oubuff, inbuff, sizeof(inbuff), key_l,sizeof(key_l), DECRYPT); if(i == count-1)//最后一次进来,处理oubuff值 { if(dd==0) dd=MAXFILESIZE; ::WriteFile(outfile,oubuff,dd,&DwWitten,NULL);//最后一次写正确的长度 break; } ::WriteFile(outfile,oubuff,MAXFILESIZE,&DwWitten,NULL); } delete [] key_l; } CloseHandle(outfile); } CloseHandle(infile); } }