コード例 #1
 * Initialize the application.
void setup()
  rtc.Ds3231Init();           // Initialize Ds3231
  // WriteInitTime();         // Comment in, if you want setup the RTC TIME/Calendar
  // SetRTCAlarm();           // Comment in, if you want to set the Alarm1|2

  bh.BH1750Init();            // Initialize BH1750

  dht.DHTInit(PIO2_2, DHT22); // Use the DHT22 sensor on PIN

  if(I2C::Instance()->bI2CIsInitialized) {  // I2CScan
      I2C::Instance()->I2CScan();           // check .I2CScan_State ans .I2CScan_uAdress

  // LED Initialize
	pinMode(PIO2_6, OUTPUT);	 // Info LED (yellow)
	pinMode(PIO3_3, OUTPUT);	 // Run  LED (green)
	pinMode(PIO2_0, OUTPUT);   // Prog LED (red)

	// LED Set Initial Value (ON|OFF)
	digitalWrite(PIO3_3, 0);   // Info LED (yellow)          // Will be toggled with dht function (blink on read success)
	digitalWrite(PIO2_6, 0);   // Run  LED (green)           // Will be toggled with LUX function (off if Lux == 0)
	digitalWrite(PIO2_0, 1);   // Prog LED (red)             // Will be toggled with rtc function

  enableInterrupt(TIMER_32_0_IRQn);                        // Enable the timer interrupt
  timer32_0.begin();                                       // Begin using the timer
    timer32_0.prescaler((SystemCoreClock / 1000) - 1);     // Let the timer count milliseconds
    timer32_0.matchMode(MAT1, RESET | INTERRUPT);          // On match of MAT1, generate an interrupt and reset the timer
    timer32_0.match(MAT1, READ_TIMER);                     // Match MAT1 when the timer reaches this value (in milliseconds)
  timer32_0.start();                                       // Start now the timer
コード例 #2
 * Initialize the application.
void setup()
  dht.DHTInit(PIO2_2, DHT22);       // Use the DHT22 sensor on PIN
  //dht1.DHTInit(PIO0_7, DHT22);      // Use the DHT22 sensor on PIN

  // LED Initialize
	pinMode(PIO2_6, OUTPUT);	// Info LED (yellow)
	pinMode(PIO3_3, OUTPUT);	// Run  LED (green)
	pinMode(PIO2_0, OUTPUT);  // Prog LED (red)

	// LED Set Initial Value (ON|OFF)
	digitalWrite(PIO3_3, 0);  // Info LED (yellow)
	digitalWrite(PIO2_6, 0);  // Run  LED (green)             // Will be toggled with dht function (blink on read success)
	digitalWrite(PIO2_0, 1);  // Prog LED (red)

  enableInterrupt(TIMER_32_0_IRQn);                         // Enable the timer interrupt
  timer32_0.begin();                                        // Begin using the timer
    timer32_0.prescaler((SystemCoreClock / 1000) - 1);      // Let the timer count milliseconds
    timer32_0.matchMode(MAT1, RESET | INTERRUPT);           // On match of MAT1, generate an interrupt and reset the timer
    timer32_0.match(MAT1, READ_TIMER);                      // Match MAT1 when the timer reaches this value (in milliseconds)
  timer32_0.start();                                        // Start now the timer