コード例 #1
ファイル: Address.cpp プロジェクト: 2asoft/freebsd
static uint64_t
ReadUIntMax64 (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const Address &address, uint32_t byte_size, bool &success)
    uint64_t uval64 = 0;
    if (exe_scope == NULL || byte_size > sizeof(uint64_t))
        success = false;
        return 0;
    uint64_t buf = 0;

    success = ReadBytes (exe_scope, address, &buf, byte_size) == byte_size;
    if (success)
        ByteOrder byte_order = eByteOrderInvalid;
        uint32_t addr_size = 0;
        if (GetByteOrderAndAddressSize (exe_scope, address, byte_order, addr_size))
            DataExtractor data (&buf, sizeof(buf), byte_order, addr_size);
            lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
            uval64 = data.GetU64(&offset);
            success = false;
    return uval64;
コード例 #2
static bool GetAPInt(const DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset_ptr,
                     lldb::offset_t byte_size, llvm::APInt &result) {
  llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 2> uint64_array;
  lldb::offset_t bytes_left = byte_size;
  uint64_t u64;
  const lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = data.GetByteOrder();
  if (byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderLittle) {
    while (bytes_left > 0) {
      if (bytes_left >= 8) {
        u64 = data.GetU64(offset_ptr);
        bytes_left -= 8;
      } else {
        u64 = data.GetMaxU64(offset_ptr, (uint32_t)bytes_left);
        bytes_left = 0;
    result = llvm::APInt(byte_size * 8, llvm::ArrayRef<uint64_t>(uint64_array));
    return true;
  } else if (byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderBig) {
    lldb::offset_t be_offset = *offset_ptr + byte_size;
    lldb::offset_t temp_offset;
    while (bytes_left > 0) {
      if (bytes_left >= 8) {
        be_offset -= 8;
        temp_offset = be_offset;
        u64 = data.GetU64(&temp_offset);
        bytes_left -= 8;
      } else {
        be_offset -= bytes_left;
        temp_offset = be_offset;
        u64 = data.GetMaxU64(&temp_offset, (uint32_t)bytes_left);
        bytes_left = 0;
    *offset_ptr += byte_size;
    result = llvm::APInt(byte_size * 8, llvm::ArrayRef<uint64_t>(uint64_array));
    return true;
  return false;
コード例 #3
RegisterContextCorePOSIX_mips64::RegisterContextCorePOSIX_mips64(Thread &thread,
        RegisterInfoInterface *register_info,
        const DataExtractor &gpregset,
        const DataExtractor &fpregset)
    : RegisterContextPOSIX_mips64(thread, 0, register_info)
    size_t i;
    lldb::offset_t offset = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < k_num_gpr_registers_mips64; i++)
        m_reg[i] = gpregset.GetU64(&offset);
コード例 #4
    virtual void
    CalculateMnemonicOperandsAndComment (const lldb_private::ExecutionContext *exe_ctx)
        DataExtractor data;
        const AddressClass address_class = GetAddressClass ();

        if (m_opcode.GetData(data))
            char out_string[512];
            DisassemblerLLVMC &llvm_disasm = GetDisassemblerLLVMC();

            DisassemblerLLVMC::LLVMCDisassembler *mc_disasm_ptr;
            if (address_class == eAddressClassCodeAlternateISA)
                mc_disasm_ptr = llvm_disasm.m_alternate_disasm_ap.get();
                mc_disasm_ptr = llvm_disasm.m_disasm_ap.get();
            lldb::addr_t pc = m_address.GetFileAddress();
            m_using_file_addr = true;
            const bool data_from_file = GetDisassemblerLLVMC().m_data_from_file;
            bool use_hex_immediates = true;
            Disassembler::HexImmediateStyle hex_style = Disassembler::eHexStyleC;

            if (exe_ctx)
                Target *target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr();
                if (target)
                    use_hex_immediates = target->GetUseHexImmediates();
                    hex_style = target->GetHexImmediateStyle();

                    if (!data_from_file)
                        const lldb::addr_t load_addr = m_address.GetLoadAddress(target);
                        if (load_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
                            pc = load_addr;
                            m_using_file_addr = false;
            llvm_disasm.Lock(this, exe_ctx);
            const uint8_t *opcode_data = data.GetDataStart();
            const size_t opcode_data_len = data.GetByteSize();
            llvm::MCInst inst;
            size_t inst_size = mc_disasm_ptr->GetMCInst (opcode_data,

            if (inst_size > 0)
                mc_disasm_ptr->SetStyle(use_hex_immediates, hex_style);
                mc_disasm_ptr->PrintMCInst(inst, out_string, sizeof(out_string));

            if (inst_size == 0)
                m_comment.assign ("unknown opcode");
                inst_size = m_opcode.GetByteSize();
                StreamString mnemonic_strm;
                lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
                lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = data.GetByteOrder();
                switch (inst_size)
                    case 1:
                            const uint8_t uval8 = data.GetU8 (&offset);
                            m_opcode.SetOpcode8 (uval8, byte_order);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".byte");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%2.2x", uval8);
                    case 2:
                            const uint16_t uval16 = data.GetU16(&offset);
                            m_opcode.SetOpcode16(uval16, byte_order);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".short");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%4.4x", uval16);
                    case 4:
                            const uint32_t uval32 = data.GetU32(&offset);
                            m_opcode.SetOpcode32(uval32, byte_order);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".long");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%8.8x", uval32);
                    case 8:
                            const uint64_t uval64 = data.GetU64(&offset);
                            m_opcode.SetOpcode64(uval64, byte_order);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".quad");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%16.16" PRIx64, uval64);
                        if (inst_size == 0)
                            const uint8_t *bytes = data.PeekData(offset, inst_size);
                            if (bytes == NULL)
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".byte");
                            m_opcode.SetOpcodeBytes(bytes, inst_size);
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%2.2x", bytes[0]);
                            for (uint32_t i=1; i<inst_size; ++i)
                                mnemonic_strm.Printf(" 0x%2.2x", bytes[i]);
                if (m_does_branch == eLazyBoolCalculate)
                    const bool can_branch = mc_disasm_ptr->CanBranch(inst);
                    if (can_branch)
                        m_does_branch = eLazyBoolYes;
                        m_does_branch = eLazyBoolNo;

            static RegularExpression s_regex("[ \t]*([^ ^\t]+)[ \t]*([^ ^\t].*)?", REG_EXTENDED);
            RegularExpression::Match matches(3);
            if (s_regex.Execute(out_string, &matches))
                matches.GetMatchAtIndex(out_string, 1, m_opcode_name);
                matches.GetMatchAtIndex(out_string, 2, m_mnemonics);
コード例 #5
static int
print_dwarf_exp_op (Stream &s,
                    const DataExtractor& data,
                    uint32_t* offset_ptr,
                    int address_size,
                    int dwarf_ref_size)
    uint8_t opcode = data.GetU8(offset_ptr);
    DRC_class opcode_class;
    uint64_t  uint;
    int64_t   sint;

    int size;

    opcode_class = DW_OP_value_to_class (opcode) & (~DRC_DWARFv3);

    s.Printf("%s ", DW_OP_value_to_name (opcode));

    /* Does this take zero parameters?  If so we can shortcut this function.  */
    if (opcode_class == DRC_ZEROOPERANDS)
        return 0;

    if (opcode_class == DRC_TWOOPERANDS && opcode == DW_OP_bregx)
        uint = data.GetULEB128(offset_ptr);
        sint = data.GetSLEB128(offset_ptr);
        s.Printf("%llu %lli", uint, sint);
        return 0;
    if (opcode_class != DRC_ONEOPERAND)
        s.Printf("UNKNOWN OP %u", opcode);
        return 1;

    switch (opcode)
        case DW_OP_addr:    size = address_size;    break;
        case DW_OP_const1u: size = 1;               break;
        case DW_OP_const1s: size = -1;              break;
        case DW_OP_const2u: size = 2;               break;
        case DW_OP_const2s: size = -2;              break;
        case DW_OP_const4u: size = 4;               break;
        case DW_OP_const4s: size = -4;              break;
        case DW_OP_const8u: size = 8;               break;
        case DW_OP_const8s: size = -8;              break;
        case DW_OP_constu:  size = 128;             break;
        case DW_OP_consts:  size = -128;            break;
        case DW_OP_fbreg:   size = -128;            break;
        case DW_OP_breg0:
        case DW_OP_breg1:
        case DW_OP_breg2:
        case DW_OP_breg3:
        case DW_OP_breg4:
        case DW_OP_breg5:
        case DW_OP_breg6:
        case DW_OP_breg7:
        case DW_OP_breg8:
        case DW_OP_breg9:
        case DW_OP_breg10:
        case DW_OP_breg11:
        case DW_OP_breg12:
        case DW_OP_breg13:
        case DW_OP_breg14:
        case DW_OP_breg15:
        case DW_OP_breg16:
        case DW_OP_breg17:
        case DW_OP_breg18:
        case DW_OP_breg19:
        case DW_OP_breg20:
        case DW_OP_breg21:
        case DW_OP_breg22:
        case DW_OP_breg23:
        case DW_OP_breg24:
        case DW_OP_breg25:
        case DW_OP_breg26:
        case DW_OP_breg27:
        case DW_OP_breg28:
        case DW_OP_breg29:
        case DW_OP_breg30:
        case DW_OP_breg31:
            size = -128; break;
        case DW_OP_pick:
            size = 1;       break;
        case DW_OP_deref_size:
            size = 1;       break;
        case DW_OP_xderef_size:
            size = 1;       break;
        case DW_OP_plus_uconst:
            size = 128;     break;
        case DW_OP_skip:
            size = -2;      break;
        case DW_OP_bra:
            size = -2;      break;
        case DW_OP_call2:
            size = 2;       break;
        case DW_OP_call4:
            size = 4;       break;
        case DW_OP_call_ref:
            size = dwarf_ref_size;  break;
        case DW_OP_piece:
            size = 128; break;
        case DW_OP_regx:
            size = 128; break;
            s.Printf("UNKNOWN ONE-OPERAND OPCODE, #%u", opcode);
            return 1;

    switch (size)
    case -1:    sint = (int8_t)     data.GetU8(offset_ptr);     s.Printf("%+lli", sint); break;
    case -2:    sint = (int16_t)    data.GetU16(offset_ptr);    s.Printf("%+lli", sint); break;
    case -4:    sint = (int32_t)    data.GetU32(offset_ptr);    s.Printf("%+lli", sint); break;
    case -8:    sint = (int64_t)    data.GetU64(offset_ptr);    s.Printf("%+lli", sint); break;
    case -128:  sint = data.GetSLEB128(offset_ptr);             s.Printf("%+lli", sint); break;
    case 1:     uint = data.GetU8(offset_ptr);                  s.Printf("0x%2.2llx", uint); break;
    case 2:     uint = data.GetU16(offset_ptr);                 s.Printf("0x%4.4llx", uint); break;
    case 4:     uint = data.GetU32(offset_ptr);                 s.Printf("0x%8.8llx", uint); break;
    case 8:     uint = data.GetU64(offset_ptr);                 s.Printf("0x%16.16llx", uint); break;
    case 128:   uint = data.GetULEB128(offset_ptr);             s.Printf("0x%llx", uint); break;

    return 0;
コード例 #6
void CommunicationKDP::DumpPacket(Stream &s, const DataExtractor &packet) {
  const char *error_desc = NULL;
  if (packet.GetByteSize() < 8) {
    error_desc = "error: invalid packet (too short): ";
  } else {
    lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
    const uint8_t first_packet_byte = packet.GetU8(&offset);
    const uint8_t sequence_id = packet.GetU8(&offset);
    const uint16_t length = packet.GetU16(&offset);
    const uint32_t key = packet.GetU32(&offset);
    const CommandType command = ExtractCommand(first_packet_byte);
    const char *command_name = GetCommandAsCString(command);
    if (command_name) {
      const bool is_reply = ExtractIsReply(first_packet_byte);
      s.Printf("(running=%i) %s %24s: 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%4.4x 0x%8.8x ",
               IsRunning(), is_reply ? "<--" : "-->", command_name,
               first_packet_byte, sequence_id, length, key);

      if (is_reply) {
        // Dump request reply packets
        switch (command) {
        // Commands that return a single 32 bit error
        case KDP_CONNECT:
        case KDP_WRITEMEM:
        case KDP_WRITEMEM64:
        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET:
        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET64:
        case KDP_WRITEREGS:
        case KDP_LOAD:
        case KDP_WRITEIOPORT:
        case KDP_WRITEMSR64: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (error=0x%8.8x)", error);
        } break;

        case KDP_DISCONNECT:
        case KDP_REATTACH:
        case KDP_HOSTREBOOT:
        case KDP_SUSPEND:
        case KDP_RESUMECPUS:
        case KDP_EXCEPTION:
        case KDP_TERMINATION:
          // No return value for the reply, just the header to ack
          s.PutCString(" ()");

        case KDP_HOSTINFO: {
          const uint32_t cpu_mask = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t cpu_type = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t cpu_subtype = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (cpu_mask=0x%8.8x, cpu_type=0x%8.8x, cpu_subtype=0x%8.8x)",
                   cpu_mask, cpu_type, cpu_subtype);
        } break;

        case KDP_VERSION: {
          const uint32_t version = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t feature = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (version=0x%8.8x, feature=0x%8.8x)", version, feature);
        } break;

        case KDP_REGIONS: {
          const uint32_t region_count = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (count = %u", region_count);
          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < region_count; ++i) {
            const addr_t region_addr = packet.GetPointer(&offset);
            const uint32_t region_size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t region_prot = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            s.Printf("\n\tregion[%" PRIu64 "] = { range = [0x%16.16" PRIx64
                     " - 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "), size = 0x%8.8x, prot = %s }",
                     region_addr, region_addr, region_addr + region_size,
                     region_size, GetPermissionsAsCString(region_prot));
        } break;

        case KDP_READMEM:
        case KDP_READMEM64:
        case KDP_READPHYSMEM64: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (error = 0x%8.8x:\n", error);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                      // Stream to dump to
                              offset,                  // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatBytesWithASCII,   // Format to use
                              1,                       // Size of each item 
                                                       // in bytes
                              count,                   // Number of items
                              16,                      // Number per line
                              m_last_read_memory_addr, // Don't show addresses
                                                       // before each line
                              0, 0);                   // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_READREGS: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (error = 0x%8.8x regs:\n", error);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                       // Stream to dump to
                              offset,                   // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,               // Format to use
                              m_addr_byte_size,         // Size of each item 
                                                        // in bytes
                              count / m_addr_byte_size, // Number of items
                              16 / m_addr_byte_size,    // Number per line
                                                        // Don't 
                                                        // show addresses before
                                                        // each line
                              0, 0);                    // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_KERNELVERSION: {
          const char *kernel_version = packet.PeekCStr(8);
          s.Printf(" (version = \"%s\")", kernel_version);
        } break;

        case KDP_MAXBYTES: {
          const uint32_t max_bytes = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (max_bytes = 0x%8.8x (%u))", max_bytes, max_bytes);
        } break;
        case KDP_IMAGEPATH: {
          const char *path = packet.GetCStr(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (path = \"%s\")", path);
        } break;

        case KDP_READIOPORT:
        case KDP_READMSR64: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (error = 0x%8.8x io:\n", error);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in bytes
                              count,                // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;
        case KDP_DUMPINFO: {
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (count = %u, bytes = \n", count);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in 
                                                    // bytes
                              count,                // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields

        } break;

          s.Printf(" (add support for dumping this packet reply!!!");
      } else {
        // Dump request packets
        switch (command) {
        case KDP_CONNECT: {
          const uint16_t reply_port = ntohs(packet.GetU16(&offset));
          const uint16_t exc_port = ntohs(packet.GetU16(&offset));
          s.Printf(" (reply_port = %u, exc_port = %u, greeting = \"%s\")",
                   reply_port, exc_port, packet.GetCStr(&offset));
        } break;

        case KDP_DISCONNECT:
        case KDP_HOSTREBOOT:
        case KDP_HOSTINFO:
        case KDP_VERSION:
        case KDP_REGIONS:
        case KDP_MAXBYTES:
        case KDP_IMAGEPATH:
        case KDP_SUSPEND:
          // No args, just the header in the request...
          s.PutCString(" ()");

        case KDP_RESUMECPUS: {
          const uint32_t cpu_mask = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (cpu_mask = 0x%8.8x)", cpu_mask);
        } break;

        case KDP_READMEM: {
          const uint32_t addr = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%8.8x, size = %u)", addr, size);
          m_last_read_memory_addr = addr;
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEMEM: {
          const uint32_t addr = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%8.8x, size = %u, bytes = \n", addr, size);
          if (size > 0)
            DumpHexBytes(&s, packet.GetData(&offset, size), size, 32, addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_READMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ", size = %u)", addr, size);
          m_last_read_memory_addr = addr;
        } break;

        case KDP_READPHYSMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16llx, size = %u, lcpu = %u)", addr, size,
          m_last_read_memory_addr = addr;
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ", size = %u, bytes = \n", addr,
          if (size > 0)
            DumpHexBytes(&s, packet.GetData(&offset, size), size, 32, addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEPHYSMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16llx, size = %u, lcpu = %u, bytes = \n",
                   addr, size, lcpu);
          if (size > 0)
            DumpHexBytes(&s, packet.GetData(&offset, size), size, 32, addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_READREGS: {
          const uint32_t cpu = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t flavor = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (cpu = %u, flavor = %u)", cpu, flavor);
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEREGS: {
          const uint32_t cpu = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t flavor = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t nbytes = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (cpu = %u, flavor = %u, regs = \n", cpu, flavor);
          if (nbytes > 0)
                              &s,                        // Stream to dump to
                              offset,                    // Offset within 
                                                         // "packet"
                              eFormatHex,                // Format to use
                              m_addr_byte_size,          // Size of each item in 
                                                         // bytes
                              nbytes / m_addr_byte_size, // Number of items
                              16 / m_addr_byte_size,     // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,      // Don't show addresses
                                                         // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET:
          const uint32_t addr = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%8.8x)", addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET64:
        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_REMOVE64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ")", addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_LOAD: {
          const char *path = packet.GetCStr(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (path = \"%s\")", path);
        } break;

        case KDP_EXCEPTION: {
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetU32(&offset);

          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            const uint32_t cpu = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t exc = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t code = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t subcode = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const char *exc_cstr = NULL;
            switch (exc) {
            case 1:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_BAD_ACCESS";
            case 2:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION";
            case 3:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_ARITHMETIC";
            case 4:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_EMULATION";
            case 5:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_SOFTWARE";
            case 6:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_BREAKPOINT";
            case 7:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_SYSCALL";
            case 8:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_MACH_SYSCALL";
            case 9:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_RPC_ALERT";
            case 10:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_CRASH";

            s.Printf("{ cpu = 0x%8.8x, exc = %s (%u), code = %u (0x%8.8x), "
                     "subcode = %u (0x%8.8x)} ",
                     cpu, exc_cstr, exc, code, code, subcode, subcode);
        } break;

        case KDP_TERMINATION: {
          const uint32_t term_code = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t exit_code = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (term_code = 0x%8.8x (%u), exit_code = 0x%8.8x (%u))",
                   term_code, term_code, exit_code, exit_code);
        } break;

        case KDP_REATTACH: {
          const uint16_t reply_port = ntohs(packet.GetU16(&offset));
          s.Printf(" (reply_port = %u)", reply_port);
        } break;

        case KDP_READMSR64: {
          const uint32_t address = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (address=0x%8.8x, lcpu=0x%4.4x)", address, lcpu);
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEMSR64: {
          const uint32_t address = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint32_t nbytes = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (address=0x%8.8x, lcpu=0x%4.4x, nbytes=0x%8.8x)", lcpu,
                   address, nbytes);
          if (nbytes > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in 
                                                    // bytes
                              nbytes,               // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_READIOPORT: {
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t address = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t nbytes = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (lcpu=0x%4.4x, address=0x%4.4x, nbytes=%u)", lcpu, address,
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEIOPORT: {
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t address = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t nbytes = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (lcpu = %u, addr = 0x%4.4x, nbytes = %u, bytes = \n", lcpu,
                   address, nbytes);
          if (nbytes > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in 
                                                    // bytes
                              nbytes,               // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_DUMPINFO: {
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (count = %u, bytes = \n", count);
          if (count > 0)
                &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                1,                    // Size of each item in bytes
                count,                // Number of items
                16,                   // Number per line
                LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses before each line
                0, 0);                // No bitfields

        } break;
    } else {
      error_desc = "error: invalid packet command: ";

  if (error_desc) {

                      &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                      0,                    // Offset into "packet"
                      eFormatBytes,         // Dump as hex bytes
                      1,                    // Size of each item is 1 for 
                                            // single bytes
                      packet.GetByteSize(), // Number of bytes
                      UINT32_MAX,           // Num bytes per line
                      LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Base address
                      0, 0);                // Bitfield info set to not do  
                                            // anything bitfield related
コード例 #7
SystemRuntimeMacOSX::PopulateQueuesUsingLibBTR (lldb::addr_t queues_buffer, uint64_t queues_buffer_size,
        uint64_t count, lldb_private::QueueList &queue_list)
    Error error;
    DataBufferHeap data (queues_buffer_size, 0);
    Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_SYSTEM_RUNTIME));
    if (m_process->ReadMemory (queues_buffer, data.GetBytes(), queues_buffer_size, error) == queues_buffer_size && error.Success())
        // We've read the information out of inferior memory; free it on the next call we make
        m_page_to_free = queues_buffer;
        m_page_to_free_size = queues_buffer_size;

        DataExtractor extractor (data.GetBytes(), data.GetByteSize(), m_process->GetByteOrder(), m_process->GetAddressByteSize());
        offset_t offset = 0;
        uint64_t queues_read = 0;

        // The information about the queues is stored in this format (v1):
        // typedef struct introspection_dispatch_queue_info_s {
        //     uint32_t offset_to_next;
        //     dispatch_queue_t queue;
        //     uint64_t serialnum;     // queue's serialnum in the process, as provided by libdispatch
        //     uint32_t running_work_items_count;
        //     uint32_t pending_work_items_count;
        //     char data[];     // Starting here, we have variable-length data:
        //     // char queue_label[];
        // } introspection_dispatch_queue_info_s;

        while (queues_read < count && offset < queues_buffer_size)
            offset_t    start_of_this_item = offset;

            uint32_t    offset_to_next = extractor.GetU32 (&offset);

            offset += 4; // Skip over the 4 bytes of reserved space
            addr_t      queue = extractor.GetPointer (&offset);
            uint64_t    serialnum = extractor.GetU64 (&offset);
            uint32_t    running_work_items_count = extractor.GetU32 (&offset);
            uint32_t    pending_work_items_count = extractor.GetU32 (&offset);

            // Read the first field of the variable length data
            offset = start_of_this_item + m_lib_backtrace_recording_info.queue_info_data_offset;
            const char *queue_label = extractor.GetCStr (&offset);
            if (queue_label == NULL)
                queue_label = "";

            offset_t    start_of_next_item = start_of_this_item + offset_to_next;
            offset = start_of_next_item;

            if (log)
                log->Printf ("SystemRuntimeMacOSX::PopulateQueuesUsingLibBTR added queue with dispatch_queue_t 0x%" PRIx64 ", serial number 0x%" PRIx64 ", running items %d, pending items %d, name '%s'", queue, serialnum, running_work_items_count, pending_work_items_count, queue_label);

            QueueSP queue_sp (new Queue (m_process->shared_from_this(), serialnum, queue_label));
            queue_sp->SetNumRunningWorkItems (running_work_items_count);
            queue_sp->SetNumPendingWorkItems (pending_work_items_count);
            queue_sp->SetLibdispatchQueueAddress (queue);
            queue_sp->SetKind (GetQueueKind (queue));
            queue_list.AddQueue (queue_sp);
コード例 #8
ファイル: DisassemblerLLVMC.cpp プロジェクト: ztianjin/lldb
    virtual void
    CalculateMnemonicOperandsAndComment (const lldb_private::ExecutionContext *exe_ctx)
        DataExtractor data;
        const AddressClass address_class = GetAddressClass ();

        if (m_opcode.GetData(data, address_class))
            char out_string[512];
            ::LLVMDisasmContextRef disasm_context;
            if (address_class == eAddressClassCodeAlternateISA)
                disasm_context = m_disasm.m_alternate_disasm_context;
                disasm_context = m_disasm.m_disasm_context;
            lldb::addr_t pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
            if (exe_ctx)
                Target *target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr();
                if (target)
                    pc = m_address.GetLoadAddress(target);
            if (pc == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
                pc = m_address.GetFileAddress();
            m_disasm.Lock(this, exe_ctx);
            uint8_t *opcode_data = const_cast<uint8_t *>(data.PeekData (0, 1));
            const size_t opcode_data_len = data.GetByteSize();
            size_t inst_size = ::LLVMDisasmInstruction (disasm_context,
            if (inst_size == 0)
                m_comment.assign ("unknown opcode");
                inst_size = m_opcode.GetByteSize();
                StreamString mnemonic_strm;
                uint32_t offset = 0;
                switch (inst_size)
                    case 1:
                            const uint8_t uval8 = data.GetU8 (&offset);
                            m_opcode.SetOpcode8 (uval8);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".byte");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%2.2x", uval8);
                    case 2:
                            const uint16_t uval16 = data.GetU16(&offset);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".short");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%4.4x", uval16);
                    case 4:
                            const uint32_t uval32 = data.GetU32(&offset);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".long");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%8.8x", uval32);
                    case 8:
                            const uint64_t uval64 = data.GetU64(&offset);
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".quad");
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%16.16llx", uval64);
                        if (inst_size == 0)
                            const uint8_t *bytes = data.PeekData(offset, inst_size);
                            if (bytes == NULL)
                            m_opcode_name.assign (".byte");
                            m_opcode.SetOpcodeBytes(bytes, inst_size);
                            mnemonic_strm.Printf("0x%2.2x", bytes[0]);
                            for (uint32_t i=1; i<inst_size; ++i)
                                mnemonic_strm.Printf(" 0x%2.2x", bytes[i]);
                if (m_does_branch == eLazyBoolCalculate)
                    if (StringRepresentsBranch (out_string, strlen(out_string)))
                        m_does_branch = eLazyBoolYes;
                        m_does_branch = eLazyBoolNo;
            if (!s_regex_compiled)
                ::regcomp(&s_regex, "[ \t]*([^ ^\t]+)[ \t]*([^ ^\t].*)?", REG_EXTENDED);
                s_regex_compiled = true;
            ::regmatch_t matches[3];
            if (!::regexec(&s_regex, out_string, sizeof(matches) / sizeof(::regmatch_t), matches, 0))
                if (matches[1].rm_so != -1)
                    m_opcode_name.assign(out_string + matches[1].rm_so, matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so);
                if (matches[2].rm_so != -1)
                    m_mnemocics.assign(out_string + matches[2].rm_so, matches[2].rm_eo - matches[2].rm_so);
コード例 #9
// Parse the load commands for an image
uint32_t DynamicLoaderMacOSXDYLD::ParseLoadCommands(const DataExtractor &data,
                                                    ImageInfo &dylib_info,
                                                    FileSpec *lc_id_dylinker) {
  lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
  uint32_t cmd_idx;
  Segment segment;

  for (cmd_idx = 0; cmd_idx < dylib_info.header.ncmds; cmd_idx++) {
    // Clear out any load command specific data from DYLIB_INFO since we are
    // about to read it.

    if (data.ValidOffsetForDataOfSize(offset,
                                      sizeof(llvm::MachO::load_command))) {
      llvm::MachO::load_command load_cmd;
      lldb::offset_t load_cmd_offset = offset;
      load_cmd.cmd = data.GetU32(&offset);
      load_cmd.cmdsize = data.GetU32(&offset);
      switch (load_cmd.cmd) {
      case llvm::MachO::LC_SEGMENT: {
            (const char *)data.GetData(&offset, 16), 16);
        // We are putting 4 uint32_t values 4 uint64_t values so we have to use
        // multiple 32 bit gets below.
        segment.vmaddr = data.GetU32(&offset);
        segment.vmsize = data.GetU32(&offset);
        segment.fileoff = data.GetU32(&offset);
        segment.filesize = data.GetU32(&offset);
        // Extract maxprot, initprot, nsects and flags all at once
        data.GetU32(&offset, &segment.maxprot, 4);
      } break;

      case llvm::MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64: {
            (const char *)data.GetData(&offset, 16), 16);
        // Extract vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, and filesize all at once
        data.GetU64(&offset, &segment.vmaddr, 4);
        // Extract maxprot, initprot, nsects and flags all at once
        data.GetU32(&offset, &segment.maxprot, 4);
      } break;

      case llvm::MachO::LC_ID_DYLINKER:
        if (lc_id_dylinker) {
          const lldb::offset_t name_offset =
              load_cmd_offset + data.GetU32(&offset);
          const char *path = data.PeekCStr(name_offset);
          lc_id_dylinker->SetFile(path, FileSpec::Style::native);

      case llvm::MachO::LC_UUID:
        dylib_info.uuid = UUID::fromOptionalData(data.GetData(&offset, 16), 16);

      // Set offset to be the beginning of the next load command.
      offset = load_cmd_offset + load_cmd.cmdsize;

  // All sections listed in the dyld image info structure will all either be
  // fixed up already, or they will all be off by a single slide amount that is
  // determined by finding the first segment that is at file offset zero which
  // also has bytes (a file size that is greater than zero) in the object file.

  // Determine the slide amount (if any)
  const size_t num_sections = dylib_info.segments.size();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sections; ++i) {
    // Iterate through the object file sections to find the first section that
    // starts of file offset zero and that has bytes in the file...
    if ((dylib_info.segments[i].fileoff == 0 &&
         dylib_info.segments[i].filesize > 0) ||
        (dylib_info.segments[i].name == "__TEXT")) {
      dylib_info.slide = dylib_info.address - dylib_info.segments[i].vmaddr;
      // We have found the slide amount, so we can exit this for loop.
  return cmd_idx;
コード例 #10
RegisterValue::SetValueFromData (const RegisterInfo *reg_info, DataExtractor &src, lldb::offset_t src_offset, bool partial_data_ok)
    Error error;
    if (src.GetByteSize() == 0)
        error.SetErrorString ("empty data.");
        return error;

    if (reg_info->byte_size == 0)
        error.SetErrorString ("invalid register info.");
        return error;

    uint32_t src_len = src.GetByteSize() - src_offset;
    if (!partial_data_ok && (src_len < reg_info->byte_size))
        error.SetErrorString ("not enough data.");
        return error;
    // Cap the data length if there is more than enough bytes for this register
    // value
    if (src_len > reg_info->byte_size)
        src_len = reg_info->byte_size;

    // Zero out the value in case we get partial data...
    memset (m_data.buffer.bytes, 0, sizeof (m_data.buffer.bytes));
    switch (SetType (reg_info))
        case eTypeInvalid:
        case eTypeUInt8:    SetUInt8  (src.GetMaxU32 (&src_offset, src_len)); break;
        case eTypeUInt16:   SetUInt16 (src.GetMaxU32 (&src_offset, src_len)); break;
        case eTypeUInt32:   SetUInt32 (src.GetMaxU32 (&src_offset, src_len)); break;
        case eTypeUInt64:   SetUInt64 (src.GetMaxU64 (&src_offset, src_len)); break;
#if defined (ENABLE_128_BIT_SUPPORT)
        case eTypeUInt128:
                __uint128_t data1 = src.GetU64 (&src_offset);
                __uint128_t data2 = src.GetU64 (&src_offset);
                if (src.GetByteSize() == eByteOrderBig)
                    SetUInt128 (data1 << 64 + data2);
                    SetUInt128 (data2 << 64 + data1);
        case eTypeFloat:        SetFloat (src.GetFloat (&src_offset));      break;
        case eTypeDouble:       SetDouble(src.GetDouble (&src_offset));     break;
        case eTypeLongDouble:   SetFloat (src.GetLongDouble (&src_offset)); break;
        case eTypeBytes:
            m_data.buffer.length = reg_info->byte_size;
            m_data.buffer.byte_order = src.GetByteOrder();
            assert (m_data.buffer.length <= kMaxRegisterByteSize);
            if (m_data.buffer.length > kMaxRegisterByteSize)
                m_data.buffer.length = kMaxRegisterByteSize;
            if (src.CopyByteOrderedData (src_offset,                    // offset within "src" to start extracting data
                                         src_len,                       // src length
                                         m_data.buffer.bytes,           // dst buffer
                                         m_data.buffer.length,          // dst length
                                         m_data.buffer.byte_order) == 0)// dst byte order
                error.SetErrorString ("data copy failed data.");
                return error;
    return error;
コード例 #11
ファイル: RegisterValue.cpp プロジェクト: CodaFi/swift-lldb
Error RegisterValue::SetValueFromData(const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
                                      DataExtractor &src,
                                      lldb::offset_t src_offset,
                                      bool partial_data_ok) {
  Error error;

  if (src.GetByteSize() == 0) {
    error.SetErrorString("empty data.");
    return error;

  if (reg_info->byte_size == 0) {
    error.SetErrorString("invalid register info.");
    return error;

  uint32_t src_len = src.GetByteSize() - src_offset;

  if (!partial_data_ok && (src_len < reg_info->byte_size)) {
    error.SetErrorString("not enough data.");
    return error;

  // Cap the data length if there is more than enough bytes for this register
  // value
  if (src_len > reg_info->byte_size)
    src_len = reg_info->byte_size;

  // Zero out the value in case we get partial data...
  memset(buffer.bytes, 0, sizeof(buffer.bytes));

  type128 int128;

  m_type = eTypeInvalid;
  switch (reg_info->encoding) {
  case eEncodingInvalid:
  case eEncodingUint:
  case eEncodingSint:
    if (reg_info->byte_size == 1)
      SetUInt8(src.GetMaxU32(&src_offset, src_len));
    else if (reg_info->byte_size <= 2)
      SetUInt16(src.GetMaxU32(&src_offset, src_len));
    else if (reg_info->byte_size <= 4)
      SetUInt32(src.GetMaxU32(&src_offset, src_len));
    else if (reg_info->byte_size <= 8)
      SetUInt64(src.GetMaxU64(&src_offset, src_len));
    else if (reg_info->byte_size <= 16) {
      uint64_t data1 = src.GetU64(&src_offset);
      uint64_t data2 = src.GetU64(&src_offset);
      if (src.GetByteSize() == eByteOrderBig) {
        int128.x[0] = data1;
        int128.x[1] = data2;
      } else {
        int128.x[0] = data2;
        int128.x[1] = data1;
      SetUInt128(llvm::APInt(128, 2, int128.x));
  case eEncodingIEEE754:
    if (reg_info->byte_size == sizeof(float))
    else if (reg_info->byte_size == sizeof(double))
    else if (reg_info->byte_size == sizeof(long double))
  case eEncodingVector: {
    m_type = eTypeBytes;
    buffer.length = reg_info->byte_size;
    buffer.byte_order = src.GetByteOrder();
    assert(buffer.length <= kMaxRegisterByteSize);
    if (buffer.length > kMaxRegisterByteSize)
      buffer.length = kMaxRegisterByteSize;
    if (src.CopyByteOrderedData(
            src_offset,    // offset within "src" to start extracting data
            src_len,       // src length
            buffer.bytes,  // dst buffer
            buffer.length, // dst length
            buffer.byte_order) == 0) // dst byte order
          "failed to copy data for register write of %s", reg_info->name);
      return error;

  if (m_type == eTypeInvalid)
        "invalid register value type for register %s", reg_info->name);
  return error;
コード例 #12
DynamicLoaderDarwinKernel::ReadKextSummaries (const Address &kext_summary_addr,
                                              uint32_t image_infos_count, 
                                              OSKextLoadedKextSummary::collection &image_infos)
    const ByteOrder endian = m_kernel.GetByteOrder();
    const uint32_t addr_size = m_kernel.GetAddressByteSize();

    const size_t count = image_infos.size() * m_kext_summary_header.entry_size;
    DataBufferHeap data(count, 0);
    Error error;
    Stream *s = &m_process->GetTarget().GetDebugger().GetOutputStream();

    if (s)
        s->Printf ("Reading %u kext summaries...\n", image_infos_count);
    const bool prefer_file_cache = false;
    const size_t bytes_read = m_process->GetTarget().ReadMemory (kext_summary_addr, 
    if (bytes_read == count)
        DataExtractor extractor (data.GetBytes(), data.GetByteSize(), endian, addr_size);
        uint32_t i=0;
        for (uint32_t kext_summary_offset = 0;
             i < image_infos.size() && extractor.ValidOffsetForDataOfSize(kext_summary_offset, m_kext_summary_header.entry_size); 
             ++i, kext_summary_offset += m_kext_summary_header.entry_size)
            uint32_t offset = kext_summary_offset;
            const void *name_data = extractor.GetData(&offset, KERNEL_MODULE_MAX_NAME);
            if (name_data == NULL)
            memcpy (image_infos[i].name, name_data, KERNEL_MODULE_MAX_NAME);
            image_infos[i].uuid.SetBytes(extractor.GetData (&offset, 16));
            image_infos[i].address          = extractor.GetU64(&offset);
            if (!image_infos[i].so_address.SetLoadAddress (image_infos[i].address, &m_process->GetTarget()))
                m_process->GetTarget().GetImages().ResolveFileAddress (image_infos[i].address, image_infos[i].so_address);
            image_infos[i].size             = extractor.GetU64(&offset);
            image_infos[i].version          = extractor.GetU64(&offset);
            image_infos[i].load_tag         = extractor.GetU32(&offset);
            image_infos[i].flags            = extractor.GetU32(&offset);
            if ((offset - kext_summary_offset) < m_kext_summary_header.entry_size)
                image_infos[i].reference_list = extractor.GetU64(&offset);
                image_infos[i].reference_list = 0;
//            printf ("[%3u] %*.*s: address=0x%16.16llx, size=0x%16.16llx, version=0x%16.16llx, load_tag=0x%8.8x, flags=0x%8.8x\n", 
//                    i,
//                    KERNEL_MODULE_MAX_NAME, KERNEL_MODULE_MAX_NAME,  (char *)name_data, 
//                    image_infos[i].address, 
//                    image_infos[i].size,
//                    image_infos[i].version,
//                    image_infos[i].load_tag,
//                    image_infos[i].flags);
        if (i < image_infos.size())
    return image_infos.size();
コード例 #13
ファイル: DWARFFormValue.cpp プロジェクト: ChaosJohn/freebsd
DWARFFormValue::ExtractValue(const DataExtractor& data, lldb::offset_t* offset_ptr, const DWARFCompileUnit* cu)
    bool indirect = false;
    bool is_block = false;
    m_value.data = NULL;
    // Read the value for the form into value and follow and DW_FORM_indirect instances we run into
        indirect = false;
        switch (m_form)
        case DW_FORM_addr:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetMaxU64(offset_ptr, DWARFCompileUnit::GetAddressByteSize(cu));  break;
        case DW_FORM_block2:    m_value.value.uval = data.GetU16(offset_ptr); is_block = true;          break;
        case DW_FORM_block4:    m_value.value.uval = data.GetU32(offset_ptr); is_block = true;          break;
        case DW_FORM_data2:     m_value.value.uval = data.GetU16(offset_ptr);                           break;
        case DW_FORM_data4:     m_value.value.uval = data.GetU32(offset_ptr);                           break;
        case DW_FORM_data8:     m_value.value.uval = data.GetU64(offset_ptr);                           break;
        case DW_FORM_string:    m_value.value.cstr = data.GetCStr(offset_ptr);
                                // Set the string value to also be the data for inlined cstr form values only
                                // so we can tell the differnence between DW_FORM_string and DW_FORM_strp form
                                // values;
                                m_value.data = (uint8_t*)m_value.value.cstr;                            break;
        case DW_FORM_exprloc:
        case DW_FORM_block:     m_value.value.uval = data.GetULEB128(offset_ptr); is_block = true;      break;
        case DW_FORM_block1:    m_value.value.uval = data.GetU8(offset_ptr); is_block = true;           break;
        case DW_FORM_data1:     m_value.value.uval = data.GetU8(offset_ptr);                            break;
        case DW_FORM_flag:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetU8(offset_ptr);                            break;
        case DW_FORM_sdata:     m_value.value.sval = data.GetSLEB128(offset_ptr);                       break;
        case DW_FORM_strp:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetU32(offset_ptr);                           break;
    //  case DW_FORM_APPLE_db_str:
        case DW_FORM_udata:     m_value.value.uval = data.GetULEB128(offset_ptr);                       break;
        case DW_FORM_ref_addr:
            if (cu->GetVersion() <= 2)
                m_value.value.uval = data.GetMaxU64(offset_ptr, DWARFCompileUnit::GetAddressByteSize(cu));
                m_value.value.uval = data.GetU32(offset_ptr); // 4 for DWARF32, 8 for DWARF64, but we don't support DWARF64 yet
        case DW_FORM_ref1:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetU8(offset_ptr);                            break;
        case DW_FORM_ref2:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetU16(offset_ptr);                           break;
        case DW_FORM_ref4:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetU32(offset_ptr);                           break;
        case DW_FORM_ref8:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetU64(offset_ptr);                           break;
        case DW_FORM_ref_udata: m_value.value.uval = data.GetULEB128(offset_ptr);                       break;
        case DW_FORM_indirect:
            m_form = data.GetULEB128(offset_ptr);
            indirect = true;

        case DW_FORM_sec_offset:    m_value.value.uval = data.GetU32(offset_ptr);                       break;
        case DW_FORM_flag_present:  m_value.value.uval = 1;                                             break;
        case DW_FORM_ref_sig8:      m_value.value.uval = data.GetU64(offset_ptr);                       break;
            return false;
    } while (indirect);

    if (is_block)
        m_value.data = data.PeekData(*offset_ptr, m_value.value.uval);
        if (m_value.data != NULL)
            *offset_ptr += m_value.value.uval;

    return true;