コード例 #1
void AttitudeEstimatorQ::task_main()
	_sensors_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined));

	_vision_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vision_position_estimate));
	_mocap_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap));

	_params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update));
	_global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position));


	hrt_abstime last_time = 0;

	px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1];
	fds[0].fd = _sensors_sub;
	fds[0].events = POLLIN;

	while (!_task_should_exit) {
		int ret = px4_poll(fds, 1, 1000);

		if (_mavlink_fd < 0) {
			_mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0);

		if (ret < 0) {
			// Poll error, sleep and try again

		} else if (ret == 0) {
			// Poll timeout, do nothing


		// Update sensors
		sensor_combined_s sensors;

		if (!orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensors_sub, &sensors)) {
			// Feed validator with recent sensor data

			for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(sensors.gyro_timestamp) / sizeof(sensors.gyro_timestamp[0])); i++) {

				/* ignore empty fields */
				if (sensors.gyro_timestamp[i] > 0) {

					float gyro[3];

					for (unsigned j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
						if (sensors.gyro_integral_dt[i] > 0) {
							gyro[j] = (double)sensors.gyro_integral_rad[i * 3 + j] / (sensors.gyro_integral_dt[i] / 1e6);

						} else {
							/* fall back to angular rate */
							gyro[j] = sensors.gyro_rad_s[i * 3 + j];

					_voter_gyro.put(i, sensors.gyro_timestamp[i], &gyro[0], sensors.gyro_errcount[i], sensors.gyro_priority[i]);

				_voter_accel.put(i, sensors.accelerometer_timestamp[i], &sensors.accelerometer_m_s2[i * 3],
						 sensors.accelerometer_errcount[i], sensors.accelerometer_priority[i]);
				_voter_mag.put(i, sensors.magnetometer_timestamp[i], &sensors.magnetometer_ga[i * 3],
					       sensors.magnetometer_errcount[i], sensors.magnetometer_priority[i]);

			int best_gyro, best_accel, best_mag;

			// Get best measurement values
			hrt_abstime curr_time = hrt_absolute_time();
			_gyro.set(_voter_gyro.get_best(curr_time, &best_gyro));
			_accel.set(_voter_accel.get_best(curr_time, &best_accel));
			_mag.set(_voter_mag.get_best(curr_time, &best_mag));

			if (_accel.length() < 0.01f || _mag.length() < 0.01f) {
				warnx("WARNING: degenerate accel / mag!");

			_data_good = true;

			if (!_failsafe && (_voter_gyro.failover_count() > 0 ||
					   _voter_accel.failover_count() > 0 ||
					   _voter_mag.failover_count() > 0)) {

				_failsafe = true;
				mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(_mavlink_fd, "SENSOR FAILSAFE! RETURN TO LAND IMMEDIATELY");

			if (!_vibration_warning && (_voter_gyro.get_vibration_factor(curr_time) > _vibration_warning_threshold ||
						    _voter_accel.get_vibration_factor(curr_time) > _vibration_warning_threshold ||
						    _voter_mag.get_vibration_factor(curr_time) > _vibration_warning_threshold)) {

				if (_vibration_warning_timestamp == 0) {
					_vibration_warning_timestamp = curr_time;

				} else if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_vibration_warning_timestamp) > 10000000) {
					_vibration_warning = true;
					mavlink_and_console_log_critical(_mavlink_fd, "HIGH VIBRATION! g: %d a: %d m: %d",
									 (int)(100 * _voter_gyro.get_vibration_factor(curr_time)),
									 (int)(100 * _voter_accel.get_vibration_factor(curr_time)),
									 (int)(100 * _voter_mag.get_vibration_factor(curr_time)));

			} else {
				_vibration_warning_timestamp = 0;

		// Update vision and motion capture heading
		bool vision_updated = false;
		orb_check(_vision_sub, &vision_updated);

		bool mocap_updated = false;
		orb_check(_mocap_sub, &mocap_updated);

		if (vision_updated) {
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(vision_position_estimate), _vision_sub, &_vision);
			math::Quaternion q(_vision.q);

			math::Matrix<3, 3> Rvis = q.to_dcm();
			math::Vector<3> v(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);

			// Rvis is Rwr (robot respect to world) while v is respect to world.
			// Hence Rvis must be transposed having (Rwr)' * Vw
			// Rrw * Vw = vn. This way we have consistency
			_vision_hdg = Rvis.transposed() * v;

		if (mocap_updated) {
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap), _mocap_sub, &_mocap);
			math::Quaternion q(_mocap.q);
			math::Matrix<3, 3> Rmoc = q.to_dcm();

			math::Vector<3> v(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);

			// Rmoc is Rwr (robot respect to world) while v is respect to world.
			// Hence Rmoc must be transposed having (Rwr)' * Vw
			// Rrw * Vw = vn. This way we have consistency
			_mocap_hdg = Rmoc.transposed() * v;

		// Check for timeouts on data
		if (_ext_hdg_mode == 1) {
			_ext_hdg_good = _vision.timestamp_boot > 0 && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_vision.timestamp_boot) < 500000);

		} else if (_ext_hdg_mode == 2) {
			_ext_hdg_good = _mocap.timestamp_boot > 0 && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_mocap.timestamp_boot) < 500000);

		bool gpos_updated;
		orb_check(_global_pos_sub, &gpos_updated);

		if (gpos_updated) {
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), _global_pos_sub, &_gpos);

			if (_mag_decl_auto && _gpos.eph < 20.0f && hrt_elapsed_time(&_gpos.timestamp) < 1000000) {
				/* set magnetic declination automatically */
				_mag_decl = math::radians(get_mag_declination(_gpos.lat, _gpos.lon));

		if (_acc_comp && _gpos.timestamp != 0 && hrt_absolute_time() < _gpos.timestamp + 20000 && _gpos.eph < 5.0f && _inited) {
			/* position data is actual */
			if (gpos_updated) {
				Vector<3> vel(_gpos.vel_n, _gpos.vel_e, _gpos.vel_d);

				/* velocity updated */
				if (_vel_prev_t != 0 && _gpos.timestamp != _vel_prev_t) {
					float vel_dt = (_gpos.timestamp - _vel_prev_t) / 1000000.0f;
					/* calculate acceleration in body frame */
					_pos_acc = _q.conjugate_inversed((vel - _vel_prev) / vel_dt);

				_vel_prev_t = _gpos.timestamp;
				_vel_prev = vel;

		} else {
			/* position data is outdated, reset acceleration */
			_vel_prev_t = 0;

		// Time from previous iteration
		hrt_abstime now = hrt_absolute_time();
		float dt = (last_time > 0) ? ((now  - last_time) / 1000000.0f) : 0.00001f;
		last_time = now;

		if (dt > _dt_max) {
			dt = _dt_max;

		if (!update(dt)) {

		Vector<3> euler = _q.to_euler();

		struct vehicle_attitude_s att = {};
		att.timestamp = sensors.timestamp;

		att.roll = euler(0);
		att.pitch = euler(1);
		att.yaw = euler(2);

		/* the complimentary filter should reflect the true system
		 * state, but we need smoother outputs for the control system
		att.rollspeed = _lp_roll_rate.apply(_rates(0));
		att.pitchspeed = _lp_pitch_rate.apply(_rates(1));
		att.yawspeed = _lp_yaw_rate.apply(_rates(2));

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			att.g_comp[i] = _accel(i) - _pos_acc(i);

		/* copy offsets */
		memcpy(&att.rate_offsets, _gyro_bias.data, sizeof(att.rate_offsets));

		Matrix<3, 3> R = _q.to_dcm();

		/* copy rotation matrix */
		memcpy(&att.R[0], R.data, sizeof(att.R));
		att.R_valid = true;

		att.rate_vibration = _voter_gyro.get_vibration_factor(hrt_absolute_time());
		att.accel_vibration = _voter_accel.get_vibration_factor(hrt_absolute_time());
		att.mag_vibration = _voter_mag.get_vibration_factor(hrt_absolute_time());

		if (_att_pub == nullptr) {
			_att_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), &att);

		} else {
			orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), _att_pub, &att);

		struct control_state_s ctrl_state = {};

		ctrl_state.timestamp = sensors.timestamp;

		/* Attitude quaternions for control state */
		ctrl_state.q[0] = _q(0);

		ctrl_state.q[1] = _q(1);

		ctrl_state.q[2] = _q(2);

		ctrl_state.q[3] = _q(3);

		/* Attitude rates for control state */
		ctrl_state.roll_rate = _lp_roll_rate.apply(_rates(0));

		ctrl_state.pitch_rate = _lp_pitch_rate.apply(_rates(1));

		ctrl_state.yaw_rate = _rates(2);

		/* Publish to control state topic */
		if (_ctrl_state_pub == nullptr) {
			_ctrl_state_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(control_state), &ctrl_state);

		} else {
			orb_publish(ORB_ID(control_state), _ctrl_state_pub, &ctrl_state);
コード例 #2
void AttitudeEstimatorQ::task_main()

#ifdef __PX4_POSIX
	perf_counter_t _perf_accel(perf_alloc_once(PC_ELAPSED, "sim_accel_delay"));
	perf_counter_t _perf_mpu(perf_alloc_once(PC_ELAPSED, "sim_mpu_delay"));
	perf_counter_t _perf_mag(perf_alloc_once(PC_ELAPSED, "sim_mag_delay"));

	_sensors_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined));

	_vision_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vision_position_estimate));
	_mocap_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap));

	_airspeed_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(airspeed));

	_params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update));
	_global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position));


	hrt_abstime last_time = 0;

	px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1] = {};
	fds[0].fd = _sensors_sub;
	fds[0].events = POLLIN;

	while (!_task_should_exit) {
		int ret = px4_poll(fds, 1, 1000);

		if (ret < 0) {
			// Poll error, sleep and try again

		} else if (ret == 0) {
			// Poll timeout, do nothing


		// Update sensors
		sensor_combined_s sensors;

		int best_gyro = 0;
		int best_accel = 0;
		int best_mag = 0;

		if (!orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensors_sub, &sensors)) {
			// Feed validator with recent sensor data

			for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(sensors.gyro_timestamp) / sizeof(sensors.gyro_timestamp[0])); i++) {

				/* ignore empty fields */
				if (sensors.gyro_timestamp[i] > 0) {

					float gyro[3];

					for (unsigned j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
						if (sensors.gyro_integral_dt[i] > 0) {
							gyro[j] = (double)sensors.gyro_integral_rad[i * 3 + j] / (sensors.gyro_integral_dt[i] / 1e6);

						} else {
							/* fall back to angular rate */
							gyro[j] = sensors.gyro_rad_s[i * 3 + j];

					_voter_gyro.put(i, sensors.gyro_timestamp[i], &gyro[0], sensors.gyro_errcount[i], sensors.gyro_priority[i]);

				/* ignore empty fields */
				if (sensors.accelerometer_timestamp[i] > 0) {
					_voter_accel.put(i, sensors.accelerometer_timestamp[i], &sensors.accelerometer_m_s2[i * 3],
							 sensors.accelerometer_errcount[i], sensors.accelerometer_priority[i]);

				/* ignore empty fields */
				if (sensors.magnetometer_timestamp[i] > 0) {
					_voter_mag.put(i, sensors.magnetometer_timestamp[i], &sensors.magnetometer_ga[i * 3],
						       sensors.magnetometer_errcount[i], sensors.magnetometer_priority[i]);

			// Get best measurement values
			hrt_abstime curr_time = hrt_absolute_time();
			_gyro.set(_voter_gyro.get_best(curr_time, &best_gyro));
			_accel.set(_voter_accel.get_best(curr_time, &best_accel));
			_mag.set(_voter_mag.get_best(curr_time, &best_mag));

			if (_accel.length() < 0.01f) {
				warnx("WARNING: degenerate accel!");

			if (_mag.length() < 0.01f) {
				warnx("WARNING: degenerate mag!");

			_data_good = true;

			if (!_failsafe) {
				uint32_t flags = DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_NO_ERROR;

#ifdef __PX4_POSIX

				if (_voter_gyro.failover_count() > 0) {
					_failsafe = true;
					flags = _voter_gyro.failover_state();
					mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Gyro #%i failure :%s%s%s%s%s!",
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_NO_DATA) ? " No data" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_STALE_DATA) ? " Stale data" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_TIMEOUT) ? " Data timeout" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_HIGH_ERRCOUNT) ? " High error count" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_HIGH_ERRDENSITY) ? " High error density" : ""));

				if (_voter_accel.failover_count() > 0) {
					_failsafe = true;
					flags = _voter_accel.failover_state();
					mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Accel #%i failure :%s%s%s%s%s!",
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_NO_DATA) ? " No data" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_STALE_DATA) ? " Stale data" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_TIMEOUT) ? " Data timeout" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_HIGH_ERRCOUNT) ? " High error count" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_HIGH_ERRDENSITY) ? " High error density" : ""));

				if (_voter_mag.failover_count() > 0) {
					_failsafe = true;
					flags = _voter_mag.failover_state();
					mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Mag #%i failure :%s%s%s%s%s!",
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_NO_DATA) ? " No data" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_STALE_DATA) ? " Stale data" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_TIMEOUT) ? " Data timeout" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_HIGH_ERRCOUNT) ? " High error count" : ""),
									  ((flags & DataValidator::ERROR_FLAG_HIGH_ERRDENSITY) ? " High error density" : ""));

				if (_failsafe) {
					mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(&_mavlink_log_pub, "SENSOR FAILSAFE! RETURN TO LAND IMMEDIATELY");

			if (!_vibration_warning && (_voter_gyro.get_vibration_factor(curr_time) > _vibration_warning_threshold ||
						    _voter_accel.get_vibration_factor(curr_time) > _vibration_warning_threshold ||
						    _voter_mag.get_vibration_factor(curr_time) > _vibration_warning_threshold)) {

				if (_vibration_warning_timestamp == 0) {
					_vibration_warning_timestamp = curr_time;

				} else if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_vibration_warning_timestamp) > 10000000) {
					_vibration_warning = true;
					mavlink_and_console_log_critical(&_mavlink_log_pub, "HIGH VIBRATION! g: %d a: %d m: %d",
									 (int)(100 * _voter_gyro.get_vibration_factor(curr_time)),
									 (int)(100 * _voter_accel.get_vibration_factor(curr_time)),
									 (int)(100 * _voter_mag.get_vibration_factor(curr_time)));

			} else {
				_vibration_warning_timestamp = 0;

		// Update vision and motion capture heading
		bool vision_updated = false;
		orb_check(_vision_sub, &vision_updated);

		bool mocap_updated = false;
		orb_check(_mocap_sub, &mocap_updated);

		if (vision_updated) {
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(vision_position_estimate), _vision_sub, &_vision);
			math::Quaternion q(_vision.q);

			math::Matrix<3, 3> Rvis = q.to_dcm();
			math::Vector<3> v(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);

			// Rvis is Rwr (robot respect to world) while v is respect to world.
			// Hence Rvis must be transposed having (Rwr)' * Vw
			// Rrw * Vw = vn. This way we have consistency
			_vision_hdg = Rvis.transposed() * v;

		if (mocap_updated) {
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(att_pos_mocap), _mocap_sub, &_mocap);
			math::Quaternion q(_mocap.q);
			math::Matrix<3, 3> Rmoc = q.to_dcm();

			math::Vector<3> v(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f);

			// Rmoc is Rwr (robot respect to world) while v is respect to world.
			// Hence Rmoc must be transposed having (Rwr)' * Vw
			// Rrw * Vw = vn. This way we have consistency
			_mocap_hdg = Rmoc.transposed() * v;

		// Update airspeed
		bool airspeed_updated = false;
		orb_check(_airspeed_sub, &airspeed_updated);

		if (airspeed_updated) {
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(airspeed), _airspeed_sub, &_airspeed);

		// Check for timeouts on data
		if (_ext_hdg_mode == 1) {
			_ext_hdg_good = _vision.timestamp_boot > 0 && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_vision.timestamp_boot) < 500000);

		} else if (_ext_hdg_mode == 2) {
			_ext_hdg_good = _mocap.timestamp_boot > 0 && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_mocap.timestamp_boot) < 500000);

		bool gpos_updated;
		orb_check(_global_pos_sub, &gpos_updated);

		if (gpos_updated) {
			orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), _global_pos_sub, &_gpos);

			if (_mag_decl_auto && _gpos.eph < 20.0f && hrt_elapsed_time(&_gpos.timestamp) < 1000000) {
				/* set magnetic declination automatically */
				update_mag_declination(math::radians(get_mag_declination(_gpos.lat, _gpos.lon)));

		if (_acc_comp && _gpos.timestamp != 0 && hrt_absolute_time() < _gpos.timestamp + 20000 && _gpos.eph < 5.0f && _inited) {
			/* position data is actual */
			if (gpos_updated) {
				Vector<3> vel(_gpos.vel_n, _gpos.vel_e, _gpos.vel_d);

				/* velocity updated */
				if (_vel_prev_t != 0 && _gpos.timestamp != _vel_prev_t) {
					float vel_dt = (_gpos.timestamp - _vel_prev_t) / 1000000.0f;
					/* calculate acceleration in body frame */
					_pos_acc = _q.conjugate_inversed((vel - _vel_prev) / vel_dt);

				_vel_prev_t = _gpos.timestamp;
				_vel_prev = vel;

		} else {
			/* position data is outdated, reset acceleration */
			_vel_prev_t = 0;

		/* time from previous iteration */
		hrt_abstime now = hrt_absolute_time();
		float dt = (last_time > 0) ? ((now  - last_time) / 1000000.0f) : 0.00001f;
		last_time = now;

		if (dt > _dt_max) {
			dt = _dt_max;

		if (!update(dt)) {

		Vector<3> euler = _q.to_euler();

		struct vehicle_attitude_s att = {};
		att.timestamp = sensors.timestamp;

		att.roll = euler(0);
		att.pitch = euler(1);
		att.yaw = euler(2);

		att.rollspeed = _rates(0);
		att.pitchspeed = _rates(1);
		att.yawspeed = _rates(2);

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			att.g_comp[i] = _accel(i) - _pos_acc(i);

		/* copy offsets */
		memcpy(&att.rate_offsets, _gyro_bias.data, sizeof(att.rate_offsets));

		Matrix<3, 3> R = _q.to_dcm();

		/* copy rotation matrix */
		memcpy(&att.R[0], R.data, sizeof(att.R));
		att.R_valid = true;
		memcpy(&att.q[0], _q.data, sizeof(att.q));
		att.q_valid = true;

		att.rate_vibration = _voter_gyro.get_vibration_factor(hrt_absolute_time());
		att.accel_vibration = _voter_accel.get_vibration_factor(hrt_absolute_time());
		att.mag_vibration = _voter_mag.get_vibration_factor(hrt_absolute_time());

		/* the instance count is not used here */
		int att_inst;
		orb_publish_auto(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), &_att_pub, &att, &att_inst, ORB_PRIO_HIGH);

			struct control_state_s ctrl_state = {};

			ctrl_state.timestamp = sensors.timestamp;

			/* attitude quaternions for control state */
			ctrl_state.q[0] = _q(0);
			ctrl_state.q[1] = _q(1);
			ctrl_state.q[2] = _q(2);
			ctrl_state.q[3] = _q(3);

			/* attitude rates for control state */
			ctrl_state.roll_rate = _lp_roll_rate.apply(_rates(0));

			ctrl_state.pitch_rate = _lp_pitch_rate.apply(_rates(1));

			ctrl_state.yaw_rate = _lp_yaw_rate.apply(_rates(2));

			/* Airspeed - take airspeed measurement directly here as no wind is estimated */
			if (PX4_ISFINITE(_airspeed.indicated_airspeed_m_s) && hrt_absolute_time() - _airspeed.timestamp < 1e6
			    && _airspeed.timestamp > 0) {
				ctrl_state.airspeed = _airspeed.indicated_airspeed_m_s;
				ctrl_state.airspeed_valid = true;

			} else {
				ctrl_state.airspeed_valid = false;

			/* the instance count is not used here */
			int ctrl_inst;
			/* publish to control state topic */
			orb_publish_auto(ORB_ID(control_state), &_ctrl_state_pub, &ctrl_state, &ctrl_inst, ORB_PRIO_HIGH);

			struct estimator_status_s est = {};

			est.timestamp = sensors.timestamp;
			est.vibe[0] = _voter_accel.get_vibration_offset(est.timestamp, 0);
			est.vibe[1] = _voter_accel.get_vibration_offset(est.timestamp, 1);
			est.vibe[2] = _voter_accel.get_vibration_offset(est.timestamp, 2);

			/* the instance count is not used here */
			int est_inst;
			/* publish to control state topic */
			orb_publish_auto(ORB_ID(estimator_status), &_est_state_pub, &est, &est_inst, ORB_PRIO_HIGH);