コード例 #1
FMX_PROC(errcode) BE_XPathAll ( short /* funcId */, const ExprEnv& /* environment */, const DataVect& data_vect, Data& results )
	errcode error_result = kNoError;
	TextAutoPtr txt;
	try {
		int numParams = data_vect.Size();
		StringAutoPtr xml = ParameterAsUTF8String ( data_vect, 0 );
		StringAutoPtr xpath = ParameterAsUTF8String ( data_vect, 1 );
		StringAutoPtr nsList( new string);
		if (numParams > 2)
			nsList = ParameterAsUTF8String ( data_vect, 2 );
		results.SetAsText(*ApplyXPathAll (xml, xpath, nsList), data_vect.At(0).GetLocale() );
	} catch ( bad_alloc e ) {
		error_result = kLowMemoryError;
	} catch ( exception e ) {
		error_result = kErrorUnknown;
	return error_result;
} // BE_XPathAll
コード例 #2
FMX_PROC(errcode) BE_WriteTextToFile ( short /* funcId */, const ExprEnv& /* environment */, const DataVect& data_vect, Data& results)
	errcode error_result = kNoError;
	try {
		WStringAutoPtr file = ParameterAsWideString ( data_vect, 0 );
		basic_path<wstring, wpath_traits> path = *file;
		// should the text be appended to the file or replace any existing contents
		ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::trunc;
		if ( data_vect.Size() == 3 ) {
			bool append = data_vect.AtAsBoolean ( 2 );
			if ( append ) {
				mode = ios_base::app;
		StringAutoPtr text_to_write = ParameterAsUTF8String ( data_vect, 1 );
		try {
			basic_path<wstring, wpath_traits> filesystem_path ( path );
			boost::filesystem::ofstream output_file ( filesystem_path, ios_base::out | mode );

			output_file.exceptions ( boost::filesystem::ofstream::badbit | boost::filesystem::ofstream::failbit );			
			output_file << *text_to_write;

		} catch ( basic_filesystem_error<wpath> e ) {
			error_result = e.code().value();
		} catch ( exception e ) {
			error_result = errno; // unable to write to the file
		SetNumericResult ( error_result, results );
	} catch ( bad_alloc e ) {
		error_result = kLowMemoryError;
	} catch ( exception e ) {
		error_result = kErrorUnknown;
	return error_result;
} // BE_WriteTextToFile