int main(int argc, char **argv) { Calendar *cal; DateFormat *fmt; DateFormat *defFmt; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; Locale greece("el", "GR"); UnicodeString str, str2; // Create a calendar in the Greek locale cal = Calendar::createInstance(greece, status); check(status, "Calendar::createInstance"); // Create a formatter fmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull, greece); fmt->setCalendar(*cal); // Create a default formatter defFmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull); defFmt->setCalendar(*cal); // Loop over various months for (int32_t month = Calendar::JANUARY; month <= Calendar::DECEMBER; ++month) { // Set the calendar to a date cal->clear(); cal->set(1999, month, 4); // Format the date in default locale str.remove(); defFmt->format(cal->getTime(status), str, status); check(status, "DateFormat::format"); printf("Date: "); uprintf(escape(str)); printf("\n"); // Format the date for Greece str.remove(); fmt->format(cal->getTime(status), str, status); check(status, "DateFormat::format"); printf("Greek formatted date: "); uprintf(escape(str)); printf("\n\n"); } // Clean up delete fmt; delete cal; printf("Exiting successfully\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Calendar *cal; DateFormat *fmt; DateFormat *defFmt; Transliterator *greek_latin; Transliterator *rbtUnaccent; Transliterator *unaccent; UParseError pError; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; Locale greece("el", "GR"); UnicodeString str, str2; // Create a calendar in the Greek locale cal = Calendar::createInstance(greece, status); check(status, "Calendar::createInstance"); // Create a formatter fmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull, greece); fmt->setCalendar(*cal); // Create a default formatter defFmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull); defFmt->setCalendar(*cal); // Create a Greek-Latin Transliterator greek_latin = Transliterator::createInstance("Greek-Latin", UTRANS_FORWARD, status); if (greek_latin == 0) { printf("ERROR: Transliterator::createInstance() failed\n"); exit(1); } // Create a custom Transliterator rbtUnaccent = Transliterator::createFromRules("RBTUnaccent", UNACCENT_RULES, UTRANS_FORWARD, pError, status); check(status, "Transliterator::createFromRules"); // Create a custom Transliterator unaccent = new UnaccentTransliterator(); // Loop over various months for (int32_t month = Calendar::JANUARY; month <= Calendar::DECEMBER; ++month) { // Set the calendar to a date cal->clear(); cal->set(1999, month, 4); // Format the date in default locale str.remove(); defFmt->format(cal->getTime(status), str, status); check(status, "DateFormat::format"); printf("Date: "); uprintf(escape(str)); printf("\n"); // Format the date for Greece str.remove(); fmt->format(cal->getTime(status), str, status); check(status, "DateFormat::format"); printf("Greek formatted date: "); uprintf(escape(str)); printf("\n"); // Transliterate result greek_latin->transliterate(str); printf("Transliterated via Greek-Latin: "); uprintf(escape(str)); printf("\n"); // Transliterate result str2 = str; rbtUnaccent->transliterate(str); printf("Transliterated via RBT unaccent: "); uprintf(escape(str)); printf("\n"); unaccent->transliterate(str2); printf("Transliterated via normalizer unaccent: "); uprintf(escape(str2)); printf("\n\n"); } // Clean up delete fmt; delete cal; delete greek_latin; delete unaccent; delete rbtUnaccent; printf("Exiting successfully\n"); return 0; }
/** * This test checks various generic API methods in DateFormat to achieve 100% * API coverage. */ void IntlTestDateFormatAPI::testAPI(/* char* par */) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // ======= Test constructors logln("Testing DateFormat constructors"); DateFormat *def = DateFormat::createInstance(); DateFormat *fr = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::FULL, Locale::getFrench()); DateFormat *it = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::MEDIUM, Locale::getItalian()); DateFormat *de = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance(DateFormat::LONG, DateFormat::LONG, Locale::getGerman()); if (def == NULL || fr == NULL || it == NULL || de == NULL){ dataerrln("Error creating instnaces."); } // ======= Test equality if (fr != NULL && def != NULL) { logln("Testing equality operator"); if( *fr == *it ) { errln("ERROR: == failed"); } } // ======= Test various format() methods if (fr != NULL && it != NULL && de != NULL) { logln("Testing various format() methods"); UDate d = 837039928046.0; Formattable fD(d, Formattable::kIsDate); UnicodeString res1, res2, res3; FieldPosition pos1(0), pos2(0); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; res1 = fr->format(d, res1, pos1, status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("ERROR: format() failed (French)"); } logln( (UnicodeString) "" + d + " formatted to " + res1); res2 = it->format(d, res2, pos2); logln( (UnicodeString) "" + d + " formatted to " + res2); res3 = de->format(d, res3); logln( (UnicodeString) "" + d + " formatted to " + res3); } // ======= Test parse() if (def != NULL) { logln("Testing parse()"); UnicodeString text("02/03/76 2:50 AM, CST"); Formattable result1; UDate result2, result3; ParsePosition pos(0), pos01(0); def->parseObject(text, result1, pos); if(result1.getType() != Formattable::kDate) { errln("ERROR: parseObject() failed for " + text); } logln(text + " parsed into " + result1.getDate()); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; result2 = def->parse(text, status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("ERROR: parse() failed, stopping testing"); return; } logln(text + " parsed into " + result2); result3 = def->parse(text, pos01); logln(text + " parsed into " + result3); } // ======= Test getters and setters if (fr != NULL && it != NULL && de != NULL) { logln("Testing getters and setters"); int32_t count = 0; const Locale *locales = DateFormat::getAvailableLocales(count); logln((UnicodeString) "Got " + count + " locales" ); for(int32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { UnicodeString name; name = locales[i].getName(); logln(name); } fr->setLenient(it->isLenient()); if(fr->isLenient() != it->isLenient()) { errln("ERROR: setLenient() failed"); } const Calendar *cal = def->getCalendar(); Calendar *newCal = cal->clone(); de->adoptCalendar(newCal); it->setCalendar(*newCal); if( *(de->getCalendar()) != *(it->getCalendar())) { errln("ERROR: adopt or set Calendar() failed"); } const NumberFormat *nf = def->getNumberFormat(); NumberFormat *newNf = (NumberFormat*) nf->clone(); de->adoptNumberFormat(newNf); it->setNumberFormat(*newNf); if( *(de->getNumberFormat()) != *(it->getNumberFormat())) { errln("ERROR: adopt or set NumberFormat() failed"); } const TimeZone& tz = def->getTimeZone(); TimeZone *newTz = tz.clone(); de->adoptTimeZone(newTz); it->setTimeZone(*newTz); if( de->getTimeZone() != it->getTimeZone()) { errln("ERROR: adopt or set TimeZone() failed"); } } // ======= Test getStaticClassID() logln("Testing getStaticClassID()"); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; DateFormat *test = new SimpleDateFormat(status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("ERROR: Couldn't create a DateFormat"); } if(test->getDynamicClassID() != SimpleDateFormat::getStaticClassID()) { errln("ERROR: getDynamicClassID() didn't return the expected value"); } delete test; delete def; delete fr; delete it; delete de; }
/* {{{ */ static void datefmt_ctor(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) { zval *object; const char *locale_str; size_t locale_len = 0; Locale locale; zend_long date_type = 0; zend_long time_type = 0; zval *calendar_zv = NULL; Calendar *calendar = NULL; zend_long calendar_type; bool calendar_owned; zval *timezone_zv = NULL; TimeZone *timezone = NULL; bool explicit_tz; char* pattern_str = NULL; size_t pattern_str_len = 0; UChar* svalue = NULL; /* UTF-16 pattern_str */ int32_t slength = 0; IntlDateFormatter_object* dfo; intl_error_reset(NULL); object = return_value; /* Parse parameters. */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "sll|zzs", &locale_str, &locale_len, &date_type, &time_type, &timezone_zv, &calendar_zv, &pattern_str, &pattern_str_len) == FAILURE) { intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "datefmt_create: " "unable to parse input parameters", 0); Z_OBJ_P(return_value) = NULL; return; } INTL_CHECK_LOCALE_LEN_OBJ(locale_len, return_value); if (locale_len == 0) { locale_str = intl_locale_get_default(); } locale = Locale::createFromName(locale_str); DATE_FORMAT_METHOD_FETCH_OBJECT_NO_CHECK; if (DATE_FORMAT_OBJECT(dfo) != NULL) { intl_errors_set(INTL_DATA_ERROR_P(dfo), U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "datefmt_create: cannot call constructor twice", 0); return; } /* process calendar */ if (datefmt_process_calendar_arg(calendar_zv, locale, "datefmt_create", INTL_DATA_ERROR_P(dfo), calendar, calendar_type, calendar_owned) == FAILURE) { goto error; } /* process timezone */ explicit_tz = timezone_zv != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(timezone_zv) != IS_NULL; if (explicit_tz || calendar_owned ) { //we have an explicit time zone or a non-object calendar timezone = timezone_process_timezone_argument(timezone_zv, INTL_DATA_ERROR_P(dfo), "datefmt_create"); if (timezone == NULL) { goto error; } } /* Convert pattern (if specified) to UTF-16. */ if (pattern_str && pattern_str_len > 0) { intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&svalue, &slength, pattern_str, pattern_str_len, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo)); if (U_FAILURE(INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo))) { /* object construction -> only set global error */ intl_error_set(NULL, INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo), "datefmt_create: " "error converting pattern to UTF-16", 0); goto error; } } if (pattern_str && pattern_str_len > 0) { DATE_FORMAT_OBJECT(dfo) = udat_open(UDAT_IGNORE, UDAT_IGNORE, locale_str, NULL, 0, svalue, slength, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo)); } else { DATE_FORMAT_OBJECT(dfo) = udat_open((UDateFormatStyle)time_type, (UDateFormatStyle)date_type, locale_str, NULL, 0, svalue, slength, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo)); } if (!U_FAILURE(INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo))) { DateFormat *df = (DateFormat*)DATE_FORMAT_OBJECT(dfo); if (calendar_owned) { df->adoptCalendar(calendar); calendar_owned = false; } else { df->setCalendar(*calendar); } if (timezone != NULL) { df->adoptTimeZone(timezone); } } else { intl_error_set(NULL, INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo), "datefmt_create: date " "formatter creation failed", 0); goto error; } /* Set the class variables */ dfo->date_type = date_type; dfo->time_type = time_type; dfo->calendar = calendar_type; dfo->requested_locale = estrdup(locale_str); error: if (svalue) { efree(svalue); } if (timezone != NULL && DATE_FORMAT_OBJECT(dfo) == NULL) { delete timezone; } if (calendar != NULL && calendar_owned) { delete calendar; } if (U_FAILURE(intl_error_get_code(NULL))) { /* free_object handles partially constructed instances fine */ Z_OBJ_P(return_value) = NULL; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Calendar *cal; TimeZone *zone; DateFormat *fmt; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString str; UDate date; // The languages in which we will display the date static char* LANGUAGE[] = { "en", "de", "fr" }; static const int32_t N_LANGUAGE = sizeof(LANGUAGE)/sizeof(LANGUAGE[0]); // The time zones in which we will display the time static char* TIMEZONE[] = { "America/Los_Angeles", "America/New_York", "Europe/Paris", "Europe/Berlin" }; static const int32_t N_TIMEZONE = sizeof(TIMEZONE)/sizeof(TIMEZONE[0]); // Create a calendar cal = Calendar::createInstance(status); check(status, "Calendar::createInstance"); zone = createZone("GMT"); // Create a GMT zone cal->adoptTimeZone(zone); cal->clear(); cal->set(1999, Calendar::JUNE, 4); date = cal->getTime(status); check(status, "Calendar::getTime"); for (int32_t i=0; i<N_LANGUAGE; ++i) { Locale loc(LANGUAGE[i]); // Create a formatter for DATE and TIME fmt = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance( DateFormat::kFull, DateFormat::kFull, loc); for (int32_t j=0; j<N_TIMEZONE; ++j) { cal->adoptTimeZone(createZone(TIMEZONE[j])); fmt->setCalendar(*cal); // Format the date str.remove(); fmt->format(date, str, status); // Display the formatted date string printf("Date (%s, %s): ", LANGUAGE[i], TIMEZONE[j]); uprintf(escape(str)); printf("\n\n"); } delete fmt; } printf("Exiting successfully\n"); return 0; }