void PDBFileReader::ProcessSymbol(IDiaSymbol *symbol,DebugInfo &to) { DWORD section,offset,rva; enum SymTagEnum tag; ULONGLONG length = 0; sU32 compilandId; IDiaSymbol *compiland = 0; BSTR name = 0, sourceName = 0; sBool codeFlag; symbol->get_symTag((DWORD *) &tag); symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva); symbol->get_length(&length); symbol->get_addressSection(§ion); symbol->get_addressOffset(&offset); // is the previous symbol desperately looking for a length? we can help! if(DanglingLengthStart) { to.Symbols[to.Symbols.Count - 1].Size = rva - DanglingLengthStart; DanglingLengthStart = 0; } // get length from type for data if(tag == SymTagData) { IDiaSymbol *type; if(symbol->get_type(&type) == S_OK) { type->get_length(&length); type->Release(); } // if length still zero, just guess and take number of bytes between // this symbol and the next one. if(!length) DanglingLengthStart = rva; } compilandId = CompilandFromSectionOffset(section,offset,codeFlag); Session->symbolById(compilandId,&compiland); if(compiland) compiland->get_name(&sourceName); symbol->get_name(&name); // fill out structure sChar *nameStr = BStrToString(name,"<no name>"); sChar *sourceStr = BStrToString(sourceName,"<no source>"); if(tag == SymTagPublicSymbol) { length = 0; DanglingLengthStart = rva; } DISymbol *outSym = to.Symbols.Add(); outSym->Name.Index = outSym->MangledName.Index = to.MakeString(nameStr); outSym->FileNum = to.GetFileByName(sourceStr); outSym->VA = rva; outSym->Size = (sU32) length; outSym->Class = codeFlag ? DIC_CODE : DIC_DATA; outSym->NameSpNum = to.GetNameSpaceByName(nameStr); // clean up delete[] nameStr; delete[] sourceStr; if(compiland) compiland->Release(); if(sourceName) SysFreeString(sourceName); if(name) SysFreeString(name); }
void PDBFileReader::ReadEverything(DebugInfo &to) { ULONG celt; Contribs = 0; nContribs = 0; // read section table IDiaEnumTables *enumTables; if(Session->getEnumTables(&enumTables) == S_OK) { VARIANT vIndex; vIndex.vt = VT_BSTR; vIndex.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"Sections"); IDiaTable *secTable; if(enumTables->Item(vIndex,&secTable) == S_OK) { LONG count; secTable->get_Count(&count); Contribs = new SectionContrib[count]; nContribs = 0; IDiaSectionContrib *item; while(SUCCEEDED(secTable->Next(1,(IUnknown **)&item,&celt)) && celt == 1) { SectionContrib &contrib = Contribs[nContribs++]; item->get_addressOffset(&contrib.Offset); item->get_addressSection(&contrib.Section); item->get_length(&contrib.Length); item->get_compilandId(&contrib.Compiland); BOOL code=FALSE,initData=FALSE,uninitData=FALSE; item->get_code(&code); item->get_initializedData(&initData); item->get_uninitializedData(&uninitData); if(code && !initData && !uninitData) contrib.Type = DIC_CODE; else if(!code && initData && !uninitData) contrib.Type = DIC_DATA; else if(!code && !initData && uninitData) contrib.Type = DIC_BSS; else contrib.Type = DIC_UNKNOWN; BSTR objFileName = 0; IDiaSymbol *compiland = 0; item->get_compiland(&compiland); if(compiland) { compiland->get_name(&objFileName); compiland->Release(); } sChar *objFileStr = BStrToString(objFileName,"<noobjfile>"); contrib.ObjFile = to.GetFileByName(objFileStr); delete[] objFileStr; if(objFileName) SysFreeString(objFileName); item->Release(); } secTable->Release(); } SysFreeString(vIndex.bstrVal); enumTables->Release(); } // enumerate symbols by (virtual) address IDiaEnumSymbolsByAddr *enumByAddr; if(SUCCEEDED(Session->getSymbolsByAddr(&enumByAddr))) { IDiaSymbol *symbol; // get first symbol to get first RVA (argh) if(SUCCEEDED(enumByAddr->symbolByAddr(1,0,&symbol))) { DWORD rva; if(symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva) == S_OK) { symbol->Release(); // now, enumerate by rva. if(SUCCEEDED(enumByAddr->symbolByRVA(rva,&symbol))) { do { ProcessSymbol(symbol,to); symbol->Release(); if(FAILED(enumByAddr->Next(1,&symbol,&celt))) break; } while(celt == 1); } } else symbol->Release(); } enumByAddr->Release(); } // clean up delete[] Contribs; }