コード例 #1
bool WaitingForInvite::InviteRequest( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& request, TransactionDirectionality direction, const char* address, int port ) const
   bool bTrackRequestResponse = false;
   impl.setTransactionDirectionality( direction );

   // check is another sipX is already taking care of NAT traversing this session. 
   if( !impl.isRequestAlreadyHandledByOther( request ) )
      bTrackRequestResponse = true;
      impl.markRequestAsHandledByUs( request );
      // check if the INVITE contains an SDP offer
      if( request.hasSdpBody() )
         // request contains an SDP offer.  Check if the SDP or the or the actual
         // location of the two endpoints impose the use of a media relay. 
         if( impl.doesEndpointsLocationImposeMediaRelay() )
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Media relay required",
                  impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );   
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Media relay not required",
                  impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );    
         impl.ProcessMediaOffer( request, INITIAL_OFFER_ANSWER );         
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForMediaAnswer );
         // request does contains an SDP offer.  This INVITE may be used to set up a 3PCC
         // call.  Play it safe and impose the use of a media relay to guarantee speechpath
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForMediaOffer );
      // this particular session is already being handled by another sipX i nthe network.
      // That sipX is taking care of overcoming the NATs that separate the endpoints involved
      // in that session.  There isn't much value we can add here so just bail on tracking that
      // session.
      ChangeState( impl, impl.pMoribund );
   return bTrackRequestResponse;
コード例 #2
void WaitingFor200OkforInvite::SuccessfulResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   int seqNum;
   UtlString seqMethod;
   if( response.getCSeqField( &seqNum, &seqMethod ) )
      if( seqMethod.compareTo( SIP_INVITE_METHOD ) == 0 )
         // normally we would not be expecting this 200 OK response to carry
         // an SDP however we have encountered in the field some endpoints
         // that repeat the SDP answer they already sent in a previous
         // reliable provisional response (see XECS-2079 for the details).
         // Given that, if an SDP answer is found, we will reprocess it
         // to make sure it gets the same transformations that the initial
         // one got as per XECS-2089.
         if( response.hasSdpBody() )
            impl.ProcessMediaAnswer( response, INITIAL_OFFER_ANSWER );
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForAckForInvite );
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Received unexpected successful response for %s request",
               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name(), seqMethod.data() );    
コード例 #3
void Negotiating::FailureResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   int seqNum;
   UtlString seqMethod;
   if( response.getCSeqField( &seqNum, &seqMethod ) )
      if( seqMethod.compareTo( SIP_INVITE_METHOD ) == 0 )
         // session negotiation failed.  Deallocate all the tentative
         // media relays tentatively allocated to handle the media
         // sessions that just failed.
         impl.deallocateAndClearAllMediaRelaySessions( true, true, false );         

         if( !impl.getDialogEstablishedFlag() )
            // this is a final failure response to a dialog-forming INVITE.  That 
            // event marks the end of the dialog hence, we do not need to continue
            // to track it.
            ChangeState( impl, impl.pMoribund );
            // the renegotiation failed but the dialog is still active. Go back to state where
            // we wait for an incoming INVITE.
            ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForInvite );
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Received unexpected successful response for %s request",
               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name(), seqMethod.data() );    
コード例 #4
void ProcessingPrack::SuccessfulResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   int seqNum;
   UtlString seqMethod;

   if( response.getCSeqField( &seqNum, &seqMethod ) )
      if( seqMethod.compareTo( SIP_INVITE_METHOD ) == 0 )
         // normally we would not be expecting this 200 OK response to carry
         // an SDP in this state however we have encountered in the field some endpoints
         // that repeat the SDP answer they already sent in a previous
         // Successful response (see XECS-2079 for the details).
         // Given that, if an SDP answer is found, we will reprocess it
         // to make sure it gets the same transformations that the initial
         // one got as per XECS-2089.
         if( response.hasSdpBody() )
            impl.ProcessMediaAnswer( response, INITIAL_OFFER_ANSWER );
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Received unexpected Successful Response for %s request",
               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name(), seqMethod.data() );
      // We have received a response - although that does
      // not cause a state machine state change, we need to reset the tick counter
      // to show that there is still activity in this dialog.
コード例 #5
void TimeBoundState::CleanUpTimerTick( DialogTracker& impl ) const
   if( impl.incrementTimerTickCounter() >= MAX_TIMER_TICK_COUNTS_BEFORE_DIALOG_TRACKER_CLEAN_UP )
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - cleaning up stale dialog tracker",
             impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );         
      ChangeState( impl, impl.pMoribund );      
コード例 #6
void DialogTrackerState::SuccessfulResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   if( impl.isARetransmittedResponse( response ) )
      impl.restoreSdpBodyOfRetransmittedResponse( response );
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Received unexpected event SuccessfulResponse while in state '%s'",
            impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );
コード例 #7
bool DialogTrackerState::UpdateRequest( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& request, TransactionDirectionality direction, const char* address, int port ) const
   if( impl.isARetransmittedRequest( request ) )
      impl.restoreSdpBodyOfRetransmittedRequest( request );
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Received unexpected event UpdateRequest while in state '%s'",
            impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );
   return true;
コード例 #8
void WaitingForInvite::CleanUpTimerTick( DialogTracker& impl ) const
   if( impl.getDialogEstablishedFlag() )
      // we have an established dialog - check it see if the media is still flowing
      if( !impl.wasMediaTrafficSeenInLastNSeconds( IDLE_MEDIA_MAXIMUM_IN_SECONDS ) )
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Terminating dialog tracker due to excessive media inactivity period",
               impl.name() );   
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pMoribund );         
コード例 #9
void WaitingFor200OkForPrack::FailureResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   int seqNum;
   UtlString seqMethod;
   if( response.getCSeqField( &seqNum, &seqMethod ) )
      if( seqMethod.compareTo( SIP_PRACK_METHOD ) == 0 )
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForPrack );
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Received unexpected successful response for %s request",
               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name(), seqMethod.data() );    
コード例 #10
bool DialogTrackerState::InviteRequest( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& request, TransactionDirectionality direction, const char* address, int port  ) const
    if( !impl.isRequestAlreadyHandledByOther( request ) )
        impl.markRequestAsHandledByUs( request );

    if( impl.isARetransmittedRequest( request ) )
        impl.restoreSdpBodyOfRetransmittedRequest( request );
        Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Received unexpected event InviteRequest while in state '%s'",
                                   impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );
    return true;
コード例 #11
void WaitingFor200OkWithAnswerForPrack::SuccessfulResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   int seqNum;
   UtlString seqMethod;
   if( response.getCSeqField( &seqNum, &seqMethod ) )
      if( seqMethod.compareTo( SIP_PRACK_METHOD ) == 0 )
         impl.ProcessMediaAnswer( response, NON_INITIAL_OFFER_ANSWER );
         impl.modifyNonIntialOfferAnswerExchangeDoneFlag( true );
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingFor200OkforInvite );
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Received unexpected successful response for %s request",
               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name(), seqMethod.data() );    
コード例 #12
void WaitingFor200OkForSlowStartPrack::FailureResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   int seqNum;
   UtlString seqMethod;
   if( response.getCSeqField( &seqNum, &seqMethod ) )
      if( seqMethod.compareTo( SIP_PRACK_METHOD ) == 0 )
         // PRACK was rejected.  Keep tentative INVITE media relays in case an
         // acceptable PRACK gets generated by the UAC.
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForPrackWithMediaAnswer );
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Received unexpected failure response for %s request",
               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name(), seqMethod.data() );    
コード例 #13
void WaitingFor200OkWithAnswerForPrack::FailureResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   int seqNum;
   UtlString seqMethod;
   if( response.getCSeqField( &seqNum, &seqMethod ) )
      if( seqMethod.compareTo( SIP_PRACK_METHOD ) == 0 )
         // PRACK offer/answer failed.  Deallocate any tentative media relays allocation
         // in preparation for that failed PRACK offer/answer negotiation.
         impl.deallocateAndClearAllMediaRelaySessions( false, true, false );         
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForPrack );
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Received unexpected failure response for %s request",
               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name(), seqMethod.data() );    
コード例 #14
void DialogTrackerState::CleanUpTimerTick( DialogTracker& impl ) const
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Received unexpected event CleanUpTimerTick while in state '%s'",
         impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );   
コード例 #15
void DialogTrackerState::FailureResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Received unexpected event FailureResponse while in state '%s'",
         impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );   
コード例 #16
void DialogTrackerState::RedirectionResponse( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& response, const char* address, int port ) const
    Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Received unexpected event RedirectionResponse while in state '%s'",
                               impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );