コード例 #1
 * Closes the given display.
 * @pre disp is a display we know about.
 * @post disp has been removed from the list of displays
 *    (notifyDrawMgr == true) && (drawMgr != NULL) && (disp is active)
 *    ==> Draw manager has been told to clode the window for the display
int DisplayManager::closeDisplay(DisplayPtr disp, bool notifyDrawMgr)
   vprASSERT(isMemberDisplay(disp));       // Make sure that display actually exists

      << "[vrj::DisplayManager::closeDisplay()] Closing display named '"
      << disp->getName() << "'" << std::endl << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;

   // Notify the draw manager to get rid of it
   // Note: if it is not active, then the draw manager doesn't know about it
   if ((notifyDrawMgr) && (mDrawManager != NULL) && (disp->isActive()))

   // Remove it from local data structures
   size_t num_before_close = mActiveDisplays.size() + mInactiveDisplays.size();
   mActiveDisplays.erase( std::remove(mActiveDisplays.begin(), mActiveDisplays.end(), disp),
   mInactiveDisplays.erase( std::remove(mInactiveDisplays.begin(), mInactiveDisplays.end(), disp),
   vprASSERT(num_before_close == (1+mActiveDisplays.size() + mInactiveDisplays.size()));

   return 1;
コード例 #2
 * Adds the element to the configuration.
 * @pre configCanHandle(element) == true
 * @post (display of same name already loaded) ==> old display closed, new one opened<br>
 *       (display is new) ==> (new display is added)<br>
 *       Draw Manager is notified of the display change.
bool DisplayManager::configAddDisplay(jccl::ConfigElementPtr element)
   vprASSERT(configCanHandle(element)); // We must be able to handle it first of all

   vprDEBUG_BEGIN(vrjDBG_DISP_MGR,vprDBG_STATE_LVL) << "------- DisplayManager::configAddDisplay -------\n" << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;

   // Find out if we already have a window of this name
   // If so, then close it before we open a new one of the same name
   // This basically allows re-configuration of a window
   DisplayPtr cur_disp = findDisplayNamed(element->getName());
   if (cur_disp != NULL)                         // We have an old display
      vprDEBUG(vrjDBG_DISP_MGR,vprDBG_CONFIG_LVL) << "Removing old window: " << cur_disp->getName().c_str() << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;
      closeDisplay(cur_disp,true);              // Close the display and notify the draw manager to close the window

   // --- Add a display (of the correct type) ---- //
   if (element->getID() == std::string("display_window"))       // Display window
      DisplayPtr newDisp = Display::create();      // Create the display
      addDisplay(newDisp,true);                    // Add it
      vprDEBUG(vrjDBG_DISP_MGR,vprDBG_STATE_LVL) << "Adding display: " << newDisp->getName().c_str() << std::endl << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;
      vprDEBUG(vrjDBG_DISP_MGR,vprDBG_STATE_LVL) << "Display: "  << newDisp << std::endl << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;

   vprDEBUG_END(vrjDBG_DISP_MGR,vprDBG_STATE_LVL) << "------- DisplayManager::configAddDisplay Done. --------\n" << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;
   return true;