コード例 #1
void TestCorrectness
( bool print, 
  const DistMatrix<Field>& A,
  const DistPermutation& P,
  const DistMatrix<Field>& AOrig,
        Int numRHS=100 )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Grid& grid = A.Grid();
    const Int n = AOrig.Width();
    const Real eps = limits::Epsilon<Real>();
    const Real oneNormA = OneNorm( AOrig );

    OutputFromRoot(grid.Comm(),"Testing error...");

    // Generate random right-hand sides
    DistMatrix<Field> X(grid);
    Uniform( X, n, numRHS );
    auto Y( X );
    const Real oneNormY = OneNorm( Y );
    P.PermuteRows( Y );
    lu::SolveAfter( NORMAL, A, Y );

    // Now investigate the residual, ||AOrig Y - X||_oo
    Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(-1), AOrig, Y, Field(1), X );
    const Real infError = InfinityNorm( X );
    const Real relError = infError / (eps*n*Max(oneNormA,oneNormY));

    // TODO(poulson): Use a rigorous failure condition
    (grid.Comm(),"||A X - Y||_oo / (eps n Max(||A||_1,||Y||_1)) = ",relError);
    if( relError > Real(1000) )
        LogicError("Unacceptably large relative error");
コード例 #2
ファイル: LUMod.cpp プロジェクト: mcopik/Elemental
void TestCorrectness
( bool print, 
  const DistMatrix<F>& A,
  const DistPermutation& P,
  const DistMatrix<F>& AOrig )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const Int n = AOrig.Width();

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        Output("Testing error...");

    // Generate random right-hand sides
    DistMatrix<F> X(g);
    Uniform( X, n, 100 );
    auto Y( X );
    P.PermuteRows( Y );
    lu::SolveAfter( NORMAL, A, Y );

    // Now investigate the residual, ||AOrig Y - X||_oo
    const Real infNormX = InfinityNorm( X );
    const Real frobNormX = FrobeniusNorm( X );
    Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), AOrig, Y, F(1), X );
    const Real infNormError = InfinityNorm( X );
    const Real frobNormError = FrobeniusNorm( X );
    const Real infNormA = InfinityNorm( AOrig );
    const Real frobNormA = FrobeniusNorm( AOrig );

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        ("||A||_oo            = ",infNormA,"\n",
         "||A||_F             = ",frobNormA,"\n",
         "||X||_oo            = ",infNormX,"\n",
         "||X||_F             = ",frobNormX,"\n",
         "||A A^-1 X - X||_oo = ",infNormError,"\n",
         "||A A^-1 X - X||_F  = ",frobNormError);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Mod.hpp プロジェクト: YingzhouLi/Elemental
void LUMod
(       ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
        DistPermutation& P,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& u,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& v, 
  bool conjugate,
  Base<F> tau )
    const Grid& g = APre.Grid();
    typedef Base<F> Real;

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();

    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int minDim = Min(m,n);

    if( minDim != m )
        LogicError("It is assumed that height(A) <= width(A)");
    if( u.Height() != m || u.Width() != 1 )
        LogicError("u is expected to be a conforming column vector");
    if( v.Height() != n || v.Width() != 1 )
        LogicError("v is expected to be a conforming column vector");
    AssertSameGrids( A, u, v );

    // w := inv(L) P u
    // TODO: Consider locally maintaining all of w to avoid unnecessarily 
    //       broadcasting at every iteration.
    DistMatrix<F> w( u );
    P.PermuteRows( w );
    Trsv( LOWER, NORMAL, UNIT, A, w );

    // Maintain an external vector for the temporary subdiagonal of U
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> uSub(g);
    uSub.SetRoot( A.DiagonalRoot(-1) );
    uSub.AlignCols( A.DiagonalAlign(-1) );
    Zeros( uSub, minDim-1, 1 );

    // Reduce w to a multiple of e0
    for( Int i=minDim-2; i>=0; --i )
        // Decide if we should pivot the i'th and i+1'th rows of w
        const F lambdaSub = A.Get(i+1,i);
        const F ups_ii = A.Get(i,i); 
        const F omega_i = w.Get( i, 0 );
        const F omega_ip1 = w.Get( i+1, 0 );
        const Real rightTerm = Abs(lambdaSub*omega_i+omega_ip1);
        const bool pivot = ( Abs(omega_i) < tau*rightTerm );

        const Range<Int> indB( i+2, m ),
                         indR( i+1, n ),
                         indi( i, i+1 ),
                         indip1( i+1, i+2 );

        auto lBi   = A( indB,   indi   );
        auto lBip1 = A( indB,   indip1 );
        auto uiR   = A( indi,   indR   );
        auto uip1R = A( indip1, indR   );

        if( pivot )
            // P := P_i P
            P.Swap( i, i+1 );

            // Simultaneously perform 
            //   U := P_i U and
            //   L := P_i L P_i^T
            // Then update
            //     L := L T_{i,L}^{-1},
            //     U := T_{i,L} U, 
            //     w := T_{i,L} P_i w,
            // where T_{i,L} is the Gauss transform which zeros (P_i w)_{i+1}.
            // More succinctly,
            //     gamma    := w(i) / w(i+1),
            //     w(i)     := w(i+1), 
            //     w(i+1)   := 0,
            //     L(:,i)   += gamma L(:,i+1),
            //     U(i+1,:) -= gamma U(i,:).
            const F gamma = omega_i / omega_ip1;
            const F lambda_ii = F(1) + gamma*lambdaSub;
            A.Set( i,   i, gamma );
            A.Set( i+1, i, 0     );

            auto lBiCopy = lBi;
            Swap( NORMAL, lBi, lBip1 );
            Axpy( gamma, lBiCopy, lBi );

            auto uip1RCopy = uip1R;
            RowSwap( A, i, i+1 );
            Axpy( -gamma, uip1RCopy, uip1R );

            // Force L back to *unit* lower-triangular form via the transform
            //     L := L T_{i,U}^{-1} D^{-1}, 
            // where D is diagonal and responsible for forcing L(i,i) and 
            // L(i+1,i+1) back to 1. The effect on L is:
            //     eta       := L(i,i+1)/L(i,i),
            //     L(:,i+1)  -= eta L(:,i),
            //     delta_i   := L(i,i),
            //     delta_ip1 := L(i+1,i+1),
            //     L(:,i)   /= delta_i,
            //     L(:,i+1) /= delta_ip1,
            // while the effect on U is
            //     U(i,:)   += eta U(i+1,:)
            //     U(i,:)   *= delta_i,
            //     U(i+1,:) *= delta_{i+1},
            // and the effect on w is
            //     w(i) *= delta_i.
            const F eta = lambdaSub/lambda_ii;
            const F delta_i = lambda_ii;
            const F delta_ip1 = F(1) - eta*gamma;

            Axpy( -eta, lBi, lBip1 );
            A.Set( i+1, i, gamma/delta_i );
            lBi   *= F(1)/delta_i;
            lBip1 *= F(1)/delta_ip1;

            A.Set( i, i, eta*ups_ii*delta_i );
            Axpy( eta, uip1R, uiR );
            uiR   *= delta_i;
            uip1R *= delta_ip1;
            uSub.Set( i, 0, ups_ii*delta_ip1 );

            // Finally set w(i)
            w.Set( i, 0, omega_ip1*delta_i );
            // Update
            //     L := L T_{i,L}^{-1},
            //     U := T_{i,L} U, 
            //     w := T_{i,L} w,
            // where T_{i,L} is the Gauss transform which zeros w_{i+1}.
            // More succinctly,
            //     gamma    := w(i+1) / w(i),
            //     L(:,i)   += gamma L(:,i+1),
            //     U(i+1,:) -= gamma U(i,:),
            //     w(i+1)   := 0.
            const F gamma = omega_ip1 / omega_i;
            A.Update( i+1, i, gamma );
            Axpy(  gamma, lBip1, lBi );
            Axpy( -gamma, uiR, uip1R );
            uSub.Set( i, 0, -gamma*ups_ii );

    // Add the modified w v' into U
        auto a0 = A( IR(0), ALL );
        const F omega_0 = w.Get( 0, 0 ); 
        DistMatrix<F> vTrans(g);
        vTrans.AlignWith( a0 );
        Transpose( v, vTrans, conjugate );
        Axpy( omega_0, vTrans, a0 );

    // Transform U from upper-Hessenberg to upper-triangular form
    for( Int i=0; i<minDim-1; ++i ) 
        // Decide if we should pivot the i'th and i+1'th rows U
        const F lambdaSub = A.Get( i+1, i );
        const F ups_ii = A.Get( i, i );
        const F ups_ip1i = uSub.Get( i, 0 );
        const Real rightTerm = Abs(lambdaSub*ups_ii+ups_ip1i);
        const bool pivot = ( Abs(ups_ii) < tau*rightTerm );

        const Range<Int> indB( i+2, m ),
                         indR( i+1, n ),
                         indi( i, i+1 ),
                         indip1( i+1, i+2 );

        auto lBi   = A( indB,   indi   );
        auto lBip1 = A( indB,   indip1 );
        auto uiR   = A( indi,   indR   );
        auto uip1R = A( indip1, indR   );

        if( pivot )
            // P := P_i P
            P.Swap( i, i+1 );

            // Simultaneously perform 
            //   U := P_i U and
            //   L := P_i L P_i^T
            // Then update
            //     L := L T_{i,L}^{-1},
            //     U := T_{i,L} U, 
            // where T_{i,L} is the Gauss transform which zeros U(i+1,i).
            // More succinctly,
            //     gamma    := U(i+1,i) / U(i,i),
            //     L(:,i)   += gamma L(:,i+1),
            //     U(i+1,:) -= gamma U(i,:).
            const F gamma = ups_ii / ups_ip1i;
            const F lambda_ii = F(1) + gamma*lambdaSub;
            A.Set( i+1, i, ups_ip1i );
            A.Set( i, i, gamma );

            auto lBiCopy = lBi;
            Swap( NORMAL, lBi, lBip1 );
            Axpy( gamma, lBiCopy, lBi );

            auto uip1RCopy = uip1R;
            RowSwap( A, i, i+1 );
            Axpy( -gamma, uip1RCopy, uip1R );

            // Force L back to *unit* lower-triangular form via the transform
            //     L := L T_{i,U}^{-1} D^{-1}, 
            // where D is diagonal and responsible for forcing L(i,i) and 
            // L(i+1,i+1) back to 1. The effect on L is:
            //     eta       := L(i,i+1)/L(i,i),
            //     L(:,i+1)  -= eta L(:,i),
            //     delta_i   := L(i,i),
            //     delta_ip1 := L(i+1,i+1),
            //     L(:,i)   /= delta_i,
            //     L(:,i+1) /= delta_ip1,
            // while the effect on U is
            //     U(i,:)   += eta U(i+1,:)
            //     U(i,:)   *= delta_i,
            //     U(i+1,:) *= delta_{i+1}.
            const F eta = lambdaSub/lambda_ii;
            const F delta_i = lambda_ii;
            const F delta_ip1 = F(1) - eta*gamma;
            Axpy( -eta, lBi, lBip1 );
            A.Set( i+1, i, gamma/delta_i );
            lBi   *= F(1)/delta_i;
            lBip1 *= F(1)/delta_ip1;

            A.Set( i, i, ups_ip1i*delta_i );
            Axpy( eta, uip1R, uiR );
            uiR   *= delta_i;
            uip1R *= delta_ip1;
            // Update
            //     L := L T_{i,L}^{-1},
            //     U := T_{i,L} U, 
            // where T_{i,L} is the Gauss transform which zeros U(i+1,i).
            // More succinctly,
            //     gamma    := U(i+1,i)/ U(i,i),
            //     L(:,i)   += gamma L(:,i+1),
            //     U(i+1,:) -= gamma U(i,:).
            const F gamma = ups_ip1i / ups_ii;
            A.Update( i+1, i, gamma );
            Axpy(  gamma, lBip1, lBi );
            Axpy( -gamma, uiR, uip1R );
コード例 #4
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    Environment env( argc, argv );
    const Int worldRank = mpi::Rank();

        const Int n = Input("--size","width of matrix",100);
        const bool display = Input("--display","display matrices?",false);
        const bool print = Input("--print","print matrices?",false);
        const bool smallestFirst =
          Input("--smallestFirst","smallest norm first?",false);
        const Int m = n;

        QRCtrl<Real> ctrl;
        ctrl.smallestFirst = smallestFirst;

        DistMatrix<C> A;
        GKS( A, n );
        const Real frobA = FrobeniusNorm( A );
        if( display )
            Display( A, "A" );
        if( print )
            Print( A, "A" );

        // Compute the pivoted QR decomposition of A, but do not overwrite A
        auto QRPiv( A );
        DistMatrix<C,MD,STAR> tPiv;
        DistMatrix<Real,MD,STAR> dPiv;
        DistPermutation Omega;
        QR( QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, Omega );
        if( display )
            Display( QRPiv, "QRPiv" );
            Display( tPiv, "tPiv" );
            Display( dPiv, "dPiv" );

            DistMatrix<Int> OmegaFull;
            Omega.ExplicitMatrix( OmegaFull );
            Display( OmegaFull, "Omega" );
        if( print )
            Print( QRPiv, "QRPiv" );
            Print( tPiv, "tPiv" );
            Print( dPiv, "dPiv" );

            DistMatrix<Int> OmegaFull;
            Omega.ExplicitMatrix( OmegaFull );
            Print( OmegaFull, "Omega" );

        // Compute the standard QR decomposition of A
        auto QRNoPiv( A );
        DistMatrix<C,MD,STAR> tNoPiv;
        DistMatrix<Real,MD,STAR> dNoPiv;
        QR( QRNoPiv, tNoPiv, dNoPiv );
        if( display )
            Display( QRNoPiv, "QRNoPiv" );
            Display( tNoPiv, "tNoPiv" );
            Display( dNoPiv, "dNoPiv" );
        if( print )
            Print( QRNoPiv, "QRNoPiv" );
            Print( tNoPiv, "tNoPiv" );
            Print( dNoPiv, "dNoPiv" );

        // Check the error in the pivoted QR factorization, 
        // || A Omega^T - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F
        auto E( QRPiv );
        MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, E );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
        Omega.InversePermuteCols( E );
        E -= A;
        const Real frobQRPiv = FrobeniusNorm( E );
        if( display )
            Display( E, "A P - Q R" );
        if( print )
            Print( E, "A P - Q R" );

        // Check the error in the standard QR factorization, 
        // || A - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F
        E = QRNoPiv;
        MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, E );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRNoPiv, tNoPiv, dNoPiv, E );
        E -= A;
        const Real frobQRNoPiv = FrobeniusNorm( E );
        if( display )
            Display( E, "A - Q R" );
        if( print )
            Print( E, "A - Q R" );

        // Check orthogonality of pivoted Q, || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F
        Identity( E, m, n );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
        const Int k = Min(m,n);
        auto EUpper = View( E, 0, 0, k, k );
        ShiftDiagonal( EUpper, C(-1) );
        const Real frobOrthogPiv = FrobeniusNorm( EUpper ); 
        if( display )
            Display( E, "pivoted I - Q^H Q" );
        if( print )
            Print( E, "pivoted I - Q^H Q" );

        // Check orthogonality of unpivoted Q, || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F
        Identity( E, m, n );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, QRPiv, tPiv, dPiv, E );
        EUpper = View( E, 0, 0, k, k );
        ShiftDiagonal( EUpper, C(-1) );
        const Real frobOrthogNoPiv = FrobeniusNorm( EUpper ); 
        if( display )
            Display( E, "unpivoted I - Q^H Q" );
        if( print )
            Print( E, "unpivoted I - Q^H Q" );

        if( worldRank == 0 )
            ("|| A ||_F = ",frobA,"\n\n",
             "With pivoting: \n", 
             "    || A P - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F = ",frobQRPiv/frobA,"\n", 
             "    || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F = ",frobOrthogPiv/frobA,"\n\n",
             "Without pivoting: \n",
             "    || A - Q R ||_F / || A ||_F = ",frobQRNoPiv/frobA,"\n",
             "    || I - Q^H Q ||_F / || A ||_F = ",frobOrthogNoPiv/frobA,"\n");
    catch( exception& e ) { ReportException(e); }

    return 0;