Document JsonBlockFactory::serialize(const Block &block) { Document document; auto &allocator = document.GetAllocator(); document.SetObject(); Value signatures; signatures.SetArray(); for (const auto &signature : block.sigs) { signatures.PushBack(serializeSignature(signature, allocator), allocator); } document.AddMember("signatures", signatures, allocator); document.AddMember("created_ts", block.created_ts, allocator); document.AddMember("hash", block.hash.to_hexstring(), allocator); document.AddMember( "prev_hash", block.prev_hash.to_hexstring(), allocator); document.AddMember("height", block.height, allocator); document.AddMember("txs_number", block.txs_number, allocator); Value commands; commands.SetArray(); for (auto &&transaction : block.transactions) { commands.PushBack( Document(&allocator) .CopyFrom(factory_.serialize(transaction), allocator), allocator); } document.AddMember("transactions", commands, allocator); return document; }
void accept_binary_message(binary_message const& msg,Value& val,Document& doc,vector<shared_ptr<const string> >& buffers) { val.SetObject(); Value boolVal; boolVal.SetBool(true); val.AddMember(kBIN_PLACE_HOLDER, boolVal, doc.GetAllocator()); Value numVal; numVal.SetInt((int)buffers.size()); val.AddMember("num", numVal, doc.GetAllocator()); //FIXME can not avoid binary copy here. shared_ptr<string> write_buffer = make_shared<string>(); write_buffer->reserve(msg.get_binary()->size()+1); char frame_char = packet::frame_message; write_buffer->append(&frame_char,1); write_buffer->append(*(msg.get_binary())); buffers.push_back(write_buffer); }
Document Device::setShootMode(const CString &shootMode) { Document d; CString type = "camera"; Value method; method = "setShootMode"; Value params; params.SetArray(); if (shootMode == "still") params.PushBack("still", d.GetAllocator()); if (shootMode == "movie") params.PushBack("movie", d.GetAllocator()); Value version; version = "1.0"; return sendApi(type, method, params, version); }
void ModbusService::render_PUT(const http_request& req, http_response** res) { string connectorName = req.get_arg("connectorname"); string strDevAddress = req.get_arg("devaddress"); string strBaseAddress = req.get_arg("baseaddress"); string strValue = req.get_arg("value"); int devAddress = Converter::stoi(strDevAddress); int baseAddress = Converter::stoi(strBaseAddress); int value = Converter::stoi(strValue); Document document; StringBuffer buffer; PrettyWriter<StringBuffer> wr(buffer); document.SetObject(); Value jsonvalue; IModbus* modbus = mm->Find(connectorName); if (modbus!=NULL) { if (modbus->setHolding(devAddress,baseAddress,value)) { jsonvalue.SetString("OK",document.GetAllocator()); document.AddMember("Result",jsonvalue,document.GetAllocator()); } else { jsonvalue.SetString("Error",document.GetAllocator()); document.AddMember("Result",jsonvalue,document.GetAllocator()); jsonvalue.SetString("Modbus setHolding failed",document.GetAllocator()); document.AddMember("Message",jsonvalue,document.GetAllocator()); } } else { jsonvalue.SetString("Error",document.GetAllocator()); document.AddMember("Result",jsonvalue,document.GetAllocator()); jsonvalue.SetString("Connector not found",document.GetAllocator()); document.AddMember("Message",jsonvalue,document.GetAllocator()); } document.Accept(wr); std::string json = buffer.GetString(); *res = new http_response(http_response_builder(json, 200,"application/json").string_response()); }
void accept_array_message(array_message const& msg,Value& val,Document& doc,vector<shared_ptr<const string> >& buffers) { val.SetArray(); for (vector<message::ptr>::const_iterator it = msg.get_vector().begin(); it!=msg.get_vector().end(); ++it) { Value child; accept_message(*(*it), child, doc,buffers); val.PushBack(child, doc.GetAllocator()); } }
rapidjson::Document SceneConvertor::Convert( const Scene* scene ) { Document json; json.SetObject(); Document::AllocatorType& al = json.GetAllocator(); json.AddMember( "FILE_TYPE", "SCENE", al ); Value stringNode; Value nullNode; nullNode.SetNull(); Material* skyboxMat = scene->GetSkyboxMaterial(); if (skyboxMat != NULL) { stringNode.SetString( skyboxMat->GetName().ToChar(), al ); json.AddMember( "skyboxMaterial", stringNode, al ); } else { json.AddMember( "skyboxMaterial", nullNode, al ); } json.AddMember( "skyboxSize", scene->GetSkyboxSize(), al ); Value vec3Node = _Vec3_to_JSON( scene->GetAmbientLight(), al ); json.AddMember( "ambientLight", vec3Node, al ); if ( scene->GetMainCamera() != NULL ) { stringNode.SetString( scene->GetMainCamera()->GetName().ToChar(), al ); json.AddMember( "mainCamera", stringNode, al ); } else { json.AddMember( "mainCamera", nullNode, al ); } Value arrayNode; arrayNode.SetArray(); for (uint i = 0; i < scene->GetGameObjectCount(); ++i) { GameObject* gameObject = scene->GetGameObjectAt(i); if ( gameObject->GetParentNode() == NULL && (_useAll || gameObject->IsSavable()) ) { arrayNode.PushBack( _GameObject_to_JSON(gameObject, al), al ); } } json.AddMember( "gameObjects", arrayNode, al ); return json; }
// Issue 226: Value of string type should not point to NULL TEST(Document, AssertAcceptInvalidNameType) { Document doc; doc.SetObject(); doc.AddMember("a", 0, doc.GetAllocator()); doc.FindMember("a")->name.SetNull(); // Change name to non-string type. OutputStringStream os; Writer<OutputStringStream> writer(os); ASSERT_THROW(doc.Accept(writer), AssertException); }
Document Device::actZoom(CString direction, CString movement) { Document d; CString type = "camera"; Value method; method = "actZoom"; Value params; params.SetArray(); //direction Value s; s.SetString(direction, d.GetAllocator()); params.PushBack(s, d.GetAllocator()); //movement s.SetString(movement, d.GetAllocator()); params.PushBack(s, d.GetAllocator()); Value version; version = "1.0"; return sendApi(type, method, params, version); }
Document Device::setPostviewImageSize(){ Document d; CString type = "camera"; Value method; method = "setPostviewImageSize"; Value params; params.SetArray(); params.PushBack("Original", d.GetAllocator()); Value version; version = "1.0"; return sendApi(type, method, params, version); }
void do_read() { auto self(shared_from_this()); socket_.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data_, max_length), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) { if (!ec) { TMP_PACKET* packet = (TMP_PACKET*)(data_); Document d; d.Parse(packet->strdata); Value& ss = d["stars"]; ss.SetInt(ss.GetInt() + 1); OutputDebugString("recv packet"); Document sendJson; sendJson.SetObject(); Document::AllocatorType& allocator = sendJson.GetAllocator(); sendJson.AddMember("cmd", 1, allocator); sendJson.AddMember("ret", 1, allocator); // Convert JSON document to string rapidjson::StringBuffer strbuf; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(strbuf); sendJson.Accept(writer); static int totalcnt = 0; totalcnt++; TCP_PACKET_H hdr; hdr.PacketSize = strbuf.GetSize()+ 1 + sizeof(TCP_PACKET_H); memcpy_s(_sendData, sizeof(TCP_PACKET_H), (void*)&hdr, sizeof(TCP_PACKET_H)); std::cout << strbuf.GetString() << strbuf.GetSize() << " total:"<< totalcnt << std::endl; //std::cout << strbuf.GetSize() << std::endl; sprintf_s(_sendData + sizeof(TCP_PACKET_H), strbuf.GetSize()+1, "%s",strbuf.GetString()); // 오류코드 없으면, 패킷데이터 처리.. // 헤더검사 등의 예외처리 필요.. //TMP_PACKET sendPkt; //sendPkt.Header.PacketSize = strbuf.GetSize()+; do_write(hdr.PacketSize); do_read(); } }); }
int ConfigParser::SetField(const char* field, const char* value) { stringstream err; FILE* fpRead = fopen(configPath.c_str(), "rb"); if(!fpRead){ err << "Could not open file " << configPath << "!"; errors.push_back(err.str()); return -1; } char readBuffer[CONFIGPARSER_BUF_SIZE] = {}; FileReadStream configStream(fpRead, readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer)); Document d; d.ParseStream(configStream); if(d.HasMember(field)){ Value& tmp(d[field]); tmp.SetString(StringRef(value)); } else { Value::AllocatorType& a(d.GetAllocator()); d.AddMember(StringRef(field), StringRef(value), a); if(!d.HasMember(field)){ fclose(fpRead); err << "Failed to set field '" << field << "'' in config file " << configPath << "!"; errors.push_back(err.str()); return -1; } } fclose(fpRead); FILE* fpWrite = fopen(configPath.c_str(), "wb"); if(!fpWrite){ err << "Could not open file " << configPath << "!"; errors.push_back(err.str()); return -1; } char writeBuffer[CONFIGPARSER_BUF_SIZE] = {}; FileWriteStream configWriteStream(fpWrite, writeBuffer, sizeof(writeBuffer)); PrettyWriter<FileWriteStream> writer(configWriteStream); d.Accept(writer); fclose(fpWrite); return 0; }
void Stream::writeObject(SerializableBase *b) { if (!isOutput()) { throw dnnException()<< "Stream isn't open in output mode. Need output stream\n"; } vector<ProtoMessage> messages = b->getSerialized(); if (getRepr() == Text) { vector<string> buff; Document d; Value o(kObjectType); string temps = b->name(); if(!Factory::inst().isProtoType(temps)) { Value sub_o(kObjectType); for (auto &m : messages) { if(m->GetTypeName() != "Protos.ClassName") { Document *sub_d = Json::parseProtobuf(m); buff.push_back(m->GetTypeName()); sub_o.AddMember(StringRef(buff.back().c_str()), *sub_d, d.GetAllocator()); } } o.AddMember(StringRef(temps.c_str()), sub_o, d.GetAllocator()); } else { assert(messages.size() == 2); Document *sub_d = Json::parseProtobuf(messages[1]); o.AddMember(StringRef(temps.c_str()), *sub_d, d.GetAllocator()); } (*_output_str) << Json::stringify(o); } else if (getRepr() == Binary) { for (auto &m : messages) { writeBinaryMessage(m, _output_str); } } }
string XJson::encode(const ::urbi::UValue& data) { if (data.type != ::urbi::DATA_DICTIONARY && data.type != ::urbi::DATA_LIST) { send("throw \"Only UList or UDictionary are supported by UJson.\";"); return ""; } Document doc; StringBuffer stream; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(stream); unique_ptr<Value> valPtr(fromUValue(data, doc.GetAllocator())); (*valPtr).Accept(writer); string result(stream.GetString()); stream.Clear(); return result; }
Value addControl(Document& root, const char* type, int x, int y, int w, int h, int id){ Document::AllocatorType& a = root.GetAllocator(); Value ctl; ctl.SetObject(); ctl.AddMember("type", StringRef(type), a); ctl.AddMember("id", id, a); Value frame; frame.SetObject(); frame.AddMember("x", x, a); frame.AddMember("y", y, a); frame.AddMember("w", w, a); frame.AddMember("h", h, a); ctl.AddMember("frame", frame, a); return ctl; }
TEST(Document, UnchangedOnParseError) { Document doc; doc.SetArray().PushBack(0, doc.GetAllocator()); ParseResult err = doc.Parse("{]"); EXPECT_TRUE(doc.HasParseError()); EXPECT_EQ(err.Code(), doc.GetParseError()); EXPECT_EQ(err.Offset(), doc.GetErrorOffset()); EXPECT_TRUE(doc.IsArray()); EXPECT_EQ(doc.Size(), 1u); err = doc.Parse("{}"); EXPECT_FALSE(doc.HasParseError()); EXPECT_FALSE(err.IsError()); EXPECT_EQ(err.Code(), doc.GetParseError()); EXPECT_EQ(err.Offset(), doc.GetErrorOffset()); EXPECT_TRUE(doc.IsObject()); EXPECT_EQ(doc.MemberCount(), 0u); }
bool ZatData::WriteDataJson() { void* file; if (!(file = XBMC->OpenFileForWrite(data_file.c_str(), true))) { XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Save data.json failed."); return false; } Document d; d.SetObject(); Value a(kArrayType); Document::AllocatorType& allocator = d.GetAllocator(); for (auto const& item : recordingsData) { if (!item.second->stillValid) { continue; } Value r; r.SetObject(); Value recordingId; recordingId.SetString(item.second->recordingId.c_str(), item.second->recordingId.length(), allocator); r.AddMember("recordingId", recordingId, allocator); r.AddMember("playCount", item.second->playCount, allocator); r.AddMember("lastPlayedPosition", item.second->lastPlayedPosition, allocator); a.PushBack(r, allocator); } d.AddMember("recordings", a, allocator); StringBuffer buffer; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(buffer); d.Accept(writer); const char* output = buffer.GetString(); XBMC->WriteFile(file, output, strlen(output)); XBMC->CloseFile(file); return true; }
void FoldersService::FolderToJson(HisBase *pFolder, Document & respjsondoc) { Value d(kObjectType); string strvalue = pFolder->GetName(); Value jsonvalue; jsonvalue.SetString(strvalue.c_str(),strvalue.length(),respjsondoc.GetAllocator()); d.AddMember("name",jsonvalue, respjsondoc.GetAllocator()); strvalue = pFolder->GetRecordId().ToString(); jsonvalue.SetString(strvalue.c_str(),strvalue.length(),respjsondoc.GetAllocator()); d.AddMember("id",jsonvalue, respjsondoc.GetAllocator()); if (pFolder->GetParent()->GetRecordId()!=root->GetFolder()->GetRecordId()) { strvalue = pFolder->GetParent()->GetRecordId().ToString(); jsonvalue.SetString(strvalue.c_str(),strvalue.length(),respjsondoc.GetAllocator()); d.AddMember("parentId",jsonvalue, respjsondoc.GetAllocator()); } respjsondoc.PushBack(d, respjsondoc.GetAllocator()); }
TYPED_TEST(DocumentMove, MoveConstructorStack) { typedef TypeParam Allocator; typedef UTF8<> Encoding; typedef GenericDocument<Encoding, Allocator> Document; Document a; size_t defaultCapacity = a.GetStackCapacity(); // Trick Document into getting GetStackCapacity() to return non-zero typedef GenericReader<Encoding, Encoding, Allocator> Reader; Reader reader(&a.GetAllocator()); GenericStringStream<Encoding> is("[\"one\", \"two\", \"three\"]"); reader.template Parse<kParseDefaultFlags>(is, a); size_t capacity = a.GetStackCapacity(); EXPECT_GT(capacity, 0u); Document b(std::move(a)); EXPECT_EQ(a.GetStackCapacity(), defaultCapacity); EXPECT_EQ(b.GetStackCapacity(), capacity); Document c = std::move(b); EXPECT_EQ(b.GetStackCapacity(), defaultCapacity); EXPECT_EQ(c.GetStackCapacity(), capacity); }
/** * Specialisation of Options::SetImpl to store strings. * This specialisation is necessary because the value must be copied. * rapidjson requires that (a.) it explicitly be copied, or that (b.) it will * retain a reference that is guaranteed to be valid for longer than itself. * @param key The key to the value. * @param val The value to be stored. */ void Options::Set(const char *key, const char *val) { Document *d = static_cast<Document*>(m_doc); Value *fi = static_cast<Value*>(m_family_inst); if (!fi) { //Family doesn't exist, so create it Value family_key(m_family.c_str(), d->GetAllocator()); Value family_val(Type::kObjectType); Value entry_key(key, d->GetAllocator()); Value entry_val(val, d->GetAllocator()); family_val.AddMember(entry_key, entry_val, d->GetAllocator()); d->AddMember(family_key, family_val, d->GetAllocator()); m_family_inst = &(*d)[m_family.c_str()]; } else { //We have the family Value *existing = LGetValue(fi, key); if (existing) { //The entry was already there, so just update value existing->SetString(val, d->GetAllocator()); } else { //Create the new entry Value entry_key(key, d->GetAllocator()); Value entry_val(val, d->GetAllocator()); fi->AddMember(entry_key, entry_val, d->GetAllocator()); } } }
int main(int, char*[]) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1. Parse a JSON text string to a document. const char json[] = " { \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null, \"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[1, 2, 3, 4] } "; printf("Original JSON:\n %s\n", json); Document document; // Default template parameter uses UTF8 and MemoryPoolAllocator. #if 0 // "normal" parsing, decode strings to new buffers. Can use other input stream via ParseStream(). if (document.Parse(json).HasParseError()) return 1; #else // In-situ parsing, decode strings directly in the source string. Source must be string. char buffer[sizeof(json)]; memcpy(buffer, json, sizeof(json)); if (document.ParseInsitu(buffer).HasParseError()) return 1; #endif printf("\nParsing to document succeeded.\n"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2. Access values in document. printf("\nAccess values in document:\n"); assert(document.IsObject()); // Document is a JSON value represents the root of DOM. Root can be either an object or array. assert(document.HasMember("hello")); assert(document["hello"].IsString()); printf("hello = %s\n", document["hello"].GetString()); // Since version 0.2, you can use single lookup to check the existing of member and its value: Value::MemberIterator hello = document.FindMember("hello"); assert(hello != document.MemberEnd()); assert(hello->value.IsString()); assert(strcmp("world", hello->value.GetString()) == 0); (void)hello; assert(document["t"].IsBool()); // JSON true/false are bool. Can also uses more specific function IsTrue(). printf("t = %s\n", document["t"].GetBool() ? "true" : "false"); assert(document["f"].IsBool()); printf("f = %s\n", document["f"].GetBool() ? "true" : "false"); printf("n = %s\n", document["n"].IsNull() ? "null" : "?"); assert(document["i"].IsNumber()); // Number is a JSON type, but C++ needs more specific type. assert(document["i"].IsInt()); // In this case, IsUint()/IsInt64()/IsUInt64() also return true. printf("i = %d\n", document["i"].GetInt()); // Alternative (int)document["i"] assert(document["pi"].IsNumber()); assert(document["pi"].IsDouble()); printf("pi = %g\n", document["pi"].GetDouble()); { const Value& a = document["a"]; // Using a reference for consecutive access is handy and faster. assert(a.IsArray()); for (SizeType i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) // rapidjson uses SizeType instead of size_t. printf("a[%d] = %d\n", i, a[i].GetInt()); int y = a[0].GetInt(); (void)y; // Iterating array with iterators printf("a = "); for (Value::ConstValueIterator itr = a.Begin(); itr != a.End(); ++itr) printf("%d ", itr->GetInt()); printf("\n"); } // Iterating object members static const char* kTypeNames[] = { "Null", "False", "True", "Object", "Array", "String", "Number" }; for (Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = document.MemberBegin(); itr != document.MemberEnd(); ++itr) printf("Type of member %s is %s\n", itr->name.GetString(), kTypeNames[itr->value.GetType()]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3. Modify values in document. // Change i to a bigger number { uint64_t f20 = 1; // compute factorial of 20 for (uint64_t j = 1; j <= 20; j++) f20 *= j; document["i"] = f20; // Alternate form: document["i"].SetUint64(f20) assert(!document["i"].IsInt()); // No longer can be cast as int or uint. } // Adding values to array. { Value& a = document["a"]; // This time we uses non-const reference. Document::AllocatorType& allocator = document.GetAllocator(); for (int i = 5; i <= 10; i++) a.PushBack(i, allocator); // May look a bit strange, allocator is needed for potentially realloc. We normally uses the document's. // Fluent API a.PushBack("Lua", allocator).PushBack("Mio", allocator); } // Making string values. // This version of SetString() just store the pointer to the string. // So it is for literal and string that exists within value's life-cycle. { document["hello"] = "rapidjson"; // This will invoke strlen() // Faster version: // document["hello"].SetString("rapidjson", 9); } // This version of SetString() needs an allocator, which means it will allocate a new buffer and copy the the string into the buffer. Value author; { char buffer[10]; int len = sprintf(buffer, "%s %s", "Milo", "Yip"); // synthetic example of dynamically created string. author.SetString(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(len), document.GetAllocator()); // Shorter but slower version: // document["hello"].SetString(buffer, document.GetAllocator()); // Constructor version: // Value author(buffer, len, document.GetAllocator()); // Value author(buffer, document.GetAllocator()); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); // For demonstration purpose. } // Variable 'buffer' is unusable now but 'author' has already made a copy. document.AddMember("author", author, document.GetAllocator()); assert(author.IsNull()); // Move semantic for assignment. After this variable is assigned as a member, the variable becomes null. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 4. Stringify JSON printf("\nModified JSON with reformatting:\n"); StringBuffer sb; PrettyWriter<StringBuffer> writer(sb); document.Accept(writer); // Accept() traverses the DOM and generates Handler events. puts(sb.GetString()); return 0; }
rapidjson::Document SettingsConvertor::Convert() { using namespace rapidjson; Document json; json.SetObject(); Document::AllocatorType& al = json.GetAllocator(); #if (ME3D_BUILD == ME3D_BUILD_EDITOR) json.AddMember( "FILE_TYPE", "EDITOR_CONFIG", al ); json.AddMember( "editorWidth", EditorApp::Settings::width, al ); json.AddMember( "editorHeight", EditorApp::Settings::height, al ); json.AddMember( "editorPosX", EditorApp::Settings::posX, al ); json.AddMember( "editorPosY", EditorApp::Settings::posY, al ); Value objectNode; Value stringNode; { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Hierarchy ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); json.AddMember( "window_hierarchy", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Resources ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); json.AddMember( "window_resources", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Console ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); json.AddMember( "window_console", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Properties ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); json.AddMember( "window_properties", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Game ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); json.AddMember( "window_game", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Scene_1 ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); stringNode.SetString( wProp.renderer.ToChar(), al ); objectNode.AddMember( "renderer", stringNode, al ); objectNode.AddMember( "camera",, al ); json.AddMember( "window_scene_1", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Scene_2 ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); stringNode.SetString( wProp.renderer.ToChar(), al ); objectNode.AddMember( "renderer", stringNode, al ); objectNode.AddMember( "camera",, al ); json.AddMember( "window_scene_2", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Scene_3 ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); stringNode.SetString( wProp.renderer.ToChar(), al ); objectNode.AddMember( "renderer", stringNode, al ); objectNode.AddMember( "camera",, al ); json.AddMember( "window_scene_3", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Scene_4 ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); stringNode.SetString( wProp.renderer.ToChar(), al ); objectNode.AddMember( "renderer", stringNode, al ); objectNode.AddMember( "camera",, al ); json.AddMember( "window_scene_4", objectNode, al ); } { objectNode.SetObject(); EditorApp::WindowProperty wProp = EditorApp::Settings::windows[ Windows::Preview ]; objectNode.AddMember( "visible", wProp.visible, al ); json.AddMember( "window_preview", objectNode, al ); } stringNode.SetString( EditorApp::Settings::startScene.ToChar(), al ); json.AddMember( "startScene", stringNode, al ); #endif return json; }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ arma::wall_clock timer; //Keeps track of how much time my program is taking to run. timer.tic(); cout << "In this program I'm assuming that the given json model.adm file will follow a certain format, where keys will have an expected name." <<endl; //cout << "If no information is displaying after this line that means that you didn't input the two integer arguments for bodyID and constraintID." <<endl; //double constraintID = double(atof(argv[1])); cout << "Start of Assignment" <<endl; MyJsonDocument d = parseJSON("models/simplePend.acf"); string simulation = string(d["simulation"].GetString()); double tend = d["tend"].GetDouble(); double stepSize = d["stepSize"].GetDouble(); double outputSteps = d["outputSteps"].GetDouble(); cout << "Simulation = " + simulation <<endl; cout << "tend = "; cout << tend << endl; cout << "stepSize = "; cout << stepSize << endl; cout << "outputSteps = "; cout << outputSteps << endl; //static const char* kTypeNames[] = { "Null", "False", "True", "Object", "Array", "String", "Number" }; MyJsonDocument d4 = parseJSON("models/simplePend.adm"); cout << "parsing is fine" << endl; Model m(d4, simulation, tend,outputSteps,stepSize); /** vector<c_constraint*> constraints = m.getConstraints(); for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i != constraints.size(); i++) { constraints[i]->print(); }*/ m.solveK(); std::vector<arma::vec> q = m.getQList(); std::vector<arma::vec> qd = m.getQdList(); std::vector<arma::vec> qdd = m.getQddList(); double xAccPlot[2][(int)m.getOutputSteps()]; double trajectoryPlot[2][(int)m.getOutputSteps()]; Document doc; doc.SetObject(); rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = doc.GetAllocator(); Value plot1(kArrayType); Value plot1X(kArrayType); Value plot1Y(kArrayType); Value plot2(kArrayType); Value plot2X(kArrayType); Value plot2Y(kArrayType); for(int i = 0; i <= m.getOutputSteps(); i++){ xAccPlot[0][i] = m.getStepSize()*i; xAccPlot[1][i] =; plot1X.PushBack(xAccPlot[0][i],allocator); plot1Y.PushBack(xAccPlot[1][i],allocator); trajectoryPlot[0][i] =; trajectoryPlot[1][i] =; plot2X.PushBack(trajectoryPlot[0][i],allocator); plot2Y.PushBack(trajectoryPlot[1][i],allocator); } plot1.PushBack(plot1X,allocator); plot1.PushBack(plot1Y,allocator); plot2.PushBack(plot2X,allocator); plot2.PushBack(plot2Y,allocator); doc.AddMember("Plot1",plot1,allocator); doc.AddMember("Plot2",plot2,allocator); StringBuffer strbuf; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(strbuf); doc.Accept(writer); std::string plotsData = strbuf.GetString(); ofstream dataFile ("plots/data.json"); if (dataFile.is_open()){ dataFile << plotsData; dataFile.close(); } else cout << "Unable to open file"; system( "python ../../repos/simEngine/python/" ); cout << "took " << timer.toc() << " seconds for part 2" << endl; return 0; }
/** * 将两个anchor的incomming和outgoing部分分别合并,并将结果存入dst_anchor * @param src_anchor anchor1 * @param dst_anchor anchor2,同时也是保存结果的anchor * @return */ bool VersionControlLayer::mergeAnchors(Value& src_anchor, Value& dst_anchor, Value& filt_anchor, Document& doc) { Value& v_src_incomming = src_anchor["@incomingConnections"]; Value& v_src_outgoing = src_anchor["@outgoingConnections"]; Value& v_dst_incomming = dst_anchor["@incomingConnections"]; Value& v_dst_outgoing = dst_anchor["@outgoingConnections"]; Value& v_filt_incomming = filt_anchor["@incomingConnections"]; Value& v_filt_outgoing = filt_anchor["@outgoingConnections"]; string s_src_incomming(v_src_incomming.GetString()); string s_src_outgoing(v_src_outgoing.GetString()); string s_dst_incomming(v_dst_incomming.GetString()); string s_dst_outgoing(v_dst_outgoing.GetString()); string s_filt_incomming(v_filt_incomming.GetString()); string s_filt_outgoing(v_filt_outgoing.GetString()); set<string> srcIncomming, srcOutgoing; set<string> mergeIncomming, mergeOutgoing, mergeFilter; splitStringToSet(s_filt_incomming, " ", &mergeFilter, NULL); splitStringToSet(s_dst_incomming, " ", &mergeIncomming, NULL); splitStringToSet(s_src_incomming, " ", &srcIncomming, NULL); filtId(&mergeIncomming, &mergeFilter, &srcIncomming); splitStringToSet(s_src_incomming, " ", &mergeIncomming, &mergeFilter); mergeFilter.clear(); splitStringToSet(s_filt_outgoing, " ", &mergeFilter, NULL); splitStringToSet(s_dst_outgoing, " ", &mergeOutgoing, NULL); splitStringToSet(s_src_outgoing, " ", &srcOutgoing, NULL); filtId(&mergeOutgoing, &mergeFilter, &srcOutgoing); splitStringToSet(s_src_outgoing, " ", &mergeOutgoing, &mergeFilter); // ---------incomminng---------->>> string s_mergeIncomming = ""; for(auto it=mergeIncomming.begin();it!=mergeIncomming.end();it++) { s_mergeIncomming += *it; s_mergeIncomming += " "; } v_dst_incomming.SetString(s_mergeIncomming.c_str(), s_mergeIncomming.size(), doc.GetAllocator()); // <<<-------incomming-------------- // ---------outgoing---------->>> string s_mergeOutgoing = ""; for(auto it=mergeOutgoing.begin();it!=mergeOutgoing.end();it++) { s_mergeOutgoing += *it; s_mergeOutgoing += " "; } v_dst_outgoing.SetString(s_mergeOutgoing.c_str(), s_mergeOutgoing.size(), doc.GetAllocator()); // <<<-------outgoing-------------- // StringBuffer buffer1; // Writer<StringBuffer> writer1(buffer1); // dst_anchor.Accept(writer1); // // Output // std::cout << buffer1.GetString() << std::endl; return true; }
std::string ProfileRegion::outputJSON() { const char *base = "{" "\"region_id\":0," "\"region_type\":0," "\"file_name\":\"\"," "\"start_line\":0," "\"end_line\":0," "\"initial_mask\":0," "\"lane_usage\":[]," "\"full_mask_percentage\": []," "\"ipc\":0," "\"l2_hit\":0," "\"l3_hit\":0," "\"bytes_read\":0" "}"; Document d; d.Parse(base); d["region_id"].SetUint64(this->id); d["region_type"].SetInt(this->region_type); d["file_name"].SetString(StringRef(this->file_name)); d["start_line"].SetInt(this->start_line); d["end_line"].SetInt(this->end_line); d["initial_mask"].SetUint64(this->initial_mask); d["ipc"].SetDouble(this->avg_ipc); d["l2_hit"].SetDouble(this->avg_l2_hit); d["l3_hit"].SetDouble(this->avg_l3_hit); d["bytes_read"].SetDouble(this->avg_bytes_read); // Add list of lane usage by line number. Value &lane_usage = d["lane_usage"]; Document::AllocatorType &allocator = d.GetAllocator(); for (LaneUsageMap::iterator it = this->laneUsageMap.begin(); it != this->laneUsageMap.end(); ++it) { Value line(kObjectType); double percent = it->second.second/double(it->second.first) * 100; line.AddMember("line", it->first, allocator); line.AddMember("percent", percent, allocator); lane_usage.PushBack(line, allocator); } // Add list of percent of full mask runs by line number. Value &full_mask = d["full_mask_percentage"]; for (LaneUsageMap::iterator it = this->fullMaskMap.begin(); it != this->fullMaskMap.end(); ++it) { Value line(kObjectType); double percent = it->second.second/double(it->second.first) * 100; line.AddMember("line", it->first, allocator); line.AddMember("percent", percent, allocator); full_mask.PushBack(line, allocator); } // Stringify the DOM StringBuffer buffer; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(buffer); d.Accept(writer); std::string str(buffer.GetString()); return str; }
void Dlg_MemBookmark::ExportJSON() { if ( g_pCurrentGameData->GetGameID() == 0 ) { MessageBox( nullptr, _T("ROM not loaded: please load a ROM first!"), _T("Error!"), MB_OK ); return; } if ( m_vBookmarks.size() == 0) { MessageBox( nullptr, _T("No bookmarks to save: please create a bookmark before attempting to save."), _T("Error!"), MB_OK ); return; } std::string defaultDir = RA_DIR_BOOKMARKS; defaultDir.erase ( 0, 2 ); // Removes the characters (".\\") defaultDir = g_sHomeDir + defaultDir; IFileSaveDialog* pDlg = nullptr; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FileSaveDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IFileSaveDialog, reinterpret_cast<void**>( &pDlg ) ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pDlg->SetFileTypes( ARRAYSIZE( c_rgFileTypes ), c_rgFileTypes ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { char defaultFileName[ 512 ]; sprintf_s ( defaultFileName, 512, "%s-Bookmarks.txt", std::to_string( g_pCurrentGameData->GetGameID() ).c_str() ); hr = pDlg->SetFileName( Widen( defaultFileName ).c_str() ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl; hr = SHParseDisplayName( Widen( defaultDir ).c_str(), NULL, &pidl, SFGAO_FOLDER, 0 ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { IShellItem* pItem = nullptr; SHCreateShellItem( NULL, NULL, pidl, &pItem ); hr = pDlg->SetDefaultFolder( pItem ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { pDlg->SetDefaultExtension( L"txt" ); hr = pDlg->Show( nullptr ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pDlg->GetResult( &pItem ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { LPWSTR pStr = nullptr; hr = pItem->GetDisplayName( SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &pStr ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { Document doc; Document::AllocatorType& allocator = doc.GetAllocator(); doc.SetObject(); Value bookmarks( kArrayType ); for ( MemBookmark* bookmark : m_vBookmarks ) { Value item( kObjectType ); char buffer[ 256 ]; sprintf_s( buffer, Narrow( bookmark->Description() ).c_str(), sizeof( buffer ) ); Value s( buffer, allocator ); item.AddMember( "Description", s, allocator ); item.AddMember( "Address", bookmark->Address(), allocator ); item.AddMember( "Type", bookmark->Type(), allocator ); item.AddMember( "Decimal", bookmark->Decimal(), allocator ); bookmarks.PushBack( item, allocator ); } doc.AddMember( "Bookmarks", bookmarks, allocator ); _WriteBufferToFile( Narrow( pStr ), doc ); } pItem->Release(); ILFree( pidl ); } } } } } } pDlg->Release(); } }
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance bool HelloWorld::init() { ////////////////////////////// // 1. super init first if ( !Layer::init() ) { return false; } auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); auto origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// 数据读取 SSIZE_T size; /* FILE* file1 = fopen("test.json", "wr");*/ unsigned char* ch = FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData("test.json","r", &size); std::string data = std::string((const char* )ch, size); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// 数据解析成json格式数据 Document doc; ///< 创建一个Document对象 rapidJson的相关操作都在Document类中 doc.Parse<0>(data.c_str()); ///< 通过Parse方法将Json数据解析出来 if (doc.HasParseError()) { CCLOG("GetParseError %s\n",doc.GetParseError()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Json数据读取和更改-----对值操作 rapidjson::Value& valString = doc["hello1"]; ///< 读取键“hello”的值,根据我们的json文档,是一个字符串 if (valString.IsString()) ///< 判断是否是字符串 { const char* ch = valString.GetString(); log(ch); log(valString.GetString()); valString.SetString("newString"); log(valString.GetString()); } rapidjson::Value& valArray = doc["a"]; ///< 读取键“a”值,根据我们的json文档,是一个数组 if (valArray.IsArray()) ///< 判断val的类型 是否为数组 我们的Tollgate键对应的value实际为数组 { for (int i = 0; i < valArray.Capacity(); ++i) { rapidjson::Value& first = valArray[i]; ///< 获取到val中的第i个元素 根据我们这里的json文件 val中共有4个元素 CCLOG("%f", first.GetDouble()); ///< 将value转换成Double类型打印出来 结果为0.5 first.SetDouble(10.f); CCLOG("%f", first.GetDouble()); ///< 将value转换成Double类型打印出来 结果为0.5S } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// json数据操作---对键操作之添加成员对象 /// 添加一个String对象; rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = doc.GetAllocator(); ///< 获取最初数据的分配器 rapidjson::Value strObject(rapidjson::kStringType); ///< 添加字符串方法1 strObject.SetString("love"); doc.AddMember("hello1", strObject, allocator); /* doc.AddMember("hello1", "love you", allocator); ///< 添加字符串方法2:往分配器中添加一个对象*/ /// 添加一个null对象 rapidjson::Value nullObject(rapidjson::kNullType); doc.AddMember("null", nullObject, allocator); ///< 往分配器中添加一个对象 /// 添加一个数组对象 rapidjson::Value array(rapidjson::kArrayType); ///< 创建一个数组对象 rapidjson::Value object(rapidjson::kObjectType); ///< 创建数组里面对象。 object.AddMember("id", 1, allocator); object.AddMember("name", "lai", allocator); object.AddMember("age", "12", allocator); object.AddMember("low", true, allocator); array.PushBack(object, allocator); doc.AddMember("player", array, allocator); ///< 将上述的数组内容添加到一个名为“player”的数组中 /// 在已有的数组中添加一个成员对象 rapidjson::Value& aArray1 = doc["a"]; aArray1.PushBack(2.0, allocator); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// json数据操作---对键操作之删除成员对象 /// 删除数组成员对象里面元素 rapidjson::Value& aArray2 = doc["a"]; ///< 读取键“a”值,根据我们的json文档,是一个数组 aArray2.PopBack(); ///< 删除数组最后一个成员对象 if (doc.RemoveMember("i")) ///< 删除键为“i”的成员变量 { log("delet i member ok!"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// 将json数据重新写入文件中---先将文件删除,再写入内容 rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer); doc.Accept(writer); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32) system("del E:\cocos2d-x-3.2rc0\tests\cpp-empty-test\Resources\test.josn"); ///< 先将文件删除掉---之前重这个文件读取数据,因此确保这个文件存在了 FILE* file = fopen("test.json", "wb"); if (file) { fputs(buffer.GetString(), file); fclose(file); } #else if(CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) /// 原理差不多,就是先将文件清空,在写入。这里就不写了。 #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return true; }
void TestParseBaaS::doAction(int tag) { std::function<void(int, std::string&)> callback = CC_CALLBACK_2(TestParseBaaS::onParseCallback, this); switch (tag) { case TAG_PF_SIGNUP: if (_protocolBaaS->isLoggedIn()) { _resultInfo->setString("Parse: please signout first"); } else { _resultInfo->setString("Signup with username: testuser & password: password"); map<string, string> userInfo; userInfo["username"] = "******"; userInfo["password"] = "******"; userInfo["email"] = "*****@*****.**"; _protocolBaaS->signUp(userInfo, callback); } break; case TAG_PF_LOGIN: { if (_protocolBaaS->isLoggedIn()) { _resultInfo->setString("Parse: login already."); } else { _protocolBaaS->login("testuser", "password", callback); } } break; case TAG_PF_LOGOUT: { if (_protocolBaaS->isLoggedIn()) { _protocolBaaS->logout(callback); } else { _resultInfo->setString("Parse: logout already."); } break; } case TAG_PF_WRITE_OBJECT: { srand((int) time(nullptr)); Document doc; doc.SetObject(); Document::AllocatorType &alloc = doc.GetAllocator(); int data = rand() % 100; string name = StringUtils::format("TestObject%d", data).c_str(); doc.AddMember("name", name.c_str(), alloc); doc.AddMember("data", data, alloc); StringBuffer buffer; Writer<StringBuffer, UTF8<> > writer(buffer); doc.Accept(writer); string sss(buffer.GetString(), buffer.GetString() + strlen(buffer.GetString())); _resultInfo->setString(StringUtils::format("Parse: writing object... %s", sss.c_str())); _protocolBaaS->saveObjectInBackground("testobject", buffer.GetString(), callback); break; } case TAG_PF_READ_OBJECT: { if (_lastObjectId.length() <= 0) { _resultInfo->setString("Please create an object to read"); } else { _protocolBaaS->getObjectInBackground("testobject", _lastObjectId, callback); } break; } case TAG_PF_UPDATE_OBJECT: { if (_lastObjectId.length() <= 0) { _resultInfo->setString("Please read an object."); } else { Document doc; doc.SetObject(); Document::AllocatorType &alloc = doc.GetAllocator(); int data = rand() % 100; doc.AddMember("data", data, alloc); StringBuffer buffer; Writer<StringBuffer, UTF8<> > writer(buffer); doc.Accept(writer); _protocolBaaS->updateObjectInBackground("testobject", _lastObjectId, buffer.GetString(), callback); } } default: break; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { string sha256("SHA256"); Poco::Crypto::DigestEngine engine(sha256); engine.update("test"); //string paylod_hash(engine.digest()); Poco::DigestEngine::Digest paylod_hash = engine.digest(); string payload((Poco::Crypto::DigestEngine::digestToHex(paylod_hash))); cout << payload << endl; //cout << paylod_hash << endl; Document doc; doc.SetObject(); Document::AllocatorType & allocator = doc.GetAllocator(); doc.AddMember("TableName", "patent", allocator); doc.AddMember("ProjectionExpression", "patent_id", allocator); // doc.AddMember("") string body = doc2str(doc); string key_id("AKIAIDN3KXQXTMEGVLXA"); string secret("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"); { string method("POST"); string service("dynamodb"); string host(""); string uri("/"); string region("us-east-1"); string content_type("application/x-amz-json-1.0"); string amz_target("DynamoDB_20120810.Scan"); string query_string(""); string amz_date = getAmzDate(); string amz_stamp = getDateStamp(amz_date); string cannocial_header(""); cannocial_header += "content-type:" + content_type + "\n" + \ "host:" + host + "\n" + \ "x-amz-date:" + amz_date + "\n" + \ "x-amz-target:" + amz_target + "\n"; string signed_headers("content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target"); } //cout << body << endl; //doc.AddMember("Limit", 1000, allocator); string dbHost(""); Poco::UInt16 dbPort(8000); HTTPClientSession session; setSession(session, dbHost, dbPort); HTTPRequest request; setRequestHeader(request); request.setContentLength(body.length()); ostream & os = session.sendRequest(request); os << body; HTTPResponse res; istream &is = session.receiveResponse(res); int statusCode = (int)res.getStatus(); string status = res.getReason(); // cout << status << endl; // cout << statusCode << endl; string uuid_str; is >> uuid_str; // cout << uuid_str << endl; //parse return Document uuid_doc; uuid_doc.Parse<0>(uuid_str.c_str()); Value& uuids = uuid_doc["Items"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < uuids.Size();++i) { string id = uuids[i]["patent_id"]["S"].GetString(); //cout << id << endl; } // BSONBuilder buildObj; // string requestHeader = string("host:") + dbHost + '\n'; // requestHeader += string("x-amz-date:") + getAmzDate() +'\n'; // requestHeader += string("x-amz-target:") + "DynamoDB_20120810.CreateTable" +"\n"; // string requestStr = string("AWS4-HMAC-SHA256") + string("GET") + //HTTPRequest request(HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, url.getPath(), HTTPRequest::HTTP_1_1); }
// Returns printer status as a JSON formatted string. std::string PrinterStatus::ToString() const { std::string retVal = ""; std::ostringstream json; json << "{" << "\"" << STATE_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << UISUBSTATE_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << CHANGE_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << IS_ERROR_PS_KEY << "\": false," << "\"" << ERROR_CODE_PS_KEY << "\": 0," << "\"" << ERRNO_PS_KEY << "\": 0," << "\"" << ERROR_MSG_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << JOB_NAME_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << JOB_ID_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << LAYER_PS_KEY << "\": 0," << "\"" << TOTAL_LAYERS_PS_KEY << "\": 0," << "\"" << SECONDS_LEFT_PS_KEY << "\": 0," << "\"" << TEMPERATURE_PS_KEY << "\": 0.0," << "\"" << PRINT_RATING_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << SPARK_STATE_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << SPARK_JOB_STATE_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << LOCAL_JOB_UUID_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"," << "\"" << CAN_LOAD_PS_KEY << "\": \"\"" << "}"; try { std::string jsonString = json.str(); Document doc; doc.Parse(jsonString.c_str()); Value value; const char* state = GetStateName(_state); value.SetString(state, strlen(state), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[STATE_PS_KEY] = value; const char* substate = GetSubStateName(_UISubState); value.SetString(substate, strlen(substate), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[UISUBSTATE_PS_KEY] = value; if (_change == Entering) value.SetString(StringRef(ENTERING)); else if (_change == Leaving) value.SetString(StringRef(LEAVING)); else value.SetString(StringRef(NO_CHANGE)); doc[CHANGE_PS_KEY] = value; if (_printRating == Succeeded) value.SetString(StringRef(PRINT_SUCCESSFUL)); else if (_printRating == Failed) value.SetString(StringRef(PRINT_FAILED)); else value.SetString(StringRef(UNKNOWN_PRINT_FEEDBACK)); doc[PRINT_RATING_PS_KEY] = value; doc[IS_ERROR_PS_KEY] = _isError; doc[ERROR_CODE_PS_KEY] = _errorCode; doc[ERRNO_PS_KEY] = _errno; value.SetString(GetLastErrorMessage().c_str(), GetLastErrorMessage().size(), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[ERROR_MSG_PS_KEY] = value; // job name comes from settings rather than PrinterStatus std::string ss = PrinterSettings::Instance().GetString(JOB_NAME_SETTING); value.SetString(ss.c_str(), ss.size(), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[JOB_NAME_PS_KEY] = value; value.SetString(_jobID.c_str(), _jobID.size(), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[JOB_ID_PS_KEY] = value; doc[LAYER_PS_KEY] = _currentLayer; doc[TOTAL_LAYERS_PS_KEY] = _numLayers; doc[SECONDS_LEFT_PS_KEY] = _estimatedSecondsRemaining; doc[TEMPERATURE_PS_KEY] = _temperature; // get the Spark API printer and job states ss = SparkStatus::GetSparkStatus(_state, _UISubState, _canLoadPrintData); value.SetString(ss.c_str(), ss.size(), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[SPARK_STATE_PS_KEY] = value; // we know we're printing if we have a non-zero number of layers ss = SparkStatus::GetSparkJobStatus(_state, _UISubState, _numLayers > 0); value.SetString(ss.c_str(), ss.size(), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[SPARK_JOB_STATE_PS_KEY] = value; // write the UUID used by Spark for local jobs value.SetString(_localJobUniqueID, strlen(_localJobUniqueID), doc.GetAllocator()); doc[LOCAL_JOB_UUID_PS_KEY] = value; doc[CAN_LOAD_PS_KEY] = _canLoadPrintData; StringBuffer buffer; Writer<StringBuffer> writer(buffer); doc.Accept(writer); retVal = std::string(buffer.GetString()) + "\n"; } catch(std::exception) { Logger::HandleError(PrinterStatusToString); } return retVal; }