コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: johnsliao/CS-341
int main () {
    DoubleLinkList A;
    int customerCounter = 1;
    int minNumber = 1;
    int totalSimulationTime = 0, maxIntervalEnterQueue = 0, maxIntervalServePerson = 0, timeUntilNextCustomer = 0;
    bool validInput = false;
    string trash;
    // Gather user input information. Prompt again if invalid input, i.e. non-numeric.

    while(!validInput) {
        cout << "Enter the length of time simulation should run (minutes): ";

        cin >> totalSimulationTime;

        if (!cin.eof() && cin.good())
            validInput = true;
        else {
            cout << "Invalid input. Please try again." << endl;
            cin >> trash; //remove the bad input from the cin stream by throwing it into the trash string

    validInput = false;

    while(!validInput) {
        cout << "Enter maximum interval between individual people entering the queue (minutes): ";
        cin >> maxIntervalEnterQueue;

        if (!cin.eof() && cin.good())
            validInput = true;
        else {
            cout << "Invalid input. Please try again." << endl;
            cin >> trash; //remove the bad input from the cin stream by throwing it into the trash string

    validInput = false;

    while(!validInput) {
        cout << "Enter maximum interval of time to serve an individual person in the queue (minutes): ";
        cin >> maxIntervalServePerson;

        if (!cin.eof() && cin.good())
            validInput = true;
        else {
            cout << "Invalid input. Please try again." << endl;
            cin >> trash; //remove the bad input from the cin stream by throwing it into the trash string

    cout << endl;

    maxIntervalEnterQueue--; // account for rand() mod
    maxIntervalServePerson--; // account for rand() mod

    timeUntilNextCustomer = 1+rand()%(maxIntervalEnterQueue); // initialize time until next customer

    A.putCustomer(customerCounter, 1, maxIntervalServePerson); // initialize first customer

    cout << "Minute # | Customer # | Entry Minute | Service Time Remaining | Wait Time remaining | Minutes remaining until Service is finished" << endl;

    for(; minNumber<=totalSimulationTime; minNumber++) {

        if (A.getFirstCustomer() != NULL) { // check if any customers in line
            if (A.getFirstCustomer()->getTimeToServe() == 0)

            if (A.getFirstCustomer() != NULL) // check if any customers in line

        if (timeUntilNextCustomer == 0) { // new customer! add to queue and reset timer
            timeUntilNextCustomer = 1 + rand()%(maxIntervalEnterQueue);
            A.putCustomer(++customerCounter, minNumber, maxIntervalServePerson);

        A.getListReverse(minNumber); // print out customers in line and relevant information
    return 0;