コード例 #1
void PhysicalEntitySimulation::clearEntitiesInternal() {
    // TODO: we should probably wait to lock the _physicsEngine so we don't mess up data structures
    // while it is in the middle of a simulation step.  As it is, we're probably in shutdown mode
    // anyway, so maybe the simulation was already properly shutdown?  Cross our fingers...

    // copy everything into _entitiesToDelete
    for (auto stateItr : _physicalObjects) {
        EntityMotionState* motionState = static_cast<EntityMotionState*>(&(*stateItr));

    // then remove the objects (aka MotionStates) from physics

    // delete the MotionStates
    // TODO: after we invert the entities/physics lib dependencies we will let EntityItem delete
    // its own PhysicsInfo rather than do it here
    for (auto entity : _entitiesToDelete) {
        EntityMotionState* motionState = static_cast<EntityMotionState*>(entity->getPhysicsInfo());
        if (motionState) {
            delete motionState;

    // finally clear all lists maintained by this class
コード例 #2
void PhysicalEntitySimulation::handleOutgoingChanges(VectorOfMotionStates& motionStates, const QUuid& sessionID) {
    // walk the motionStates looking for those that correspond to entities
    for (auto stateItr : motionStates) {
        ObjectMotionState* state = &(*stateItr);
        if (state && state->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
            EntityMotionState* entityState = static_cast<EntityMotionState*>(state);
            EntityItemPointer entity = entityState->getEntity();
            if (entity) {
                if (entityState->isCandidateForOwnership(sessionID)) {

    uint32_t numSubsteps = _physicsEngine->getNumSubsteps();
    if (_lastStepSendPackets != numSubsteps) {
        _lastStepSendPackets = numSubsteps;

        if (sessionID.isNull()) {
            // usually don't get here, but if so --> nothing to do

        // send outgoing packets
        QSet<EntityMotionState*>::iterator stateItr = _outgoingChanges.begin();
        while (stateItr != _outgoingChanges.end()) {
            EntityMotionState* state = *stateItr;
            if (!state->isCandidateForOwnership(sessionID)) {
                stateItr = _outgoingChanges.erase(stateItr);
            } else if (state->shouldSendUpdate(numSubsteps, sessionID)) {
                state->sendUpdate(_entityPacketSender, sessionID, numSubsteps);
            } else {
コード例 #3
VectorOfMotionStates& PhysicalEntitySimulation::getObjectsToDelete() {
    for (auto stateItr : _pendingRemoves) {
        EntityMotionState* motionState = &(*stateItr);

        EntityItemPointer entity = motionState->getEntity();
        if (entity) {
    return _tempVector;
コード例 #4
void PhysicalEntitySimulation::clearEntitiesInternal() {
    // TODO: we should probably wait to lock the _physicsEngine so we don't mess up data structures
    // while it is in the middle of a simulation step.  As it is, we're probably in shutdown mode
    // anyway, so maybe the simulation was already properly shutdown?  Cross our fingers...

    // first disconnect each MotionStates from its Entity
    for (auto stateItr : _physicalObjects) {
        EntityMotionState* motionState = static_cast<EntityMotionState*>(&(*stateItr));
        EntityItemPointer entity = motionState->getEntity();
        if (entity) {

    // then delete the objects (aka MotionStates)

    // finally clear all lists (which now have only dangling pointers)