bool EquationSystems::compare (const EquationSystems& other_es, const Real threshold, const bool verbose) const { // safety check, whether we handle at least the same number // of systems std::vector<bool> os_result; if (this->n_systems() != other_es.n_systems()) { if (verbose) { libMesh::out << " Fatal difference. This system handles " << this->n_systems() << " systems," << std::endl << " while the other system handles " << other_es.n_systems() << " systems." << std::endl << " Aborting comparison." << std::endl; } return false; } else { // start comparing each system const_system_iterator pos = _systems.begin(); const const_system_iterator end = _systems.end(); for (; pos != end; ++pos) { const std::string& sys_name = pos->first; const System& system = *(pos->second); // get the other system const System& other_system = other_es.get_system (sys_name); os_result.push_back ( (other_system, threshold, verbose)); } } // sum up the results if (os_result.size()==0) return true; else { bool os_identical; unsigned int n = 0; do { os_identical = os_result[n]; n++; } while (os_identical && n<os_result.size()); return os_identical; } }
/* * FIXME: This is known to write nonsense on AMR meshes * and it strips the imaginary parts of complex Numbers */ void VTKIO::system_vectors_to_vtk(const EquationSystems& es, vtkUnstructuredGrid*& grid) { if (MeshOutput<MeshBase>::mesh().processor_id() == 0) { std::map<std::string, std::vector<Number> > vecs; for (unsigned int i=0; i<es.n_systems(); ++i) { const System& sys = es.get_system(i); System::const_vectors_iterator v_end = sys.vectors_end(); System::const_vectors_iterator it = sys.vectors_begin(); for (; it!= v_end; ++it) { // for all vectors on this system std::vector<Number> values; // libMesh::out<<"it "<<it->first<<std::endl; it->second->localize_to_one(values, 0); // libMesh::out<<"finish localize"<<std::endl; vecs[it->first] = values; } } std::map<std::string, std::vector<Number> >::iterator it = vecs.begin(); for (; it!=vecs.end(); ++it) { vtkDoubleArray *data = vtkDoubleArray::New(); data->SetName(it->first.c_str()); libmesh_assert_equal_to (it->second.size(), es.get_mesh().n_nodes()); data->SetNumberOfValues(it->second.size()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<it->second.size(); ++i) { #ifdef LIBMESH_USE_COMPLEX_NUMBERS libmesh_do_once (libMesh::err << "Only writing the real part for complex numbers!\n" << "if you need this support contact " << LIBMESH_PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << std::endl); data->SetValue(i, it->second[i].real()); #else data->SetValue(i, it->second[i]); #endif } grid->GetPointData()->AddArray(data); data->Delete(); } } }
/** * FIXME: This is a default implementation - derived classes should * reimplement it for efficiency. */ void ErrorEstimator::estimate_errors(const EquationSystems & equation_systems, ErrorMap & errors_per_cell, const std::map<const System *, const NumericVector<Number> *> * solution_vectors, bool estimate_parent_error) { SystemNorm old_error_norm = this->error_norm; // Find the requested error values from each system for (unsigned int s = 0; s != equation_systems.n_systems(); ++s) { const System & sys = equation_systems.get_system(s); unsigned int n_vars = sys.n_vars(); for (unsigned int v = 0; v != n_vars; ++v) { // Only fill in ErrorVectors the user asks for if (errors_per_cell.find(std::make_pair(&sys, v)) == errors_per_cell.end()) continue; // Calculate error in only one variable std::vector<Real> weights(n_vars, 0.0); weights[v] = 1.0; this->error_norm = SystemNorm(std::vector<FEMNormType>(n_vars, old_error_norm.type(v)), weights); const NumericVector<Number> * solution_vector = nullptr; if (solution_vectors && solution_vectors->find(&sys) != solution_vectors->end()) solution_vector = solution_vectors->find(&sys)->second; this->estimate_error (sys, *errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&sys, v)], solution_vector, estimate_parent_error); } } // Restore our old state before returning this->error_norm = old_error_norm; }
void ErrorEstimator::estimate_errors(const EquationSystems & equation_systems, ErrorVector & error_per_cell, const std::map<const System *, SystemNorm> & error_norms, const std::map<const System *, const NumericVector<Number> *> * solution_vectors, bool estimate_parent_error) { SystemNorm old_error_norm = this->error_norm; // Sum the error values from each system for (unsigned int s = 0; s != equation_systems.n_systems(); ++s) { ErrorVector system_error_per_cell; const System & sys = equation_systems.get_system(s); if (error_norms.find(&sys) == error_norms.end()) this->error_norm = old_error_norm; else this->error_norm = error_norms.find(&sys)->second; const NumericVector<Number> * solution_vector = nullptr; if (solution_vectors && solution_vectors->find(&sys) != solution_vectors->end()) solution_vector = solution_vectors->find(&sys)->second; this->estimate_error(sys, system_error_per_cell, solution_vector, estimate_parent_error); if (s) { libmesh_assert_equal_to (error_per_cell.size(), system_error_per_cell.size()); for (std::size_t i=0; i != error_per_cell.size(); ++i) error_per_cell[i] += system_error_per_cell[i]; } else error_per_cell = system_error_per_cell; } // Restore our old state before returning this->error_norm = old_error_norm; }
void read_output(EquationSystems & es, unsigned int t_step, unsigned int a_step, std::string solution_type, FEMParameters & param) { MeshBase & mesh = es.get_mesh(); std::string file_name_mesh, file_name_soln; // Look for ASCII files first if (param.output_xda) { file_name_mesh = numbered_filename(t_step, a_step, solution_type, "mesh", "xda", param); file_name_soln = numbered_filename(t_step, a_step, solution_type, "soln", "xda", param); } else if (param.output_xdr) { file_name_mesh = numbered_filename(t_step, a_step, solution_type, "mesh", "xdr", param); file_name_soln = numbered_filename(t_step, a_step, solution_type, "soln", "xdr", param); } // Read in the mesh; // And the stored solution, READ, EquationSystems::READ_HEADER | EquationSystems::READ_DATA | EquationSystems::READ_ADDITIONAL_DATA); // Put systems in a consistent state for (unsigned int i = 0; i != es.n_systems(); ++i) es.get_system<FEMSystem>(i).update(); // Figure out the current time Real current_time = 0., current_timestep = 0.; if (param.timesolver_tolerance) { std::ifstream times ("out_time.m"); std::ifstream timesteps ("out_timesteps.m"); if (times.is_open() && timesteps.is_open()) { // Read headers const unsigned int headersize = 25; char header[headersize]; timesteps.getline (header, headersize); if (strcmp(header, "vector_timesteps = [") != 0) libmesh_error_msg("Bad header in out_timesteps.m:\n" << header); times.getline (header, headersize); if (strcmp(header, "vector_time = [") != 0) libmesh_error_msg("Bad header in out_time.m:\n" << header); // Read each timestep for (unsigned int i = 0; i != t_step; ++i) { if (!times.good()) libmesh_error_msg("Error: File out_time.m is in non-good state."); times >> current_time; timesteps >> current_timestep; } // Remember to increment the last timestep; out_times.m // lists each *start* time current_time += current_timestep; } else