コード例 #1
    void init()
        /* copy singleton simulationBox data to simbox simBox holds global and*
         * local SimulationSize and where the local SimArea is in the greater *
         * scheme using Offsets from global LEFT, TOP, FRONT                  */
        PMACC_AUTO(simBox, Environment<DIM2>::get().SubGrid().getSimulationBox());

        /* Recall that in types.hpp the following is defined:                 *
         *     typedef MappingDescription<DIM2, math::CT::Int<16,16> > MappingDesc;    *
         * where math::CT::Int<16,16> is arbitrarily(!) chosen SuperCellSize and DIM2  *
         * is the dimension of the grid.                                      *
         * Expression of 2nd argument translates to DataSpace<DIM3>(16,16,0). *
         * This is the guard size (here set to be one Supercell wide in all   *
         * directions). Meaning we have 16*16*(2*grid.x+2*grid.y+4) more      *
         * cells in GridLayout than in SimulationBox.                         */
        GridLayout<DIM2> layout( simBox.getLocalSize(),

        /* getDataSpace will return DataSpace( grid.x +16+16, grid.y +16+16)  *
         * init stores the arguments internally in a MappingDesc private      *
         * variable which stores the layout regarding Core, Border and guard  *
         * in units of SuperCells to be used by the kernel to identify itself.*/
        evo.init(MappingDesc(layout.getDataSpace(), 1, 1));

        buff1 = new Buffer(layout, false);
        buff2 = new Buffer(layout, false);

        Space gardingCells(1, 1);
        for (uint32_t i = 1; i < traits::NumberOfExchanges<DIM2>::value; ++i)
            /* to check which number corresponds to which direction, you can  *
             * use the following member of class Mask like done in the two    *
             * lines below:                                                   *
             * DataSpace<DIM2>relVec = Mask::getRelativeDirections<DIM2>(i);  *
             * std::cout << "Direction:" << i << " => Vec: (" << relVec[0]    *
             *           << "," << relVec[1] << ")\n";                        *
             * The result is: 1:right(1,0), 2:left(-1,0), 3:up(0,1),          *
             *    4:up right(1,1), 5:(-1,1), 6:(0,-1), 7:(1,-1), 8:(-1,-1)    */

            /* types.hpp: enum CommunicationTags{ BUFF1 = 0u, BUFF2 = 1u };   */
            buff1->addExchange(GUARD, Mask(i), gardingCells, BUFF1);
            buff2->addExchange(GUARD, Mask(i), gardingCells, BUFF2);

         /* Both next lines are defined in GatherSlice.hpp:                   *
          *  -gather saves the MessageHeader object                           *
          *  -Then do an Allgather for the gloabalRanks from GC, sort out     *
          *  -inactive processes (second/boolean ,argument in gather.init) and*
          *   save new MPI_COMMUNICATOR created from these into private var.  *
          *  -return if rank == 0                                             */
        MessageHeader header(gridSize, layout, simBox.getGlobalOffset());
        isMaster = gather.init(header, true);

        /* Calls kernel to initialize random generator. Game of Life is then  *
         * initialized using uniform random numbers. With 10% (second arg)    *
         * white points. World will be written to buffer in first argument    */
        evo.initEvolution(buff1->getDeviceBuffer().getDataBox(), 0.1);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Simulation.hpp プロジェクト: ALaDyn/picongpu
    void init()
        /* subGrid holds global and
         * local SimulationSize and where the local SimArea is in the greater
         * scheme using Offsets from global LEFT, TOP, FRONT
        const SubGrid<DIM2>& subGrid = Environment<DIM2>::get().SubGrid();

        /* The following sets up the local layout which consists of the actual
         * grid cells and some surrounding cells, called guards.
         * ASCII Visualization: example taken for 1D,
         * distributed over 2 GPUs, only 1 border shown between those two GPUs
         * assuming non-periodic boundary conditions.
         * In a N-GPU or periodic example, border cells guard cells exist in each direction.
         * _______GPU 0________       _______GPU 1________
         * | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |      | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |  <-- Global (super)cell idx
         * |___|___|___|___|___|      |___|___|___|___|___|
         * |___Core____|Bor|Gua|      |Gua|Bor|___Core____|
         * |___________|der|rd_|      |rd_|der|___________|
         * |__"real" cells_|***|      |***|__"real" cells_|
         * |***| Clones cells which correspond to the border cells of the neighbor GPU
         *       (sometimes also called "ghost" or "halo" cells/region)
         * Recall that the following is defined:
         *     typedef MappingDescription<DIM2, math::CT::Int<16,16> > MappingDesc;
         * where math::CT::Int<16,16> is arbitrarily(!) chosen SuperCellSize
         * and DIM2 is the dimension of the grid.
         * Expression of 2nd argument translates to DataSpace<DIM3>(16,16,0).
         * This is the guard size (here set to be one Supercell wide in all
         * directions). Meaning we have 16*16*(2*grid.x+2*grid.y+4) more
         * cells in GridLayout than in the SubGrid.
         * The formula above is SuperCellSize * TotalNumGuardCells with (in this case)
         * SuperCellSize = 16*16 (16 cells in 2 dimensions)
         * TotalNumGuardCells =   2 * grid.x (top and bottom)
         *                      + 2 * grid.y (left and right)
         *                      + 4          (the corners)
        GridLayout<DIM2> layout( subGrid.getLocalDomain().size,

        /* getDataSpace will return DataSpace( grid.x +16+16, grid.y +16+16)  *
         * MappingDesc stores the layout regarding Core, Border and Guard     *
         * in units of SuperCells.                                            *
         * This is saved by init to be used by the kernel to identify itself. */
        evo.init(layout.getDataSpace(), Space::create(1));

        buff1 = new Buffer(layout, false);
        buff2 = new Buffer(layout, false);

        /* Set up the future data exchange. In this case we need to copy the
         * border cells of our neighbors to our guard cells, since we only read
         * from the guard cells but never write to it.
         * guardingCells holds the number of guard(super)cells in each dimension
        Space guardingCells(1, 1);
        for (uint32_t i = 1; i < traits::NumberOfExchanges<DIM2>::value; ++i)
            /* to check which number corresponds to which direction, you can  *
             * use the following member of class Mask like done in the two    *
             * lines below:                                                   *
             * DataSpace<DIM2>relVec = Mask::getRelativeDirections<DIM2>(i);  *
             * std::cout << "Direction:" << i << " => Vec: (" << relVec[0]    *
             *           << "," << relVec[1] << ")\n";                        *
             * The result is: 1:right(1,0), 2:left(-1,0), 3:up(0,1),          *
             *    4:up right(1,1), 5:(-1,1), 6:(0,-1), 7:(1,-1), 8:(-1,-1)    */

            /* types.hpp: enum CommunicationTags{ BUFF1 = 0u, BUFF2 = 1u };   */
            buff1->addExchange(GUARD, Mask(i), guardingCells, BUFF1);
            buff2->addExchange(GUARD, Mask(i), guardingCells, BUFF2);

         /* Both next lines are defined in GatherSlice.hpp:                   *
          *  -gather saves the MessageHeader object                           *
          *  -Then do an Allgather for the gloabalRanks from GC, sort out     *
          *  -inactive processes (second/boolean ,argument in gather.init) and*
          *   save new MPI_COMMUNICATOR created from these into private var.  *
          *  -return if rank == 0                                             */
        MessageHeader header(gridSize, layout, subGrid.getLocalDomain().offset);
        isMaster = gather.init(header, true);

        /* Calls kernel to initialize random generator. Game of Life is then  *
         * initialized using uniform random numbers. With 10% (second arg)    *
         * white points. World will be written to buffer in first argument    */
        evo.initEvolution(buff1->getDeviceBuffer().getDataBox(), 0.1);
