コード例 #1
ファイル: channel.c プロジェクト: Northfire/rabbitircd
/** ban_check_mask - Checks if the current user in ban checking (ban_ip, etc) matches the specified n!u@h mask -or- run an extended ban.
 * @param sptr         Client to check (can be remote client)
 * @param chptr        Channel to check
 * @param banstr       Mask string to check user
 * @param type         Type of ban to check for (BANCHK_*)
 * @param no_extbans   0 to check extbans, nonzero to disable extban checking.
 * @returns            Nonzero if the mask/extban succeeds. Zero if it doesn't.
 * @comments           This is basically extracting the mask and extban check from is_banned_with_nick, but with being a bit more strict in what an extban is.
 *                     Strange things could happen if this is called outside standard ban checking.
inline int ban_check_mask(aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *banstr, int type, int no_extbans)
	Extban *extban = NULL;
	if (!no_extbans && banstr[0] == '~' && banstr[1] != '\0' && banstr[2] == ':')
		/* Is an extended ban. */
		extban = findmod_by_bantype(banstr[1]);
		if (!extban)
			return 0;
			return extban->is_banned(sptr, chptr, banstr, type);
		/* Is a n!u@h mask. */
		return extban_is_banned_helper(banstr);
コード例 #2
/** is_banned_with_nick - Check if a user is banned on a channel.
 * @param sptr   Client to check (can be remote client)
 * @param chptr  Channel to check
 * @param type   Type of ban to check for (BANCHK_*)
 * @param nick   Nick of the user
 * @returns      A pointer to the ban struct if banned, otherwise NULL.
Ban *is_banned_with_nick(aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, int type, char *nick)
	Ban *tmp, *tmp2;
	char *s;
	static char realhost[NICKLEN + USERLEN + HOSTLEN + 24];
	static char cloakhost[NICKLEN + USERLEN + HOSTLEN + 24];
	static char virthost[NICKLEN + USERLEN + HOSTLEN + 24];
	static char     nuip[NICKLEN + USERLEN + HOSTLEN + 24];
	int dovirt = 0, mine = 0;
	Extban *extban;

	if (!IsPerson(sptr) || !chptr->banlist)
		return NULL;

	ban_realhost = realhost;
	ban_ip = ban_virthost = ban_cloakhost = NULL;
	if (MyConnect(sptr))
		mine = 1;
		make_nick_user_host_r(nuip, nick, sptr->user->username, GetIP(sptr));
		ban_ip = nuip;
		make_nick_user_host_r(cloakhost, nick, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->cloakedhost);
		ban_cloakhost = cloakhost;

	if (IsSetHost(sptr) && strcmp(sptr->user->realhost, sptr->user->virthost))
		dovirt = 1;
		make_nick_user_host_r(virthost, nick, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->virthost);
		ban_virthost = virthost;

	make_nick_user_host_r(realhost, nick, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost);

/* We now check +b first, if a +b is found we then see if there is a +e.
 * If a +e was found we return NULL, if not, we return the ban.
	for (tmp = chptr->banlist; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
		if (*tmp->banstr == '~')
			extban = findmod_by_bantype(tmp->banstr[1]);
			if (!extban)
			if (!extban->is_banned(sptr, chptr, tmp->banstr, type))
		} else {
			if ((match(tmp->banstr, realhost) == 0) ||
			    (dovirt && (match(tmp->banstr, virthost) == 0)) ||
			    (mine && (match(tmp->banstr, nuip) == 0)) ||
			    (mine && (match(tmp->banstr, cloakhost) == 0)) )
				/* matches.. do nothing */
			} else

		/* Ban found, now check for +e */
		for (tmp2 = chptr->exlist; tmp2; tmp2 = tmp2->next)
			if (*tmp2->banstr == '~')
				extban = findmod_by_bantype(tmp2->banstr[1]);
				if (!extban)
				if (extban->is_banned(sptr, chptr, tmp2->banstr, type))
					return NULL;
			} else {
				if ((match(tmp2->banstr, realhost) == 0) ||
					(dovirt && (match(tmp2->banstr, virthost) == 0)) ||
					(mine && (match(tmp2->banstr, nuip) == 0)) ||
					(mine && (match(tmp2->banstr, cloakhost) == 0)) )
					return NULL;
		break; /* ban found and not on except */

	return (tmp);