コード例 #1
 * Write out the steam app id to the steam_appid.txt file before initializing the API
 * @param SteamAppId id assigned to the application by Steam
static void WriteSteamAppIdToDisk(int32 SteamAppId)
	if (SteamAppId > 0)
		// Turn off sandbox temporarily to make sure file is where it's always expected
		FScopeSandboxContext ScopedSandbox(false);

		// Access the physical file writer directly so that we still write next to the executable in CotF builds.
		FString SteamAppIdFilename = GetSteamAppIdFilename();
		IFileHandle* Handle = IPlatformFile::GetPlatformPhysical().OpenWrite(*SteamAppIdFilename, false, false);
		if (!Handle)
			UE_LOG_ONLINE(Fatal, TEXT("Failed to create file: %s"), *SteamAppIdFilename);
			FString AppId = FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), SteamAppId);

			FBufferArchive Archive;
			Archive.Serialize((void*)TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*AppId), AppId.Len());

			Handle->Write(Archive.GetData(), Archive.Num());
			delete Handle;
			Handle = nullptr;